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Ok seriously you guys, men whatever! You keep talking about fine print, ok, ok. You act as if Carnival does not compensate people even when things happen that is not even Carnival's fault. Take for instance the weather factor. Carnival could easily say, oh well folks Hurricane is acoming, cruise cancelled, compensation none, just book another cruise with us, sh** happens. But Carnival doesn't say that. They say refund, 25% future cruise credit, OBC, etc, etc. I mean I don't see y Carnival would not give the OP and the other passengers a refund or a future cruise credit or something. Carnival can always go against their fine little print, cause they do it all the time :rolleyes: .

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Ok seriously you guys, men whatever! You keep talking about fine print, ok, ok. You act as if Carnival does not compensate people even when things happen that is not even Carnival's fault. Take for instance the weather factor. Carnival could easily say, oh well folks Hurricane is acoming, cruise cancelled, compensation none, just book another cruise with us, sh** happens. But Carnival doesn't say that. They say refund, 25% future cruise credit, OBC, etc, etc. I mean I don't see y Carnival would not give the OP and the other passengers a refund or a future cruise credit or something. Carnival can always go against their fine little print, cause they do it all the time :rolleyes: .


They do not do it all the time, and if they did they would have to explain at the annual stockholders meeting. This is a for profit corporation and the last thing the shareholders want is for anything to be given away when as a result of no fault on CCLs part an incident happens. Just because the OP forgot insurance does not entitle her to anything,nor does the fact she did not come in the day before.Why do you think they offer a Pre-cruise stay?

Fine print is fine print,thats what make the whole world go around and the sooner it is realized the better.What can you tell me that does not have fine print or laws connected to it?

The OP already stated she would not sail again and does not want to,so why give anything away? I wonder who decided on her air? The TA most likely.

I am sure things are done here and there and there is an exception but I am sure there are facts behind it such as # of cruises, TA agency,ect. If the likelyhood of a goodwill gesture results in more income then I am all for it. But a 1st timer on a 3 night with no insurance does not have much clout.


Now as far as your weather scenario above. If the safety of the passengers is an issue, they do, do what you stated but don't you wonder what happens to everyones airfare? No insurance, they loose out,unless they have cruise air.Your own travel insurance policy covers the trip interruption.


More fine print, if the OP thinks otherwise after reading the replies she is welcome to file suit,simple as that. The fine print states it is to be in Miami-Dade.I do wish her luck in her quest and I hope she got what she was looking for here.Some hard answers and facts that may bolster her case.



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I could of sworn I've read that the ship does wait for late passengers coming off airlines that was part of the cruiseair package. Am I wrong? So when does the ship wait for passengers? Cause now I'm confused.



Not just Carnival. They all say they are only acting as your agent for your convenience and ARE NOT responsible for you making the ship. That's air, transfers, even excursions. But they usually do wait if there are a number of pax involved as they WANT that onboard spending.

This case, involving 17 pax, makes NO SENSE to me. I would have thought they would wait for that many even tho the fine print allows them to leave.



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This is a for profit corporation and the last thing the shareholders want is for anything to be given away when as a result of no fault on CCLs part an incident happens.


In the best case scenario for CCL, one of its contractors lied to the OP (assuming the OP's story is as she describes) and the OP missed the ship because of that lie. OP seems to think that it is worse and that it was an actual CCL employee who told the lie which was the cause of her missing the ship.


If the CCL rep at the airport had said to passengers trying to board the bus "We won't board you because we can't make it to the port on time." or even "We might not be able to get there on time." I would completely agree that CCl did nothing wrong. Once the CCL rep welcomed them on the bus and told them they would make the ship, things changed. The passengers (at least the non-Delta passengers) could have jumped in a cab if they had been informed they might not make the ship. The CCL representative's lies made it impossible for them to do this.

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In the best case scenario for CCL, one of its contractors lied to the OP (assuming the OP's story is as she describes) and the OP missed the ship because of that lie. OP seems to think that it is worse and that it was an actual CCL employee who told the lie which was the cause of her missing the ship.


If the CCL rep at the airport had said to passengers trying to board the bus "We won't board you because we can't make it to the port on time." or even "We might not be able to get there on time." I would completely agree that CCl did nothing wrong. Once the CCL rep welcomed them on the bus and told them they would make the ship, things changed. The passengers (at least the non-Delta passengers) could have jumped in a cab if they had been informed they might not make the ship. The CCL representative's lies made it impossible for them to do this.


It does not matter if the so called CCL rep got on the bus and intentionally said I am the owner of CCL and if we are late,I will use my personal yacht to take you to the ship......

Why?....The fine print..........will set them free for intentionally giving a false or inacurate statement.Remember Mears gets paid for people getting on the bus.


and in no event shall be liable for any negligent or intentional acts or omissions, loss, damage, injury or delay to Guest and/or Guest’s baggage, property or effects in connection with said services. Guests use the services of all independent contractors at the Guest’s sole risk.

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It does not matter if the so called CCL rep got on the bus and intentionally said I am the owner of CCL and if we are late,I will use my personal yacht to take you to the ship......




