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single mother going to Jamaica

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Good evening everyone....:) I posted this on the Jamaica section, but thought I'd post it here as well.

Just a quick question. I am a single mother travelling with my young son. We are cruising in 2008 and have a stop in Montego Bay. I have always wanted to see Jamaica, and from the pictures I've seen, it looks beautiful. We actually decided on our itinerary because it stopped in Montego Bay. But with the tourists being robbed a few days ago and a lot of bad experiences written here by others, I am starting to rethink getting off the ship.

I am a nervous mother by nature and always careful of our surroundings. I have travelled with my son to many different places/islands and always felt safe, and I had no concerns about travelling in Jamaica until now.

What would you do....stay on the ship or see the island?


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We have been to Jamacia several times. Suggestions.. dont carry a large purse, wear jewelry or go off on your own. Stay with a ship tour. Anything can happen any time, look at the millions that go there each year with no problems. Just be careful and have fun.


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As a mother, I'd probably plan to use that day as a stay-on-the-ship day. You can never get enough time onboard anyway.


I might go on a ship-sponsored tour, but I would be very aware of my surroundings and not do stupid things like flash money, walk like a wimpy woman, or wear nice jewelry. I'd also look people right in the eye & I'd speak up. You can give the appearance of someone who can't be messed around with and it might ward off some of the tenacious vendors.

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Thank you very much for all your opinions :)

Can anyone tell me if there is anything right when we get off the ship at the port? I would like to do a little shopping at the very least!



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You should limit your sightseeing to an orgainzed tour and not go anywhere on your own. Yes, the people that were robbed were on an organized tour but it is still much safer than going around by yourself which is just asking for trouble. Jamaica may be a beautiful place, but it is probably the least safe of all Caribbean destinations. In all honesty, I've been to most of the islands in the Caribbean and most of them are beautiful. It's better to explore elsewhere. There are more negative messages posted on these boards about Jamaica than about any other port. Whenever a poll is conducted as to which port should be dropped from cruise ship itineraries, Jamaica is always the winner. Whatever you decide, exercise an adequate amount of caution.

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I would totally get off the ship -- Jamaica is a beautiful island -- you just have to be careful and be prepared.


Last year my friend and I (2 women) got off in Ocho Rios and went on an awesome pre-planned private tour with Phil Lafayette -- he could not have been a more wonderful guide!


This year myself and another friend (again 2 women) are going to be stopping Montego Bay -- and I've emailed Phil for a reference for a tour guide at that port. He sent me his recommendation and I feel totally comfortable going on the tour. I can't wait to see this area of such a lush, green and beautiful island.


If the vendors or other locals bother you -- just use a very firm "no thank you" and they get the picture. We didn't have any problems last year. Have a great cruise with your son!

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We had our 2 kids ages, 11 and 8 on a ship sponsored excursion in Montego Bay...I think it was the Highlights and Shopping tour. Three different vendors downtown pulled my daughter away by the elbow from me, begging me to let them braid her hair... they were very forceful. My daughter was very scared, and we sat in the van for the next hour, while some people ventured out to the Straw Market, etc. We heard of a few incidents involving people on our ship..being led astray when they asked for directions...and ended up in an alley..and not alone! Maybe it's OK for adults, but I myself would never get off the ship again with kids!

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Since you are nervous I would go on a ship's tour. I know stuff can happen anywhere but you are safer with a ship's tour.


You do know that the 17 people robbed WERE on a ship tour, right?


Sorry, but I stayed on the ship in Mo Bay. I wasn't taking my girls there. Which is sad because it's the first time I ever felt the need to do that.

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Stop and think about how many cruise ship calls this island has in one year. This incident with Carnival on a ships sponsored excursion is the first that I have ever read about.


I myself think that this is one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean and to stay on a ship is taking away from your trip. I suggest you book a ships sponsored excursion. No you are not guaranteed 100% that nothing will happen but what other islands have this guarantee?

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I'm not sure I'd recommend it as a great shopping port, as the vendors can tend to be very pushy. I think you and your son would be fine on an organized excursion, though. The dangers are not non-existent, but they can be much exaggerated.


