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I just complained to my congressmen . . .


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Oh good grief would you please chill.:rolleyes: I have no idea what you meant only what YOU SAID. YOU SAID that you didn't believe that "Millions of people had suddenly applied for passports." Guess what? Millions of people DID suddenly apply for passports. I have assessed no judgments or blame to the fact that millions of people have suddenly applied for passports, simply that it has indeed happened. Guess what, the world won't crash around you if you concede that simple little point.

I tried to be as polite about this as I could considering the mood I was in this morning, but you know, I just don't care anymore.


You tried to tell me what I meant and then when I tried to clarify, you tried to tell me again what I meant. So you know what, I don't really care what you think I meant. You are an infinitesimal speck in my life and I've simply swept you under the rug.

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I tried to be as polite about this as I could considering the mood I was in this morning, but you know, I just don't care anymore.


You tried to tell me what I meant and then when I tried to clarify, you tried to tell me again what I meant. So you know what, I don't really care what you think I meant. You are an infinitesimal speck in my life and I've simply swept you under the rug.



Never said what you meant, only what you said, but apparently that concept is too difficult for you to comprehend. Hope your day gets better.:)

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It is apparent that most of you cruisers plan a trip way in advance and travel often enough that obtaining a passport in time is not a problem. However, many people make travel plans in less than 14 weeks. Or have to travel on short notice like for a family emergency or even a family event like a wedding etc. And are willing to pay anything to expedite the process, are being restricted by a backlog. Having to wait MORE than 14 weeks for a passport restricts many travellers not only cruisers. The main complaint I have heard is people that do plan and foolishly believe the Gov't can meet their own deadlines are being let down by the Gov't backlog.

Gov't regulations have done this type of thing before. Many laws and regs have been passed and enacted without the slightest provision for enforcement or processing. I am not surprised by this passport situation at all. I do understand the frustration though.

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It is apparent that most of you cruisers plan a trip way in advance and travel often enough that obtaining a passport in time is not a problem. However, many people make travel plans in less than 14 weeks. Or have to travel on short notice like for a family emergency or even a family event like a wedding etc. And are willing to pay anything to expedite the process, are being restricted by a backlog. Having to wait MORE than 14 weeks for a passport restricts many travellers not only cruisers. The main complaint I have heard is people that do plan and foolishly believe the Gov't can meet their own deadlines are being let down by the Gov't backlog.

Gov't regulations have done this type of thing before. Many laws and regs have been passed and enacted without the slightest provision for enforcement or processing. I am not surprised by this passport situation at all. I do understand the frustration though.


Another frustration is for those who want to renew. Even if done timely, one must surrender the still valid passport to be processed (minor children cannot renew by mail, I believe). I guess those people cannot travel while the renewal is being processed?

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Mike, I'm going to give you my take on the "Taxes" thing... I don't think anyone was referring to people that OWE money waiting til the 15th... that is just common sense, LOL. Most people that are due a refund would NEVER wait until the 15th... but there are some that do, and then moan and whine that they haven't gotten their refund yet after a few weeks... but they sent it in at the peak time, when everyone else in the country was filing a return, and when Uncle Sam clearly tells you that the earlier you file, the earlier you will get your refund... So if you don't want to wait a very long time, file for your refund EARLY rather than waiting until the last minute. I can definitely see the comparison... but I don't think anyone was stating that one should file early if they OWE money. Just my take on it... :o


I have ALL the Kool-Aid... if anyone wants some, belly up to the tub... but watch out for the fruit :eek:

You know Chris, the only reason I even said anything was because I thought it was funny that the tax deadline was mentioned since what everyone is complaining about is not receiving their passports in the time specified.


Apparently the passport issue has gone the way of jeans in the dining room, smuggling alcohol and all the other dead horse topics around here. If someone's opinion varies, their experience is different or their circumstances aren't the same as everyone else's then they ought to just shut up cause "we" really don't want to hear it anyway.

It's sad to see that even a topic, while not directly cruise related, as prominent as passport, international travel or our government, can't be discussed in a rational manner.


