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Passports - who know when I will see it now!


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When I applied 2/1 they said 6 weeks. Then I checked the website and it said I should receive it 4/2, then it said 4/3, then it said 4/4. Now when I check it there is not date listed! This has been such a waste of money. DD's is only good for 5 years. If we don't get it for this cruise I may have to renew it before she ever gets a chance to use it. Not to mention I have to use a vacation day to run around from town to town to town to get new birthcertificates for everyone.

:( :( :(

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When I applied 2/1 they said 6 weeks. Then I checked the website and it said I should receive it 4/2, then it said 4/3, then it said 4/4. Now when I check it there is not date listed! This has been such a waste of money. DD's is only good for 5 years. If we don't get it for this cruise I may have to renew it before she ever gets a chance to use it. Not to mention I have to use a vacation day to run around from town to town to town to get new birthcertificates for everyone.

:( :( :(



Have you called them about your passport? Do you know how to get through to them? We applied 2-22 and they still don't show up on the website. I called the other day and he said they DO have them, they are just not processed yet. I also checked today and they have cashed the check, which MUST be a good sign! I know how you feel-it is very frustrating, especially when you see a date and it keeps changing! You said something about going from town to town. I don't know if the laws are different in each state, but i went to our local courthouse, which is linked up to the place in Austin, and we had the birth certificates in less than 10 minutes. I didn't know they kept the BC when i applied for the passports, so my mom and i had to get another copy for our cruise a couple of weeks ago. Keep checking the site, or call them and ask someone about the passport. They are SO busy and i can't imagine how crazy things are there! Good luck!!



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Have you called them about your passport? Do you know how to get through to them? We applied 2-22 and they still don't show up on the website. I called the other day and he said they DO have them, they are just not processed yet. I also checked today and they have cashed the check, which MUST be a good sign! I know how you feel-it is very frustrating, especially when you see a date and it keeps changing! You said something about going from town to town. I don't know if the laws are different in each state, but i went to our local courthouse, which is linked up to the place in Austin, and we had the birth certificates in less than 10 minutes. I didn't know they kept the BC when i applied for the passports, so my mom and i had to get another copy for our cruise a couple of weeks ago. Keep checking the site, or call them and ask someone about the passport. They are SO busy and i can't imagine how crazy things are there! Good luck!!





The passport agencies are have a HUGE backlog now. There was a news story in my hometown about it the other night. Pretty much, if you've applied for a passport from Mid January to now... you're looking at at least 2 months to get it. They just recommend that you apply for it as early as possible. And if you feel 2 months (and possibly longer!) is pushing it, then to expedite the process (which of course costs a minimum of $60 extra-and must be done when you apply) But even the expedited passports are taking up to 4 weeks, instead of 2 to get out. :mad: Just one of those things. With changing the laws with so many areas at the same time, it was inevitable that tons of people were going to need to get passports now.


Also, you'll get your birth certificates back! They send them back with the Passports when they're done! :)

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yeah, but it will cost an extra $60 for each passport. What really stinks is that if they said when I applied that it would take 10 - 12 weeks I wouldn't have wasted the money, but they said 6 weeks. They cashed my check back in February so that means nothing.


As far as I know here in MA you have to go to the town where the hospital you were born is or the town your parents were living in when you were born.


Also, if you name is like mine - McC.... make sure there is a space between the Mc and C when you check online

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If it makes you feel any better we had 4 people apply for passports at the end of Jan and we got all of ours last week. We are also in Mass. We didn't expedite. It took almost a month for it to show up on the website and about 3 weeks to even cash our checks.

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And if you feel 2 months (and possibly longer!) is pushing it, then to expedite the process (which of course costs a minimum of $60 extra-and must be done when you apply) But even the expedited passports are taking up to 4 weeks, instead of 2 to get out. :mad: Just one of those things.



See, I didn't expedite because I thought you could only do that if you were traveling within 8 weeks!:( Do you know if the "countdown", the 10 weeks, starts when they get your application? I am just kicking myself for not doing it sooner, i just had NO idea it would take so long, and even though i had been reading on these boards that the laws were changing, I just didn't put 2 + 2 together! It's still not showing up in their system, and we applied 2/22, but at least they have the applications! Sigh...Thanks for the info!



