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Anyone trying this Alli system ????


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Hi! Well, I'm hanging in there. Just started with the alli again today. I took a couple of days off because I realized I had a WICKED fattening chicken sandwich at Atlanta Bread Co. on Monday when I met a friend for lunch. Thank goodness I didn't take a pill with it!!! I thought it was about 15 grams of fat or so but, when I got home and looked it up (yes, I know I should have looked it up first) I realized it had 34 grams of fat!!!! It was on a tomato basil bread that was a lot higher in fat than I thought. I skipped the cheese so, I didn't think it was that bad but, geeeez, I was wrong!! So, I was afraid to take a pill til it was all out of my system! My weight is staying the same so, I'm hoping to see it drop soon. Frustrating but, not ready to give up. Only two weeks til the cruise!

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Hi! Well, I'm hanging in there. Just started with the alli again today. I took a couple of days off because I realized I had a WICKED fattening chicken sandwich at Atlanta Bread Co. on Monday when I met a friend for lunch. Thank goodness I didn't take a pill with it!!! I thought it was about 15 grams of fat or so but, when I got home and looked it up (yes, I know I should have looked it up first) I realized it had 34 grams of fat!!!! It was on a tomato basil bread that was a lot higher in fat than I thought. I skipped the cheese so, I didn't think it was that bad but, geeeez, I was wrong!! So, I was afraid to take a pill til it was all out of my system! My weight is staying the same so, I'm hoping to see it drop soon. Frustrating but, not ready to give up. Only two weeks til the cruise!



Just noticed that you're sailing on The Pearl in Nov. I hope you enjoy the ship as much as we did. She's VERY unique. One British lady told me that the decor looked like a "bloody english whore!!!:eek::eek::eek: I have to tell you I was a little frightened by that . When we arrived on board , I thought she looked very festive and fun!:D{ but I couldn't get that description out of my mind,}- it always makes me chuckle.:)

Enjoy her and don't forget to try out the bowling , it was a blast.

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Thanks Copper6606! I'm sure we'll enjoy the "bloody English whore". My dad is from London and he happens to use the term 'bloody' all the time so, I had to laugh. My sister and I have a couple of glasses of wine once in awhile and we decide we're only going to speak with an English accent for the rest of the night. We crack up. Our DH's think we're nuts! So, needless to say, I'll be telling her what you said about the ship and we'll now be calling her that! I'm laughing to myself just thinking about it! It will be interesting to see the decor! I'll be in touch when I get back and let you know our thoughts. We were on the Sun last year and had a great time! We've never done over a 7 night so, this will be AWESOME and no kids! ;)

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Hi! Well, I'm hanging in there. Just started with the alli again today. I took a couple of days off because I realized I had a WICKED fattening chicken sandwich at Atlanta Bread Co. on Monday when I met a friend for lunch. Thank goodness I didn't take a pill with it!!! I thought it was about 15 grams of fat or so but, when I got home and looked it up (yes, I know I should have looked it up first) I realized it had 34 grams of fat!!!! It was on a tomato basil bread that was a lot higher in fat than I thought. I skipped the cheese so, I didn't think it was that bad but, geeeez, I was wrong!! So, I was afraid to take a pill til it was all out of my system! My weight is staying the same so, I'm hoping to see it drop soon. Frustrating but, not ready to give up. Only two weeks til the cruise!

Wow..I would have not guessed it would be that high either.


I'm back to my grove again. I want to lose another 10 pounds before Xmas. Would be nice to "want" to be in holiday pictures instead of avoiding the camera..lol


I so wish I was going on another cruise right now. I'm having major withdrawals!

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Hi Cheryl! Yeah, I've been thinking that I'm really gonna be bummed when I get home because we won't have another cruise booked so, I am trying to figure out what we can do this summer for vacation with the boys. (pretty sad when I haven't even left yet!) ;) My son (who is graduating in June) wants to do another cruise so, might just have to work on booking another one as soon as we get back!!!!! Not sure tho..... we may look into it when we are onboard this one. Maybe get a deal?? We've only done that once, with RCCL and got a great deal. We'll see what NCL offers and maybe we can get one fairly cheap.

