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10% in 3 months

RB Bonzo

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Thanks to all for your encouraging words. Yes, I can feel that this is going to be a struggle, but I know that the first two weeks are the hardest. I've finished the first day, and the end of the week seems to be an eternity away!


I'm basically doing Weight Watchers. As far as having a "buddy" here. It will probably be my husband. He always tries when I do, and is usually more successful. (We won't go into that "men lose faster than women" thing!) Actually my whole family is cheering for me. One daughter is a Weight Watcher leader, another daughter is a fitness guru, and my son just dropped over 100 pounds (on his own!) through cardio, weight lifting, low carbs & high protein (and lots of water). My youngest daughter is a teenager who eats lots of junk and is immune to weight-loss programs. They all want a fit & healthy mom!


I know I will feel my own increased incentive after that first weigh-in, when I show a loss. It's funny, isn't it, when you can drop only 3 or 4 pounds, but immediately 'feel' that your tummy is flatter.


You can call me by my first name "Carmen", which is a lot easier than my screen name.

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Hello Everyone!


Congrats to the losers this week! Good going all! My loss was very small, only .2, but at least it was downward. Need to get more exercise in which will be my focus this upcoming week. Hope that everyone has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!


:) Cherie


RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 2.0/13.0/10 to go! Monday 8/20

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.4 /14.4 to go! Friday 8/24

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /6.0 /20 to go! Tuesday 8/21

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6 16.4 to go! Tuesday 8/21

ebedore 1/6.0/18 to go! Friday 8/17

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn +0.8/3.8/13.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /2.5/7.0/14 to go! Thursday 23rd

swansonia +3/7/21 to go Monday 8/20

2'n' Dianne +1.0/2.6/15.4 Wednesday 8/15 Gained a pound

Beth (momonmeds) 0/4/16 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!

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Hello all….. I was surfing through the threads and came across this wonderful board. I just returned from a week sailing the Caribbean, and am set to go on a New Years cruise, but I can’t deny the excessive poundage that is accumulating! I always fell back on the excuse that my weight was due to the 4 kids I carried, but I know that I’m fooling myself. I love to cruise (probably because I love to eat), but each time we sail, I know I’m adding to my problem.


I hesitated posting here for fear of another disappointment, but I see you are all so supportive of each other (through ups AND downs), that I would like to give it a try. I read through a few posts, and don’t quite understand the “stats”. Ultimately, I have a HUGE goal, but I guess I should start with baby steps, because I’ve found that trying to aim for perfection just hasn’t worked for me.


I will start today by weighing myself (something I’ve avoided since returning from the Caribbean), and then check in with you guys. It will be fun if I have a successful week, I’m sure. I just fear getting through those UNsuccessful weeks!


My fingers are crossed. I’ll take a deep breath and here goes………………..



Welcome to our group Carmen and good luck in your goals! This is a great bunch, very supportive and so helpful and just a keystroke away!


:) Cherie

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Whoo-Hoo! 3 pounds for me this week!! I guess that makes up for not losing last week. I have been more focused this week, actually measuring, exercising (OW!:o ), etc.. It seems to help.


Carmen, welcome, this is a great group. They've helped me tons!!;)


Cinnamon, congrats! You're doing great girl!:p


Everyone else is doing well too. Keep up the good work, and have a great weekend!!:D


RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 2.0/13.0/10 to go! Monday 8/20

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.4 /14.4 to go! Friday 8/24

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /6.0 /20 to go! Tuesday 8/21

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6 16.4 to go! Tuesday 8/21

ebedore 1/6.0/18 to go! Friday 8/17

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn +0.8/3.8/13.6 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /2.5/7.0/14 to go! Thursday 23rd

swansonia +3/7/21 to go Monday 8/20

2'n' Dianne +1.0/2.6/15.4 Wednesday 8/15 Gained a pound

Beth (momonmeds) 3/7/13 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!

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Beth, WOW, many congratulations. 3lbs. you are definitely back on track.


