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NCL Photo Gallery Beware!


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Just my opinion and to quote other posters - don't flame me for my comments.


I think that it is interesting that you flamed me for my original post, but yet you dont want it it return.


Keep in mind robertmartha....I was not the one "atacking" so to speak, TransOcean. I was thankful he was here. My original post was to explain what happened to me and give others a heads up on the situation. I never attacked anyone on this thread. There have been several on here who has thanked me for the "heads up" and therefore, my goal has been completed. I am glad that you havent had any bad experiences. But remember, NEVER say NEVER! And also remember things that bother you, might not bother me and I can assure you I wont be telling you not to sweat the small stuff as everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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Being an avid cruise critic reader of the boards - I have to say I was somewhat shocked at the tone of this thread. When my family and I cruise - we don't sweat the small stuff, but rather enjoy being together and the wonderful experiences and memories that all us "cruise critics" have on a sailing. To get as upset as some of you did at the photography staff - I honestly cannot imagine letting myself or any of my family members get that worked up - over a photograph ?

If I am one that you viewed as 'getting upset', the reason I was upset was not the photograph itself, it was the treatment of some passengers by some photography staff. I guess for some having a photographer yell at you and upset your child, or chase you across the lobby yelling at you is no big deal. But I guess my tolerance for rudeness is low. I don't treat people that way and I'd never expect to be treated as such. Especially not from someone who wants me to buy something from them.

If you want your spouse or significant other in a photo with you....just ask.....if you want to take a picture with a character on the gangway - take it, if not just so no thank you. If you really love the photograph that was taken of you and your family - are you really going to nickel and dime YOURSELF for something that holds such wonderful memories for you?

If you actually read the posts you would see this was not the way it was in some cases. They didn't 'want' you to pose with your spouse etc. That was the whole point of the OP warning. And the OP wasn't nickel and diming (sp? ) themselves, she bought the bad pictures anyway. The POINT was she had to buy 2 separate pictures as the photographer didn't want her spouse to join her, which she didn't realize until after the fact. Or I'm sure she would have said, "No, wait a minute..." And her original post and warning was meant to give people a heads up that this practice was to increase their sales and for others to be aware of it.

I give the TransOcean gentleman credit for first of all reading the boards which to me shows a genuine interest in their customer base and their interests and secondly for responding to the posts in a professional manner. So many posts I have read on the various lines represented on this site always ask "if anyone is listening out there"? Obviously TransOcean is.

I would have given him credit had he commented on the situation that apparently (from an old 06' post) he had commented on. But my first impression with the simple statement of 'You don't have to be rude' was indication he didn't want to defend his position etc. And as I posted, it would have made a better impression for him and his company had he apologized again, or commented that he addressed KeystoneCruisers original complaint about it. But to me, his comment indicated he just chose to ignore the problem and seemed to agree with the practice of rude photographers.

Are all the pictures that are taken great? No - but does every photo you take look like it should be on the cover of National Geographic or a fashion magazine? If I am not satisfied with a photo - I simply did not buy it.

Again, this was NOT the point of the thread or the OP's intent to say they had to buy a bad picture. It was the fact the photographers wanted them in SEPERATE pictures to increase revenue. For example, say you have 4 kids, and every time you stepped off the ship each child's picture was taken and you and your spouse. That's 6 pictures at say 4 port stops. 24 pictures. No, you don't have to buy them all, but wouldn't you be a bit peeved that they hadn't encouraged you to take one together to avoid this, rather they encouraged the opposite to get as much revenue out of you as they could? Not being aware of it you wouldn't think anything at the time the pictures were being taken, you wouldn't really think about it until later when you had to buy all those pictures separately. That's the warning the OP wanted to express.

I am always surprised to read reviews and comments made by my fellow posters - two people can be on the same sailing but if they both wrote a review they could so different that you'd think they were on different sailings. Just my opinion and to quote other posters - don't flame me for my comments.

I think the same can be implied about a thread. Two people can be on the same thread and read two different things. Again, this thread didn't start out with the complaint of bad pictures, it began as a warning to make sure that if you want pictures together with someone to force the issue because the photographers would rather sell you as many pictures as they could, regardless how good they are.

My whole issue is the rudeness. I guess the older I get the less tolerance I have for downright rude people to think they have a right to treat me with such disregard. I don't think so, isn't going to happen. Not without that person suffering the consequences. If I treat you that way I deserve what I get, but if I treat you with nothing but respect that's what I expect in return. And not me specifically, I refer to the kind of treatment someone got just because they poked their head in the picture and the photographer had an outright fit. Again, this thread didn't begin with a 'bad picture' complaint, that isn't what it's about.

As for TransOcean, if he's going to 'represent' the company, he did himself no favors by ignoring the 'issue'. And that doesn't leave a good impression as far as I'm concerned. So that's where my issue is. But that's just me, as I said, the older I get the less tolerance I have for uncalled for rudeness. :D And even though it didn't happen to me personally, others experiences are representation of the company in general. And there again, maybe it's just me, but I personally don't wish to support a company that seems to accept and encourage such behavior from their photographers. To give TransOcean credit, maybe that isn't the case, but his original post on this particular thread, for me anyway, indicated otherwise.

