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Can Princess be perfect?


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Has anyone else noticed that there hasn't been any negative reviews about any cruises. I find this so hard to believe, since there are so many nitpickers out there. As I have stated on many occasions, nothing will happen to wreck my cruise. But, on the other hand I truly think that people might not give their negative reviews because of the abuse they might sometime have taken this board. For me I'd rather read a negative aspect and learn how not to repeat it or avoid it. I think the apologists have scared (not scared, really but have maybe felt like "who cares") some peolple to feel it's not worth it to make a negative review. Think about it. When has someone said they had a crappy time. Every so often a review would come up that trashed the line and so many would abuse them. (Only some would), sorry. Now, every review is glowing. Maybe the one posters who trashed their cruise tried to do it for a reason, but someone legitimate out there must have not had a perfect cruise. I miss them and and repartee they used to have with my friends, the apologists.

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For me, because I'm the "siss boom baa" area of our office, always in a great mood and happy go lucky, I don't complain about many things. Why bother? If I read about negative things on these boards, I like to see what it is passengers are specifically complaining about. If I can relate or understand or have been in that situation fine, if not, I certainly don't get myself in a tiz. For me, life's too short. Put a smile on your face and don't worry about the person next to you.

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Here is a complaint for you..of a sort...we just got off the Royal Princess and were lucky enough that there were 149 kids on board so they were running a kids club. The brochure states that when Royal has a kid's club its run on Port and Sea days all day with breaks for lunch & dinner. Well this particular cruise they only had it on Port days from 7 pm to 10 pm and on the two sea days for the regular hours. So.. I was a bit miffed about that since every morning my 4 year old was screaming to go to the kids club but I booked the Royal with full knowledge there might not be a kids club at all so in the end I got more than I expected. And I have to say all of us from my husband to my 13 year old and 4 year old and 1 year old all had a wonderful time onboard. They really do take quite good care of you.


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Since we are taking our first cruise with Princess in November, I am fairly new to the Princess side of the boards.........I think there have been several "reviews" in the last few months that have been less than complimentary......there have also been many (which one would expect on the Princess boards) that have found nothing wrong.......all reviews are subjective.......but I like the ones from people that have sailed several lines......and have sailed them recently within the past 3 years........they are able to provide a better comparison in my opinion...............in the end..........even a negative review can be helpful if you intend to "file it away and find out for yourself"



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Well, here we go again...:(


I don't want to get into an argument, particularly today after seeing what people are waking up to in Florida.


Sometimes complaints are legitimate, and sometimes not. Sometimes Princess is at fault or goofed, sometimes not. Sometimes people sweat the small sh*t, sometimes not. Sometimes the complaints concern the cruise, sometimes not. Sometimes the people who are complaining are reasonable and open to discussion, sometimes not. Sometimes they respond to questions posed, sometimes not. It all gets discussed, reasonable questions are asked, advice is provided, incorrect assumptions are corrected (sometimes this is called abuse, sometimes not). Sometimes things get out of hand, sometimes not.


If we all use a little respect and courtesy, and don't try to read to much into what people say, this board is the best resource imaginable. Let's keep it that way.

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Good question


Can Princess be perfect?


I don't know that anything can be perfect but, for me, Princess has been about as close as its gotten so far.


I could nit pick and find something to complain about if I wanted to I suppose but I don't


If you're looking for negative reviews, keep looking, there have been some.


I think the notion that those who post them, when written objectively and not just to bash our line are abused is not consistent with reality. We DO defend Princess against those who come here with exaggerated, obviously fabricated and false claims with as much zeal as they put into spinning their tales and rightfully so.

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I think another point is can anything be perfect????? What is perfect??? What are your expectations??


Great expecatations normally lead to great dissapointments

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I think that many of the people that frequent this particular board are truly "Princess Lovers" which is fine; that's what I am, too. Others are here, as I was several years ago, to learn more about the cruise line or a particular ship before taking a cruise. I don't need to hear complaints to learn something, but as a previous poster stated, it's sort of how things are interpreted sometimes, not necessarily how a statement was intended. At any rate, I find all the info here so helpful and have learned many tips about ship services, things to bring, shore excursions, etc. I'm so thankful that I came across this site before sailing on the Grand in 2001. By the way, I have sailed several lines besides Princess - Royal Carib, Celebrity, and Carnival, and although I have NEVER had a bad time on any cruise, Princess is by far my favorite!

