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......When I was growing up just because we were on vacation did not change the rules including curfew. Curfew was 11pm during the summer, no matter what night it was and that was enforced on vacation by my parents.


This is how it was in our family. My little sister and her friend will be going with us on our cruise next Feb. Both are 17, but my sister will be turning 18 while on the cruise. I can't imagine my parents allowing either of them to be out wandering around past 1 am. Even after my sister turns 18. Vacation or not, I'm am sure they will be in their cabins by midnight at the latest.

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I think 1am is more than a fair curfew, For those who are under 18. Just how long do parents want their children wandering the ship? I believe it is for the childs safety. I for one would not want my daughter out that late because of the the people she might encounter. Lets face it, Most girls at 17 look way older and tend to act like it as well, I would not want her to encounter a young man (lets say between the ages of 18-23) drunk at the schooner. Kudos RCI!!!

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I think change was prompted by the case where an underage girl (unsupervised) was drunk as a skunk in the late night hrs- & of course the cruise line was blamed 100% Teens roaming & sititng in stairwells is not a good thing--after they enjoy the teen lounge it is time to go to the cabin under parental supervision & maybe rent a nice movie!

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I think that the curfew should even be earlier maye like 11:00 pm. My daughter was 18 on our last cruise and her curfew for her and her friend was midnight.


She is in college and I still have a curfew for her when she is at home. Nothing later than 12:00am.

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I agree that the curfew should be enforced...and also that 1AM is a little lenient, IMO, more than I will allow my children when we go cruising. I wouldn't let them stay out until 1AM unsupervised at home, so there will be no way I'll let them stay out until 1AM unsupervised on the cruise. Ship or land, there is no difference in my opinion.

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I think that the curfew should even be earlier maye like 11:00 pm. My daughter was 18 on our last cruise and her curfew for her and her friend was midnight.


She is in college and I still have a curfew for her when she is at home. Nothing later than 12:00am.



i understand this curfew thing, even though i may be partially against it, but 11pm? come on there is so much going on still at 11 if that was the curfew i would be fully agianst it, what about night life?

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if teens are just hanging out and talking not loud or disturbing anyone LET THEM BE this is there vacation too.


I totally agree. There was nothing I hated more when I was under 18 than other people putting restrictions on me when my own parents trusted me. They knew me well enough to know I wouldn't do anything they wouldn't want me to do. And to tell you the truth, I know I wouldn't have dared to do anything they told me not to.


When we went on vacation, when I was still underaged, I had no curfew but I always told them where I was and called them to tell them I was OK. I'm a very independent person and most of my vacations I have done alone since I was 17 and since then I have never done anything to be ashamed of. I'm 19 now and this September I will go on my first cruise and even though I am going with my parents it will be as if we were having two separate vacations so as not to interfere with what we each like and want to do. And the fact that I cannot drink on the ship (although here in Puerto Rico I can) does not bother me and I can asure you you will not catch me trying to bribe a 21 year old into getting me a drink. A week without drinking is not the end of the world. The bottom line is that a parent should be the one to judge if his child is mature enough to enjoy his vacation without getting into trouble.

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The bottom line is that a parent should be the one to judge if his child is mature enough to enjoy his vacation without getting into trouble.


Unfortunately, it seems there are too few parents who make that judgement correctly.

My sincere thanks for being the exception to the rule.

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I totally agree. There was nothing I hated more when I was under 18 than other people putting restrictions on me when my own parents trusted me. They knew me well enough to know I wouldn't do anything they wouldn't want me to do. And to tell you the truth, I know I wouldn't have dared to do anything they told me not to.


When we went on vacation, when I was still underaged, I had no curfew but I always told them where I was and called them to tell them I was OK. I'm a very independent person and most of my vacations I have done alone since I was 17 and since then I have never done anything to be ashamed of. I'm 19 now and this September I will go on my first cruise and even though I am going with my parents it will be as if we were having two separate vacations so as not to interfere with what we each like and want to do. And the fact that I cannot drink on the ship (although here in Puerto Rico I can) does not bother me and I can asure you you will not catch me trying to bribe a 21 year old into getting me a drink. A week without drinking is not the end of the world. The bottom line is that a parent should be the one to judge if his child is mature enough to enjoy his vacation without getting into trouble.



I understand your point as I was also trustworthy as a teen and seldom had a curfew. HOWEVER, now that 20 something years have passed:rolleyes: and as a teacher I can assure you that not all parents can be trusted to judge their kids objectively! Obviously your parents disciplined you and you learned to be responsible. Sadly there are parents that do not care enough to do this and so their kids cannot be trusted. Also, some parents mistakenly believe their kids are more trustworthy than they actually are. A lot of very bad things could happen. Therefore, to PROTECT teens and themselves the cruiseline must make rules and enforce them.