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I applied 2/2 and I have the same problem with them pushing the dates. First it didn't show up on the website, then it said we would get it by March 15th, then it said April 1st, then it said April 5th and now it doesn't give a date. I have been calling for 5 days and no one is available to speak with. The problem I have is we're leaving on 4/28 and they finally are ready for mail in the second week of April...then wait for mail to be delivered, possibility of it getting lost...:o then what!! I sent out the birth certificates!! My Dh and I were born out of State..I'm nervous!! If I would of been told it would take this long I would of gone sooner but I was told we had plenty of time it only took 6 weeks. The only reason we applied was the risk of not being able to come home if something bad happens. I didn't want to risk it traveling with my 3 year old.

heres a web site that I found regarding the overload


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It's a really good think i'm not leaving until the end of August. I applied at our local District Court on Friday 2/9, they say they sent the applications (DH & mine) in on Monday, 2/12, the check was cashed 2/15 and neither the web site nor the person I spoke last week can found our applications.


The person I spoke with suggested I wait another week and if I still didn't see them on the web site to file a lost application form. She hang up and didn't say how to file that form. I have put in 2 email request asking about them but have received no response.


Checked on the web site 2 times today and still not showing up there. Really have no idea where to go from here.


Best of luck to everyone!

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I just sat on hold for 60 minutes waiting for a representative from passports. I was told that it should be here anywhere from the 18-20th of April.. thats a little close! Heres the options call 10 days prior and request it to be expedited..POSSIBLY a fee. or request in writing to cease the application! NO REFUND!!!

They're over loaded. But yet it's our problem?? If they stated 6 weeks then it should be 6 weeks now the time frame is 10- 12 weeks!!! I was soo frustrated with this person and her lack of compassion to the situation. I tried to asked her that in the event they expedite is it guaranteed and will it will it be free? she stated NO GUARANTEE and they have to take a cc number and it's their discretion to not charge the 180.00. I asked if I get new Birth certificates issued for us to board the boat. God forbid we need to fly home for what ever reason would they allow us to board, due to the Passport error in delivery times but that we were in the system..she said NOPE.. she said change your plans!! I couldn't believe what she said I said absolutely not that wasn't a reason to get a refund from the insurance or Carnival.

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I applied on 1/29/07 at the post office. I didn't expedite it because the clerk said it would arrive in plenty of time. Well, now the website says 10 weeks instead of 8 weeks. I'm really getting frustrated! I leave on 4/15 to fly to Miami, and the Brilliance leaves for Portugal and Spain the next day. So I'll have to cancel my trip(obviously!) if I don't get my passport. RCI won't give me a full refund, I'm sure. This is very frustrating...had the clerk said anything remotely to the effect of "you might not get it on time", I would have paid the extra, gladly, to expedite it! But now, from what I'm hearing, it's too late to expedite it, and even that is taking up to 4 weeks?

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the representative told me that I had to call 10 days prior to leaving the country to get it expedited. read my post



Do you think, or was it your impression, that you can only call to expedite if it is 10 days until your trip? I would gladly call now and pay anything (almost) to make sure those passports get here in time! I paid over $5000 for our trip to Paris! The lady at the post office told me that it would take 6 weeks, and she didn't seem concerned or rushed! One good thing that has come of this is that I have learned that procrastination is a bad thing, lol!



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We applied on 2/22. The check was cashed last week. The website shows it has gotten into the system for processing. Where is everyone seeing the approximate delivery date?

Go to this website, then click on check the status of your passport application online, click where it tells you and go from there.:)


check it every day, and sooner or later you'll notice a change it what it tells you, it will go from processing to you should receive it on such and such a date, then it will change saying it has been mailed and you should receive it by such & such a date. This way, if it doesn't show up by the date it tells you after it's been mailed, you can call & let them know you were expecting it but never got it. Normally once they say it's been mailed & you should receive it by a certain date, you get it a day or 2 earlier than what they tell ya.

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My passport was a renewal, not sure if that matters. But the date kept jumping 3/10, 3/7, 3/15. It changed from approximately 3/7 to been mailed due in 3/15. I believe that update was on 3/9. Mine was not expedited and I put that I was traveling June 2, so they didn't do anything special.

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The lady at the post office told me that it would take 6 weeks, and she didn't seem concerned or rushed! One good thing that has come of this is that I have learned that procrastination is a bad thing, lol!


We applied Dec. 28 for a renewal passport for my son who was traveling on Feb. 16. I requested expedited service but the post office employee told me I wouldn't need it. I didn't listen to her, paid the $60 and got it in 10 days. Clienst of mine are still waiting for theirs since Jan. 16...