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Well, I didn't lose any this week. I felt dreadful starting on Sunday, like I was getting the flu, but never had any symptoms other than a slight fever and awful muscle aches. So, I was afraid that if it developed into full-fledged flu and I had the GI distress that normally goes with it, the last thing I needed was the pills. I wasn't eating much anyway.


I started back yesterday, so we'll see how it goes. Hopefully, I'll start dropping the pounds again soon.

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Hi girls!! Where is everyone?? Kinda quiet around here lately!


Well, the scale finally budged! Geez...I stayed the same for two weeks and finally went down 1.5 lbs. Hopefully I'm off my little plateau!?


How is everyone else doing? Sticking to your programs?? Marina? Keesha? Cheryl??

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It has been kind of quiet here. Didn't lose much last week. They put me on a special jumpstart diet for this week to get me on track. Its so hard with all the socializing we do. Still, I feel like I should be losing more when I think of all the stuff I'm not eating.


Trying to fight the post cruise blues and psyche myself up for the holidays. I'm kind of a scrooge. Its just so much work for the women of the house. I often find myself wishing three ghosts would visit me to give me some spirit.


Getting caught up on work.... Nothing exciting.


Are you getting excited Pam? Are you packing? How much weight have you lost?


Talk to you later,


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Hi Marina!!! I know how you feel about the post cruise blues!!! I am dreading them already. :( I always want to book another trip right after we get back so that we have something to look forward to. My husband said that we'll have the holidays but, I'm like you, it's just a bunch of work. I like visiting with family and friends but, everyone gets so caught up in the gift buying....


I've lost a total of 18. Hopefully will hit 20 soon!? (my big goal was to lose 20 before the cruise) I really didn't think I'd get this far! I think the alli was definitely a huge help! Keeps me on track. Good luck with your jump start on your program. I know how you feel about not eating sooooo many yummy things and NOT losing. So FRUSTRATING! :mad: But, stick with it. You'll look and feel awesome for the holidays!


I haven't really started packing yet. Real busy at work. Everyone calls the salon asking when I'm leaving and when I tell them 'next Friday', they want to get their hair done asap. I am squeezing as many people in as possible. $$$$$ Always so crazy before I leave and when I get back. This Sunday I'll get our suitcases down and go through the piles I've made. Want to try to not overpack. It's a 10 day so, my sister and I thought we'd do a quick load of laundry (shirts and underclothes) maybe 1/2 way through the week. Last time, we drank cocktails and made it fun! lol We'll see....


How's everyone else doing???

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Question. Were any of you that are having good success with Alli already dieting on a good plan prior to starting Alli? Did you feel like it kicked up your weight loss by more than a 2-3 lbs a month. I have been having reasonably good success with Weight watchers for the past 8 months (35 lbs in 8 months and 25 the few months before that), but I would love to kick up the weight loss by a 4-5 lbs a month since it has slowed to about 1/2 to 3/4 lb a week. Since I'm already on a low fat, low calorie diet I'm not sure if Alli will make a lot of difference for me? Anyone with experience with it in this situation? Thanks for any help you can offer.

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Hi luv2travel! I did weight watchers right before starting alli. I had stopped it a couple of months before. (and, I started gaining some weight back) Well, I definitely see a quicker weight loss with the alli. I have to say, I don't follow the alli's food plan to a 'T'. I just eat a low fat, healthy diet and the 19 lbs that I've lost has come off fairly quickly. (9 weeks) (some weeks, I lost 3.5 lbs!) I did hit a plateau recently and didn't lose anything for 2 weeks. When I was on W.W., I would lose about a pound a week. I really think that the alli made the weight come off a bit quicker.