Sorry to sound too much like a mom and teacher but its for the best and you will understand when you are older;) .

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When I was on my Mariner cruise in Dec the curfew was not enforced. Me and a large group of friends (about 15) between the ages of 14 and 18. We would hang out in the champagne lounge (after it was shut down for the night) and chat about the day, and just getting to know each other. We were good kids, didn't disturb anyone, even the ship employee's were pleased to see that we werent walking around creating havoc.


I am a firm believer in the idea that if a group of teens is doing something wrong, by all means do what you believe is appropriate to correct the situation but if they are just sitting quietly talking, leave them be.

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. The bottom line is that a parent should be the one to judge if his child is mature enough to enjoy his vacation without getting into trouble.



The curfew might be a result of previous bad parential judgement ---

it also may be to keep nearly mature kids away from drunken adults of dubious character----the curfew takes many parents off the hook---its not their rule ts the cruiselines


on many cruises adults have a tough time being adults nevermind parents





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I am a firm believer in the idea that if a group of teens is doing something wrong, by all means do what you believe is appropriate to correct the situation but if they are just sitting quietly talking, leave them be.


My point exactly.:D

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I totally agree. There was nothing I hated more when I was under 18 than other people putting restrictions on me when my own parents trusted me. They knew me well enough to know I wouldn't do anything they wouldn't want me to do.


Ok, put me down as one of the older (well, closely approaching 60) cruisers who is not in favor of a curfew. On the other hand, I am in favor of parents being responsible for their kids. I think the rules should be set by the family, not the cruise line.


By the same token, if kids are running amuck, the cruise line should take some action, whether it's at 1:00 AM or 1:00 PM. That includes holding parents responsible for what their kids do. I've been on too many cruises where the parents abdicate all responsibility, prefering to enjoy themselves while their children run wild. Since all cruise lines reserve the right to put off unruly passengers, even in the middle of the cruise, maybe this would apply to the whole family; if the kid deserves to be put off, the parents go also.



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Before everyone opens up all barrels of flaming power, hear me out.......

Why is it RCCL's responsibility to enforce the Curfew on board their ships and not the parents? Why aren't the parents tracking down their kids?

I as a parent of very young children right now, DS(5) and DD(3), am having a difficult time understanding why this is RCCL's responsibility and can't help but wonder where the parents are that are supposed to be parenting. Now my views may change as my children get older; however, I don't believe so based on how I was raised. I was raised that if I was given a curfew; either by the government or by my parents, that I was to be home by that curfew. If I wasn't, then I paid the price the next day. This is how I am going to raise my children.

Yes, both the parents and the teens are on vacation and they want to be able to enjoy it and may be a little more lenient; however, that does not absolve the parents of their responsibilities to be parents. In my mind, one of those responsibilities of being a parent on a cruise ship is following the rules as they are put down in regards to curfews. If it says that children under 18 are to be in their cabins by 1:00 AM, the parents should be making sure that they are in their cabin at that time. If that means that one of them has to leave the nightclub or Quest or the casino to go track them down, then that is what they should be doing.

I also think it is great that RCCL is actually making sure that there are not any teens running around after 1:00 AM. But let's make sure that if RCCL has to do this that the parents have some responsibility or are tracked down at the same time to answer for it.

I empathize with those teenagers who have expressed their views in this thread on being mature and having their parents trust them. I was there myself. The plain fact is that RCCL has stated that curfew for those under 18 is 1:00 AM. You are at the mercy of a private company who has the right to disembark you at the next port and send you home at your own expense for not following that little thing called a cruise contract that you signed when you boarded.

The simple fact is that if you are a mature and responsible teen, then you understand that rules are put in place for a reason and that as a mature individual it is in your best interest to follow those rules. The 1:00 AM curfew is a rule of the cruise line that should be followed. Being responsible sometimes means doing something that you don't want to do just because it is a rule and you are bound by that rule.

All I am asking is that parents be parents. Enforce the rules that are put in place whether you agree with them or not.

As a teen, if your parents ensure their trust in you then do the responsible thing and follow the rules that have been put in place and be in your cabin by 1:00 AM.

Ok..... Flame away......

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you could not have put this any better, if teens are just hanging out and talking not loud or disturbing anyone LET THEM BE this is there vacation too

But if they're just talking, why can't they talk in their cabins?


I totally agree. There was nothing I hated more when I was under 18 than other people putting restrictions on me when my own parents trusted me. They knew me well enough to know I wouldn't do anything they wouldn't want me to do.

That's fine that your parents trust you. But RCI doesn't know you. They have to protect themselves. Believe me, the parents that are totally fine with their teens wandering the ship at all hours are the same parents that will sue the cruiseline when something goes awry. Sorry curfews are just part of childhood. When you put in your 18 years, then you get to reap the benefits.

