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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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So, I am not sure what is says about me, that my favorite Christmas gifts were not one but two copies of "Marley and Me", two movie passes, and a new messenger/back pack to carry my supplies when I am out with a SD in training!! Since I had so many house guests including 4 cats and a chiuaua, I did not have a SD training home for Christmas, but we had plenty of laughs, especially watching the 8 pound dog boss the 70 pound resident house dog around. Roz, I was so excited to see a 13 month old black golden lab mix graduate early and go onto live with her new 10 year old best friend! Now, it is back to basics as the resident genius has gone on to shine!!

Question: I know that Brenda has had some ear issues. My "grand dog" the Chiuaua seems to have a bit of an ear issue. They are kind of stinky and he has been pawing at them. Any home remedies recomended???????

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Maybe a bit "yeasty". They don't look red at all. I irragated them last night with some 1/2 strenth peroxide last night and they seem better today. I will have him for a week while my daughter is off on vacation, so can take them to my vet if needed, but would like to handle it myself. any bit warning signs that I need to be off to the vet?????

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We use an ear drying powder to dry up the ears. He can get water in his ears and uses cotton balls when getting a bath. If you notice pain or a fever, off to the vet. Rubbing is ok, but any whimpering or wincing and I would be off to the vet.




Ok, I know this has probably been discussed before, but what do you folks suggest for motion sickness in dogs? Is there anything I should ask the vet to prescribe? He does great in the car and has been on boats, I just worry about rough seas.

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Ears seem to be in good shape this morning, thanks for the heads up and what to watch for. The orginization that I volunteer with uses meclazine for the dogs that have car motion sickness issues. I am sure it is weight related, so I have no idea what dose would be used.

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I hope everyone had wonderful Holidays. I have been catching up on the posts and have a few thoughts.


1) We went with another service dog for a week vacation. The two dogs are like sisters. They thought they were on vacation too and tended to ignore us. Neither service dog was a guide dog, the other was a hearing dog and Bailey is a medical alert dog. We were basically in a condo all week, so they were not 'dressed'. But that is the way it is in our house most of the time. The hearing dog, stopped alerting after the first day. Bailey did not alert me on serveral occassions, one being fairly serious.

So, I was thinking, boy I could never get a second dog, she would not alert me anymore. Also I wondered if they thought we were safe as we were with another person. Anyway, it did put any thoughts of getting a pet out of my mind.


2) Our vet suggested Bonine for motion sickness. We never used it on the cruise. It is over the counter We did switch out 'treats' for ginger snaps. Ginger works pretty well for mild motion sickness.


3) We tried to see Marly and Me on Christmas day. I had never gone to a movie on Christmas Day so thought it would be either really crowded or no one would be there. We got there when the theater opened and they were alread sold out (I guess everyone bought tickets online). I think we will wait until next week to see it.


4) Bailey has been rubbing her right eye. I can't see anything in it and I have flushed it. So I think it is off to the vet today with her.

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17436622[/size]]Awwwwww! How cute is she? I've thought about getting Brenny a "buddy"' date=' like a kitty or another dog....but, what would we do when we go out and about with Miss. Brenny and have to leave her buddy behind? [/b']


I'd feel so bad leaving it for a week or so, while Brenny is traveling the high seas or going to Las Vegas or whatever! Not fair! :o

Uppitycat is right, kitties are much happier at home. We had said, no more animals. We had a himalayn (sp) kitty for 21 years. I think I mentioned that before. After she passed, we were so sad we couldn't think of another kitty.

Leann is lucky she is so cute. We saw her picture in the paper, she was at the animal shelter. DH said, "Go get her." "If she is not there, do not bring home any others!" I guess he knows me well. Anyway she was still there.

She is too funny. Our last kitty would just run from Reno and get on a dresser where he couldn't reach her. Leann stood up to up the first day she came home! She stood on her hind legs and we said she looked like a little Kodial bear. Since then, they just love each other and play.

Enough about my furbabies. I could go on forever.

Roz, I think Brenny would do great with a kitty. They have their own special bond. News reports say that people that have cats live longer. They said petting a cat is soothing and settles the nerves down. I'm not sure if I believe all of it, but I could pet our little Leann for hours. Her fur is so soft. And when she is in my lap asleep, I do feel more relaxed. Goofy? maybe, but it works for me. I take pictures of the kids when we go cruising, so I can look at them any time! :D

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We thought about getting another dog, but realized it would be unfair to the second dog. We go on so many trips the new dog would need to be kenneled quite often. We do have cats though. We have one and the roommate has two cats. There is one that Chewey is scared of, one he cuddles and sleeps with and the other he ignores. The cats have never been a distraction. It is also very easy to have someone take care of the cats while we are away, a dog is another story.


