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Bad luck tried to steal our cruise but we fought back!

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We ourselves haven't encountered any problems with our cruises, but we did meet up with a fellow passenger that was a real nuisance. It began the first day and as we were heading to our room, this individually strolled past us, grumbling that he had to go and get his own luggage, which we thought was odd, as I didn't think they allowed passengers into that area. Now mind you, we had just boarded so wouldn't have expected our luggage that quickly anyway. This continued at dinner when we found ourselves seated with he and his wife, who was a sweetheart. Being this was our 2nd cruise, we didn't change tables, and somehow endured his continued complaining for the next 10 evenings. Never again. I guess we realized we would be leaving them after dinner, never to deal with him until the next night and enjoyed our cruise.

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  • 6 months later...

In a few short months we will be starting our fourth cruise. Parts of our first cruise began this thread a couple years ago. Now we find ourselves cruisers, addicted to the five star service even with all of the amazing stories outlined in this thread.


So, I ask you, Besides being compared to a cross between the Griswold Family Christmas and a cruise vacation, what amazing things have happened on your cruise???


Take great care, Capt. Johnny:D

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This didn't ruin our trip - actually made me realize that I didn't have to do every activity they had and that I could actually relax and enjoy a cruise rather than staying busy all the time.


On our first morning on the Celebrity Millenium I woke up with a nosebleed (sorry if this upsets anyone). This was something new to me - I had only had one before in my life - a couple weeks before the cruise. It stopped and I went on my way. Later that morning I was sunbathing and decided to use the hot tub for a while. After returning to my lounge chair my nose started bleeding again and I jumped up, grabbed my towel and tried to find a restroom. Couldn't find one because I left my glasses on the chair. I asked a man where the nearest ladies room was and he pointed me in the right direction. I walked into the restroom and there was an attendant in there dressed in a black dress with a white collar and she was polishing the sink. She saw me come in and asked if I needed help. I told her no, that I would be ok. I was in the stall for about 15 minutes and she kept asking me if I was ok. I kept saying I was fine. Finally, after about 25 minutes she asked if I wanted her to call medical and I told her that would be fine because by this time I was getting weak because I couldn't get it to stop. She made the call and someone was there within minutes with a wheelchair and I was taken to medical. All I had with me was a soiled towel and my bathing suit - no shoes, Sea Pass card, glasses, etc. They put white bandages all over my nose and sent me on my way. All my stuff was still at the chair by the pool.


Formal night was that night and I got all dressed up but decided to go back to medical so they could check the bandage as I didn't think it felt right. They had to pack my nose and put more bandages on. I was told I could do nothing for two days - no swimming, walking laps - nothing.


That was when I realized I could relax. However, after the packing and bandages were removed I still couldn't do anything which meant I had to miss the Snuba Diving in St. Thomas that I had organized for our group. So, I went shopping by myself while they enjoyed themselves. It was a dreary, rainy day. I took a cab downtown and a cab back. However, there was another couple in the cab when I got in. The driver asked me where I wanted to go and I told him the Havenstock (or whatever that area is where the shops by the cruise ships are). He said ok. We were very near there stopped in traffic when the other couple said they were supposed to be going to the other cruise dock. So, the driver sort of gave me a push and said to get out of the cab and go get into the one in front of us! I said "What!?" He said get out and sort of shoved me again. So, I got out and climbed into the back of the pickup truck like cab that was in front of us. I could see the ship and knew I wasn't far from it but since it was raining I really didn't want to walk. I ended up paying half fare to the second driver and none to the first!


Like I said, this experience didn't ruin my vacation. It actually made me stop and smell the roses which I still do on every cruise. Thank you, nose!! Found out the problem when I got home and have been fine since.

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Oops, forgot something in the first post.


I went to that same restroom every day around the same time during the rest of the cruise because I wanted to thank the attendant and never again saw an attendent in there. In fact, it was the only time in our 25 cruises that I ever saw an attendant dressed like that in any restroom.


Strange, huh?

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We were taking stock the other day and realized that in nine cruises we've taken together as a family, at least one of us has ended up in the infirmary on six of them -- flu, gout, broken toes, lacerations, badly infected cuts, stitches, you name it, we've experienced it. And I still say the worst day on a cruise is better than the best day ashore! I almost feel sorry for those folks for whom a "bad view" can spoil a vacation (and just to see what I'm talking about, go to the member review section and check out the one-star review of the Oasis published recently by Empress Kitty). If you're that ready to let little things spoil a vacation, you probably aren't that happy in your regular life, either.


