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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I had that problem too. Just wait awhile or maybe tomorrow try it. I think it is tempermental. I did not get the princess email. Sorry.


I got an email from Sherman's Travel for Carnival, San Diego to Ensenada and Catalina, 4 days, Ectasy starting at $149 pp. I have looked all over their site and it doesn't show on there. I think there were several dates that it applies. Let me know if you want me to forward it to you.


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I'm an amateur at this so I hope its right. Go towards top of page. Find User CP on left hand side. Click on it. Go to Edit Avatar. Click on it. Go to the right side, second box, for use custom avatar. Use option 2 (Browse) find the picture on your computer, click on it. Save changes. I think thats it? I was experimenting when I did it and it worked!


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hi nancy YES please fwd that e mail to me ....COUNTRYGRL290@aol.com it would be affordable for alot of us here im sure . I have not herd good reviews of the elation and the staff but im willing to try carnival with NO expectations and see what happens.... anyone else interested in that cruise? i would do a quickie weekend fri to monday or even the longer one

so yea fwd it


Roz r you going to go ahead and go princess mex riv this dec like everyone orig thought about ?

YAY ROZ i will see u FRIDAY !!!! WOO HOO

cari and D

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Wow! We're busy! The innauguration had me and my colleagues captivated! :)

Disney: Sounds like you found a good vet. Good for you. I like when they can handle it all and they're great with the dog too!

Nancy: We've done the Elation (5 day cruise), we liked it a lot. There were some "overly rambunctous" children but all-in-all the ship, food, entertainment and staff were pretty nice.

Would I sail it again?.....No! It's so much work for me to get ready for a sailing that doing anything less than 7 days is just not worth it. And, although it is a lovely port to cruise to Mexico from, it's just easier out of L.A. for us. The drive and all!!!!!

I also look at everyone's pictures in the avatar's, it just brings everyone to life and gives a face to you!

I've posted on that thread, you mentioned......really nice people! "Dog People" are the best!!!!!

Cari: I'd love to do Alaska (if I can get DH to fly), otherwise it would mean a road trip to Seattle (not a total waste, since we can stop and visit our kids in Eugene, Oregon.) I have to think about it, the price is so right! And, the choices are the Golden or Star Princess....I love the Golden. It just means a more extended trip with the drive and all!

We can talk more about it on Friday. And, if we decide on Alaska, we'll let everyone know and see if others can join in.

I believe the price is $367 pp.

We are booked and paid for on the Sapphire Princess April 18th.

And, yes, the woman who had Brenda before me did run over her paws with her wheelchair, as I was told by the trainer.

You should see Brenda when she's around my shopping cart, in the markets, she's very, very careful.....something that she was made to be "shy" of....she's more trusting now but in the beginning she would literally jump out of the way of the cart.

Darcie: Do you want me to fax the 2-for one to you? I copied it, but deleted the email!

I, too, could never give directions to adding the avatar....it seems like I just followed the directions on the screen and waahlah, it worked!

OMG: I've got to get back to work......BYE for now!!!!!

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ROZ- friday is inching closer !!!! hey maybe princess would honor the 2 for 1 for next year or we could see what kind of booking we could get . If i do alaska it would be alone and if i do the 7 day mex rivera same same ... my hubby is just not a cruise and i dont know many people who can pay for the cruise and take the week off BUT my hubby has been talking about doing alaska again or at least seattle

ok so go to jet blue ..... burbank to seattle is AMAZING prices !!!!! like 160 RT good huh ? have never flown them though so i am afraid LOL is it a small jet ? or regular plane like southwest air ? anyone know ? anyone ever flown them.... makes seattle really affordable to us !

cari and Denver

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Darcie: Do you want me to fax the 2-for one to you? I copied it, but deleted the email!


Thanks Roz, but since I have retired I do not have access to a Fax machine.


Our TA said they would watch for price changes but I have come to believe that it did not cover S.F. departures as it seems none of those are ever on sale!


We are cruising on the Sea Princess out of S.F. on Sept. 1 to Alaska if anyone wants to join us!

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We are back and are quite disgusted. Before we cruised we filled out all the paperwork with RCCL to take Chewy. They asked us if we wanted sod or mulch and we stated sod. My TA confirmed with them and faxed all paperwork that we needed sod and a refrigerator.

We go to check in and all we needed was his health certificate and rabies certificate. We got on the ship without incident and they said they were ready for us. We had to go check in with our group and TA. They said the box was on deck 5 in the aft with sod. So we drop our luggage off in the room and then I go to take him out. No box. I ask them to show me where it is and they are busy. We go back and forth over this till the muster drill. They inform me after the drill there will be a box with sod. (Big point here, we have someone waiting at the port for us as Chewy will not go in mulch and will take him and my son home) They insist I go to the drill and they will get the sod out.

We go round and round with my TA and the purser’s desk to get a potty box to the point we barely make it to dinner. They insisted we would have a box after dinner. Finally we did. Less than an inch deep of mulch, to the point the box bottom was not even covered. I go round and round with them again and they will get the sod out. So we go to the room to put away his dog food as it has to be refrigerated and there is no fridge.

