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Why Is The Coffee So Bad?

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For those of you who must look cool all the time, with your coffee brand of choice (as long as that choice is DD!):




I thought that was the funniest thing!!!


Sam :D

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For those of you who must look cool all the time, with your coffee brand of choice (as long as that choice is DD!):




I thought that was the funniest thing!!!


Sam :D


That's funny!

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Live Update: I have been continuing to walk around all day with my Starbucks' cup. I must admit, I feel kind of naked not standing outside of an actual Starbucks, but I am surviving. I have been proudly holding up my Starbucks' cup high every time somebody passes me by. So far I have received a mixture of thumbs up from some passer-bys as well as a few odd looks. One person strolled by with a Dunkin Donuts cup and shot me the evil eye, but no further altercation transpired.


I am happy to answer any questions people have about walking around with my Starbucks' cup experience, and will continue to post live updates throughout the day.

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Live Update: I have been continuing to walk around all day with my Starbucks' cup. I must admit, I feel kind of naked not standing outside of an actual Starbucks, but I am surviving. I have been proudly holding up my Starbucks' cup high every time somebody passes me by. So far I have received a mixture of thumbs up from some passer-bys as well as a few odd looks. One person strolled by with a Dunkin Donuts cup and shot me the evil eye, but no further altercation transpired.


I am happy to answer any questions people have about walking around with my Starbucks' cup experience, and will continue to post live updates throughout the day.




Do you feel cooler...that's the real objective :cool:


You rock! (Or should I say....grind! :))

Sam :D

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Live Update: I have been continuing to walk around all day with my Starbucks' cup. I must admit, I feel kind of naked not standing outside of an actual Starbucks, but I am surviving. I have been proudly holding up my Starbucks' cup high every time somebody passes me by. So far I have received a mixture of thumbs up from some passer-bys as well as a few odd looks. One person strolled by with a Dunkin Donuts cup and shot me the evil eye, but no further altercation transpired.


I am happy to answer any questions people have about walking around with my Starbucks' cup experience, and will continue to post live updates throughout the day.


Gonzo did you go GONZO on us? What's in that coffee?:p

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Do you feel cooler...that's the real objective :cool:


You rock! (Or should I say....grind! :))

Sam :D


Hi Sam,


I have actually had two women approach me and ask me for my phone number when they saw me proudly meandering around holding a Starbucks cup. I had several other coeds walk up to me and strike up a conversation, usually revolving around my Starbucks cup: One woman informed me she always goes for Grande men, one woman asked if I take my Cappacinos wet and frothy, and a third wondered outloud why I was walking around with an empty coffee cup.


I also managed to get out of a parking ticket! As I was returning to my car from my lunch break I arrived at my vehicle just as an officer was preparing to ticket me for parking in a loading zone. He noticed my Starbucks cup, mentioned how Starbucks provides free coffee to uniformed officers and said because I am a Starbucks drinker he would forgive the infraction.


So far the cup is holding up well aside from some slight creases in the spots I have been holding it the most. I am happy to answer any further questions.



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Live Update: I have been continuing to walk around all day with my Starbucks' cup. I must admit, I feel kind of naked not standing outside of an actual Starbucks, but I am surviving. I have been proudly holding up my Starbucks' cup high every time somebody passes me by. So far I have received a mixture of thumbs up from some passer-bys as well as a few odd looks. One person strolled by with a Dunkin Donuts cup and shot me the evil eye, but no further altercation transpired.


I am happy to answer any questions people have about walking around with my Starbucks' cup experience, and will continue to post live updates throughout the day.



Okay, try this... you have your Starbucks cup... now, go into another coffee place and ask if you can have a refill!




Having cup in hand is not enough... in order to complete the look of coolness and superior coffee, you have to dress the part... Get one of those earphone things for your cellphone , then go into a Starbucks while you are in the middle of a phone conversation and hold up the line while you complete your phone call before ordering your Decaf Triple Venti Soy 7 pump Vanilla Latte, extra hot with no foam!


NOW you're cool !:D

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Okay, try this... you have your Starbucks cup... now, go into another coffee place and ask if you can have a refill!




