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Swelling Feet


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Surfgirl--this will make you feel better. I came back from my 2nd cruise on June 4th of this year, and got SEVERE swelling in both feet/ankles/legs. I am 21 years old, so imagine how worried I was!! I work for a podiatrist, so I went to him the day I came home, and he told me that it was probably from the salt intake (which I didn't think I had that much of), and the sunburn that I got. Also, hot/humid weather causes you to retain water. I had it so bad, that if you touched my lower leg or ankle, it left an indentation (called "pitting"). He told me if it didn't go away in 1-2 days to go get a blood test. A week and a half later, it STILL didn't go away, so I went to my primary physician, who did an ecocardiogram, a blood test and a urine test. All came back negative and 100% healthy. He said it was most likely the sunburn, the increased salt, excessive walking and the hot humid weather. It took a good 3-4 weeks to finally go away! You might not think you ate a lot of salt on the cruise, but believe me, I'm sure it was definitely more than you have when you're home.


If it's really bothering you, go get a blood test. It definitely put my mind at ease, especially since I'm only 21!

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It's very humid on cruises--if you're not used to the humidity, I imagine that could be part of the problem.


I live in the Humidity capital of the western world:eek:.....

North Florida.....summers are in the 90s and the humidity

is just as high but my ankles don't swell here at home.

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I live in the Humidity capital of the western world:eek:.....

North Florida.....summers are in the 90s and the humidity

is just as high but my ankles don't swell here at home.


I agree....I live in the Low Country of South Carolina....humidity on the coast here is a way of life in the summer. And I lived 15 years in South Florida...my ankles never swelled in either place. I'm not likely to think this is caused by humidity either.


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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Please picture me pounding my head against the wall while I write this. I'm not saying this to you, it's to the perpetuators of the "there's still salt in the water" crowd. It ain't the water, yes, it's desalinated, which means there's no salt left in it for crying out loud. It most likely is the salt in the food. I eat a lot of salt everyday anyway and it doesn't bother me in the least. Next time, ask for a low/no salt diet. Bet you'll be very surprised. If you care, there are a ton of threads that talk about this, where I, as well as others have explained how an evaporator works. Long story short, dissolve a pound of salt in a gallon of water, put it on your stove, and boil the water away, and you'll have a pan with a pound of solidified salt in the bottom of it. The evaporator works the same way, and just as efficiently, or more so, since it can't splash out.


Hi wraithe,

please do not pound your head against the wall......you could hurt the wall......you have written this before, I have written this before, I have provided before a very good link to the desalinization and evaporator process.....but people just do not bother to read others posts....just the OP and their answer whatever it might be.......

so please save your head ......i enjoyed your posts too much....and it is not worth it to loose your had over 'nothing answers'.

BTW: it works in a similar way with salt water and ice - cool it untill it freezes - no salt in the ice - a lot higher salt concentration in the remaining water.



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Yes, Sabrina, your post DID make me feel better. Thank you! :) I'm sorry you went through all that too.


Thank you to everyone who commented so far. Please keep your posts coming... it's interesting to read about everyone else's experiences.


I'm beginning to become convinced that it was the food on board. I eat very healthy at home-- mostly organic. My one big vice is chocolate. But, other than that, I don't normally salt my food.


Yes, I ate a lot on the cruise... much more than normal. I even ate things I NEVER would touch at home (like bacon!).


I wonder the cruise lines are even aware that this is such a big problem? After this incident, I'm reluctant to take another cruise.

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Yes, Sabrina, your post DID make me feel better. Thank you! :) I'm sorry you went through all that too.


Thank you to everyone who commented so far. Please keep your posts coming... it's interesting to read about everyone else's experiences.


I'm beginning to become convinced that it was the food on board. I eat very healthy at home-- mostly organic. My one big vice is chocolate. But, other than that, I don't normally salt my food.


Yes, I ate a lot on the cruise... much more than normal. I even ate things I NEVER would touch at home (like bacon!).


I wonder the cruise lines are even aware that this is such a big problem? After this incident, I'm reluctant to take another cruise.



