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Dining Rules


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...that is French Fry, Model Citizen of the World, actually FF is an alias that someone uses to hide behind and spout their opinion, we have a theory about who it really is...;)



And who am I, Really?????


I'm just a God fearing Christian who tries to live by the rules.


Are you?


And now it is wrong to try to be a model citizen too?????



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Our group dressed up on the formal nights.


On other nights there was a mixture of jeans/capri's/dockers.


I wore jeans a couple of nights after seeing how many others were wearing denim.


I was focused on my table and my family and friends. I'm sorry if you were on my cruise and spent most of your dinner time giving me dirty looks because I never noticed them.


A majority of the jeans wearing people in my group went out of their way to bring cash to tip the Matri'd and head waiter and his assistant as all they experienced all week was top notch service. When I initially inquired about jeans in the dining room they just smiled and said it's your vacation and we want you to enjoy yourselves.


I do not focus on what others are wearing or not wearing.


I do not let it affect my vacation.


However I have 2 eyes that observe.


Well kept pressed unfaded jeans are fine, however we all know that most do not wear that kind of jean today. The faded, ripped holes look is what is "in" and that is what is making its appearance more and more in the DR.


The Maitre 'D is in a "no win scenario". If he tosses the jean wearer out he risks a scene, if he lets the jean wearer in he prays no other guests complain.


I do not have to have my vacation ruined to be a casual observer and report back what I see.

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And who am I, Really?????


I'm just a God fearing Christian who tries to live by the rules.


Are you?


And now it is wrong to try to be a model citizen too?????




Good Grief! Don't go away mad; just go away. ;)

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Not sure how weaing a nice pair of jeans and a polo shirt is disrespectful to others on a ship.....


Well, I did not say jeans and a nice shirt was disrespectful, personally, I see nothing wrong with a nice pair of jeans and polo, I was speaking about formal night, in that case i do think it is disrespectful because Jeans are not formal dress and should not be worn.

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Well, I did not say jeans and a nice shirt was disrespectful, personally, I see nothing wrong with a nice pair of jeans and polo, I was speaking about formal night, in that case i do think it is disrespectful because Jeans are not formal dress and should not be worn.


Forgive me if I'm wrong, I thought you were agreeing with french fried somethingerwhether about wearing jeans in a formal dr as he calls it. Don't think he said formal night. Well anyway I think this is where the confusion is. I don't think anyone here is talking about wearing jeans on formal night.

But when someone mentions wearing them on casual night, somehow it gets twisted into formal night. I think some have a one track mind LOL!

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We will be on the Ecstacy later this month, it will be our first Carnival Cruise. We are looking forward to it.


Several observations:


We have read what we can about dressing for dinner,etc on board. The reason we have spent our time researching this is because we feel it is important to us to dress appropriately.


We also know it is a full time job taking care of ourselves, the rest of you will have to take care of yourselves, sorry we just don't have time to shop for you or tell you what to wear, there just isn't time to have a fashion show before.


All in all it's no different than major corporation dresscodes....you can tell someone what specifically they can wear....you can't tell them it has to be clean, without holes, sized correctly.....they will be what they will be....is it worth yours or my times?......Not worth my time.


And for a correction, we have sailed several times on NCL..free style crusing has to do with set times and reservations in dining rooms, it has nothing to do with dress codes. They also have formal nights and similar dress codes. I have seen people turned away for shorts and jeans and t shirts attempting to get seated in one of the dining rooms....I do have to admit that it was usually during times when tables were in more in demand than the earlier or later hours. But these diners were told where their dress would be acceptable to dine.


I have also read in material concerning NCL and Carnival and other ships embarking from Texas, that they (and everyone on those cruises) should understand the dress is to be more casual that other embarkation cities....


Maybe we just need to stone all the Texans.....hehe....


I do ask that, if the way some stranger dresses effects my cruise...please just shoot me I never want to be that shallow....Cruises are way to much fun to spending time sweating the small stuff.


Happy and safe travels to everyone.......


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Forgive me if I'm wrong, I thought you were agreeing with french fried somethingerwhether about wearing jeans in a formal dr as he calls it. Don't think he said formal night. Well anyway I think this is where the confusion is. I don't think anyone here is talking about wearing jeans on formal night.

But when someone mentions wearing them on casual night, somehow it gets twisted into formal night. I think some have a one track mind LOL!


No problem, maybe i was me with the one track mind, when ever people say jeans, 1/2 the time they are wanting to wear them on formal night also.

