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Canada cruise.....dumb questions

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I've only been to the Bahamas and Caribbean, and I know that on those cruises we had a midnight Mexican buffet. We've never stayed up that late to go to it - wanted to, but were beat by the time it rolled around! Are there any midnight Mexican or anything else buffets on Canada cruises? I know that they do have the midnight buffet one night with the ice carvings, etc., but I mean anything other than that one? (Make sense?)


Also.....Canada in July.....what should we pack for clothes? Light pants and long sleeves? Or shorts?


Does anyone have a copy of the Carnival Capers from their cruise to Canada?



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I've only been to the Bahamas and Caribbean, and I know that on those cruises we had a midnight Mexican buffet. We've never stayed up that late to go to it - wanted to, but were beat by the time it rolled around! Are there any midnight Mexican or anything else buffets on Canada cruises? I know that they do have the midnight buffet one night with the ice carvings, etc., but I mean anything other than that one? (Make sense?)


Also.....Canada in July.....what should we pack for clothes? Light pants and long sleeves? Or shorts?


Does anyone have a copy of the Carnival Capers from their cruise to Canada?



I've never been on a Canada cruise but I do live in Canada (Montreal) so I can tell you that it's nice and warm in July. Shorts during the day and light pants are great for the evening. The average temp in Montreal in July can be anywhere from 75-90. What ports is the cruise going to? If you're stopping in Montreal, it's a wonderful city, Old Montreal, where the port is, is very European looking. Have fun!

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Typo....sorry! We'll be going towards the end of June (week of the 25th). Will the weather be about the same? It sounds wonderful!


The ports we'll be going to are Halifax and Saint John. Have you been there? If so, are there any "must see" sights?


I hope that they don't move this post to the Canada board. I have tried posting there but majority of the posts are about Vancouver! (Would love to go there, too......but we're not yet!)


Thanks for your input!

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I'm trying to remember whether there was a Mexican buffet like on the Caribbean cruises, but I seem to be suffering from brain freeze. I know they did have sailaway parties in both Saint John and Halifax the first time we went on this cruise, and there is a Caribbean-style band on the Lido deck. Overall, the ship's activities aren't that much different from Caribbean cruises, but they may be moved around depending on the weather - the first time we sailed, the hairy chest contest was in the main lounge instead of on the Lido deck.


For clothing - I'd just make sure to pack a jacket/sweatshirt. We needed it early mornings on deck and in port when we were in Saint John in 2004.

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Typo....sorry! We'll be going towards the end of June (week of the 25th). Will the weather be about the same? It sounds wonderful!


The ports we'll be going to are Halifax and Saint John. Have you been there? If so, are there any "must see" sights?


I hope that they don't move this post to the Canada board. I have tried posting there but majority of the posts are about Vancouver! (Would love to go there, too......but we're not yet!)


Thanks for your input!

I've been to Halifax many years ago, Nova Scotia is really beautiful, many beaches etc. Can't think of any must see sights myself because Halifax itself is really great but I do have a friend who lives there so I'm going to ask her for suggestions and I'll post again. The other poster was right, you should bring a jacket or sweatshirt, it can be cooler in the mornings/evenings.

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Also.....Canada in July.....what should we pack for clothes? Light pants and long sleeves? Or shorts?


Raised in Mass., live in New Hampshire and have spent plenty of time on boats off the coast in the summer. It can get cool and breezy or rainy. You would do fine in shorts and layers on the top (t-shirt, sweater, light jacket with a hood).


We are pretty hardy up here. The kids at my school start wearing shorts at daylight savings time and don't take them off till mid-October but some find it too cold ;)

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Pack with layers and you will be fine - it can be cool in the mornings and at night - usally shorts during the day - I'd take a wind breaker and maybe a light rain coat - enjoy your visit. If you have any questions about the Bar Harbor (Maine) area, just yell. Jan

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Weather in Canada in the Summer can be very hot, especially when combined with humidity. But the evening can be cool, especially if there is a sea breeze. Shorts are de rigeur during the day, but evenings is a toss-up. Light pants, especially linen are great. A sweatshirt might be needed early in the morning, during breezy days or in the late evening.