BTW, this isn't in anyway directed toward you Chris. Just venting. Geez, I'm in a really bad mood today. :( Think it's time for a time-out.

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Ok, I and my family got passports a year or two back. But I do want to say that those who are renewing are caught in the backlog too, and they aren't procrastinating. My SIL sent hers in early because she sometimes gets overseas gigs (she's a singer), and she's still waiting for hers. It would be nice if renewals were pulled out of the stack before unexpedited new apps. Just a thought.....



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I tried to be as polite about this as I could considering the mood I was in this morning, but you know, I just don't care anymore.



Do yourself a favor and try to get that mood reversed...that's how I was yesterday and things went from bad to worse. After a crappy morning and being in a pissy mood, I went to Boston, froze my azz off at Fenway and watched the Sox go down to the Colorado Rockies of all teams. {shakes head} It was UGLY

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Ok, I and my family got passports a year or two back. But I do want to say that those who are renewing are caught in the backlog too, and they aren't procrastinating. My SIL sent hers in early because she sometimes gets overseas gigs (she's a singer), and she's still waiting for hers. It would be nice if renewals were pulled out of the stack before unexpedited new apps. Just a thought.....




Are the renewals taking just as long as first time apps? It would seem that they should be done quicker as cititzenship was confirmed the first time around. Do you know how long your SIL has been waiting?

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You know Chris, the only reason I even said anything was because I thought it was funny that the tax deadline was mentioned since what everyone is complaining about is not receiving their passports in the time specified.


Apparently the passport issue has gone the way of jeans in the dining room, smuggling alcohol and all the other dead horse topics around here. If someone's opinion varies, their experience is different or their circumstances aren't the same as everyone else's then they ought to just shut up cause "we" really don't want to hear it anyway.

It's sad to see that even a topic, while not directly cruise related, as prominent as passport, international travel or our government, can't be discussed in a rational manner.


BTW, this isn't in anyway directed toward you Chris. Just venting. Geez, I'm in a really bad mood today. :( Think it's time for a time-out.


Mike, I am all for everyone having their own opinion, and you have a right to state yours... as does everyone else. We aren't always going to have the same opinions, and a healthy debate is fine... like I said, there is room for blame on both sides... what gets me is that there are some, on both sides, that put the blame on ONLY one side, and that isn't fair... there is plenty of blame to go around. I also think there are some that look for any excuse possible to slam the government...


I'm sorry you are having a bad day... a shot of tequila always works for me ;) Feel better doll!

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Do yourself a favor and try to get that mood reversed...that's how I was yesterday and things went from bad to worse. After a crappy morning and being in a pissy mood, I went to Boston, froze my azz off at Fenway and watched the Sox go down to the Colorado Rockies of all teams. {shakes head}

I'm trying. ;) DD has agreed to take me to lunch.

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See, I don't understand this... this isn't a "cruise ship" issue... this has been in the news for years now. This has been front and center on CNN and all the major news outlets... "playing dumb" isn't going to work here... people that didn't know, haven't watched the news since 9/11. If they purchase a CRUISE and AIRFARE without knowing the documentation they would need for entering another country, that is just STUPID... sorry, it is. I would NEVER plop down a bunch of money, knowing I was going to other countries, and not at least CHECK to see what was needed... I find it hard to believe anyone would do that...


I'm glad you agree that there is blame on both sides

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DonaldSC. It is my opinion that Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs, the FBI, CIA, many State Police and many other agencies have done a fantastic job of "increasing" our security. Who would have thought six years ago after 9-11 that there would not be more serious terorist attacks. And I give credit to those other countries that have joined us in fighting international terorism. Yes another tradegy could occur tomorrow and that threat will always be with us. But as of today, those many agencies have done their job of preventing or breaking up ALL attempts to harm this country.


Yes, and since I put that purple rock in my front yard, not a single tiger has attacked my home :rolleyes: Must be working.

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Not everyone waits till the last minute. I had my passport renewed in 2005. The last time I used it was for a cruise last September. I always keep my passport in a leather travel wallet, that I left in the carryon I used for that cruise. Sometime in early May I deceided to fetch my passport, so makesure I have everything all set for my Mediterranean cruise in October. And the passport wasn't where I thought it was. I emptied every drawer and closet in my house. Still couldn't find it. So I applied for a new one. It was just bad luck that it all happened in this mess. The post office says it will arrive by October.