Having cup in hand is not enough... in order to complete the look of coolness and superior coffee, you have to dress the part... Get one of those earphone things for your cellphone , then go into a Starbucks while you are in the middle of a phone conversation and hold up the line while you complete your phone call before ordering your Decaf Triple Venti Soy 7 pump Vanilla Latte, extra hot with no foam!


NOW you're cool !:D




That sounds like a brilliant idea. I actually have a blue tooth already (with a Starbucks logo on it of course)! I need to finish up a little work here, then I will stroll to the Popeyes down the street and see if they will refill my empty, creased, coffee-stained Starbucks cup.


I will be back with a live update afterwards of course. Assuming of course a harem of coeds does not take advantage of my new found coolness and kidnap me.


P.S. If you want your 7 Pump Vanilla Latte without foam, simply ask for it "wet." That is the chic way of saying it.

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Wow, another woman hitting on me! Maybe I'll start carrying around a Starbucks cup everyday.


Hitting on you?:eek: Nah, just funnin, but your story is a riot! What a fun little thing to do. It's almost like bringing around your puppy! "Oh, he's so cute!" LOL:D

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First off, you forgot my extra shot of expresso, that it should be decaf, AND soy milk... we've got a lot of work to do to get you ready to be a Starbucks barista... ;)


BTW... the reason you are now more attractive to the opposite sex is because your Starbucks cup indicates that you have money... enough to spend on Starbucks coffee... That latte you are acquiring for me is going to run you close to $6!!!


For the love of God... make sure you use the right terminology... many a coffee drinker has suffered the consequences of ordering a Tall coffee only to realize that in Starbucks-speak ... that's the smallest cup available...

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You rock! (Or should I say....grind! :))



LOL!!!!!!!!!! :D


Hi Sam,


I have actually had two women approach me and ask me for my phone number when they saw me proudly meandering around holding a Starbucks cup. I had several other coeds walk up to me and strike up a conversation, usually revolving around my Starbucks cup: One woman informed me she always goes for Grande men, one woman asked if I take my Cappacinos wet and frothy, and a third wondered outloud why I was walking around with an empty coffee cup.


I also managed to get out of a parking ticket! As I was returning to my car from my lunch break I arrived at my vehicle just as an officer was preparing to ticket me for parking in a loading zone. He noticed my Starbucks cup, mentioned how Starbucks provides free coffee to uniformed officers and said because I am a Starbucks drinker he would forgive the infraction.


So far the cup is holding up well aside from some slight creases in the spots I have been holding it the most. I am happy to answer any further questions.




The real question is, do you wear Starbucks underwear????


;) :p :cool:

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Now, being Canadians, and being addicted to our national brand of Tim Horton's we have never much liked the coffee anywhere south of the border. Many people we know take their own "Tim's" to brew in hotel rooms when travelling south. Too bad the ships don't provide in room coffee makers. I feel much better knowing it's not just us who find RCI coffee less than desirable. For my caffiene kick start, I fill up on iced-tea.


I can not agree more. When we head down I75 to Florida the last Tim's we can know to is in North Cincinnati. Once we stop there its like holding our breath until we get to our place in Florida.


Its surprising that the truck stops do not have better coffee, its like brown hot water!!!

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For the love of God... make sure you use the right terminology... many a coffee drinker has suffered the consequences of ordering a Tall coffee only to realize that in Starbucks-speak ... that's the smallest cup available...


Actually Starbucks wants the consumer to think that a Tall (12oz) is the smallest available but they do have an 8oz size available - conveinantly called a "Short." Now if you go into a Starbucks and ask for a "Small Coffee" they will serve you a Tall but if you ask for a "Short Coffee" they will serve you the cheaper 8oz size. The cups used for the Shorts though are not cool cups at all, so don't expect to make much of an impression walking around with a Short cup all day. Besides, people would think your a cheapskate!

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LOL!!!!!!!!!! :D




The real question is, do you wear Starbucks underwear????


;) :p :cool:


If you send me your e-mail address I will forward you a pic of me in my Starbucks speedos. I would post it here but it violates the CC rules.

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Now if you go into a Starbucks and ask for a "Small Coffee" they will serve you a Tall but if you ask for a "Short Coffee" they will serve you the cheaper 8oz size.


Now WHY do they have to do that? Because they think they're COOOOL!!! :cool:


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If you send me your e-mail address I will forward you a pic of me in my Starbucks speedos. I would post it here but it violates the CC rules.