So here's to all the great stories on this thread, and the great fun-loving attitudes they reflect!

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First off this is not a post complaining about anything on our last cruise. It is a post explaining how the worst day of cruising in the Caribbean is still better than the best day at the office.:D


With that said, my DW and DS were on our first cruise on the Disney Magic in March 2006 to the Eastern Caribbean. Three things then happened which could have just ruined the whole paradise adventure if we let them.


1. In St. Marten, my DW tripped on a curb and fell flat on her knees, elbows, wrists, and face on the every so hard concrete. She had an amazing amount of serious road rash. We went back to the cabin, bought some triple anti-biotic ($$$) in the gift store and headed back out. There was no way she was going to miss St. Marten.:eek:


2. That evening my wonderful and charming DS knocked my wifes only pair of prescription glasses off of the bed in our cabin and they found themselves right under my shoe with all 260 pounds of me in that shoe at the time. Crushed, one lense popped out, looking like she was from a freak show. I spent 45 minutes bending and twisting those glasses until they could sit on her face without falling off. In some amazing turn of events I was able to get the lense back in with those little fish line holders they have these days. Off to high tea she went totally amazed, but un-fazed by the second attempt on our paradise vacation.:eek:


3. So we go to dinner in the Animator's Palate on the Magic and at some point my wife yells. Her diamond ring is sitting in her hand right were it should be, minus the diamond. This is where I wish I had won that lottery and bought the big 6 carat diamond as the just over half carat diamond was gone. She left the dinner, went to the front desk to report it and started checking the ship. Yes, I said checking the ship. She had grown attached to that diamond over the past fifteen years. I couldn't shake her from this tradegy, she was depressed. We went back to our cabin that evening and on a total hunch and to make her feel better, I got down on my hands and knees and checked the floor. This was really much more of my husbandly duty to try and find the diamond than an actual attempt. In my mind I was sure it was lying back on that street in St. Marten where she had fallen. While I'm on hands and knees on the floor I actually find the blinking shiny little devil in the cabin, on the floor between the bathroom door and the closet. I stand there speechless holding the lonely diamond in my hand when my DW realizes what I found. Hang on cause this is where it gets just a tad funny. DW screams and screams in pure excitement. Only one small problem, her screams of excitement could very easily be interpreted as the screams of someone who needed help as well. Now my mind is racing with the thought of members of the crew coming and knocking on our door, finding my DW with terrible black and blue bruises on her knees, wrist, elbows, chin and nose, and glasses that have just recently been de-mangled by me. It was enough to make me cringe. On top of that this all happened when we were totaly sober, really.:eek:


I see many messages on these boards on the bad breaks and terrible things that can happen on a cruise. We are just getting ready for our next one, this time with RCCL, back into the Caribbean. Vacations are a state of mind and we just wouldn't give in. It was an awesome cruise and we can't wait to go back. We were survivors and I had a few Konk Coolers in the Bahamas to celebrate!!:cool:


Anyone else out there have a "you won't believe what happened to us" cruise story??

I was in a jewlery store in St. Thomas last year. I wanted to upgrade/trade in my diamond earrings. Nice clerk offered to clean them for me. I said sure. He put them in the cleaning machine and as he was taking them out one earring dropped behind the cabinet in which the cleaning machine sat on. Did I mention the cabinet was mounted to the wall. There was just enough space between the cabinet and the wall for the earring to fall into. The clerk was besides himself and very apolgetic as was the entire staff! I was told that they would recover my earring. Well recovery meant dismantling the entire cabinet and this took a good portion of the day as they had to call in their maintenance guy to take the cabinet apart. 3 hours later, the was cabinet dimantled, and my diamond earring recovered. Luckly I had been to St. Thomas before and I did not have any excursions planned. After all was said and done never got the chance the upgrade my earrings, I was just happy to keep it moving, but my mom was able to get a sweet deal on a necklace so all was not lost! I am going to try to upgrade the earrings in May as I am headed back to St. Thomas on the Oasis. I hope lady luck is on my side this time around.

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I hope your wife was alright and healed up nicely.

Last June we went on Carnival Valor. We were having a great time until day 4. We received an emergency call to the front desk. Our 15 yr old Dog was sick and the lady that was watching him had to rush him to the vet. So we called the vet's office and by the time they could get the vet on the phone the phone would cut off. this went on for 20 minutes (we also tried with our cell but could not get good reception ) and we were no closer to talking to the vet. We tried to text from our cell and it worked. The vet texted us that the dog was very ill and probibly had stomach cancer. We had to make the decision to have him put to sleep. 2 weeks before the cruise one of our cats had gotten a blood clot and was paralysed and we had to have her put down. This put a big damper on things but there was nothing we could do but cry.