That's what did me in. There was such a big difference between what I ate from home to the cruise, and the amount that I ate, was such a big thing. I also had bacon on my cruise, and I think that's what caused most of my problem. Also think about the things that you ate that you've never seen before--which means you don't know what kind of ingredients are in them. :eek: When I got home, I was really watching my salt intake, and since I'm young, I never look at the sodium on things...but since I started to, I was shocked at the things that were high in salt!


Good luck with everything, and I wish you a speedy recovery! :D

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Did you ever visit Nebraska(the state of) while serving on the USS Ne?...We ran the hotel in Broken Bow that was on the state tour, and housed and fed officers and gentlemen, It is every May (I think)..we enjoyed having them.


No, I never got to attend Nebraskaland Days, although I really wish I could have. Usually, due to our schedule, it fell when the other crew was in off-crew, so they got to go. They raved about the way they were treated though, loved the fact that "Son, your money's no good around here, so might as well leave it in your pocket, if you want something, just say so". The Big Red Sub Club was the best support organization that I've ever seen, they do a fantastic job of supporting their submarine. Thanks to you for taking care of our crew.


I had read that whole thread before posting here. I mentioned it again, because no one mentioned their age nor the fact that they had really serious swelling like I had. ... and the reason I mentioned the water, is because I wanted everyone to discount ship board water since I bring my own. I was just alarmed at the impact the swelling had on me-- my blood pressure, and the rash on the ankle.


I would be scared, too if I swelled like that, I have high blood pressure anyway, I know I shouldn't eat as much salt, but it doesn't affect me, except for my wife yelling at me. Thanks for helping me out by pointing out in two seperate posts that you only drink Evian, so it wasn't the ship's water. The only swelling I have to worry about on the ship is my waistline:p , so far.


Hi wraithe,

please do not pound your head against the wall......you could hurt the wall......you have written this before, I have written this before, I have provided before a very good link to the desalinization and evaporator process.....but people just do not bother to read others posts....just the OP and their answer whatever it might be.......

so please save your head ......i enjoyed your posts too much....and it is not worth it to loose your had over 'nothing answers'.

BTW: it works in a similar way with salt water and ice - cool it untill it freezes - no salt in the ice - a lot higher salt concentration in the remaining water.




LOL, Wes, too late, had to patch the hole in the wall! Catch you later.

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I hope we'll hear more from others too...perhaps someone has the solution!!


I too wonder if it's the food and the salt they use. I never salt when cooking at home...only at the table. It was probably my usual salting at the table, on top of what they used in cooking that did me in. I drank little of the ship's water...only 2 cups of tea in the morning and a cup of hot lemon water after dinner. BUT, I wasn't a big water drinker then and that might have been my mistake. After my shiatsu massage the first day the therapist told me to drink lots of water to flush away the toxins from the massage...I didn't...and started swelling that night. Now I am drinking a lot more water and plan to do the same on my next trip. Hopefully that will help...I certainly won't consider not cruising.


Cheers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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I hope we'll hear more from others too...perhaps someone has the solution!!


I too wonder if it's the food and the salt they use. I never salt when cooking at home...only at the table. It was probably my usual salting at the table, on top of what they used in cooking that did me in. I drank little of the ship's water...only 2 cups of tea in the morning and a cup of hot lemon water after dinner. BUT, I wasn't a big water drinker then and that might have been my mistake. After my shiatsu massage the first day the therapist told me to drink lots of water to flush away the toxins from the massage...I didn't...and started swelling that night. Now I am drinking a lot more water and plan to do the same on my next trip. Hopefully that will help...I certainly won't consider not cruising.


Cheers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....


Yeah, I'm not a big water drinker either...I mostly drank fruit punch on my cruise, and I don't drink alcohol, so I know that's not the problem.


As much as I worried about all the swelling I got, I learned a lesson on what to fix for next time---but not cruising was definitely not an option! :D

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I'm a huge water drinker, and drank lots of Evian on my trip... so it wasn't that. I drank the juice on board, but no coffee or tea, and only once drank their glass of water at dinner. I'm really suspecting it's the food.


I wonder if we should write letters of concern to the cruiselines to make them aware if this is as widespread a problem as it appears to be?


It's one thing to have a little swelling... but this made my blood pressure rocket to a dangerously high level. It had never been that high before... now I'm sitting around normal to below normal again.


That's why I'm concerned about going cruising again.


Keep the posts coming... still would like others to share their experiences.