So I hope you have a great cruise next time you sail, and I hope you do get some great pictures out of it. But just to reiterate the OP's original intent, just be aware if the photographers encourage separate pictures instead of taking them together. If you want seperate, that's great, if not make your intent known.:)

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As for TransOcean, if he's going to 'represent' the company, he did himself no favors by ignoring the 'issue'. And that doesn't leave a good impression as far as I'm concerned.


TransOcean didn't ignore the issue. I thought I read in one of his replies


You are right, the shooting of single people is often not the fairest option. On certain gangways this is for the simple reason is that it speeds up the process. We (the photographers) are under great pressure to not hold up the lines. This method speeds up the procedure greatly. I would recommend being ready, as a couple on the gangway, as yes, we snap you fast.


So, there is a reason why besides monetary reasons that they prefer to snap individual vs group photos at the gangway.


I'm surprised you missed the explanation.


And if you were ever delayed by the photographers at the gangway when you are in a hurry to meet a bus, especially if you're running late, you might understand the reason. I bet the photographers might be more willing to take a group photo at the gangway if you left the ship after the rush. It does take more time to reposition the camera, adjust the camera, and position the group and costumed character, to snap a group photo vice a single photo.


One of my dislikes about cruising, is the individuals who want things their way without any consideration for the other 2,000 passengers aboard a cruise ship.

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TransOcean didn't ignore the issue. I thought I read in one of his replies




So, there is a reason why besides monetary reasons that they prefer to snap individual vs group photos at the gangway.


I'm surprised you missed the explanation.

Don't be surprised, I didn't miss the explanation. :p However, the explanation was not his first post to this thread. The explanation came after his original post to this thread. His original post, in my opinion, ignored the issue of Keystone Cruisers experience and the OP's experience for that matter. His first posting was only... there's no need to be rude. I'm surprised you missed that.;) He offered nothing further in the way of defense or explanation until later. Which had he posted what he did later as his original post, instead of his first non commentary post, perhaps it would be different. Offering explanation later seemed an afterthought.


As for the time it takes to snap one person or two, logically, it would take less time to snap a picture of 2 or more people as you don't have to wait for 2,000 people single file. There can be back ups etc. but people who don't want their picture walk around. Photographers of course don't like this because it's pictures missed, therefore revenue missed. Guess I think differently, but I don't buy the excuse that it's quicker to take one persons picture rather than two. Most docks aren't so small that people can't move aside until their spouse joins them for a picture if they happen to not be together in the first place. And if you read the OP's post, the photographer held her husband back from joining her. It took more time to get her picture, then get another picture of her husband, rather than let the husband join her and snap one photo. And logically to me, it would certainly take less time overall than snapping single pictures of 2000 passengers. I don't know, guess I think differently.:)

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I may be missing something important here, but why not just walk past the photog and others and sweetly say you do not want your picture taken? I did it, probably 30 times in five cruises without a problem.

I agree, I think this is a pretty nothing "beware" statement. Every cruise line does the exact thing; all the prices are out of line and we never purchase anymore, but there was a time when we did. Just like other cruisers the first 3 or 4 times around. Now, if we want pix we take them of each other. Once in awhile we will buy one the last morning of the cruise; they go on sale...LOL

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Oh you'd better believe that photog is gonna take his time with me and my man. I paid good money to go on this cruise and I am not gonna let some uptight, nervous photog ruin my experience.


I want a good picture and that is exactly what I am going to get if NCL expects me to pay through the nose for a picture.



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The reason why they have raised the prices up so high is because with the very casual attire code they ae not getting the usual number of formal portraits that they used to get. After all who wants a family photo with everyone in t's and jeans. They already have one of those from the family cook out.


Last September I asked one of the photographers about this and he told me their overall business is down by at least 50% due to the relaxing of the dress standards. So, revenue has to be made up somewhere. Therfore if you are happy in jeans be happy with the higher photo prices or don't buy them. can't have everything though most sure seem too,

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Therfore if you are happy in jeans be happy with the higher photo prices or don't buy them.




NCL is the one losing $$$ in Hawaii, NCL is the one losing $$$ in pictures. NCL seems to be the ONE that needs to get their act together.

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NCL is the one losing $$$ in Hawaii, NCL is the one losing $$$ in pictures. NCL seems to be the ONE that needs to get their act together.

It is NCLs policy because the cruisers asked for it, NCL didn't just arbitrarily decide to relax the dress code. BTW many lines are relaxing the dress code, even HAL. If you really think NCL needs to get their act together why in the world have you decided to cruise with them? NMNita
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NCL is the one losing $$$ in Hawaii, NCL is the one losing $$$ in pictures. NCL seems to be the ONE that needs to get their act together.


NCL is currently not losing a dime on their photo business because it is not their photo business. They rent it out for a set fee on an annual basis. So, when NCL changes the attire policy to be able to fill their ships with passengers, they do not suffer the loss of photos it is the company that rents the space and opportunity for taking photos that takes the loss. It is this photo company that has raised the price in an effort to stay in business. I predict that over time NCL will not have a photo op available because no one will want to risk paying the rent and not get the sales needed.