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I went to town hall to apply and they said it was 6 weeks, just like the government website did. They cashed my check back in February. When the upped the time for delivery they should have offered people the opportunity to cancel and get their money and birth certificates back. If a retail business was taking people money for an order to be delivered in 6 weeks then they changed it to 12 weeks without the opportunity of canceling and getting a refund, the Attorney General's office would probably be after them.

I wonder if we should all write our COngressmen?

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We applied Dec. 28 for a renewal passport for my son who was traveling on Feb. 16. I requested expedited service but the post office employee told me I wouldn't need it. I didn't listen to her, paid the $60 and got it in 10 days. Clienst of mine are still waiting for theirs since Jan. 16...





Exactly! Especially if you call and ask her if it would be best to expedite it and she says "Umm...yes?"


Live and learn.

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This is ridiculous. I don't know if I'm going on my trip or not! And I paid $3300 for it! The passport website initially said 3/12/07, then it changed to 3/7/07, and now it just has some generic message about processing taking 10 weeks. I called the number, and that was no help. And even if I had to go to the passport agency in SF and stand in line, I can't take a day off work to do it, because all my leave time is(was?) going for the trip!


So now that it's like 23 days away, should I cancel the trip, in hopes of getting more of a refund? And book instead a nice little cruise to Hawaii in May sometime, where I won't even need my passport? This is frustrating indeed, but I'm sure it will all work out.

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While I am somewhat sympathetic towards the stress of waiting for your passports, I am astonished that so many people waiting until January or February to obtain their passports. Clearly the passport offices are very busy as all the spring and summer cruisers decided that, "Gee, I guess I really do need a passport. I was hoping that they would change the law and the passport requirement would go away!"


The wait for passports last Fall was very minimal.

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While I am somewhat sympathetic towards the stress of waiting for your passports, I am astonished that so many people waiting until January or February to obtain their passports. Clearly the passport offices are very busy as all the spring and summer cruisers decided that, "Gee, I guess I really do need a passport. I was hoping that they would change the law and the passport requirement would go away!


In my case, I have only been on 3 cruises and have rarely traveled anywhere, much less overseas. Personally, i did not realize, or think about, how many people would be applying so nothing was "clear" to me! I didn't wake up one day and "decide" that I should go get our passports and expect them to change the rules for me. I had read that it takes 6 weeks to get a passport, and that is all i went by. I know NOW i should have done it sooner, but i just didn't realize how busy they would be.


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While I am somewhat sympathetic towards the stress of waiting for your passports, I am astonished that so many people waiting until January or February to obtain their passports. Clearly the passport offices are very busy as all the spring and summer cruisers decided that, "Gee, I guess I really do need a passport. I was hoping that they would change the law and the passport requirement would go away!"


The wait for passports last Fall was very minimal.


For people whose passports expire six months from January or February there was no choice. You have to wait until your passport is six months from expiring to send it in. My husband couldn't send in his renewal until February. Which is what he did. The check was cashed in March and I am hoping we get it in April since we leave in May.

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While I am somewhat sympathetic towards the stress of waiting for your passports, I am astonished that so many people waiting until January or February to obtain their passports. Clearly the passport offices are very busy as all the spring and summer cruisers decided that, "Gee, I guess I really do need a passport. I was hoping that they would change the law and the passport requirement would go away!"


The wait for passports last Fall was very minimal.


Wow. Could you be any ruder?

Yippie for you that you were able to apply for one last fall. Last fall I had no vacation plans. Most people do not go and apply for a passport just for the fun of it. Gee, I'm not doing anything today, let me go and spend money on a passport I don't need. Also so glad you can take time off from work whenever you want to regardless of your workload. Not everyone can do that. Plus I had to coordinate my day off with a day off for DH because we both have to be there to get one for DD. DH cannot take time off from November to January and January is very busy for me. So should we have applied before we knew we were going on vacation?

Glad you are privy to the inner workings of the Department of State so that you instinctively knew that January and February are a busy time there because of summer cruisers. How are we suppose to know that? Cruisers probably aren't the biggest cause of the delay since cruiser do not have to HAVE a passport unless they have to fly to or from another country to get the boat.

No one here is saying we hoped the law would change and go away. Problem people have is not so much that it is taking 10+ weeks to get a passport, it is that we were not told this until it was too late. When most of us applied the government said it was a 6 week wait. For a couple of weeks after I applied they were still saying it was a 6 week wait. Shame on us for actually believing the government.

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Im kinda suprised about all the problems people are having.. I think my passport was fast because it was a renewal...only took six weeks (applied beginning of february, got it mid march).. but my BF had to get his expediated because he waited too long, and his was for a new passport...and it only took 5 business days.

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