Did the Carnival Rep. make a misrepresentation of a material fact (e.g. "We will be to the port on time")? Should the Carnival Rep. reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance on the part of the OP (e.g. OP did not jump in taxi as a result of Carnival Rep.'s lies)? Did the Carnival Rep.'s misrepresentation induce such action or forbearance by the OP? Did the OP suffer a detriment caused by reliance on the misrepresentation?


I am not saying the "fine print" won't prevail just that there are some instances where it doesn't. If everything the OP states is true, the fine print might not prevail.


Even if the "fine print" does prevail, it is a really cruddy way to run a business to encourage and enable your employees and agents to lie to customers.


When I arrive at the port to check in tomorrow, if a Carnival employee asks me to wait before boarding should I ask them if they are lieing to me in an attempt to have me miss the ship. (After the OP's experience I will never pay Carnival for a transfer so I will take a cab from the airport. New Orleans cabbies are more trustworthy than Carnival.)

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Did the Carnival Rep. make a misrepresentation of a material fact (e.g. "We will be to the port on time")? Should the Carnival Rep. reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance on the part of the OP (e.g. OP did not jump in taxi as a result of Carnival Rep.'s lies)? Did the Carnival Rep.'s misrepresentation induce such action or forbearance by the OP? Did the OP suffer a detriment caused by reliance on the misrepresentation?


I am not saying the "fine print" won't prevail just that there are some instances where it doesn't. If everything the OP states is true, the fine print might not prevail.


Even if the "fine print" does prevail, it is a really cruddy way to run a business to encourage and enable your employees and agents to lie to customers.


When I arrive at the port to check in tomorrow, if a Carnival employee asks me to wait before boarding should I ask them if they are lieing to me in an attempt to have me miss the ship. (After the OP's experience I will never pay Carnival for a transfer so I will take a cab from the airport. New Orleans cabbies are more trustworthy than Carnival.)



I assure you everything I have said is true, which is why hiding behind all this fine print sucks. I would hope that CCL will help me in some way. I have asked for full re-imbursment, because I figure why not. I don't think I said I would never cruise again (I may be wrong), but after these 2 weeks I would be afraid to. This was supposed to be a mini vaca with me and DH and I ended up spending $3,000 CDN on a long weekend!


I do have a quick question for anyone that knows. When you first get on the ship and they check your passport and fill out your sail and sign card and your boarding pass, who has the authority to do that? Would that be Carnival or someone else who may or may not work for Carnival.

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I witnessed something similar but opposite. It happened at disembarkation and perhaps a further caution to relying Carnival airport transfers.


In November the disembarktion from the Legend was late starting and very slow. I had purchased the Carnival transfer from Port Everglades to FLL. It was shortly after 11:00 a.m. by the time I got off the ship, my flight wasn't until 3:25 that afternoon so I was in no hurry to get to the airport.


There was a couple right behind me and their flight was at 12:15. They had pre-purchased the Carnival transfers and when they got to the bus the Carnival rep told them the bus would not be leaving for the airport until it was full and they might be better to take a taxi to the airport. The gentleman was understandably upset, having already paid for the transfers and receiving no caution beforehand.


I presume they took a taxi as they did not get on the bus I was on, which was a good thing because it was about 11:40 before we even left the dock.


At least in this instance, the carnival rep informed the passengers they probably wouldn't make their flight if they waited for the bus.

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I witnessed something similar but opposite. It happened at disembarkation and perhaps a further caution to relying Carnival airport transfers.


In November the disembarktion from the Legend was late starting and very slow. I had purchased the Carnival transfer from Port Everglades to FLL. It was shortly after 11:00 a.m. by the time I got off the ship, my flight wasn't until 3:25 that afternoon so I was in no hurry to get to the airport.


There was a couple right behind me and their flight was at 12:15. They had pre-purchased the Carnival transfers and when they got to the bus the Carnival rep told them the bus would not be leaving for the airport until it was full and they might be better to take a taxi to the airport. The gentleman was understandably upset, having already paid for the transfers and receiving no caution beforehand.


I presume they took a taxi as they did not get on the bus I was on, which was a good thing because it was about 11:40 before we even left the dock.


At least in this instance, the carnival rep informed the passengers they probably wouldn't make their flight if they waited for the bus.


Had the rep told us we would be waiting and may not make the ship I really would not worry that I paid for the transfer and we would have taken the cab. We were even talking to another couple about it and they said they would have split it with us, but we were never given that opportunity. Alas, another lesson!

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Had the rep told us we would be waiting and may not make the ship I really would not worry that I paid for the transfer and we would have taken the cab. We were even talking to another couple about it and they said they would have split it with us, but we were never given that opportunity. Alas, another lesson!


I wouldn't have been worried about the $20 I paid for the transfer either. And I thought he was just wasting more time arguing with the rep about his pre paid transfers, I would have been hailing a cab and on my way.