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Welcome! I was also eating a pretty healthy diet. Weight loss is so slow!! I found that taking the Alli - I could eat basically the same, plus add some regular fat dressing to salad and Parmesan cheese to dinners to make them so-o-o much better. This, and still lose! I don't do well eating things that don't taste good! I usually lose 2# a week. (however, plateau with no loss this last week)


I have a question about clothes. Do you buy new when you think you are going down another size? My 14's are too baggy. I had to buy a pair of jeans in a 12, but do you wait until you're down another size? Would like to wait until that size 10 number comes up. I guess these are good problems to have!!:)

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Oh Worrmey---what a lovely problem to have. Too big pants!!!! Have you tried to shrink them? I'm about at the same place with my 16's and its really nice to put them in the dryer!!! I'd wait but if you're in a hurry don't buy expensive clothes buy grow outs----


Thank goodness I lost another two this week. They measured me and I've lost twenty six inches! Then they cut a piece of ribbon to that length and told me I should be so proud. I was like give me a break.....This is sort of ridiculous. I have lost a little overall but the twenty six inch thing was stupid.


Pam, you are on the homestretch!!!! I'm so excited for you.


Cheryl. where have you gone?


Talk to you all soon,


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Marina - how funny!! I have been known to take the pants off and wash and dry (to shrink) them the same day so I could wear them that evening. I went to Target and got a couple of tops, but I think you are right about not buying the good stuff yet. I have even sat down at the sewing machine and pulled in some seams. (But I am not a great seamstress, so only do this on the so-so clothes.) Will save the better stuff for the tailor. Your 26" sounds good to me - even if it was a little corny!!


We are going on a cruise again in March, so hope to be ready by then. Hope the holidays don't throw me for a loop!! See you all later!!

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Hi Marina!! 26 inches is great! Keep up the good work. I'm going to stop taking the alli in a day or so and it's soooooo bad because, I'm already thinking of having a burger and fries!! Why, oh why does my brain think like that?? lol I think I'll go out and buy my new bottle of alli that I'm going to need when I get home because then I'll HAVE to start up again. (I also have a dr's appt 2 days after I get home-great...) Maybe knowing that will help me stay half way on track during the cruise!? :rolleyes:


Well, I got my suitcases down yesterday and I am pretty much all packed. I have a busy week coming up at the salon so, I figured I'd get as much done as possible this weekend. A real good friend of mine is coming to stay with my teenagers while I'm gone. (cooler than grandma and grandpa) lol so, I am also doing a few things to neaten up around here. My sister (who is coming with us and leaving her boys with her sister-in-law) just found out that she is going to have a family from Italy (husband distant cousin) come stay at her house while she is away!!!!!! She's freaking out with cleaning this weekend! (I guess they don't feel the need to ask or even let people know for sure if they are coming???) UGH...


The countdown is really on!!!!! :D Can't wait!

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When I was losing steadily, I put off buying smaller sizes until I was able to get into a size 8. The main reason that I was able to do this was because I had saved a gazillion pairs of jeans from my skinny days of yore, lol. Something that completely screwed me up though was that when I got into a size 8, I got ahead of myself and started buying 6's and 4's. I think that I subconsciously sabotaged myself by doing this, because then I started gaining weight. I am now down 10# from the 20 I gained, and now it's going painfully slow. I've been reading this thread because I've been thinking about trying Alli, but I have IBS and I'm worried that it'll cause problems.

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Hi Carnival Pirate! I also have IBS. Is your IBS-D like mine is? I was VERY nervous to try the alli because of it but, I have been perfectly fine! Just keep your fat grams low. I kept mine under 15 grams each meal. I had no TE's (treatment effects).


Another thing I use for my IBS-D is calcium. It has worked wonders! I take two-three a day and it really 'firms' things up! I read about it on an IBS forum. I also stopped eating bananas. I think they were ruining me! I'm sooo much better now.