Thanks :)

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I'm wondering what causes swelled feet and ankles on a cruise? I bring my own water (Evian), and I don't fly-- I drive to the pier. I'm in my 40's... and had one hell of a problem my last day of my cruise and continued at home. My ankles swelled so much that I had to go to the doctor.


I developed a rash on the inside of both ankles called "stasis dermatitis" and the swelling caused my blood pressure to go through the roof.


I had to take two days of a diuretic and use support knee highs. I mean.. c'mon.. I'm not old enough for this!


I've heard it could be the hot and humid weather as well as the salt on the food that they prepare with on board.




I walk alot and am very active on my cruise. I walk the stairs and don't take the elevators.



I'd like to hear if anyone else has had these problems? How can I prevent them?




Hi ,


I do have a similar problem and I do most of the same things that you do:


I walk alot and am very active on my cruise. I walk the stairs and don't take the elevators.



I am not sure what to do exactly to prevent these problems but some of the things that I do seem to help : I do wear moderate compression (15 -20 mm Hg) stockings, I do watch the salt intake - sometimes I ask for low sodium items, I do drink cranberry juice / drink - sometimes I will take Cranberry softgels, spent some time with my feet in the cold water in the pool, if I have to - I will take Hydrochlorothiazide tablet or two .......and that seems to help.




"I'm a huge water drinker, and drank lots of Evian on my trip... so it wasn't that. I drank the juice on board, but no coffee or tea, and only once drank their glass of water at dinner. I'm really suspecting it's the food.


I wonder if we should write letters of concern to the cruiselines to make them aware if this is as widespread a problem as it appears to be?


It's one thing to have a little swelling... but this made my blood pressure rocket to a dangerously high level. It had never been that high before... now I'm sitting around normal to below normal again.


That's why I'm concerned about going cruising again.


Keep the posts coming... still would like others to share their experiences.


Than "



I am not sure if it is a cruise line problem - I have problems with the swelling - wife does not, some do - some do not.

It seems that your doctor did not tell you what causes it .... and neither did mine. So I do not know if it is cruise line caused problem ...or is it my medical condition that gets worse on a cruise ?


As far as cruising - if you like it do it again.... mabe this time try some of the preventive measures that your doctor might advice, and have the blood pressure checked either by your own apparatus or the medical facility and control it with something if you have to.


Wishing you less or no swelling and an enjoyable future cruise.




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See... that's the mystery... my BP shot up past 160-- I don't normally have high blood pressure. Nor do I ever have swelling in my feet unless I fly or take a long bus tour.


Surfgirl...you're extreme blood pressure reading certanly are scary. I don't know what mine were when this happened...never really gave that a thought, but I will the next time as it's something you don't usually feel. I have very low blood lressure normally and am a very fortunate, healty person.


I doubt there's any medical condition I have that could be aggravated by this. It just seems unusual that so many of us on here have indicated that we have endured it on a cruise ship. I can understand on a plane where you are basically inactive for hours, but on a ship we're all pretty busy doing things all day.


I'm glad to see some suggestions being posted but I do think I'll pack our little blood pressure meter next time...that's a serious side effect you had.


Cheers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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I have heard this can be due to the fact that onboard drinking water is desalinated sea water. You might find a decrease in swelling if you drink bottled water only and avoid drinks made with ship water (iced tea, coffee, punch drinks, etc.).


Have also read, though this is in regard to swollen feet on airline flights, that a product called FliteTabs can help. I've never used this, but they do have a webpage.


I'll look into flitetabs, thanks. This is the first time my feet swelled on a flight. granted it was a long flight to Rome but i don't think that had anything to do with it. I have flown to London twice and never had a problem.


thanks again,


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When I had my problem, my blood pressure shot up, too, but not to a dangerously high level like yours. But still...at my age (21), I should not have high blood pressure. As soon as the swelling went down, so did the BP...

