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Your Most Memorable Cruise Moment!

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Let's have some fun today!:D


On the CC boards, there are members that have never cruised, but will soon...all the way to members that have gone on so many cruise adventures that they can not remember them all! All the rest of us, fall someplace in between.


What is your most memorable cruise moment, and why?


I'll start...


Let me take you back 12 years. Our son (12 at the time) and our daughter (14 at the time) were on a 9 night cruise with us. At the Captain's cocktail party, the Captain struck up a conversation with Brian (our son). The Captain actually chatted with Brian for about 10 minutes. Later that night, Brian was still excited about his meeting with the captain; it made a lasting impression on him.


A few days later, Brian and I were at the front of the ship getting ready to watch the sail away; from the port that day...I do not remember which port. Just as the first line was pulled in from the dock, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and a ships officer was standing there. The office told me he was sent by the Captain, to invite Brian to the bridge for the sail away. Of course I could come too...as Brian's guest!:eek:


We reached the Bridge, and the Captain greeted Brian...and me too. The Captain gave us a very quick tour of the Bridge and then asked Brian to sit in the Captain's chair. For the next 30 minutes we watched with amazement; all of the activity on the bridge as we sailed away.


After the ship was out of port, the Captain asked Brian if he wanted to take a turn "driving" the ship!:eek: Brian actually got to hold the joystick, and was told by the Captain to hold the current compass heading. After about 1 minute, Brian started to drift a bit off course and the Captain told him to move the stick to the left. We were less than 2 degrees off course, but as he moved the stick, I could actually feel the ship change direction slightly. We were on the bridge for about one hour!


When we got back to the cabin, my wife said "where were the two of you...we have been looking all over the ship for you!" She was concerned, to say the least. Once I explained the events and told her that Brian had "driven" the ship she was relieved and stunned.


We hope to cruise for another 30 years, but I doubt anything will ever top our "kid" playing Captain!:D :cool:


Brian's Dad and bridge guest - Bill

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oh my gosh, bill . what a great story!


every moment for me is a most memorable moment when on a cruise- i stay totally adrenaline rushed the whole time -its fun every minute of every day from time we leave home til we have to get ............................off the ship.....sniff sniff

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Well, I personally don't yet have a very memorable moment (all moments on cruises were good for me, but none stand out).


My parents on the other hand must have a very memorable moment since they first met on a cruise ship:) . My mom was 16 and my dad was 17 and they were traveling with their parents. Apparently my parents happened to have a mutual friend that was on the ship that introduced them. What a small world. They lived within miles of each other in Miami, so they started dating and the rest is history ;) . Funny thing, though, my mom hates cruising and my dad loves it:cool:

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Walking aboard the Voyager on our first cruise - I could not fathom the size nor the scope of the ship until we actually boarded her....and two seconds later the first person we met on our very first cruise was a nice young girl who had just graduated from Brock University (5 minutes from my house)!

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A childhood dream of mine was to cruise after being addicted to the Love Boat as a child. So my most memorable experience was this:


Our first cruise....our honeymoon too! Walking around the Brilliance on embarkation day and looking out of all that glass over the ocean and seeing how beautiful Brilliance is and thinking....I am so happy - to be sharing this wonderful experience with a wonderful man whom I love more than anything.....:)

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Great idea!


My most memorable moment was when we were leaving St. Thomas this past February aboard AOS. My husband and I were watching the most amazing sunset we've ever seen while our daughters were playing on the deck. It's a very peaceful and beautiful memory.

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Great idea!


My most memorable moment was when we were leaving St. Thomas this past February aboard AOS. My husband and I were watching the most amazing sunset we've ever seen while our daughters were playing on the deck. It's a very peaceful and beautiful memory.


I love Caribbean sunsets! It is all about spending quality time with the ones we love. Memories for a life time!:)



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Bill Wi First off let me say WE"RE from a little farther north of Milw...from that city that's near the "new golf capitol of the USA", but on the lake...in fact we live 1 block from Lake Mich.


Our most memorable moments, always seen to be in the "When Handed Lemons Make Lemonade" variety. We always remember the things that didn't go quite right...but made for a wonderful bunch of memories.

In Bora Bora...on a Rennasiance Cruise, we signed up for a "Sunset sail....view the real Bali Hi on a Sailing catamaran." Rum Punch...singimg and danceing from Capt. wife....etc. First off some executive types showed up 20min late and proceeded to complain the whole night about being late! Had trouble getting sail up at first, and just before we were to go without sail, under power, sail finally was up the mast.