As for buffets, I really don't know... but it's odd to me to think of having a Mexican buffet in Canada. In fact, it's pretty hard to find Mexican food in Canada. It's just never been very popular in Canada. (Before I get flamed, you can find it, but it's just not as popular a choice as say, Rotisserie Chicken, Pizza, Italian, Chinese, Deli, French, etc.)


Good luck and enjoy. The people in Halifax and Saint-John are extremely nice people and you should have a beautiful vacation. We love the Maritimes.

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As someone else stated - bring light weight jackets & pants/capris, but shorts too just in case (if for nothing else hopefully warm days cruising up there). I've taken the 4 night cruise to Halifax 2x in mid-July & the 5 night, which was Halifax & St. Johns, once in early August. The early Aug. had the warmest weather of the three cruises, yet for St. Johns we needed light jackets & light weight pants or capris for women in the a.m. Got in afternoon, but not so much that I was uncomfortable wearing short sleeves & capris.


The Halifax weather varied - Aug. was around mid-80s when we went - definately shorts & t-shirt weather. The 2 times in July, once damp & chilly, wore light jacket all day. The next time no need for a jacket but I thought cool for shorts in the earlier a.m. hours - warm by noon time.


ST. JOHNS: We didn't book any ship tours. Walked to a tourist information bldg. (when you exit ship you are in a large bldg. It's outside - if I remember correctly, to the left of the bldg. At the time it was near where the horse & cart tour rides line up on the street. Ask someone, people nice & helpful). Saw that they had a city run tour that left from there. Reasonable, driver dropped off a couple of people using it as a transportation mode but also explained facts about the area & sites. Stopped by the Reversing Falls giving us a bit of time for picture taking. Told us the tour company used by the ship trained by using this tour & give basically the same tour for a lot more money. Also an indoor market area walking distance from ship, as well as a Whaling Museum (small but informative - nominal cost). At the time we went (# of years now) they had jet ski booth in that area too but too cold for us to consider that option. Not sure if still there. Very nice & friendly people.


HALIFAX: We enjoyed the Harbour Hopper (they have a web-site). Amphibious vehicle so you see sites from land as well as water (bit corny with Ribbit Ribbit when you see another HH vehicle, but gave a nice informative overview with enthusiastic guides). We booked on our own (go directly to small hut on boardwalk area, vicinity of maritime museum, as soon as you get there & buy ticket for then or later in day. Fills up fast since ship uses them too but for more $$). We also took advantage of F.R.E.D. (stands for something like Free Rides Every Day). City owned bus that goes around town. Get on & off as you like for free. Took it to the gardens (pretty) & walked around there & around town a bit. Also went to the Maritime Museum on the boardwalk. I was mainly interested in area with Titanic items exhibit. Didn't spend much time in museum so not sure what else is there. Also did the horse & cart tour through the ship on another visit. Relaxing but a bit too mellow for me. There is also a brewery tour you can do on your own for a couple of dollars (could even be free - forget). It's not the one right by the ship docking area. Another in a large stone bldg. closer to boardwalk. That looked like a fun tour but last one had just started out & we weren't allowed to join it late. Ask someone about it.

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Also went to the Maritime Museum on the boardwalk. I was mainly interested in area with Titanic items exhibit. Didn't spend much time in museum so not sure what else is there. Also did the horse & cart tour through the ship on another visit. Relaxing but a bit too mellow for me. There is also a brewery tour you can do on your own for a couple of dollars (could even be free - forget). It's not the one right by the ship docking area. Another in a large stone bldg. closer to boardwalk. That looked like a fun tour but last one had just started out & we weren't allowed to join it late. Ask someone about it.

I was mostly interested in the Titanic exhibit in the museum as well, but they also have some great displays on the 1917 Halifax Explosion, shipwrecks, and sailing. The ship "Acadia" docked on the waterfront can be toured as part of the museum admission.