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Maybe there's no negative reviews posted here in the main message board, however there's plenty in the Member Reviews. For me, the negative reviews are helpful to a point. Once I've got the info, I stop reading them, and switch only to the positive ones ;-) Hey, you want to see negative, read about the Pride of Aloha over on the NCL forum.


Anyway, I've been thinking about the Grand, and these are definitely a mix of good and bad:


However, I've noticed the negative ones are usually folks with very high expectations.

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Many are in the same position of being new to cruising, as I am. Our only cruise has been on Princess and it was such a fantastic experience that it would be hard to be very critical. Were all of the meals perfect? No. Were all of the shore excursions perfect? No. Were all of the ship employees perfect? No. But then again that was not my expectation.


The issue may be more that I do not have any other cruise experiences to compare it to so my view is very rosy. I also realize that every ship in a cruise line is like being in similar divisions of one company , each with different employees and management. That is what I perceive to be the point of cruising- experiencing each ship as something new with a very special person, my wife.


I like the reviews that have both the positive and negative. That is real and to be expected. While I respect each person's right to express their opinions, there are some that go past critiquing to debasing.


Good question. Ron

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Maybe us Princess people just aren't whiners!!:D I guess I tend to feel that if I am investing the time and money in a cruise, I am there to have a good time, I don't expect everything or everyone to be perfect, and just kind of go with the flow.


Having said that, I do think Princess should get different coffee, and have better desserts in the Horizon Court!

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Hi Cruisnin'40,

You bring up a perfect example of differences of opinions or experiences. I have read a ton of posts on the bad coffee served in many different cruise lines. The coffee on the Coral Princess was actually one of our favorite items. We could not get enough of it. My wife is tea drinker and she liked it as much as I did. The issue may be that the coffee I drink at home is so bad that anything tastes great. Maybe my taste buds were ruined in the Marines.


But I do agree with you on the disserts in the Horizon.


Thanks, Ron

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fig, you must not have been around during the first few Diamond sailings. There were some terrible reviews. That being said, the ship was brand new and most everyone was very forgiving because of it. This board really caters to those of us who, in general, are Princess enthusiasts. That's one of the reasons we are here is to relate to those who feel the way we do. We all have an occassional complaint and wouldn't be normal if we didn't. There's really no such thing as absoulte perfection, and people should feel free to express an honest opinion without feeling like they will be slammed for it. However, they should also talk about the positive things as well. We have had some posters who have had nothing but negative opinions. Surely there was one good thing they could have mentioned. We are, as a whole, Princess lovers and that's why we're here. But honest opinions are always welcome.

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It is amazing to me to see so many opinions regarding cruising. May I add to this discussion?


I understand that people are paying for a cruise. I understand that a certain level of service is expected for the money we are paying. I understand that problems occur and can be very inconvienent making our cruise less than "perfect".


Screaming, yelling, threats, and insults are NEVER a good way of resolving these problems. The service provided on cruise ships are by people. People are not perfect. You could get so much more accomplished by being a little nicer to these people and understanding their position. The nice lady at the pursers desk did not lose your bag, so don't curse her out like she murdered one of your family members. What is wrong with people? You paid for a cruise, not the right to belittle someone to the point of tears. I never understood this and I live in New York. The so-called rudest place on Earth.


My father turned us on to Princess and we never looked back. We are ready for our third cruise with them. I feel no need to try another cruise line. My father did give me a bit of advice about cruising that I would like to share:


1. Be humble. Much was accomplished before you were born.


2. Always treat your cabin steward with RESPECT. There is no laundry or cleaning fairy that comes in your cabin while you are out on your shore excursion. They are people with families just like yours.


3. Take the time to always compliment a job-well done. They took the time for you, do it for them. Fill out that card!


4. PLEASE and THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Was that so hard.


5. NEVER argue with the person that serves you your food! If there is something wrong, POLITELY bring it to their attention. You could be very sorry.