Carmen, that must be very tough, being surrounded by fit, healthy motivated people and you have been struggling. Well, sometimes the ones we love are the hardest to talk to about things and in the past I have found that to be so (not now, mercifully). The motivation has to come from you. No-one can do this for you. YOU ARE IN CONTROL. You are doing well for the first few days and eventually it will get easier.


BTW, my WW leader, even though she runs 10 (!) classes a week, still goes anonymously to another class to be an ordinary member. She feels that accountability is essential. So, we can be that help for you, just keep chatting on the board!



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Wow!! Beth & Cherie!!! - your both doing great! :)

And thanks for keeping the Stats board updated along with your weigh in. We all have different days that we need to step on those scales and it gives me a little more determination when I see how well everyone else is doing!! ;)

Cinnamon - Interesting about your WW leader attending her own meetings!

Carmen-Those flat tummy days are such a big boost!

Hope everyone has a 'Staying focused, choosing wisely, moving those feet, terrific WEEKEND!'

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Hey everyone,


Sorry I've been away awhile, work & wedding planning has been keeping me busy. Congrats to all the losses. We're doing great!


I'm pleased to tell you that after a bad week and a gain last week, I've lost 2.2 pounds since the last WI! Yay! Now I'm definitely pushed into the next lower WW category. Since I started (not the 10% challenge, but over the past several months), I've lost 20 pounds and have about 11 more to go. I'm starting to feel like I will actually do this! My goal is November for the wedding, and I think I'm going to do it this time! :D


Good luck everyone!!! Enjoy the weekend.


RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 2.0/13.0/10 to go! Monday 8/20

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.4 /14.4 to go! Friday 8/24

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /6.0 /20 to go! Tuesday 8/21

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6 16.4 to go! Tuesday 8/21

ebedore 1/6.0/18 to go! Friday 8/17

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 2.2/3/11.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /2.5/7.0/14 to go! Thursday 23rd

swansonia +3/7/21 to go Monday 8/20

2'n' Dianne +1.0/2.6/15.4 Wednesday 8/15 Gained a pound

Beth (momonmeds) 3/7/13 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!

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I just added up our losses to date -


Since starting the 10% challenge, we have collectively lost more than 100 lbs!! :D A little more than 200 to go, so, as a group, we are about a third of the way towards meeting our 10% goal.


Any lurkers care to come forward and take the challenge? We were counting on 'ya when we set our total goal for the end of the year! ;)





(we are

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Good Morning All!


Jean~thanks! I am working on losing these last 25lbs and it is slow going.


RachieLnnn~Way to go! You will do it this time. :D


RB~WOW! it's amazing we have reached that milestone already. Everyone is doing so well. Congrats again to all the losers this week. Great going!


I hope that everyone has a terrific weekend!


:) Cherie


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Sorry I'm a little late with my up date but it's been a crazy week. I have a loss of 1.2 this week. I'm pleased since I had a gain last week. You guys are definitely inspiring me.



Name/Loss This Week/Total Lost in Challenge/LBS to Lose to get to 10%


RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 2.0/13.0/10 to go! Monday 8/20

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.4 /14.4 to go! Friday 8/24

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /6.0 /20 to go! Tuesday 8/21

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6 16.4 to go! Tuesday 8/21

ebedore 1/6.0/18 to go! Friday 8/17

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 2.2/3/11.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /2.5/7.0/14 to go! Thursday 23rd

swansonia +3/7/21 to go Monday 8/20

2'n' Dianne 1.2/3.8/14.2 to go! Thursday 8/23

Beth (momonmeds) 3/7/13 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!



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Well I don't know if this counts, but I'll post my weight loss stuff for you guys.


I am 22 year old male, 6'3" tall. I weighed 225 lbs in May... I am currently sitting at 183 lbs...my cruise is in the end of november... although I am at a healthy weight now, I think I would like to be 175 lbs by then.


Anyhow heres how I've lost 42 Pounds in less than 3 months....