What I see here, the Carnival rep at Port Everglades, knew they had no control over whether a flight would wait for late passengers, so she rightly warned the passsengers to take a cab. This would lead me to believe that the Carnival rep or Mears rep or whomever in your case felt they did have control, other wise they would have warned you to take a cab. That indicates to me some culpability.

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I I do have a quick question for anyone that knows. When you first get on the ship and they check your passport and fill out your sail and sign card and your boarding pass, who has the authority to do that? Would that be Carnival or someone else who may or may not work for Carnival.


Many of them are contractors, they do boarding for multiple companies, one day they are working at Carnival embarkation, the next for Royal Caribbean. There are some Carnival employees, but they usually contract with a company at the port to provide embarkation/debarkation support.

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Many of them are contractors, they do boarding for multiple companies, one day they are working at Carnival embarkation, the next for Royal Caribbean. There are some Carnival employees, but they usually contract with a company at the port to provide embarkation/debarkation support.



Just wondering because they (CCL Reps?) boarded us while still on the bus.

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Just wondering because they (CCL Reps?) boarded us while still on the bus.


Which might give you some leverage -forget the fine print. They had accepted you and processed you as carnival's responsibility at that point

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employees at pt canaveral, pt everglades and miami are carnival employees. the reps at the airport are carnival employees. mears transportation services is a contractor and the bus driver is employes by mears.

there is no computer link on the bus while traveling from the airport to pt canaveral.

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Contractors probably still, but did they have a computer terminal on the bus?


No, I did not see one. The boarding passes that were given to us and the sail and sign cards were hand written. We were told that when we boarded we would be given our plastic sail and sign cards. The slips in your Carnival package where they have your Visa number was taken but when we missed the ship it was given back to us. Now I am worried if they have my Visa info written down elswhere. That is why I was so upset to find out that they may be dressed as CCL employees and not be. It was my DH visa so I have to get him to call and see if there is any activity.

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No, I did not see one.


...then you were not "boarded", "checked in" or anything...


Don't misunderstand my position, I think you should be given a full refund of your cruise fare, based on the fine print in the contract you agreed to by buying a ticket, you are not entitled to anything. It would be the right thing for Carnival to do, but again, they really don't do the right thing that often when it comes to the guest relations dept handing out money...

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...then you were not "boarded", "checked in" or anything...



I just think they started the process to make things easier. They checked our fun passes and took all the info and I guess when we got to the ship and boarded the info would have been entered. But again, they said "we are pre-boarding you" so I guess that was another lie.

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...then you were not "boarded", "checked in" or anything...



I just think they started the process to make things easier. They checked our fun passes and took all the info and I guess when we got to the ship and boarded the info would have been entered. But again, they said "we are pre-boarding you" so I guess that was another lie.



I take this all back. They did check us in and boarded us while still on the bus. I called my credit card company and a lovely Gratuity charge was charged to me for a cruise I did not take. Originally I did not use this card to pay for my trip so they did not already have it. This card was supposed to be for our on board stuff and excursions. So if we were not checked in how did they have my info? They took our card information and when we missed the ship we got our sail and sign form given back to us. Did they take my credit card info and write it elswhere? or did they board us by phone?


Anyway I called Carnival and spoke to someone who was really helpful to me and I will be credited. So that is good news.

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That would really steam me! :mad:


Any more news?


No news to tell. I sent the letter a few days ago and the customer service girl who I just spoke to , Yvette said it will be about 4-6 weeks. She was really helpful and fixed the problem right away. Totally the opposite from the experience I had a couple of weeks ago with the same department.

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Did the Carnival Rep. make a misrepresentation of a material fact (e.g. "We will be to the port on time")? Should the Carnival Rep. reasonably expect to induce action or forbearance on the part of the OP (e.g. OP did not jump in taxi as a result of Carnival Rep.'s lies)? Did the Carnival Rep.'s misrepresentation induce such action or forbearance by the OP? Did the OP suffer a detriment caused by reliance on the misrepresentation?




Lets stipulate that the Bus/transfer rep. for CCL (not the CCL rep) did tell her she will make it.



Because a contractor for CCL (Mears) rather then leave right then and there decided to grab a few more passengers and it resulted in the OP missing the boat.





Was CCL in charge of providing the bus and the transfer? No Mears was.It was not CCL who left the airport late,it was Mears.Was CCL providing the transportation? No,Mears was.

Notice the trend? Its all Mears...a contractor for CCL.


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Who did cnprincess pay for the transfer...Mears or Carnival? :rolleyes:


Does not matter to carnival:


Carnival, in arranging for the services called for by the physician or nurse, all on board concessions, all shore excursion/tour tickets, all pre and post cruise airline flights or other transportation off of the ship and its tenders, does so only as a convenience for the Guest and Guests are free to use or not use these services. Guest agrees that Carnival assumes no responsibility, does not guarantee performance and in no event shall be liable for any negligent or intentional acts or omissions, loss, damage, injury or delay to Guest and/or Guest’s baggage, property or effects in connection with said services. Guests use the services of all independent contractors at the Guest’s sole risk. Independent contractors are entitled to make a proper charge for any service performed with respect to a Guest.

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