The scene was glorious, evening was very calm, sunset perfect, great photo ops, warm balmy sea breezes. After the Sun finally set, the Capt., a polynesian native, wove his way around the small Islands nearby. Then after serving the free Rum Punch and Island treats, the Capt. pulled near an Island, and he begain to play Island songs on Guitar, while his wife danced and sang. It was magical..."under the Southern Cross" (yes the ships excursion rep. pointed it out to us...not really as obvious as the dipper). Then, as ships' departure was set for 8pm, it was time to return, but when the motors turned over...nothing happened, well IT was running, but WE wern't !! Everything was tried...but to no avail...we were aground!!! The dingy (sp?) was dispatched to try to PULL us off, meanwhile my DH & I sat back to enjoy the drama, the executive types complained, we were going to miss the ships sailing. When re-assured that wouldn't happen by the Ships Rep., who happened to be the Cruise Director, the boat started handing out MORE rum punchs' free, The young single girls laughed and looked at the cute crew, frantically trying to free us. Went to neighboring ships at anchor nearby, brought a powerboat, which pulled like crazy, and almost sunk from the aft going underwater! NO luck...so off the boat went, and we were told we would be getting BIGGER help. And the Punch flowed and the night was beautiful, (the Ex. types complained, and drank...) Meanwhile DH and I looked at the night...and the lights at sea and on land, the stars and smelled that wonderful perfume of the Islands...took photos with my cheap camera..and waited (and chatted with the Cruise Director about the complainers, who were why we were late and tide went out and now we were stuck etc.) Suddenly we heard a rumble of a LARGE ships' motor, and there, coming through the dark...was a HUGE double hulled Yacht...which could have passed over us with the space between hulls. We all started cheering as it pulled up and threw us a line...especially the Young Single Girls, as the Capt. was the same incredibly handsome French Capt. of the small boat, A true "hardbody"...darkly tanned,curly blond hair well over shoulders, rock star ,only better, looks (you know HEALTHY). Wearing only the "lava-lava" the Island men wear. The girls went wild..(and I know I'll never forget him, tho old enough to be his Mom!) With the french flowing back & forth between Capt.s' we were soon on our way back to the "R4"! Doing a slightly Zig-zag course as one motor was blown out, but we arrived with much complaining again to the excursion desk (from guess who!!)Dinner and the ship had been held for us! We however thanked the Cruise Director for one of our most memorable moments ever on vactions. Needless to say the complaining got us a 50% refund, unasked for by us, (but not turned down either..we are practical after all). No we'll never forget that night!

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I have 2 that stand out (i've only been on 2 cruises so far!:p )


My first cruise on Explorer last April would have to be the sail away from Miami.... what a beautiful port to leave from ~ sunny skies, beautiful ship ~ as me, my son and my hubby stood on the top deck,the only thought going thru my mind was "life is good"!!!!!!!!:D



Then, my 2nd cruise this March, on the Disney Magic... i went in the elevator to go meet my hubby and son at the pool.... a women yells hold that elevator, someone needs a ride down.... who gets on the elevator but GOOFY.... just me and goofy and the only thought going thru my mind then is "okay i am on an elevator with goofy" where is my son" ??? "can i book my next RCCL cruise here??" :) all in good fun!



but HELLOOOOOO mariner in july :) :p

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My most memorable cruise moment would have been on our last cruise, the Freedom. We took DH's parents as well as mine. His had cruised before, mine had not. With my parents, it was like the Clampetts went cruising! Neither one had ever been out the country. It was something to see watching how they navigated the ship and tried to figure things out.

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Great stories. Keep them coming.


Mine has to be our second Windjammer cruise which was on the Fantome in February, 1998. This was Windjammer Barefoot's flagship at time time and would go down in Hurricane Mitch the following October. We'd reserved three years in advance since this was the cruise during a total solar eclipse.


We were stationed just off Montserrat for the eclipse, and it was glorious to look out across the sea at other ships and small boats. It was eerily quiet as the sky began to darken. And then the magic happened. Just as the sun went into total eclipse a big plume of smoke and ash spewed out of Montserrat. It is a moment I'll never forget.

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Mine are a couple that kinda run together. I started when we pulled into the parking lot at Port Canaveral for our first cruise on the Sov of the seas. I remember standing in the parking lot going holly crap that's big. When we were up on the deck at the sailaway party, we were docked next to a Disney ship. We were in such heaven, all we could think was our DD would love this. She was 9 at the time.

Move 12 months ahead. We are driving up to Port Canaveral again and my DD (now 10) is bouncing in the car because we've just passed the Disney Magic and that's where she's going. It was priceless.


The second was when we paid for a cruise on the Sov of the Seas for my inlaws 40th wedding anniversary. When we gave it to them, Dfil said "Not going". He's afraid to fly. We told him, no problem, we'll drive. On the Drive down the 528 Dmil saw the ship in the distance. All she could do was tap my DD on she should and kept saying "Can you see it, Can you see it? Oh my gosh I can't believe it!"