I personally have never worm jeans in the dining room but I am guilty of wearing Capris with a nice top and heels, which i also see nothing wrong with but have gotten argues over that also, as long as it is not on formal night.

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I've got a deal for everyone...I won't ask you to pay for my cruise and I won't force myself into your pictures in exchange for you not caring what I or others wear. We all have different backgrounds, lifestyles expectations while on vacation so everyone's version of right is a little different. Relax and enjoy, you're on a cruise.

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:( I would have to say this will be my first tiem cruise and i have been hearing every one opinion but my husband and I like what Vettetrip said todays Generation isnt about the formal dress up anymore and yes i know that for a fact at our Church and even weddings we go to My husband wears jeans and a nice dress shirt no tie and no jacket that is probably what he will bring on the cruise. To me its not about the dress code its about having fun and being comfortable why wear something you dont feel right wearing. I am serious to when I state our dress codes at our Church is about being comfortable we wear jeans and tshirts alot to Church.I guess the Cruises needs to take a look at the Generation gap.

Good Luck to all

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:( I guess the Cruises needs to take a look at the Generation gap.

Good Luck to all


But we all have to grow up sometime.


Frankly, it isn't so much about age, but about class. We are a class based society. If you don't believe me, look at the response to Katrina. The way our society views you is a reflection the class in which you present yourself in social situations. Perhaps you don't care about that...and that is your choice. Just be aware that there are social stigmas in our society that come with presenting yourself in a lower class...one of which may be to be denied entry into a formal dining situation.


As a parent of a teen, I know dress code is situational and many times not the hill I chose to die on, there are bigger battles to fight. However, on a cruise, where I am footing the bill, darn tootin' that my son will be properly dressed for dinner and be taught the value in doing so. As a family, we had a grand ol' time laughing at the expense of some of the outfits in the dining room on Valor last year. It didn't "ruin" our experience by any fashion, in fact it was entertaining and a good lesson for both our boys.

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Our group dressed up on the formal nights.


On other nights there was a mixture of jeans/capri's/dockers.


I wore jeans a couple of nights after seeing how many others were wearing denim.


I was focused on my table and my family and friends. I'm sorry if you were on my cruise and spent most of your dinner time giving me dirty looks because I never noticed them.


A majority of the jeans wearing people in my group went out of their way to bring cash to tip the Matri'd and head waiter and his assistant as all they experienced all week was top notch service. When I initially inquired about jeans in the dining room they just smiled and said it's your vacation and we want you to enjoy yourselves.




:) You Shouldnt have to feel sorry where i stand on this matter is time are changing and we need to learn to chnage with them. We will be taken jeans Ilove to see my husband in a nice pair of jeans and His stetsons cowboy hat man that what i am talking about. You know i have worked in several nursing homes and there new motto is Cultural Change maybe carnival needs to think about that one.

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But we all have to grow up sometime.


Frankly, it isn't so much about age, but about class. We are a class based society. If you don't believe me, look at the response to Katrina. The way our society views you is a reflection the class in which you present yourself in social situations. Perhaps you don't care about that...and that is your choice. Just be aware that there are social stigmas in our society that come with presenting yourself in a lower class...one of which may be to be denied entry into a formal dining situation.


As a parent of a teen, I know dress code is situational and many times not the hill I chose to die on, there are bigger battles to fight. However, on a cruise, where I am footing the bill, darn tootin' that my son will be properly dressed for dinner and be taught the value in doing so. As a family, we had a grand ol' time laughing at the expense of some of the outfits in the dining room on Valor last year. It didn't "ruin" our experience by any fashion, in fact it was entertaining and a good lesson for both our boys.



I dont consider myself in a lower class . I believe in my rights as a USA citizen and for me and where I live we aint lower class we just love wearing things that we feel comfortable in. And again Elderly people at our Church wear jeans and tshirts to Church and there is nothuing wrong with that. Why do we have to sterotype people for what they wear God loves us for who we are and that is all that matters in this world

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Sign of things to come ////

The Marte'D Vera announced on the first formal night (Monday) that she would allow shorts in the dining room (Lincoln). Never saw anyone inappropriately dressed, men who wore shirts still typically had collared shirts on... sort of looking like they were just coming off the golf course.

From Valor review from 2/25/2007


This was my carnival review. While it doesn't really bother me what others are wearing, I still dressed up nightly, I guess there is also a lot more room for what is considered dressed up for gals, as opposed to guys.


Just a few additional comments..