1. Left USA, came 2 Iraq.

2. Eat nothing good for 3 months. Aka, nothing that LOOKS good, nothing fried, no deserts, no sweets, not many carbs. I usually drink about a liter before each meal. I've tried eating 6 small (200-300 calorie) Meals throughout the day, but that was hard. So currently I eat 3 well proportioned meals, and 100 calorie granola bar before bed.

3. Run for at least 30 minutes every other day. I usually try for 4 miles, or at least 600 calories burned according to la 'tread mill'

4. Lift free weights at a different time of the day, every 2 or 3 days.

5. Stay motivated... and stick with it... for 3 months!


It helps that I have not eaten at a "named' restaurant since May. No Burgerking, Sconic, Subway, Pizza Hutt, Applebees, TGI Fridays, etc.


It also helps that it is 115 out every day.


Wish me luck for the last 8 pounds!

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Hi everyone, I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. We are headed for the state fair today. Wish me luck that I stay in control. There are so many different kinds of food there. Last year my husband got a fried snickers bar. I dont think he will do that today as he is doing great with his weight loss also.I will be strong:)

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I came here all excited about my weight loss, but I am taking the time out to say thanks Toast for being in Iraq !!! Are you military or civilian? I think it is wonderful to hear about your weight loss!! And of course it counts!!! Welcome to our thread!!!

Back to my dancing....as if I weren't excited enough that I am leaving for my cruise tomorrow...I weighed in a day early because tomorrow will be hectic enough...and I lost****6**** pounds this week !! I knew the gain last week had to be water cause so now I feel a lot better....and am more inspired to eat healthier while on the cruise.

Have a great week everyone and I love forward to reading all your posts when I get back!!!

RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 2.0/13.0/10 to go! Monday 8/20

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.4 /14.4 to go! Friday 8/24

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /6.0 /20 to go! Tuesday 8/21

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6 16.4 to go! Tuesday 8/21

ebedore 1/6.0/18 to go! Friday 8/17

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 2.2/3/11.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /2.5/7.0/14 to go! Thursday 23rd

swansonia 6/13/15 to go Sunday 8/26

2'n' Dianne 1.2/3.8/14.2 to go! Thursday 8/23

Beth (momonmeds) 3/7/13 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!



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Good Morning Loosers!


TOAST-welcome to our little looser group! Let me first say thank you for your generous service to the greatest country in the world! And because of heros like you it will stay that way;) Congrats to your 42lbs gone forever!!! I'm sure the last 8 will melt away in that heat! We have had 100+ temps for the last 2weeks here in the Memphis area, I can't imagine 115:eek: There is another soldier from Iraq who is posting on the March08 thread in the lose to cruise section. His screen name is SandySoldier. He tells us that you guys do have access to some good ole' USA junk food, so I know that you are exesisng alot of disciplin, you give yourself a BIG pat on the back! When will you get to come home? Will it be for a short holiday or will it be for good? I am sorry to be so nosey, but I live in a military town, even nick named "The Flag City" so I am always interested in our men and women in all branches of the service. My nephew will leave for Egypt in October and then on to Iraq sometime early 08, so I am interested in what it's like over there. Please keep posting when you get time. Also, tell us about your family.


SAM- going to a fair? Wow, I wish you luck! My weekness is the corndogs and polish sausage, I could eat a dozen footlong corndogs! I don't know about the fried snickers though, I prefer them frozen. Hubby is a sucker for the funnel cakes, flour, lard and greese...yuck! I just gained 5lbs just thinking about a fair...lol.

Maybe you could pick just one treat and stick with that, or you could eat everything and ride the fastest spinning ride they have...I wouldn't want to get behind you though...hehehe. Good luck girl and let us know how you did.


(2n)Diane- congrats on your loss last week!!!! Yippi!!! I know that will keep you motivated. It seems like a gain just gets me down and the cycle continues from there. You gotta add to that loss girl!