The brewery sounds like Alexander Keith's. We did this tour last year; they re-create the brewery and pub circa 1863 and you sample two of Keith's products. (There's iced tea and lemonade available as well.) It was a lot of fun. There is a charge; the website is http://www.keiths.ca/.

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Great information here. Thanks so much!


My mother is going with us and was interested in the Titanic museum but when I was reading the information about it - it didn't seem like there was a lot of Titanic info and she wasn't interested in other maritime history.


The horse and carriage tour....is this something that would be appropriate for two small (ages 2 and 3) children? We'd like to take them to see things in port but weren't sure what they might enjoy.


It sounds like I'll pack my layers, but also include shorts. This will be nice. I am assuming that since it's not WARM (like the Caribbean) that there won't be many people using the pool! ha ha


Oh yeah - as for the Mexican buffet....I had a feeling it would be something other than Mexican - since we're going to Canada....but that's very interesting that it's hard for you to find Mexican food in Canada! MMMM, you don't know what you're missing! I could eat a chimichanga everyday! lol


Thanks everyone!

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Great information here. Thanks so much!


My mother is going with us and was interested in the Titanic museum but when I was reading the information about it - it didn't seem like there was a lot of Titanic info and she wasn't interested in other maritime history.


The horse and carriage tour....is this something that would be appropriate for two small (ages 2 and 3) children? We'd like to take them to see things in port but weren't sure what they might enjoy.

I've been a Titanic buff since I first saw "A Night to Remember" when I was around 8 years old. This museum has a collection of artifacts retrieved during the Mackay-Bennett/Minia voayages to recover victims, including a deck chair and a piece of the paneling from the First Class lounge. It's a good-sized exhibit.


For the kids - I'd recommend the 1-hour ride aboard Theodore Tugboat. Theodore is a real tugboat that does a harbor tour, visiting all of Theodore's friends like Benjamin Bridge, Nautilus the Navy Ship, Filmore the Ferry, and Clayton the Crane. They give each child a coloring book with pictures of all the friends so the kids can look for them. When we went last summer, each child also had a chance to sit in the captain's chair and wear the captain's hat. My then-six year old loved it. I've attached a couple of pictures:



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I have to agree with Lynnel about the weather. We went once a few years ago in July and it was chilly, rainy and damp the whole time. Went last August and it was sunny and "pleasant" the whole time, but last day sailing back to NYC it we have a very cold windy day (tho sunny) and we couldn't even sit out at the pool. So bring a lite rain jacket and do remember to bring a sweat shirt just in case. Also, if you are interested in the Titanic, be sure to go to the cemetary where most of the victims are buried. We are going back again in July and I want to visit the cemetary again. They have a good "tour" of Halifax that is offered by the cruise line. I think it left early-about 9:30 or so, and we were back by noon time and then we explored Halifax on our own.

You don't need a passport yet. BUT, if something happened, heaven forbid, and you have to fly home, you would need one.

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I've only been to the Bahamas and Caribbean, and I know that on those cruises we had a midnight Mexican buffet. We've never stayed up that late to go to it - wanted to, but were beat by the time it rolled around! Are there any midnight Mexican or anything else buffets on Canada cruises? I know that they do have the midnight buffet one night with the ice carvings, etc., but I mean anything other than that one? (Make sense?)


Also.....Canada in July.....what should we pack for clothes? Light pants and long sleeves? Or shorts?


Does anyone have a copy of the Carnival Capers from their cruise to Canada?




They shoot a moose and roast it on the Lido deck, eh.

Goes great with Molson's.

It's kinda warm up here in the great white north in July, eh.

Pack light pants, long sleeves, short sleeves, and shorts. eh.




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They shoot a moose and roast it on the Lido deck, eh.

Goes great with Molson's.

It's kinda warm up here in the great white north in July, eh.

Pack light pants, long sleeves, short sleeves, and shorts. eh.