Day 5 The eye glass incident ( sound familiar?) On the way to dinner my lens popped out. Ok if any of you have had this happen and you have very bad vision you know you cant see to put the little screw back in. After I treid for most of dinner we started passing the glasses around the table ( At the table mates request and they were not all family) everyone tried but no one could get the screw in. Of course this was the night of the show i wanted to see the most. Then one of my very brilliant tablemates said "why dont you take it to the jewlery store and see if they can fix it?" I did and they were wonderful and fixed it right up.

day 6 : THE FALL (sound familiar again?) DH and I were sitting down to lunch and we get another overhead emergency page.

I thought " OMG, Is it another one of our pet, this can't be happining" ( we had 2 other cats, a dog and a rabbit. DS loves animals and volenteers at the SPCA) We get to the desk an they tell us DS, age 15, fell and is in the infirmery. We go down and find out he tripped on the dance floor ( there wasnt even any dancing since it was early in the day so have no idea what made him trip) Well he broke one tooth, bruised up both elbows and forearms and had a laceration on the top of his head. He needed stitches and he could not remember anything that happened. He had a concussion, so I spent the last day and night waking him every hour and checking to make sure he could respond. since they would not fly him off the boat. He ended up alright except for tendonitis in his one elbow and now he gets anAura with his migraines. ( he had migraines since he was 6 months old but mever had an aura with them)

So since he had such a horrible ending to his trip we are taking DS on oasis on April for his 16th Bday.

Edited by kassimer1
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My son (who seems to attract bad luck) was snorkeling on his honeymoon in Cancun. He noticed something shiny on the sand and as he reached for the item, he was thinking excitedly that for once his luck was good instead of bad. He picked up a shiny new wedding band, then realized that it was his. He had lost (and found) his own ring.

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Oops, forgot something in the first post.


I went to that same restroom every day around the same time during the rest of the cruise because I wanted to thank the attendant and never again saw an attendent in there. In fact, it was the only time in our 25 cruises that I ever saw an attendant dressed like that in any restroom.


Strange, huh?



Creepy City! I just got goose bumps! Now someone needs to start a cruise ship ghosts thread!! :)

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We've had our share of typical pre-cruise mishaps like cancelled flights, accidents closing highways and my favorite: 17 inches of snow overnight (thank goodness we always fly in a day early).


But on 6 cruises, we've had only 1 with any on-board problems. We went on a cruise for my parents 50th wedding anniversary. There were 20 of us in 8 cabins. We reserved 8 balcony cabins in a row which included 3 sets of adjoining cabins for parents with younger children. When we check in and prepare to board we find out that 3 of the cabins were upgraded to different decks. This was not okay with us since we all wanted to be together -- that's half the fun since my brother and sisters live in different parts of the country. One of my daughters was staying in a room with her cousins (an adjoining triple) while my other daughter and I were upgraded to a room 3 decks away.


At this point our original room was gone and there was nothing that could be done. It was more of a challenge to communicate with and keep track of our party but we didn't let it ruin our cruise.


I felt really bad for my BIL who, while retrieving the remote from his son's pullman bed, missed a step on the ladder and broke his ankle on the FIRST nite of the cruise. The DR on board immobilized it but recommended he go to the hospital in Jamaica. He eventually had to have a plate and screws to put back together -- but he was able to wait until he returned to the States.


We all took turns pushing him around in a wheelchair the entire week and he was very limited to what he could do. He spent a lot of time in the casino at the blackjack tables and ended up winning over $800 which paid off their SeaPass account.


Oh and by the way......I've learned the hard way to always take a spare pair of glasses

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Oops, forgot something in the first post.


I went to that same restroom every day around the same time during the rest of the cruise because I wanted to thank the attendant and never again saw an attendent in there. In fact, it was the only time in our 25 cruises that I ever saw an attendant dressed like that in any restroom.


Strange, huh?



Ooo that gave me the chills!

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Amazing stories..


I can't help but read thru these and see than reoccurring theme. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, keep cruising. Oh, and watch out for the ghostly bathroom attendant.


When I started this thread, no idea this many stories were out there or that so many of you would be willing to share. AWESOME!:)

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I had planned a cruise for friends from church in April 2008- had 48 people going on a NE/Canada cruise in Oct 2008. In May 2008 I was diagnosed with breast cancer-I was in the middle of chemo treatment when we were to be on the cruise- I convinced my doc to schedule treatments so I could go on the cruise-no way did I want to miss the fun I knew I would have with my friends. Of course, my engery level was not too good, but I would nap in the afternoon so I could have dinner and go to a show at night. I am going on the Explorer on 3/31/11- to celebrate my almost 3 years cancer free! Life is too short-you need to enjoy while you can!!