I think I did pretty good last week, I hope to move my chart tomorrow evening. I did sneek a peek this morning and it looks like a 2lb loss, I will check again in the AM. I had to make a wedding cake for yesterday, I didn't eat a bite! I did have to taste the frosting while making it because hubby wasn't here to do the dirty work for me:p I didn't eat anything at the reception, I meet hubby at Chilis for a drink and I had some wings without sauce and some veggies. Ya'll for me, that is discipline. I like the southwest eggrolls and a lady sitting next to us ordered them:rolleyes: I just looked the other way, fortunatly there was a football game on so I just watched that.


RachiLynn- congrats on your loss too! How are the wedding plans coming along?11lbs by Nov is certainly doable. I can't remember; are you honeymooning in Hawaii? On a cruise? You will look marvelous!!!!


How's everyone else doing?


Ya'll have a good week-end.



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Swansonia!!!!! Wow, 6lbs!!!! You keep on dancin girl!!!! If you read this before you leave, I want to wish you a wonderful time!!! Get outa here with your skinny self!!!! Please report when you get back, I can't wait to here about your trip. You should be able to stay low carb and maybe have a treat or two a day and walk it off in the ports. I wouldn't care, I just want to have a good time and do what I want to do:p

See ya later girl.


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Thank you Annie, and congrats on the discipline! I love those southwest eggrolls too!


Yes, we are honeymooning in Hawaii, some days on land, and then a 7 night cruise. It's our first balcony - we can't wait. I want to feel comfortable in a bikini! I tried one on the other day, and felt a little more uncomfortable than I do in a typical swimsuit, so hopefully 11 more pounds and I'll be there. Ditto for the sundresses, etc. that I want to wear! It's great motivation!


Good luck everyone, hope you had a good weekend!

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I hear ya RaciLynn, nothing like a new swim suit to motivate you:D I looked at some at Dillards today, I didn't feel like trying them on yet, I will wait a couple more weeks. You shouldn't have any problem with 11 more pounds by Nov.

On our first cruise we had a balcony, the second cruise we just had a window:eek: , never again! We have a balcony cabin booked for the next one. You will NEVER want to go back to anything but a balcony. Now I would like to move on up to a suite:cool:

Hang in there girl.



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Answers to a few questions.


I am in the Air Force, so yes I'm military not civilian. I will be coming home very shortly, early september I hope....hopefully forever..this is my 3rd trip here.


Losing weight in Iraq may be easier, but many of the temptations are worse. You asked about having good old american junk food here? Well Imagine this... you eat on the cruise ship every day, and you are trying to lose weight. Thats the best way I can think to describe the food here. It is of course buffet, every day, every meal. They have some pretty impressive food, choices, dishes, considering we are at war. It is not easy to resist some of the stuff they have out. They have at least 8 differnt kinds of ice cream, and OH MY let me tell you how wonderful the desert bar looks. I can't remember my first cruise ( I was 12 ), but I imagine our dessert bar here, compares to any cruise line out there.


Must resist!


Annie - Don't worry about being nosey, answering questions is fun.


Now I'm hungry, haha.


Time for a healthy snack - they have these horrible carrot 'power bar's' over here. The combination of them being so horrible, and being very healthy, really helps keep me in check. Attempt to eat one, and you'll forget you were even hungry.

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Hi everyone, congratulations Swansonia on your 6 pound loss WOW. Welcome Toast. I did not do to bad at the fair yesterday. My husband and I just shared things so we could try different things. I probaly had more calories than if i was home, but it wasn't to bad. Lots of walikng plus i ran 10 miles before we went, so hopefully it wont mess up my week.

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Swansonia had the last stats listed so that's what I'm copying today, and she's 6lbs lighter and heading out to sea! Bye Swansonia - have a wonderful trip!

