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Bad Teen Behavior

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Children, of all ages, are only expressing themselves.


What we really need is a Congressional Hearing to ascertain why some people demand standards of others!


Hmmm, maybe a new Federal spending program to pay for these cruises so we can have more opportunities for teens to express their true creativity on the high seas.

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To the originial OP - I am glad these kids were dealt with as I think everyone here agrees it needed to be. I will say we were on the NOS for Easter Break and saw or heard no major issues with the teens. In fact, we spent a lot of time talking to some and the girls were just great playing and talking to my 5yr old daughter.


Mine aren't teens yet but if the above ever happens, I would get off the boat with the family, apologize to RCCL, and my teen would be punished (no car, no cell phone, home right after school and no weekend outings) until he/she paid back the amount of the trip for everyone - no matter how many hours he/she had to work or how long the punishment is. Harsh - I don't care. I spent my money for my kids to have a wonderful vacation and this is how they treat me? I would have to step away from them for quite awhile because I would be hopping mad. :mad:


I know RCCL has the whole long list of rules etc.. that everyone is supposed to read but I really think they need some bold print card in the front of their spiral notebook that states:


Any underage drinking, vandalism, theft, or any other unsafe acts determined by the captain are grounds for immediate expulsion at the next port at the person or families cost with absolutely no refunds or assistance from RCCL.


For those traveling with minors, there is a 1am curfew for any child under the age of 18 - no acceptions. If anyone is found around the ship after this time, they will be escorted back to their room safely by a security guard and their seapass card will be charged $50. If there is a second time, the charge will be $100 and the third time will be expulsion off the ship at the next port at person or families cost with no assistance or refunds from RCCL.


I also think they should have a page online that only shows this and makes you check an understood before moving on to receive your boarding pass. Maybe this would help parents that don't really discipline their kids in the first place to at least say something to their kids before the cruise?? Many of these kids think they can get away with things, especially on vacations. I am not saying this wouldn't make everything go away but I bet it would help. For people that would complain about the seapass charge - oh well. If they can charge $20 for leaving your towel by the pool, they should AT LEAST charge that amount for the extra sucurity needed to get your kid back to their room safely at night.


Okay off my soapbox....:D

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It's funny - when we've heard how many children are on board (they've mentioned the # at meet & mingles) and most of the time I'm blown away at how many are on board. See, the thing is, people tend to only remember or recognize those that are acting in a way we feel is impolite or improper - not seeing those that are behaving in a way that doesn't cause you to notice them.


I notice those bad-behaving adults too.:rolleyes:

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Mine aren't teens yet but if the above ever happens, I would get off the boat with the family, apologize to RCCL, and my teen would be punished (no car, no cell phone, home right after school and no weekend outings) until he/she paid back the amount of the trip for everyone - no matter how many hours he/she had to work or how long the punishment is. Harsh - I don't care. I spent my money for my kids to have a wonderful vacation and this is how they treat me? I would have to step away from them for quite awhile because I would be hopping mad. :mad:


WOW! Thats harsh. But I agree 100% , I'd do the same with my 2 teens ........and they know it.

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When I was 22 years old , I was 5'9" and 190 lbs , my mother was 5'1' and a little over 100lbs.


We had an arguement and in fact my mother was not correct in her facts about this matter we were argueing about , but was still pressing on that she was.


Smart ass that I was . I finally told her that she (and I quote) "didn't know what the hell she was talking about"


She gave me one of those slaps across the face like in the cartoons (where you hear glass break and see stars ) and to this day I think I got off lucky because she just left it at that and didn't tell my dad about it . If she had, I wouldn't be here writing this.


Ya know what, I am now 44 years old, and if I said the same thing to her today, she would respond the exact same way.


So yes I would rather deal with the cops than EITHER of my parents . :)


Same thing happened to me when I was a teen. Just got to be a smart ass with mom; and WHAM!! right across the ol'kisser. Haven't forgot it to this day!!

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I know RCCL has the whole long list of rules etc.. that everyone is supposed to read but I really think they need some bold print card in the front of their spiral notebook that states:


Any underage drinking, vandalism, theft, or any other unsafe acts determined by the captain are grounds for immediate expulsion at the next port at the person or families cost with absolutely no refunds or assistance from RCCL.


For those traveling with minors, there is a 1am curfew for any child under the age of 18 - no acceptions. If anyone is found around the ship after this time, they will be escorted back to their room safely by a security guard and their seapass card will be charged $50. If there is a second time, the charge will be $100 and the third time will be expulsion off the ship at the next port at person or families cost with no assistance or refunds from RCCL.


I also think they should have a page online that only shows this and makes you check an understood before moving on to receive your boarding pass. Maybe this would help parents that don't really discipline their kids in the first place to at least say something to their kids before the cruise?? Many of these kids think they can get away with things, especially on vacations. I am not saying this wouldn't make everything go away but I bet it would help. For people that would complain about the seapass charge - oh well. If they can charge $20 for leaving your towel by the pool, they should AT LEAST charge that amount for the extra sucurity needed to get your kid back to their room safely at night.