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In 2009, we were on the Carnival Valor (DW and DS[13 at the time] and DS[11 at the time]). My sister and brother in law were with us for their first cruise. We alos cruise with another family every year and they have boys the same ages as ours. We had plans to make this the best cruise ever. We were going to snorkel in Cozumel, jet ski in Grand Cayman, zipline in Roatan, cave tube in Belize.


On the first day at sea, just as the sun was setting, we were on the Lido with our drinks when all the kids come running. Our oldest is holding his wrist saying he fell on the basketball court and something is wrong. He looked like he was about to pass out. I had a pretty good idea that he had broken his wrist.


Down to the infirmery we go. The doctor and nurse couldn't have been nicer. They x-rayed his wrist, yup broken and displaced. They whacked him with morphine, set it and casted it. No charge.


Now he had every reason to just curl up and stay in the staeroom for the rest of the cruise. He didn't. We adjusted our plans and did land based things like going to the turtle farm in GC (really cool), and seeing the monkeys in Roatan. We all had a great time.


One night while we we in the theater, we saw someone pass by that we thought we recognized. It turned out to be my DS's orthopedic surgeon! He took a look at my DS (we asked him not to b/c it was his vacation - he insisted). He even went to the infirmery and looked at the x-rays. He said they did a very good job setting the arm. That made us feel a lot better for the rest of the cruise.

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I had planned a cruise for friends from church in April 2008- had 48 people going on a NE/Canada cruise in Oct 2008. In May 2008 I was diagnosed with breast cancer-I was in the middle of chemo treatment when we were to be on the cruise- I convinced my doc to schedule treatments so I could go on the cruise-no way did I want to miss the fun I knew I would have with my friends. Of course, my engery level was not too good, but I would nap in the afternoon so I could have dinner and go to a show at night. I am going on the Explorer on 3/31/11- to celebrate my almost 3 years cancer free! Life is too short-you need to enjoy while you can!!


Good for you and congratulations on your three year achievement! I'm sure your attitude has a lot to do with your recovery.

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Ok this is going to be funny, but on Explorer doing western, I have sleep apnea and have to sleep using a CPAP machine or else I fall asleep for no apparent reason. On the second night my CPAP machine DIES and refuses to work. I figured ok, I'll be ok. So I toughed it out the next night, the next day I couldn't stay awake, I was eating in MDR and fell asleep in my plate, fell asleep three times on tour of ocho rios, fell asleep and fell in line getting back on the ship


So I go see the ships DR and the best they could do was give me an oxygen tank and a mask, while not as effective as my CPAP it did the trick and I was able to sleep at night and not fall asleep all day.

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In a few short months we will be starting our fourth cruise. Parts of our first cruise began this thread a couple years ago. Now we find ourselves cruisers, addicted to the five star service even with all of the amazing stories outlined in this thread.


So, I ask you, Besides being compared to a cross between the Griswold Family Christmas and a cruise vacation, what amazing things have happened on your cruise???


Take great care, Capt. Johnny:D


leave your loose gems home!

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My husband fell in a hole in the middle of the street in San Juan. Luckily, he did not break the framed picture that we had. He could not go in the ocean at Labadee because his knees were skinned. We had banages and lotion but got ice from the clinic. The next day we got a knee brace.


I lost the diamond in my ring too. We were at an event in a hotel. We were getting dressed when I looked at my hand and realized my diamond was gone. After checking the floor, I checked my pocket and there is was.


My friend was shoveling snow when she noticed that the diamond in her earring was gone. She checked the house then went back outside and found it where she had been shoveling and sure enough there it was.

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Back in 1981, cruise ships still stopped in Port au Prince, Haiti. We should have known not to get off the ship when we looked down on the dock and saw a solid mass of rusty cars jammed together and guards beating overly pushy drivers with nightsticks - these were the "Taxis" for our tour. We REALLY wanted to visit the rum factory at the top of the mountain and sample the 19 flavors of rum, so we got off the ship. The first stop of our tour was at the gas station where our driver needed to fill up with gas with the $5 coupon he was awarded for serving as a taxi - the same gas station that ALL the other taxis were trying to get into. This was real bumper cars, not your amusement park variety. Our "taxi" had no windows and, we later found out, a muffler that was held onto the car with twine. We learned about that when the twine caught on fire. Our driver called for another taxi to pick us up and we were very pleased to see that this one was a Mercedes! Then the driver explained that it only went in reverse, so we went the rest of the way up the mountain and eventually back down in reverse. Some of the days' events were just too depressing and scary to talk about, but one of the lighter ones included being followed around by a man with a dead chicken who thought we should want to have our pictures taken with him. We did sample all 19 flavors of rum! When we got back to the ship, my wife actually got down on her knees and kissed the deck!