Of course, I can't guarantee that you'll be safe on an organized excursion. Something like the recent robbery could happen again, but it's hardly an every day occurrence. And it could happen at many other Caribbean ports, as well. (Or even some of the US ports. I've cruised out of New Orleans, and there are parts of that city I wouldn't want to wander into by myself.)

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Our tablemates had a very bad shopping experience last May and were glad to get back on to the ship. DD and I went on the Canopy tour and had a wonderful time and saw quite a bit of the countyside. We did not go shopping (the pushy vendors at Dunn's River Falls really intimidated me - they kept shoving things at me even after the polite "No, thank you, Mon's" that I been told would work). I am not sure how I would feel about the tour had the Carnival incident occurred prior to our trip, but I think I would probably still go thinking that the Jamaican police will really be out in force. The country depends way too much on tourism for income.

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I've been to Jamaica 4 times; twice on a cruise ship with our kids and twice at an all inclusive. After our two cruises, with the port being Ocho Rios, I swore I'd never go to Jamaica again. We were hounded left and right to purchase everything from soup to nuts. :mad: We were intimidated being with our children.


We decided to try an all-inclusive. The last two trips were wonderful. We stayed at Sandals Whitehouse and one day took a day trip to Negril with a wonderful tour place: Talk of the Town. It was the best day. We saw so much.


Jamaica is a beautiful island, but if I got off a cruise ship with just my child, I'd be a bit leary to venture out except possibly on an arranged excursion with a group of people. There are lots of great things to see. Most of the Jamaicans are very kind, friendly people. I'd hate for you to miss that.


Many of the vendors at the shops near the cruise ship will probably be forceful for you to buy their goods - unfortunately.


Hope you have a wonderful, memorable cruise with your son. What a special treat!:)

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I'm not sure I'd recommend it as a great shopping port, as the vendors can tend to be very pushy. I think you and your son would be fine on an organized excursion, though. The dangers are not non-existent, but they can be much exaggerated.


Of course, I can't guarantee that you'll be safe on an organized excursion. Something like the recent robbery could happen again, but it's hardly an every day occurrence. And it could happen at many other Caribbean ports, as well. (Or even some of the US ports. I've cruised out of New Orleans, and there are parts of that city I wouldn't want to wander into by myself.)


We were in MoBay on Radiance last Thanksgiving. Took a ship-offered tour, the 4x4 Safari--had fun even though the weather absolutely sucked. 1st time in Jamaica for us. On other caribbean stops from cruise ships we routinely get in cabs and go to popular destinations. But at other ports, were are not docked in a port that has so many security check points, so much barbed and razor wire and armed security at check points. We drove the local, interior roads to and from our destinations in the 4x4 vehicle, and saw examples of the "real" Jamaica. No place we would want to be on our own.


If you are nervous by nature, stay on the ship, or at most go to the in-port souvenier shop (I got a nice bottle of rum there). You might miss some beauty depending upon the excursions you pass up, but sorry, it is just honestly pretty easy to feel insecure there if you are pre-disposed.


And I lived 3 years in New Orleans--left 15 years ago, so this is way pre-Katrina, but I do not dispute the comparative assessment in a previous post. And there are many neighborhoods in my own adopted home city here in Atlanta that reduce DW to frightful tears if she takes a wrong turn and finds herself there--and she has lived here 23 years and these spots are less than 10 miles from our home. So Jamaica is not unique in the elements it presents, and each person's peace of mind depends upon their own temperament.


Luckily, RCI ships are destinations unto themselves.

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I would stay on the ship, especially by if I had a small child with me.


We were in Montego Bay last year. It was so awful that we ended up getting back on the ship only 90 minutes after we got off. I have been all over the world, and I have never felt as unsafe as I did in Montego Bay. I was in tears, and I am usually a tough cookie. I didn't even like the shops in the cruise terminal. Nothing much there that looked worth buying, to me. From now on I won't even choose an itinerary that includes Jamaica. In my opinion, even sailing there is sending the message to the cruise lines that it is ok. And I really don't think it is.


Stay on the ship and take advantage of it. Not as many people in food lines, pools, spa, sitting on the deck, etc.

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We have been to Montego Bay 4 times before and Ocho Rios 3 times... each time I felt very uncomfortable. I am pretty much a person that watches my back when I am out of the states... not scared but cautious.


I just dont feel comfortable in Jamaica..