What does American beer and making love in a canoe have in common? (Look for the answer on the Internet, I can't write the answer on here!)


I have booked the Canada cruise but totally forgot to ask if we will need passports for Aug 07? Can anyone help out?




If you are flying, yes, but only because it's a requirement of US law, not Canadian law. By January 2008, everyone will likely need passports to go/from the US. (I'm expecting that tourism to Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Cuba will likely increase as they are both cheaper. And day-trips for shopping will be severely curtailed as border states are already complaining.)

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They shoot a moose and roast it on the Lido deck, eh.

Goes great with Molson's.

It's kinda warm up here in the great white north in July, eh.

Pack light pants, long sleeves, short sleeves, and shorts. eh.







ROFL! well ain't nuttin better than a moose roast on a ship! :p

I wonder if I can take leftovers back to my cabin and reheat them on the fire pit we're bringing!



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The horse and carriage tour....is this something that would be appropriate for two small (ages 2 and 3) children? We'd like to take them to see things in port but weren't sure what they might enjoy.


When I went, the horse & carriage tour attracted a lot more older folks or those with more limited mobility. It is not a carriage that holds just your family - more like a long cart - for lack of a better word - with rows of long seats that hold about 5 acrosss.. It was a relaxing little tour but I wouldn't suggest it for kids. (I orig. didn't realize you had small ones coming with you).


Go with the suggestion of the Theodore Tugboat tour - that one would be perfect. Looked great for kids around the age of 8 & under. As you go along the walkway by the harbor, it is docked past the maritime museum. If not out on tour, you can't miss it. I'd suggest you or someone in your family go when you first dock to its ticket booth to buy tickets for sometime during the day because it is also a tour the ship uses. I'd say it is a 15 minute walk from the ship to the booth, though more time needed if walk with children or at a slow pace. Have fun!

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I've only been to the Bahamas and Caribbean, and I know that on those cruises we had a midnight Mexican buffet. We've never stayed up that late to go to it - wanted to, but were beat by the time it rolled around! Are there any midnight Mexican or anything else buffets on Canada cruises? I know that they do have the midnight buffet one night with the ice carvings, etc., but I mean anything other than that one? (Make sense?)


Also.....Canada in July.....what should we pack for clothes? Light pants and long sleeves? Or shorts?


Does anyone have a copy of the Carnival Capers from their cruise to Canada?




You will have a midnight buffett every night except the last one on the four day cruise to Canada. Canada in July should be warm. You won't need flannels. light pants and some sort of shirt should be good.

You will go to Halifax. You could take the Peggy's Cove tour in the morning and/or the Titantic tour in the afternoon.

Have fun. I know I sure did.

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You will have a midnight buffett every night except the last one on the four day cruise to Canada. Canada in July should be warm. You won't need flannels. light pants and some sort of shirt should be good.


You will go to Halifax. You could take the Peggy's Cove tour in the morning and/or the Titantic tour in the afternoon.


Have fun. I know I sure did.


I wouldn't be so sure that there is a midnight buffet every night. We did the 7 day Glory in December and there were two late night buffets. Other shorter cruises have only had one buffet. This is something that Carnival as cut back on.


I asked a few months ago when we booked the NY to Canada cruise if they have a steel drum band on board and no one was quite sure.


When are you sailing OP?

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We have never had a midnight buffet every night of our cruise on any of the others. Is this an older practice of Carnival's? (Not that we make it that late anyway! lol We can sometimes but we're not party people anymore!)


We're sailing the week of 6/25.

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The most I've seen in the way of late-night buffets was on Legend 8-day out of NYC last year - a Mexican buffet when we sailed from San Juan at midnight and the midnight (okay 11:30) grand buffet on the next-to-last night. We made it to the Mexican party, but the grand buffet was pictures only - we went to bed before the buffet opened.

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I asked a few months ago when we booked the NY to Canada cruise if they have a steel drum band on board and no one was quite sure.



If it helps, we had a steel drum band on both our Canadian cruises, one being on the Victory, but that was 7 and 8 years ago!

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