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Back in 1981, cruise ships still stopped in Port au Prince, Haiti. We should have known not to get off the ship when we looked down on the dock and saw a solid mass of rusty cars jammed together and guards beating overly pushy drivers with nightsticks - these were the "Taxis" for our tour. We REALLY wanted to visit the rum factory at the top of the mountain and sample the 19 flavors of rum, so we got off the ship. The first stop of our tour was at the gas station where our driver needed to fill up with gas with the $5 coupon he was awarded for serving as a taxi - the same gas station that ALL the other taxis were trying to get into. This was real bumper cars, not your amusement park variety. Our "taxi" had no windows and, we later found out, a muffler that was held onto the car with twine. We learned about that when the twine caught on fire. Our driver called for another taxi to pick us up and we were very pleased to see that this one was a Mercedes! Then the driver explained that it only went in reverse, so we went the rest of the way up the mountain and eventually back down in reverse. Some of the days' events were just too depressing and scary to talk about, but one of the lighter ones included being followed around by a man with a dead chicken who thought we should want to have our pictures taken with him. We did sample all 19 flavors of rum! When we got back to the ship, my wife actually got down on her knees and kissed the deck!


OK...I think you win! But I don't understand why you didn't want a photo with the dead chicken....you'll probably never get the opportunity again!:D

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Our driver called for another taxi to pick us up and we were very pleased to see that this one was a Mercedes! Then the driver explained that it only went in reverse, so we went the rest of the way up the mountain and eventually back down in reverse.


You've got to be kidding...LOL!

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This is so going to make me look like a major airhead, which at times I guess I can be.:o


Our first cruise was Christmas of 2000 on Disney Wonder. It was DH, myself, and our twins, age 8 at the time. Spent a wonderful exhausting 5 days at the Mouse House pre-cruise. Last night we got swept up in the crowd leaving Magic Kingdom and ended up on the monorail instead of the bus stop. Took us awhile to get back to where we were supposed to catch the bus to our resort. Eventually we did get back. It was after midnight, and still had to pack cause luggage was to be ready to go to the ship by 7 am. I was so very tired, my feet ached and all I wanted to do was go to bed. I laid out all our clothing and packed everything else. Took a hot soaking bath and washed my hair before finally falling into bed. Next morning DH and kids get dressed and head for breakfast leaving me to get ready. I began brushing out my hair and noticed it was greasy. Somehow, I had packed the shampoo and had washed my hair with conditioner. Oh well... deal with it and move on. I begin to dress and to my horror discover one very very important article of clothing is missing! :eek: I head to the gift shop to see if I can find a bathing suit top which could help minimize the ummm situation. No luck, as nothing was large enough to cover the girls. Had to take our much anticipated DCL boarding photo in an oversized windbreaker with my arms folded across my chest. Yes it was hot and I was sweating, but no way was I taking the thing off. We make a beeline for our cabin where I refuse to go explore the ship till I am all put together again. Luggage arrives with little time to spare before dinner. I manage to get properly dressed, however, no time to wash the offending hair before dinner. :o The next day is Christmas. The kids are happily enshrined in the kids club, DH and I relax for the first time since we left home. The following day we arrived in Nassau. Our first time, and DH told me he would do something with the kids and I could go shopping. I was soooooooo excited! I grabbed my wallet to make sure I had the credit card and felt all the color drain from my face. DH asked what was wrong. I had " misplaced" the credit card we had planned on using. DH searched the cabin several times over the next hour. The kids went to the Kids club, while we worried over the missing card. Finally, DH went to guest relations and arranged to cancel the card. I swear the minute he canceled the card, I remembered where it was. I had used it to make a purchase before leaving home. It was safe at home in my other wallet. I thought DH was going to strangle me. Thankfully he didn't and we all enjoyed one last amazing day at Castway Cay. We have gone on to have many great cruises with no more incidents. When the twins were 16 we went back to WDW and another Disney Wonder cruise. I was hoping everyone would have forgotten all about my misadventures. No such luck. I was asked several times if I had everything I needed before the luggage was picked up. :rolleyes:

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