Okay off my soapbox....:D


Like your idea

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When I was 22 years old , I was 5'9" and 190 lbs , my mother was 5'1' and a little over 100lbs.


We had an arguement and in fact my mother was not correct in her facts about this matter we were argueing about , but was still pressing on that she was.


Smart ass that I was . I finally told her that she (and I quote) "didn't know what the hell she was talking about"


She gave me one of those slaps across the face like in the cartoons (where you hear glass break and see stars ) and to this day I think I got off lucky because she just left it at that and didn't tell my dad about it . If she had, I wouldn't be here writing this.


Ya know what, I am now 44 years old, and if I said the same thing to her today, she would respond the exact same way.


So yes I would rather deal with the cops than EITHER of my parents . :)


I'm right there with you! When I was 15, I was taller than my mom(she's 5'1 in heels) and one day we had a disagreement and in a moment of UNBELIEVABLE INSANITY,I screamed at her to shut up! The next thing I know, my tiny mother has me up against the wall by the throat and my feet are dangling!I will never forget her words to me" Little girl, I brought you into this world, and I will take you out! If I had pulled a stunt like those teenagers onboard, I would have jumped overboard.

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I'm right there with you! When I was 15, I was taller than my mom(she's 5'1 in heels) and one day we had a disagreement and in a moment of UNBELIEVABLE INSANITY,I screamed at her to shut up! The next thing I know, my tiny mother has me up against the wall by the throat and my feet are dangling!I will never forget her words to me" Little girl, I brought you into this world, and I will take you out! If I had pulled a stunt like those teenagers onboard, I would have jumped overboard.



I try at least once a week, in the most whimsical way (since my kids are well behaved-18yo & 14yo)............to remind them...............that..............

"I brought you into this world and I can take you out just the same!!!"

Fungirl28.......I luve ur Mom!! *smile*

If my kids do not behave appropriately on a holiday that cost us 10K you better beleive they will NEVER go again :) xo

Happy Sailing,


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The thing is kids will be kids. Heck how many of us didnt do stupid things when we were teens. My mom is still shocked I grew up into a responsible, home owning, great job adult. I about drove her to her grave more than once with my antics.. LOL


There are things that kids will do to be kids and you can say, oh he is a kid what do you expect? And there are things, like STEALING that I simply cannot say, that is a kid being a kid. PERIOD!! I did not steal, drink, do drugs, etc. so no kids will not always be kids as you say and do these things. They will do some things that they will not think about yes but not these bad type of things. And yes I am sure I did some things that I cannot think of right now, I wasn't an angle but I didn't steal, drink, do drugs, thos major things.



Okay if you are going to quote me, get the whole thing, and be sure you take in the posts around what I said.. AT that moment we were talking about judging ALL kids based on the actions of a few bad kids and saying that every kid does these things... put it in the correct perspective. We were referring to something else at that point..


If you read back you will know I never condoned kids stealing. Guess I am a rotten person cause I did drink as a kid. I did not steal. I took my share of beatings for doing things but knew what the limits were. I do not agree stealing is ever okay, and I never said it was.


I am glad to hear you were not an ANGEL but just cant remember what you did wrong. I sure can remember even the little things I did, not just the big stuff, like drinking.

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Children, of all ages, are only expressing themselves.


What we really need is a Congressional Hearing to ascertain why some people demand standards of others!


Hmmm, maybe a new Federal spending program to pay for these cruises so we can have more opportunities for teens to express their true creativity on the high seas.


:D :D LMBO...


As long as whatever is done isn't *gasp* "damaging to their self-esteem" (catch phrase of the 80s-90s I loathe). Because, as we all know, self-esteem isn't developed through actions of responsibility and accountability, it's simply bestowed upon a child/teen. Simply distribute enough meaningless, empty praise NO MATTER WHAT, so the little darling feels like a superstar and incapable of doing anything wrong ever, and he'll magically mature into hard-working, law-abiding, accomplished adult...right? ;)

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Any underage drinking, vandalism, theft, or any other unsafe acts determined by the captain are grounds for immediate expulsion at the next port at the person or families cost with absolutely no refunds or assistance from RCCL.


No problems with that one.


For those traveling with minors, there is a 1am curfew for any child under the age of 18 - no acceptions. If anyone is found around the ship after this time, they will be escorted back to their room safely by a security guard and their seapass card will be charged $50. If there is a second time, the charge will be $100 and the third time will be expulsion off the ship at the next port at person or families cost with no assistance or refunds from RCCL.


I remember on the Navigator that a curfew was in place for many of the public areas for minors, though they could still go through these areas if they were accompanied by a parent/guardian. Also we were allowed to stay in Fuel after 1 (I think it shut down 1:30-2:00ish).