I didn't mean to preach but it is getting a little bit out of hand with the rudeness on lines, abruptness with the staff, and the arrogance of fellow passengers.


How could people's attitudes be so ugly when you are on such a beautiful ship?


If you want a perfect cruise, look within yourself.

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Maybe us Princess people just aren't whiners!!:D I guess I tend to feel that if I am investing the time and money in a cruise, I am there to have a good time, I don't expect everything or everyone to be perfect, and just kind of go with the flow.


Having said that, I do think Princess should get different coffee, and have better desserts in the Horizon Court!


For those coming here for a good source of information I just gotta believe that it's easier to swallow seen through positive eyes rather than negative eyes.


....and I wish the Horizon Court desserts were easier to swallow also...not a real strong point IMHO

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I've cruised four cruise lines, admittedly far fewer cruises and even fewer lines than most of the cruisers on these boards. But I think we are finally getting to the point on these boards where people with multiple cruise line experiences are asked, and allowed to provide honest comparisons about the pluses and minuses of the different lines. This information is so helpful to someone who is new to cruising in general, or a specific cruise line in particular.


I have never had even one bad moment on any cruise I've been on, and I don't recall ever making a complaint to guest services on a ship because of a negative experience; ergo, I am not at all a negative person. But I am not Pollyanna either. I believe that I am doing my fellow board members a disservice if I DON'T offer up my opinions of the good and bad of particular itineraries or cruise lines.


For example, I will be the first to tell you that, IMHO, Celebrity provides the best dining room food and all around service, but offers little flexibility to its passengers, Royal Caribbean has the best ships and buffet food, but rather ho-hum itineraries, and Princess offers the most flexibility in terms of dining and on board entertainment offerings, and diverse itineraries, but truly the worst food I've encountered outside of NCL. But I will cruise all of my past lines (except NCL) again in the future, and which one depends on what I am looking for in a particular vacation.


When the cruise lines start paying ME for my opinions, they will become biased and solely positive; until then, I will give you my honest opinions.

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There indeed HAVE been negative and mixed reviews posted here about Princess cruises!


I spent time in the past defending the right of those who posted these negative reviews to do so without being held up to ridicule, and suspicion, and belittling inferences.


One of our hosts finally made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that all postive, as well as negative posts should be heard equally without fear of intimidating comments. She succeeded! Everyone has done a great job since then allowing anyone to post any kind of review without jumping down their throats.


If you have recently been reading the threads and posts having to do with the CP Western Caribbean cruise of last week (7/31-8/7), that have been very positive, and upbeat, and giddly happy (except for the coffee, which we found a solution to :D, and the Montego Bay port, which some did not enjoy), it is solely because we really did have a wonderful time and it really was the best vacation some of us have ever had!


Believe me, if there was indeed something else negative to report, I and others would not have hesitated to post it on this board the minute we returned last Saturday.


The old problem you are referring to is just that, an OLD problem that has truly been fixed by our hosts.


Fini, lunamoon

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Having been on three Princess Cruises so far and not posted a review yet, I intend to post after my Panama Canal repositioning cruise, Ft. Lauderdale / San Francisco / Vancouver, B.C. April 27, 2005 to May 14, 2005. I tend not to respond to posts that often because of my strange (wierd) way of looking at things.



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If you have recently been reading the threads and posts having to do with the CP Western Caribbean cruise of last week (7/31-8/7), that have been very positive, and upbeat, and giddly happy (except for the coffee, which we found a solution to :D, and the Montego Bay port, which some did not enjoy), it is solely because we really did have a wonderful time and it really was the best vacation some of us have ever had!


Luna - It's my review that's happy - you are correct! It was a very happy time and yes there is complaints about coffee - absolutely horrible coffee, but thanks to others that posted before we went we were able to be ready for the coffee situation. Princess asks at the end of cruise to please fill out your surveys and to also please tell them where they can do better. They also say that they may not be able to do better because everything on their ships has been tested to a certain extent, but they are looking for ideas they might not of thought of... Princess Cruise Line Cares it was I got out of it and I believe they would make a change if it's feasable. I bet the coffee will change before long! Let's hope!

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