We are actually going on a cruise in Jan 08 and one of the stops is Montego Bay... only off the shop at the shopping mall at the port for Blue Mountain Coffee and then back on the ship for the rest of the day...


Some like Jamaica and thats good... but I would rather be other places



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I would definitely take a ship tour. And don't wear anything that would draw attention to yourself. No jewelry, big purse, if you take a camera make sure it is disposable, which is a lot better than losing an expensive digital one. Just be very, very aware of your surroundings, even in a ship tour and you should be fine. Don't spend too much extra time on the island than necessary.


Jamaica is a beautiful island, but you have to be careful no matter where you go.

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We have been to Montego Bay 4 times before and Ocho Rios 3 times... each time I felt very uncomfortable.


Is that because of reading stories of warning, or have you been harrassed in some way? Just curious. I've only been to Jamaica once on a cruise. I didn't really notice that much difference from other ports in terms of how "safe" I felt, but maybe I just didn't know any better. And most of the first-hand stories I've heard from friends who have been to Jamaica have not really been any worse that stories of too many people trying to sell them something at every turn.

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I'm hoping to get there this fall, but I'm having a tough time finding a cruise I like, at the price I am cheap enough to pay, since it's just me and the two older boys, sans husband.


I would go to a nice beach resort that has a day pass. You will not feel uncomfortable that way and the Juta cabs feel safe. Don't go into downtown Mobay and there should be no issues. While no one can guarantee safety, I've safely traveled to Jamaica many times. I did have a bad encounter, but that was Kingston in the 70's. A whole different environment.


Men in Jamaica do have the attitude that a woman without a man is a fish without water, and a rich fish at that. Not my idea, even Jamaica websites say that. Don't make too heavy eye contact. A polite no and a shake of the head has always gotten me respect and no one bothers me. I've never had my arm grabbed by anyone and I have a lovely look of death, should anyone attempt it.

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Just of the Conquest on June 17th and we had 17 people robbed on a Carnival excursion!!!! There were five young girls under the age of 12 and they were horrified and had a gun stuck in their face and were threatened! Do NOT get off the ship, this is a horrible and nasty placce. At best get off the ship and stay and shop in the Terminal building ONLY and do not leave it!!! We were still offered drugs from a port security officer IN the terminal. You will be harrassed, threatend and offered drugs. Go to the Carnival boards and look at the robbed in Jamaica thread. Save your money and stay on the shipif you value safety and your family!!!!

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Okay, I'm an apologist for Jamaica, I know that, but offered drugs BY a port security officer? Really? I don't know what to say about that. The penalties for drug possession in Jamaica are super tough. The security officers are closely screened and it's not tolerated. That's why people get into such trouble in Jamaica if they're picked up for drug possession. They have dogs in the terminals.


Do some people have bad experiences in Jamaica? Yes. Were people robbed from the Conquest? Yes. Does it happen on such a routine basis that the entire country is unsafe? I don't think so. Are police and security officers offering drugs to people? No way. Did someone offer you something? I don't know. I am not calling anyone a liar, but I have a really hard time believing this. I've also read all your other posts on the subject. I can find no mention of this. If someone in a uniform had offered you drugs in the terminal, surely you would have mentioned it before now.


I don't mind caution flags being raised. I'm reasonable, but I've never, not once in all my years here, read of anyone being offered drugs by terminal security.

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Just of the Conquest on June 17th and we had 17 people robbed on a Carnival excursion!!!! There were five young girls under the age of 12 and they were horrified and had a gun stuck in their face and were threatened! Do NOT get off the ship, this is a horrible and nasty placce. At best get off the ship and stay and shop in the Terminal building ONLY and do not leave it!!! We were still offered drugs from a port security officer IN the terminal. You will be harrassed, threatend and offered drugs. Go to the Carnival boards and look at the robbed in Jamaica thread. Save your money and stay on the shipif you value safety and your family!!!!


While terrifying and unfortunate, this can happen (and does) EVERYWHERE! Do some research before you travel to alot of these islands and you'll see for yourself. Jamaica is definately not the only one.


If you're that scared or paranoid, why get off the ship anywhere? Just stay onboard the whole time. Not going on a cruise because it goes to Jamaica is just silly. You're only spiting yourself.

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