I'm not a big fan of the curfew myself. I know that I'm not going to drink or vandalize the ship. The most extreme thing I may do that late is pick up a cookie at the cafe or hang out (quietly) with a few friends outside.


Sadly a small minority ruins it. I wish there was some way RCCL to make a "trusted teen" list, but obviously such a thing wouldn't be very practical.

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I'm not a big fan of the curfew myself. I know that I'm not going to drink or vandalize the ship. The most extreme thing I may do that late is pick up a cookie at the cafe or hang out (quietly) with a few friends outside.


Sadly a small minority ruins it. I wish there was some way RCCL to make a "trusted teen" list, but obviously such a thing wouldn't be very practical.


Well said, Dan. If we had more people like you I don't think we'd even be having this thread. It is very unfortunate that it's that small minority who seem to stand out and misrepresent teens. And encourage people to want curfews for ALL teens.

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The curfew is unenforcable, just start using logic with the guards who don't speak english and they'll eventually give up and leave you alone (like the guards on Freedom around 3am, with whom I argued sucessfully that I did go back to my cabin at 1am, but then left, and as a result, were not violating the curfew as it did not state I had to remain in my cabin for a specific amount of time). Under the open-ended curfew, one could also argue it never ends, and teens should never leave their cabin.

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I remember on the Navigator that a curfew was in place for many of the public areas for minors, though they could still go through these areas if they were accompanied by a parent/guardian. Also we were allowed to stay in Fuel after 1 (I think it shut down 1:30-2:00ish).


I'm not a big fan of the curfew myself. I know that I'm not going to drink or vandalize the ship. The most extreme thing I may do that late is pick up a cookie at the cafe or hang out (quietly) with a few friends outside.


Sadly a small minority ruins it. I wish there was some way RCCL to make a "trusted teen" list, but obviously such a thing wouldn't be very practical.


I agree a small amount ruins it. I think it tends to be kids really on the young side. 14-16ish. I think if kids over the age of 16 can be in the solarium then they should be old enough to stay out later. I think it would work better and could be better enforced if it was under 16. When I was on Navigator, the curfew was 1am but I am sure Fuel was fine. I think my seapass charges would be going to the small amount groups anyway. :D

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I would rather deal with the police in Tampa than deal with my parents if I was caught doing that!


NYCRUISR - Out of pure curiosity, what's your definition turning kids loose? My parents gave me plenty of freedom on my past two cruises, especially the last one since I was older (though I had to check in with them regularly).


You're back!!!!!


Your parents would never have to worry about that.


...and if you did that you'd have to deal with me too!!!!!


Fran in Toronto

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The thing is kids will be kids. Heck how many of us didnt do stupid things when we were teens. My mom is still shocked I grew up into a responsible, home owning, great job adult. I about drove her to her grave more than once with my antics.. LOL


Teens test the waters, part of growing up, see what they can get away with. These teens are paying a price, I am sure mom and dad let them have it good, in addition to the police. I still want to believe the parents took the responsible road and took necessary action, whatever it may be. In my day I would have been beaten within an inch of my life, not really, but felt that way, and then grounded, and then no telling what else.. whew it would have been unhappy in my house for awhile..


There's a difference between "normal" teen antics, and getting into alcohol *and* getting other kids drinking as well. I hope these kids get sat on so hard they'll never forget it.


Fran in Toronto

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  • 2 weeks later...
The curfew is unenforcable, just start using logic with the guards who don't speak english and they'll eventually give up and leave you alone (like the guards on Freedom around 3am, with whom I argued sucessfully that I did go back to my cabin at 1am, but then left, and as a result, were not violating the curfew as it did not state I had to remain in my cabin for a specific amount of time). Under the open-ended curfew, one could also argue it never ends, and teens should never leave their cabin.
The curfew in my cabin is 100% enforceable. I'm the guard, I speak English (as do my children), I do not listen to babble intended to confuse the issue (you called it logic, but you lost credibility by arguing that it's open-ended). My teen will not be out at 1AM, much less 3AM.
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"you called it logic, but you lost credibility by arguing that it's open-ended"


But it is open-ended. We just returned from the Brilliance of the Seas and every Cruise Compass pointed out that 1AM was the teen curfew (everyone under 18 had to be out of the open areas) but it never stated when curfew ended. 4AM? 5AM? Sunrise? When the Windjammer opens? Noon? (Noon might work since most teens sleep until then anyway, I know I did :D :D :D )


Using pure logic, every teen should have remained in their cabin after 1AM on the first night for the entire cruise. While I admit this is ridculous, I thought that an ending time for curfew should have been posted so that the curfew hours would be clear for all teens and parents.


I was in bed by 1AM (no longer a teen, don't ya know :mad: ) so I cannot say if the curfew was enforced or not, but I even pointed out to my wife that the instructions never mentioned when curfew was lifted. When we all got up before 5AM for the Panama Canal (and it was still dark) were the teens breaking curfew then? Reason says no, but RCCL didn't make it very clear.



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