I will talk to the vet before we leave about motion sickness medicine. We did buy ginger treats so hopefully they will help

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We thought about getting another dog, but realized it would be unfair to the second dog. We go on so many trips the new dog would need to be kenneled quite often. We do have cats though. We have one and the roommate has two cats. There is one that Chewey is scared of, one he cuddles and sleeps with and the other he ignores. The cats have never been a distraction. It is also very easy to have someone take care of the cats while we are away, a dog is another story.


I will talk to the vet before we leave about motion sickness medicine. We did buy ginger treats so hopefully they will help


I have heard really good things on these boards re: ginger. Never thought about it relative to canines. I do enjoy baking my own doggy treats for training(and general all purpose spoiling) purposes. It would be so easy to tweak the recepies to add ginger......hmmmmmm maybe we are on to something. I'll have to see how adding ginger goes for taste purposes. Of course my own pet will not be on a cruise with me, but you never know what might help those other four footed friends.

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Just got back from seeing Marley & Me. I think Chewey really enjoyed it and laid there and watched a good portion of it. Hopefully he does not get any bad ideas, hehe. I warned my son before hand that he did not want to go see it because it had a sad ending. He still wanted to go and was balling and holding Chewey at the end. Leaving the movie I heard some of the rudest comments ever and I guess it was just "jealous dog lovers"


I actually bake Chewies food into big dog cookies (look like hamburgers) before we take trips so that I always have food ready for him. It would be really easy just to add some ginger.

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Ok, a rhetorical question here. Are people so ignorant that they think you brought your own dog, just to watch the movie? Our society has gone so far down hill, I don't know how you guys handle it. I would be a raving maniac, telling them to mind their business. I guess that is the key, too many people are worried about what others are or are not doing, that they loose track of their own manners. Thats if they ever had any. :(

Giving my computer up to Travis to play games....


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We had people thinking it was Marley (hello, he is a golden retriever, not a yellow lab and is alive) some people thought they were allowing dogs into the show and then of course the ones that just thought it was unfair we brought our dog. I always love it when someone from the masses speaks up and says something like "Hey morons, its a service dog" and of course a few people said something similar. We walked out without saying a word to anyone. My son was falling apart and Chewey stood right beside him brushing into him every step he took and licking his hand. They stayed completely focused on each other.

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i am partially sighted... i want to go see marley and me BUT i have a yellow lab and contimplated taking him only because i didnt even want to DEAL with the peoples comments... it was good to hear from another SD user what your outcome was .... i think i might take my white cane to the movies and let Denver sit this one out ,,,, I just sometimes cant deal with stupid people and if my mom is wirth me WATCH OUT !!!!! we were in the store the other day and a kid said " a dog what is that dog doing in here " and right back at him in front of his parents my mom says in a stupid voice " look a dog a dog a dog whats that dog in here for " i thought i was going to DIE !!!!

cari and guide dog Denver

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People with disabilities are subject to stupid and rude comments all the time. For that matter, anyone who is perceived as "different" is subject to rude comments. Sometimes it really is a matter of ignorance, sometimes curiosity ("What is that dog doing in here?" could fall into either category, depending on tone of voice, approximation of speaker to dog (do they see the service "blanket" or cover on the dog, or the special harness?). And people who are not "dog people" see "yellow dog"...not specific kind of dog. Sometimes we just have to develop a thick skin and let this sort of stuff flow over our heads and out the door...otherwise we'd spend our life fighting battles over the small stuff.


Rule One: Forget the small stuff.

Rule Two: It's all small stuff.

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i am partially sighted... i want to go see marley and me BUT i have a yellow lab and contimplated taking him only because i didnt even want to DEAL with the peoples comments... it was good to hear from another SD user what your outcome was .... i think i might take my white cane to the movies and let Denver sit this one out ,,,, I just sometimes cant deal with stupid people and if my mom is wirth me WATCH OUT !!!!! we were in the store the other day and a kid said " a dog what is that dog doing in here " and right back at him in front of his parents my mom says in a stupid voice " look a dog a dog a dog whats that dog in here for " i thought i was going to DIE !!!!

cari and guide dog Denver


Isn't it pathetic that you have to leave Denver home? I understand what you are saying though. It would probably bring way too much attention.