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1:00 AM is late enough for Teenagers....I would even venture to say that perhaps 1:00am is late enough for me too!!!:D Seems like after that I start getting into the "one to many" category and then the John Travolta Moves in the dance club....Yikes!!!:eek:

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It's interesting that RCI has the same curfew as the town where we live... nice to hear they are beginning to enforce it.


OP said something about going to the casino because the curfew wasn't enforced there....don't you have to be 18 to go into the casino???



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It's interesting that RCI has the same curfew as the town where we live... nice to hear they are beginning to enforce it.


OP said something about going to the casino because the curfew wasn't enforced there....don't you have to be 18 to go into the casino???




You are supposed to be 18, but it is an open walkway and on FoS in December, they weren't checking people's ages or ID's as they walked through.

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Way to go RCI for the rule; hopefully, more ships in the fleet will be enforcing their rules. There is no rason for a 17 yo to be out wondering the ship at 1:00 a.m.


Living in Vegas, there are curfews set up for the strip, casinos, etc. for underage children (under 18) anywhere from 10:00 p.m. (if they don't have their parents with them in bowling lanes in casinos for example) to a curfew of 11:00 p.m. on the strip on the weekdays and I believe midnight on the weekends.


Now grant you, it's harder to police our city for underage kids on the strip and such, but I've seen the security guards escort groups of kids (17 or so) out of the bowling areas if they don't have their parents/guardians with them. It's all about enforcing the rules/law etc.


D :)

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I started an interesting thread, to reiterate the only place place my son's ID was not checked was in the casino. He is 6'6" with sideburnds and a beard and is heading off to play D1 football in the fall so he looks (and thankfully) acts much older than what he actually is which is maybe why he was not carded there. One person said why don't they go to a room to talk but when you have 8 17/18 year olds gathered together in one room it creates alot of noise in a very confined space and the next cabin complained. My son's girlfriend of the past two years was also on this cruise (with her family) and I certainly did not want to encourage them to spend any extra time in a cabin. I know times change but as a teenager I went on multiple cruises in the Med and on vacation I never had a curfew and never got into any trouble. The goal is to raise responsible adults who are able to make sensible decisions.

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You are supposed to be 18, but it is an open walkway and on FoS in December, they weren't checking people's ages or ID's as they walked through.


With all the security around the casino at night, I would expect that a gaggle of underage teens would attract a lot of attention pretty quickly if they were just "hanging out" in the casino aisles and passages after 1:00 a.m.





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We are talking about teens that look and act like 21-24 year olds not 15-16, they did not attract any attention at all. Some posts suggesting a curfew of 11:00 for kids approaching their 18th birthday is riduculous, in 2 weeks time my son is old enough to serve his country and if raised correctly is certainly old enough and mature enough to stay up past 1 O'Clock.

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Way to go RCI for the rule; hopefully, more ships in the fleet will be enforcing their rules. There is no rason for a 17 yo to be out wondering the ship at 1:00 a.m.


Living in Vegas, there are curfews set up for the strip, casinos, etc. for underage children (under 18) anywhere from 10:00 p.m. (if they don't have their parents with them in bowling lanes in casinos for example) to a curfew of 11:00 p.m. on the strip on the weekdays and I believe midnight on the weekends.


Now grant you, it's harder to police our city for underage kids on the strip and such, but I've seen the security guards escort groups of kids (17 or so) out of the bowling areas if they don't have their parents/guardians with them. It's all about enforcing the rules/law etc.


D :)


I, being a Las Vegas teen, have several issues with this in general. The Strip curfew for under 18 is 9pm ALL THE TIME. We have a driving curfew for under 18 of 10pm which is the same as the weekday curfew, but a weekend/holiday curfew of midnight which I amn still adament that it makes no sense but anyways. The whole thing with the casinos (locals included minus the Palms) is that you have to be 18 or be with a parent or guardian to do anything in a casino after 9pm on the weekends. This in itself is rediculous because has anyone REALLY thought this over? Las Vegas ONLY has 3 movie theaters that lie outside and completely seperate from casinos. ALL of the bowling alleys in this town are in casinos. There is one place to go place arcade games outside of casinos and that is on the Strip. They say teens have plenty to do and don't need those things to have fun. Then why was Wet n' Wild closed? Why is the only theme park on the Strip?


I think that the metntality that all teenagers are just out to cause havoc and chaos is an overgeneralization that is being carried to far. I believe that things need to be handled on a case by case basis. If you are being a rude, obnoixous, destructive little brat with your friends then by all means have the police or security or whoever haul them off and call their parents, but why uproot those teens who are being perfectly respectable and not doing anything wrong just because they are a certain age? Anyway I think they have more violence issues with the drunk people who are gambling and get frustrated when they lose and take it out on the nearest person or thing. Where is the fairnesses in all of this?!

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