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We have been on 1 cruise, the Zuiderdam. We were sailing in an aft balcony suite. Nothing between our wall of glass windows and the ocean. Bed positioned to look out over the aft (got the picture).


First at sea day DH and I sleep in. 6 yo is always up before us. We had slept with the glass door and curtains wide open. We wake up to my son, sitting crossed leg on a chaise lounge with his back to us singing to himself. It was just a magical moment. Just the back of him facing us, the ocean behind him and his little voice signing as loud as he could, you the Rolling Stone's "You can't always get what you want" (yes I have tought him well). It was blissful!


The second memory was our first formal night on board. We went all out, tuxs, even for the little guy, and long gowns for older daughter and me. Dressed up and ready to kill. Son is not happy in bow tie but he does wears it (under treat of not going to kids party that night). We are sitting at dinner trying to keep him occupied when he sticks a spoon on his nose (remember doing that as a kid). His older sister, who is 20 years older and leaves on the opposite coast from us, says she has never been able to do that and he replies "sure you can" and sticks a spoon on her nose. That picture is the one I use as a screen saver and makes me smile each and every time. They were so dressed up and so very happy. Not a care in the world other then being together with spoons on their noses. A memory I will never forget.


Thanks for letting me share.

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Bill that is a great story...........


I guess my most memorable moment goes back to our first cruise on the old Nordic Prince.......while not much of a ship by today's standards.......we thought it was great at the time. 7 day cruise out of NY to Bermuda.......1987.......and it was our first time ever to NYC as well........


To this day I will never forget sailaway and cruising by the Statue of Liberty and then under the bridge as we left NY.........


If you have never sailed out of NY.......it is a must.........and while we have enjoyed each of our 13 cruises since.........there was just nothing quite like sailing out of NY late afternoon and leaving the NY harbor.

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We have been on 1 cruise, the Zuiderdam. We were sailing in an aft balcony suite. Nothing between our wall of glass windows and the ocean. Bed positioned to look out over the aft (got the picture).


First at sea day DH and I sleep in. 6 yo is always up before us. We had slept with the glass door and curtains wide open. We wake up to my son, sitting crossed leg on a chaise lounge with his back to us singing to himself. It was just a magical moment. Just the back of him facing us, the ocean behind him and his little voice signing as loud as he could, you the Rolling Stone's "You can't always get what you want" (yes I have tought him well). It was blissful!


The second memory was our first formal night on board. We went all out, tuxs, even for the little guy, and long gowns for older daughter and me. Dressed up and ready to kill. Son is not happy in bow tie but he does wears it (under treat of not going to kids party that night). We are sitting at dinner trying to keep him occupied when he sticks a spoon on his nose (remember doing that as a kid). His older sister, who is 20 years older and leaves on the opposite coast from us, says she has never been able to do that and he replies "sure you can" and sticks a spoon on her nose. That picture is the one I use as a screen saver and makes me smile each and every time. They were so dressed up and so very happy. Not a care in the world other then being together with spoons on their noses. A memory I will never forget.


Thanks for letting me share.



I can relate to this story:

This past February our whole family went on the 4night Majesty cruise; there were 13 of us. My youngest granddaughter was 14months at the time. My daughter didn't realize that there was not a Kids program for her so she had not packed anything for her to wear formal night. I said she is fine just bring her and we will have a good time. She was so cute wearing a little sundress and no shoes! It was Fat-Tuesday and a couple from New Orleans were passing out Martigra beads. My granddaughter was sitting at the table hanging beads on her ears, nose and Paw-Paw just having a blast! She would put her cute little toes on the table and just smile so cute. The photographers were just loving it "didn't make the cruise in review video though" I have some great pics, I will have to learn how to make a screen saver with them.:D

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...His older sister, who is 20 years older and leaves on the opposite coast from us, says she has never been able to do that and he replies "sure you can" and sticks a spoon on her nose. That picture is the one I use as a screen saver and makes me smile each and every time. They were so dressed up and so very happy. Not a care in the world other then being together with spoons on their noses. A memory I will never forget....




A MasterCard moment:

Cruise for 4, $4,000

Airfare for 4 $1000

Formal clothes $800

Photo with spoons in the nose, PRICELESS!


A moment in time, that is worth every penny you spent!

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My most memorable cruise moment....


It's hard to narrow it down. I've only cruised once but it would have to be either:


A. The first look I got of the cruise ship and how big she was (Majesty). I'd never seen one before and I was taken aback as I looked out the window at the Miami pier.


B. Standing alone at the back of the ship as the sun rose. A mom and her daughter joined me and no one spoke. It was so beautiful!


C. Nassau - the first time I have ever seen ocean waves. Wow were they powerful on just the ankles. It was amazing, but the sand made my legs feel like I had razor burn!! ;)

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