See now that's another Gonzo experiment! "How many of these ladies can I get to send me their email addy's?" ;)


Ha? Ha? :D

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If you send me your e-mail address I will forward you a pic of me in my Starbucks speedos. I would post it here but it violates the CC rules.


See now that's another Gonzo experiment! "How many of these ladies can I get to send me their email addy's?" ;)


I'm wise to such ploys! :cool: :D

P.S. RSS - Love the new avatar! :)

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If you send me your e-mail address I will forward you a pic of me in my Starbucks speedos. I would post it here but it violates the CC rules.



Ummm, yeah, let's just keep that to yourself, 'k?


bit of trivia (I work for Starbucks)... a tall used to be only 10oz.... way back in the day, that is.


Starbucks is not stupid... they know that they have to keep customers, so what did they do... they invented the Frappuccino... a milk-shake looking coffee drink that appeals to kids... Heck, you throw some whipped cream on a cup of mud and there is bound to be some kid who will drink it and think it is the coolest thing ever.


Then they cornered the coffee market by placing their coffee in multiple outlets (grocery stores, Target, B&N)... next they bought out their largest competitor (Seattle's Best)... that covered the coffee being served in the two largest retail bookstores, plus RC, plus... well, you get the picture... Today, Starbucks is served in the top three retail coffee houses in the country!



Gonzo... try this... now that you have had your cup all day... walk into the Starbucks, approach the counter and tell them that your drink was made wrong... If all goes as it should, you should walk out of there with a free drink...


I know they are lacing the beans with nicotine to keep us all addicted to their product;)

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I just don't get it though....I literally do not know ONE person that likes it. In fact every says they won't even DRINK it, yet it's so popular???? :confused:


Maybe because Wawa is only in this part of the country! :p

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Starbucks is not stupid... they know that they have to keep customers, so what did they do... they invented the Frappuccino... a milk-shake looking coffee drink that appeals to kids... Heck, you throw some whipped cream on a cup of mud and there is bound to be some kid who will drink it and think it is the coolest thing ever.



And it isn't limited to kids.....my wife just purchased in ATL some ORANGE whipped coffee type of thing that appeared and after tasting...also tasted like a bad Orange Julius..........


YUCK!!!! PHOEEY.....the taste still haunts me!!!!!


Sorry to hijack a coffee thread for the moment...but Howdy this quote made me think of that nasty thing!!!!


On to more coffee related things....my DW asks if I want anything...after some coaxing I say sure...get me an expresso.....now she goes up with DD and they place there order. They come back and bring their drinks PLUS some "go mug" thingamabob and NO FLIPPING EXPRESSO!


My son goes into convulsions telling me that I now know that I rank just below a plastic starbucks go mug! :cool:


Well...DW....she finds a way to go back and purchase me my own coffee mug with ATL skyline AND and expresso:D


My son (27 btw) is almost falling out of his chair...see....now you rank just below a plastic starbucks go mug and just above a "pity expresso"


I hate that joint!

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part of the problem was that your DW asked for "expresso"... had she asked for espresso... you probably would have gotten a nice 2 oz pour... which is what espresso is... and it's damned tasty too! For the money, they have a suitable espresso roast for my taste...


I wouldn't put a Frappuccino in my system... I see the ingredients... nothing that is found in nature is found in a Frappuccino...


sorry to point out the spelling error but afterall, we are talking Starbucks here... Land of the Invented Coffee Terminology;)


great company to work for though, good benefits, decent pay, all the free coffee you can drink or brew at home ... and right now, very secure and easy job to have!


I joke with people that my occupation is drug dealer... because essentially that is what I am... I am pushing caffeine and providing that drug to people.... Believe me, I've seen people in pretty bad places in the morning without their coffee... the power I have... oh yes, they also call me the Coffee **** (regards to Seinfeld Soup **** fans)... because I have been known to mess with the drinks of overly rude customers... most of them have no idea what they are drinking anyway, so when you mess it up, they hardly notice...

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Well, I never walked around holding a brand name cup before, so I ran to the local Starbucks and bought a cup of coffee. I stood outside the mall with my cup for all to see. :cool:

I waited and waited to make sure enough people noticed. I left when they started dropping coins into my cup. BAH! (Not cool.... hehehe) ;)

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