Give the alli a try. I've lost about 20 lbs on it over the last few months. It helped me keep on track. Once you take that pill with your meal, you don't DARE overeat!! Good luck and let us know how you do.



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Hello everyone! My name is Shar and I started Alli today. I am also doing Weight Watchers but have only lost 5 pounds in 2 months on that. I guess that makes me a slllooooowww loser. But a loser's a loser, so I'll take that 5 pounds and run with it for now. I know that I tend to cheat a little here and there, so Alli will definitely make me not cheat. Looking forward to getting to know you ladies! :D

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Welcome Shar! Good luck with the alli. You'll find it will definitely help you stay on track! I think it will help boost your weight loss on W.W. Keep in touch!! Any questions, just ask and we'll all be happy to help.


Happy Halloween everyone! :)

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Hello Everyone, I've have been inspired to start Alli from reading all your success stories. I have a terrible diet, I love/crave chocolate and anything you can throw at me through the car window. :D I am 5'4", 153# and well into menopause. I have never had a weight problem until I turned 45. Since then it keeps going up. I guess I never really learned how to diet and watch what I eat. So here are some of my questions, I know all about the TEs and they scare me enough to really watch the fat intake, but what about hunger pains? Does it have anything to curb your appetite or just slide the fat through your system so to speak? So many of the diet pills out there have caffine or something similar in them. Does Alli? Since I have trouble sleeping a couple times a week, I have stayed away from those other pills. Is anyone experiencing sleep problems from Alli? We will be booking a cruise in March or April & I really want to be thinner this year. The last couple of cruises I have been so embarrased at the pictures of myself I start eating chocolate! :( I would LOVE to lose 25-30 pounds and I need something that has real results that I can cling to for motivation. I am hoping that Alli is it. Thanx for all your success stories they have inspired me.

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Welcome to newbies!! Fyi - Alli does not have any additives that will make you unable to sleep. I try to follow a kind-of South Beach Diet. Sometimes if I am unable to sleep, it's probably because I haven't had enough carbs. (They tend to make you sleepy!) So I'll get up and eat a banana (not good for you IBS people!)


I know what you mean about just having to deal with weight lately. I just turned 54. I have really had to cut back my calories! I have a full fat piece of Lindt chocolate every night - 45 cal. I would not want to go without it. When I crave more, I find that choc-covered Altoids does the trick.


Pam - have fun!!!

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Welcome to newbies!! Fyi - Alli does not have any additives that will make you unable to sleep. I try to follow a kind-of South Beach Diet. Sometimes if I am unable to sleep, it's probably because I haven't had enough carbs. (They tend to make you sleepy!) So I'll get up and eat a banana (not good for you IBS people!)


I know what you mean about just having to deal with weight lately. I just turned 54. I have really had to cut back my calories! I have a full fat piece of Lindt chocolate every night - 45 cal. I would not want to go without it. When I crave more, I find that choc-covered Altoids does the trick.


Pam - have fun!!!

Choc-covered Altoids? Never heard of them but I will look for them in the store. Are they sour on the inside? I will eat anything chocolate. I take it there is little or no fat in them. I just got back from Target and bought the "Alli Diet Plan, Your essential guide to success with Allli " book. It has recipes and a daily menu plan. There is also a dining guide for 100 restaurants. I'm going to read it tonite and shop for the recipes tomorrow. Actually can't wait to get going. I really want this to work. I am 53, last year I was fighting to stay at 147 range. All along I kept saying well at least it's not 150. Then I hit that mark & it was well at least I'm not 155! Now I am inching closer and closer to 155. My clothes are too tight but I don't want to go to the next size. I am afraid I will just eat into that size like I did with the this size. If I buy new clothes, I want them to be smaller not bigger. I like what someone said about setting small goals. That is my plan also. Good luck to everyone and thanx for the encouragement. I can't wait to report my first loss!

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