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I always wait until the last day to buy pictures. That's when we gather them all together and choose what we want. The last couple of times they have tried to give us others at a special price but we passed since we really weren't crazy about them. For this reason I wait until we can see them all and if there are others that we would like to have I'm sure that they would come to some kind of agreement rather than to have them left over.


Recently at Disney my daughter bought a disk with all the pictures for their whole vacation along with the rights to have them printed. She said that it was not cheap but seemed like a better deal than buying just a few pictures. I think a plan like this would be more profitable on a cruise and give the passengers who want pictures a better deal. Meanwhile I'll just bring my little Kodak printer so I can hand out those pictures that never get mailed to people once we are home. :D

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TransOcean, if you are still reading this thread, then I would like to suggest your company offer package deals to passengers. Having photos taken is fun but due to the price, I only have fun searching for and looking at them. I used to buy them years ago when packages were offered. The best package deal was all the photos for 99 dollars. That was six years ago. I think a higher price today for all photos taken is reasonable...maybe 150?



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The reason why they have raised the prices up so high is because with the very casual attire code they ae not getting the usual number of formal portraits that they used to get. After all who wants a family photo with everyone in t's and jeans. They already have one of those from the family cook out.


Last September I asked one of the photographers about this and he told me their overall business is down by at least 50% due to the relaxing of the dress standards. So, revenue has to be made up somewhere. Therfore if you are happy in jeans be happy with the higher photo prices or don't buy them. can't have everything though most sure seem too,



Please forgive me, but what a load of old codswhallop . :) :)

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I can see why the photographers on NCL could lose some business on formal night. But they still have plenty of opportunities elsewhere. I almost always buy the embarkation photo. How about pictures at the deck parties or sailaways or by the pool or in the dining room? If the photographers hang out where people are having fun, they will get plenty of business.


I agree with Lotteryfan. NCL is not like other cruise lines so the photographers need to adjust. Skip the characters (what do they have to do with NCL or cruises or the ports anyway?). How about a backdrop of some of the ship's hull art? That's a very distinctive NCL feature.

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I agree with Lotteryfan. NCL is not like other cruise lines so the photographers need to adjust. Skip the characters (what do they have to do with NCL or cruises or the ports anyway?). How about a backdrop of some of the ship's hull art? That's a very distinctive NCL feature.


Basically they have adjusted with the higher prices. I would agree that a photo with the local port sign would be much better than some stupid costumed employee of the photo company and I am sure they would agree. Those costumes can not be comfortable in the heat of the day.


Also, if you want lower prices for the photos, then either NCL needs to reduce their rent charged to the photo company (Is H--- freezing over?)

or return to the madatory formal nights (is H--- freezing over?)

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Dont buy the pictures....pose all you want, make them waste their time and money.

This has become the most annoying part of cruising in the last few years. The first few times, I brushed them off, but on my last cruise me and my girlfriend went from back drop to back drop, insisted they take mulitple photos, flagged down every roaming photographer we saw...

And bought nothing.

Now, I know the photographers are just trying to make a living, and the poor cruise lines are all in danger of not building any more 600 million dollar skyscrapers of the sea, if I dont spring for a photo package that cost more than my original cruise fare, but...well...lets just say, I feel for them...but I cant quite reach them

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Dont buy the pictures....pose all you want, make them waste their time and money.

This has become the most annoying part of cruising in the last few years. The first few times, I brushed them off, but on my last cruise me and my girlfriend went from back drop to back drop, insisted they take mulitple photos, flagged down every roaming photographer we saw...

And bought nothing.


I love that idea. I will have to do it on my next cruise and I will have my parents and their two friend couples do that on the Pearl this summer.

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Please forgive me, but what a load of old codswhallop . :) :)



I second that. I can't believe Songanddance is dragging the Freestyle Dress Code into a discussion about the photo gallery!!! We know you hate it that not everyone gets dressed up....but I have yet to see no line for the photographers on my cruises!!!

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I second that. I can't believe Songanddance is dragging the Freestyle Dress Code into a discussion about the photo gallery!!! We know you hate it that not everyone gets dressed up....but I have yet to see no line for the photographers on my cruises!!!


Makes not a shred of difference to me whether you believe it or not. I observed what I observed and then I verified my observation with the photographer. People were upset about the higher prices of photos and I tried to explain the reasoning behind the new prices. You chose not to belive that a lower standard of attire on formal night has reduced the number of photos taken. I know differently but guess what tomorrow the sun will still come up and it will be a new day and we all can find a different topic to get all worked up about.


Let's see. How about tomorrow we complain that the casinos have done away with the $5 blackjack tables (actually that happened last year sometime but no one has comlained yet). So let's rip NCL a new one about how greedy they are in the casino. OK I'll look for you all on that new thread tomorrow. Have a peaceful night.

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I can't believe Songanddance is dragging the Freestyle Dress Code into a discussion about the photo gallery!!! !


Oh, I believe it! At least until I updated my ignore file a while back EVERYTHING evil was because of the dress code. LOL

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