My stats are going to be bad today!:mad: Last Tuesday my DH came home with a new digital scale in hand. I didn't think about it much because I was just planning on using the scale that I started with. Well - he threw it out! :eek: So now I am going to go by what this new scale has which is weighing about 3lbs heavier! :mad: But since I felt like I'm working on my first 10% for the year - I'm just marking this up to a BAD BAD week and go from there. (wwaaaaaaa!)

Welcome Toast! Sea Fan, Your doing Great!

And a Happy Monday to everyone else today - Hope you have a great week! I'll be checking on the stats for our Monday weigh in group!


RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.6 to go! Monday 8/27

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.4 /14.4 to go! Friday 8/24

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /6.0 /20 to go! Tuesday 8/21

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6 16.4 to go! Tuesday 8/21

ebedore 1/6.0/18 to go! Friday 8/17

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 2.2/3/11.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /2.5/7.0/14 to go! Thursday 23rd

swansonia 6/13/15 to go Sunday 8/26

2'n' Dianne 1.2/3.8/14.2 to go! Thursday 8/23

Beth (momonmeds) 3/7/13 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!

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Good Morning Everyone!


Toast~WELCOME to our group! Those last few pounds can be the most difficult to lose but you sound very determined and disciplined. Good Luck! :)


Swansonia~Great job on the 6lb weight loss this week! You are doing terrific and are a inspiration. :cool: Have a fantastic cruise, can't wait to hear all about it when you return.


sam~Good for you on your trip to the fair. You did great starting off with your 10 mile run and then ate sensibly along with all the walking you no doubt did. :D


sea~Good going this week! More weight gone forever. Keep up the great work! :)


I'm off to San Francisco shortly for a mini-vacation with my daughter. It is going to be lots of fun but a challenge for me. No gym to use and lots of good food to tempt me. I imagine we will be doing a lot of walking and I'm going to do my best to stick with my diet plan. I hope that everyone has a great week. See ya Friday!


:) Cherie

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Swansonia had the last stats listed so that's what I'm copying today, and she's 6lbs lighter and heading out to sea! Bye Swansonia - have a wonderful trip!

My stats are going to be bad today!:mad: Last Tuesday my DH came home with a new digital scale in hand. I didn't think about it much because I was just planning on using the scale that I started with. Well - he threw it out! :eek: So now I am going to go by what this new scale has which is weighing about 3lbs heavier! :mad: But since I felt like I'm working on my first 10% for the year - I'm just marking this up to a BAD BAD week and go from there. (wwaaaaaaa!)

Welcome Toast! Sea Fan, Your doing Great!

And a Happy Monday to everyone else today - Hope you have a great week! I'll be checking on the stats for our Monday weigh in group!


RB Bonzo / 1.4 /8.2/15.4 to go! Monday 8/20

NMCruzzin / 0.0/10/13.6 to go! Monday 8/27

Annie 2.5/5.5 /13 to go!

skertso / 0.2 / 3.4 /14.4 to go! Friday 8/24

1'n' Diane 3.0/6.0/15 to go!!

Ppaxton 1.0 /6.0 /20 to go! Tuesday 8/21

Carol 2.3/2.5/3.6 /.6 , +1.6 16.4 to go! Tuesday 8/21

ebedore 1/6.0/18 to go! Friday 8/17

sam73 2 /6/11 to go!

RachieLnnn 2.2/3/11.4 lbs to go!

Cinnamon /2.5/7.0/14 to go! Thursday 23rd

swansonia 6/13/15 to go Sunday 8/26

2'n' Dianne 1.2/3.8/14.2 to go! Thursday 8/23

Beth (momonmeds) 3/7/13 to go!

Empress (Denise) 3/11/14.2 to go!



Good Morning Jean,


I went through the scale change incident a while back with my DH too! It was disappointing experience but you have a good attitude about it. Keep up the great work, you are doing fantastic so far! Have a great upcoming week!


:) Cherie

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RB, I have the hardest time getting back on program after a vacation. I always manage to take another 2 weeks (sometimes longer) to get back on track. You will do it. You are such a motivator for all fo us here.

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