That young man's parents should have explained it to him. But they probably didn't get it either.

I think I would just point at his vest and leave it at that. I am truly sorry for what you guys have to go through. Wish we could just EDUCATE the world. Maybe half of them would soak it up! I am being bad now. Should stop.


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People with disabilities are subject to stupid and rude comments all the time. For that matter, anyone who is perceived as "different" is subject to rude comments. Sometimes it really is a matter of ignorance, sometimes curiosity ("What is that dog doing in here?" could fall into either category, depending on tone of voice, approximation of speaker to dog (do they see the service "blanket" or cover on the dog, or the special harness?). And people who are not "dog people" see "yellow dog"...not specific kind of dog. Sometimes we just have to develop a thick skin and let this sort of stuff flow over our heads and out the door...otherwise we'd spend our life fighting battles over the small stuff.


Rule One: Forget the small stuff.

Rule Two: It's all small stuff.





It is my MOM who has the issue not me.... I guess as a parent we want our kids to fit in , she hasnt grasped the concept yet that people are people .... and youll get it EVERYWHERE you go ... i agree with rules 1 and 2 .... it dosent bother me in the least ... the handicapped are normal the rest of the worls is wierd LOL

cari and D


ps ROZ im coming out your way in january will let you know wanna have dinner at soup plAce ?

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hi nancy and cindy

thanks ... it bugs my mom more than me i tune it out but yes the world needs an education .....i herd the movie is SAD it ends like the book so be prepared ... me having a yellow lab i dont know if i will be able to see it in the theaters or not ... im SO attahed to my Denver and he is getting older now and slowing down ALOT dont know how much longer he will work.... dont know if this movie is good for me at this time in our partnership but i may say what the heck ... ive read the book so it cant be any worse... right ?

HEY we should do a cruise with everyone here on this board a cheapie somewhere fun !!! what do you guys think ? i think princess allows 25 dogs on board at a time .... i dont know about other lines .... i think it would be fun

cari and D

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hi nancy and cindy

thanks ... it bugs my mom more than me i tune it out but yes the world needs an education .....i herd the movie is SAD it ends like the book so be prepared ... me having a yellow lab i dont know if i will be able to see it in the theaters or not ... im SO attahed to my Denver and he is getting older now and slowing down ALOT dont know how much longer he will work.... dont know if this movie is good for me at this time in our partnership but i may say what the heck ... ive read the book so it cant be any worse... right ?

HEY we should do a cruise with everyone here on this board a cheapie somewhere fun !!! what do you guys think ? i think princess allows 25 dogs on board at a time .... i dont know about other lines .... i think it would be fun

cari and D


Would those of us without dogs...but "friends of service dogs"..be allowed to come, too? ('Course I would need a wheelchair accessible cabin..)


You're right..it WOULD be fun. I'd have to do some heavy duty laundry when I got home to get rid of the doggie smells, before my cats would let me in the door, though.. :)

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:DGosh, a SD cruise does sound fun. There are a lot of good deals out there. I would only be able to do it from the west coast. Wonder how many need to do it from the east coast.

Also, on my last cruise there was a wonderful TA that escorted her group of SD. They even brought a vet. :D

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Wow, I have a double whammy. No SD and we would have to leave from West coast also. DH does not fly. Then we have the grandson, he's 5. Perfect time to teach him about SD and their jobs, I do believe. Never thought about it, he has never really made a big deal about it. Oh, he would comment on the dog, just because he would want to hug them and then tell me to bring Reno on the next cruise! :eek: Then he would include his kitty. I think it would be fun, also.

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We go out from the East Coast, but will be doing the West Coast in August. It would be nice to be able to socialize with other handlers and let the dogs play. I think it would be awesome to see all the different types of service dogs. On our cruises I am sure Chewey will get lots of attention and we will also get to inform others about service dogs. We are going on a cruise with a group of families that have autism and for many it will be the first time they have seen a child with autism with a service dog.

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:DGosh, a SD cruise does sound fun. There are a lot of good deals out there. I would only be able to do it from the west coast. Wonder how many need to do it from the east coast.

Also, on my last cruise there was a wonderful TA that escorted her group of SD. They even brought a vet. :D

Mr Sunshine and I could be tempted. No service dogs with us, but we would love to meet you all. Unless of course we bring one in training!!!

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