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Dont know if this will help you but works well for me in the summer I used to get feet so swollen even the soles and was given a remedy by a natural healer that always works for me At night I take some clean cotton material like a couple of very large mens hankies - get some washing soda and pound it into small lumps - put it between the 2 hankies and dampen the lot wrap around foot where the swelling is and cover with a close fitting sock. In the morning the white washing soda will have turned yellow and your foot will no longer be swollen and the whole lot can be thrown into the washing machine This is a cure my healer told me that was used in the early 1900s and still works today I also had an ulcer on my leg that wouldnt clear after 6 months medical treatment and in frustration went to this healer it was clear in 4 days and skin grown over it by the application of Manuka Honey a product of New Zealand and is available from the web from Comvita labourities in Paengaroa New Zealand could not live without my manuka honey I take a teaspoon a day in water for Diverticulitus and have not had an attack in years

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My DH and I are hikers. During and after hikes we find our fingers and feet will swell up to some extent. Perhaps it's the extra exercise, ie, walking, that is causing the swelling? Or at least some of it?


People in the US walk an average of 1.5 miles a week. You could do that in a day on a ship of any size, especially if you were taking the stairs.


We also salt (kosher or sea) our food properly at home, while cooking it, so it tastes as good as possible, and drink enough water. We also enjoy alcohol in moderation and keep junk food to an occasional treat. I say this as a benchmark of sorts, so you might consider if it's the extra exercise that might be having a hand in the swelling. No idea about MSG in ships' foodstuffs, unless there's a lot of it that's prepackaged.

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On one of my first cruises, I bought a product from the spa called Instant Refreshing Gel (Elemis) I use it sometimes even when not cruising (I stand a lot for work) but ALWAYS on a cruise each night before bed. Just apply it to the feet & work it up the calves. It feels really great-very cooling & it really helps get the circulation going & gets rid of swelling. Here's a bit more info:


Instant Refreshing Gel

An uplifting and refreshing multi-function gel containing Arnica, Camphor and Menthol.


Multi functional gel

Use as an all over body revitaliser, for an instant pick me up

Excellent for use when traveling

For long flights apply to swollen ankles to reduce swelling

Relieves stress from tense muscles and knots

Can be used when pregnant for swollen legs and lower back

Apply to the back of neck and temples to freshen and relieve headache

Intense cooling action


FYI- Origins also makes a couple of products that are a bit similar-one is called LegLifts. It's less expensive than Elemis (but in my opinion isnt quite as good)

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On one of my first cruises, I bought a product from the spa called Instant Refreshing Gel (Elemis) I use it sometimes even when not cruising (I stand a lot for work) but ALWAYS on a cruise each night before bed. Just apply it to the feet & work it up the calves. It feels really great-very cooling & it really helps get the circulation going & gets rid of swelling. Here's a bit more info:


Instant Refreshing Gel

An uplifting and refreshing multi-function gel containing Arnica, Camphor and Menthol.


Multi functional gel

Use as an all over body revitaliser, for an instant pick me up

Excellent for use when traveling

For long flights apply to swollen ankles to reduce swelling

Relieves stress from tense muscles and knots

Can be used when pregnant for swollen legs and lower back

Apply to the back of neck and temples to freshen and relieve headache

Intense cooling action


FYI- Origins also makes a couple of products that are a bit similar-one is called LegLifts. It's less expensive than Elemis (but in my opinion isnt quite as good)


Now this is more up my alley:) ;) ....is Elemis only sold

on the ship though? Or would a place such as Sephora's sell


I know Origins....they are in the Mall!

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Hi Wes, thanks for the link:)

And there is nothing in that link that would be prohibited on here...

not that I can see anyway:D

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Thanks for that information Wes....I'd forgotten that Arnica can be helpful for swelling. I'll have to look into this for our next cruise. We might be onto something helpful for those of us who have had this happen onboard.


Cheers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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Thanks Morisnfan for letting us know that this gel works ,

I have seen it but never tried that ..... some of the Elemis products I was a little skeptical about ..... but if the gel works for you ..... maybe it will work for me .....

there were times I could not put my "formal wear shoes " on - it seemed that they have gotten two sizes smaller ..... I could understand the pants - not being able to fit them (now I got the adjustable) ..... but the shoes ......


Lois, I never know with the links or any other information, .... once someone was asking about Belize, and I provided some information about a taxi driver that we have used (good driver. good tour and very inexpensive)..... and have no idea what there was that was not proper - it got deleted ..... I never know.


Hey Lois - have you been eating any of the peanuts without the chocolate ???? You probably do not remember that story about the 'senior's trip .



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