This was the start of spring break cruising, so lots of younger people. We had 2 nights where ports of call ran into the start of dining, which I believe could have been one reason for the allowance of shorts in the dining rooms, as people were just getting back to the ship. Another reason may have been that it seemed like there was a larger than normal amount of people that had problems with their luggage due to weather problems with their flights.


Formal nights were just that. Formal. Shirts, Ties, Jackets, so no jeans or T-Shirts. Saw Tuxes. On non formal nights we never saw T-Shirts in the dining room. We did see shorts, and jeans but they were always accompanied with some sort of collared shirt. While some may find it offending I didn't care, I just dressed in what made ME comfortable.

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where I live we aint lower class




God loves us for who we are and that is all that matters in this world


Absolutely agree!...My point is that our society WILL judge you here on earth...and on your cruise. How you present yourself reflects how you will be seen and treated by others. Don't we all learn this in kindergarten? We live in a very material world. And by "class" please don't think I mean money...Brittney Spears is a great example. Hold your head high, speak and act respectfully of others, follow the rules that society (or in this case the cruise line) makes and you will be rewarded with respect of others....be a "class act" in all you do and say.

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I am guilty of wearing Capris with a nice top and heels, which i also see nothing wrong with but have gotten argues over that also, as long as it is not on formal night.



You feel guilty of wearing capris:confused: And people argued with you about that?

Ok I'm speechless.......

Well for a moment anyways LOL!

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Absolutely agree!...My point is that our society WILL judge you here on earth...and on your cruise. How you present yourself reflects how you will be seen and treated by others. Don't we all learn this in kindergarten? We live in a very material world. And by "class" please don't think I mean money...Brittney Spears is a great example. Hold your head high, speak and act respectfully of others, follow the rules that society (or in this case the cruise line) makes and you will be rewarded with respect of others....be a "class act" in all you do and say.


Yawn! :rolleyes:

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my, my, wouldn't your mommy be proud. fightin' over your food again.


tux? ok. anybody priced a cowboy tux and the stuff to go with it? that's a tuxeudo coat, shirt, string neck tie with clasp, cumberbun, jeans, belt and buckle, boots, felt stetson, and other stuff.


if dw says wear it, ok. charge it to keepin peace on the home front. but really, for a half pound lobster?


gown for dw? OMG! that's all... just...OMG!!!


if dw says wear it, ok. charge it to keepin peace on the home front. but really, for a half pound lobster?


i mean... until a while ago this critter was interested in three things, and they didn't include being supper. somebody grabbed it, soaked and cooked it in an oily sauce, and served in a crowded dining room, with people moving all arround. caca happens. i have this vision of yards of ... oh never mind....


yes, mommy, they were fightin' over supper.... again....

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Absolutely agree!...My point is that our society WILL judge you here on earth...and on your cruise. How you present yourself reflects how you will be seen and treated by others. Don't we all learn this in kindergarten? We live in a very material world. And by "class" please don't think I mean money...Brittney Spears is a great example. Hold your head high, speak and act respectfully of others, follow the rules that society (or in this case the cruise line) makes and you will be rewarded with respect of others....be a "class act" in all you do and say.


Double yawn, class has nothing to do with what you wear or how you are judged by any group, especially the cruising minority...

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Carnival Cruise Lines in not your church. They have their own guidelines and requirements.



I realizie that it aint our Church I was making a statement that what I consider casual is what one woudl probably wear when going to Church. I am going to wear what I want any way. I do liek to dress up but my DH feels more comfortable in Jeans so other then formal nights that is probably what he will wear. Unless he changes his mind .


PS we all shouldnt get mad when some one critzizes ones ideas. were all here to get info whether its what we want to hear or not

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Double yawn, class has nothing to do with what you wear or how you are judged by any group, especially the cruising minority...


Sorry. I guess that does come off as same ol' same ol' history lesson. I'm really not the prude that that post makes me out to be. Enjoy your trip. I know I'll enjoy mine.



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The problem is, they can't say that they allow shorts and T-shirts, because suddenly people will show up in hotpants and wife beaters. By Restricting them, people tend to wear *nice* shorts and inoffensive, new-looking T-Shirts.


I personally *do* have a problem with it, and my husband *does not*, but he kind of does because he says "Nice jeans", "Nice T-Shirt", "Nice Shorts."


There is a casual buffet if you don't want to dress up. You can even order room service and eat in your bathrobe, or in your underwear if the mood strikes. They offer options on purpose.

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