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I agree most people who have cruised before knew of the change and had ample time to prepare. What about all the people who just decided "well lets take a cruise this year" and now after purchasing a cruise and airfare are missing trips. The government was caught flat footed on this and have created a real mess. You can put lipstick on this hog if you want....but its still a hog.


My DD didn't have one yet, she wasn't planning to travel for few years until she finishes school. Then we decided to book a cruise. We specifically choose the date with the passport situation in mind. They told us it would take 10-12 weeks and we didn't want to risk it so we chose a cruise that was several months away. (It arrived last week after only 9 weeks - so it came early). You have to take responsibility for your own time line. If you are the spontaneous type who travels at the last minute then it would be good for you have one just in case. If you are planning a trip now, you have to take into consideration that it could take awhile to get your passport and you need to book accordingly. If you purchased a cruise leaving in less than 12 weeks and expected to get a non-expidited passport then you are responsible for your own mess. How many people applied for their passport as soon as they booked the trip? Too many waited too long. My husband applied for his in late December and it took less than 3 weeks. The backlog started once the calendar turned 2007. Also, other than the expiditing service I think there is a seperate service available at one of several passport offices (not the post office or city clerks office) for those traveling in less than 2 weeks. They have 1-2 day turnaround, but you have to go to the passport office. (They are located throughout the country in major metropolitan areas.)

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Well we didn't procrastinate. I cruise with my grandsons. Their passports were due for renewal in June. They used their passports to travel in Dec and again in early February,so could not send them off 'early'.

On March 5th we sent them in for renewal.

They arrived at their home on June 9th- while we were cruising....


When are you supposed to be able to get them renewed if you are planning on traveling? I was told they would be back in eight weeks,which I though was kinda excessive even then, I had no idea it would actually take 14 weeks. I did manage to get through to the passport office twice but all they could tell me was they were doing "background checks"- these are two kids- they have NO background of any kind.


My Congressman's office tried to help,but they told me that whereas they used to be able to pick up the phone and speak to someone they can now only fax information and hope someone reads it. No one at the Passport Office has to answer to the public it seems. They certainly don't plan to answer to your elected Representative.

I'm sorry they're all overwhelmed. Maybe they should plan to provide adequate staffing next time they change the rules.

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Not everyone waits till the last minute. I had my passport renewed in 2005. The last time I used it was for a cruise last September. I always keep my passport in a leather travel wallet, that I left in the carryon I used for that cruise. Sometime in early May I deceided to fetch my passport, so makesure I have everything all set for my Mediterranean cruise in October. And the passport wasn't where I thought it was. I emptied every drawer and closet in my house. Still couldn't find it. So I applied for a new one. It was just bad luck that it all happened in this mess. The post office says it will arrive by October.


The key here is that you checked 5 months just to be sure it was safe. You didn't wait until September thank goodness. We keep ours in our safe (you can get a decent fireproof one for under $200 or even a suitcase type safe for under $50). Good luck and thanks for sharing. I'm sure lots of us will go double check the whereabouts of ours just to be sure!

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Sorry, I think you are wrong about that.


From an AP article I read just today:


"Last year, the agency processed 12.1 million passports. This year, officials expect to process about 18 million, she said. The department received 1 million applications in December, 1.8 million January and 1.7 million in February. "


dms cruisers, if you add to this number those applying in March, April, and May, you do in fact come up with millions of people applying for passports in the last six months.


As to whether or not the government has hired new people to help with the backlog.

"Harty said the department had hired 145 people last month to work on the backlog and would hire 400 more this quarter. Target turnaround times for passports were bumped up from six to 10-12 weeks after the surge, but 500,000 applications have already taken longer, she said."

I'm with Mr. Dood. As relates to hiring MORE government employees, be careful what you wish for.


10 years from now those "18 million" passports processed this year are going to be expiring. Is it going to be a big mess again then? Just wondering...;)

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