Long story short I spend the first night and most of the second day trying to get a potty box and fridge. In the morning I go back and no sod. Chewy peed in the box and it ran right through on to the deck. I call and tell them and they yell at me for it. Huh? He peed in the box they gave me. Chewy would not do #2 in the box and had an accident. I immediately cleaned it up and called and told them. Stood there for 30 mins at their request waiting for someone to sanitize it. They did nothing when they got there and walked away. So back to the desk about the box and they said they will add dirt and leaves as there is no sod.

Finally we got a fridge that did not get cold. His food spoiled and I had to throw it out. Since he is on a raw diet this left him with barely anything to eat and he got sick. He had an upchucked a little on the deck and I cleaned it up. They still had not put out a new box or even added mulch, but they kept telling me they did so I kept checking. I went to the desk to complain. They said we never informed them we were bringing a service dog eventhough we have all the documents they requested and the e-mails. The manager told me to pack our bags as we were getting off the ship at the next port and not returning. Great thing to tell a mother and her son with autism. He falls apart and I broke down crying. My TA took over from there. In Cozumel they got us litter and Chewy held it the rest of the trip, as he was also eating less.

The staff loved seeing Chewy and he got lots of love. My son was able to interact more with Chewy there and was much more comfortable. We had one family on board that said their son had a severe dog allergy and made a big deal every time they saw us. Chewy was furminated before we left, we used a dander removing spray twice daily, and another brush to remove the undercoat and loose hair. What I found funny is our kids played together in adventure ocean without issue and my son is the one that grooms him so has more dander than the dog.


We are scheduled to cruise again in August with RCCL. I am not sure if we are going to keep the reservation or not.

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I am so sorry! What a first cruise for Chewey. I hope your travel agent fires off some letters to RCCL, along with you. It's one thing for the management on land to say everything is taken care and another matter when you are on the ship. I hope you have the name of the idiot that told you to pack your bags. That is just UNACCEPTABLE. I sure hope your son ended up having a good time. I know he was probably as worried about Chewey as you were. Poor babies. No one deserves to be treated like that. Sounds like they all need a class in customer service 101! :( Unfortunately, I'm like you, I would seriously consider cancelling the upcoming cruise and that is very hard for me to even type. I think I would look for a different cruise line, going to the same place.


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We are back and are quite disgusted. Before we cruised we filled out all the paperwork with RCCL to take Chewy. They asked us if we wanted sod or mulch and we stated sod. My TA confirmed with them and faxed all paperwork that we needed sod and a refrigerator.


We go to check in and all we needed was his health certificate and rabies certificate. We got on the ship without incident and they said they were ready for us. We had to go check in with our group and TA. They said the box was on deck 5 in the aft with sod. So we drop our luggage off in the room and then I go to take him out. No box. I ask them to show me where it is and they are busy. We go back and forth over this till the muster drill. They inform me after the drill there will be a box with sod. (Big point here, we have someone waiting at the port for us as Chewy will not go in mulch and will take him and my son home) They insist I go to the drill and they will get the sod out.


We go round and round with my TA and the purser’s desk to get a potty box to the point we barely make it to dinner. They insisted we would have a box after dinner. Finally we did. Less than an inch deep of mulch, to the point the box bottom was not even covered. I go round and round with them again and they will get the sod out. So we go to the room to put away his dog food as it has to be refrigerated and there is no fridge.


Long story short I spend the first night and most of the second day trying to get a potty box and fridge. In the morning I go back and no sod. Chewy peed in the box and it ran right through on to the deck. I call and tell them and they yell at me for it. Huh? He peed in the box they gave me. Chewy would not do #2 in the box and had an accident. I immediately cleaned it up and called and told them. Stood there for 30 mins at their request waiting for someone to sanitize it. They did nothing when they got there and walked away. So back to the desk about the box and they said they will add dirt and leaves as there is no sod.


Finally we got a fridge that did not get cold. His food spoiled and I had to throw it out. Since he is on a raw diet this left him with barely anything to eat and he got sick. He had an upchucked a little on the deck and I cleaned it up. They still had not put out a new box or even added mulch, but they kept telling me they did so I kept checking. I went to the desk to complain. They said we never informed them we were bringing a service dog eventhough we have all the documents they requested and the e-mails. The manager told me to pack our bags as we were getting off the ship at the next port and not returning. Great thing to tell a mother and her son with autism. He falls apart and I broke down crying. My TA took over from there. In Cozumel they got us litter and Chewy held it the rest of the trip, as he was also eating less.


The staff loved seeing Chewy and he got lots of love. My son was able to interact more with Chewy there and was much more comfortable. We had one family on board that said their son had a severe dog allergy and made a big deal every time they saw us. Chewy was furminated before we left, we used a dander removing spray twice daily, and another brush to remove the undercoat and loose hair. What I found funny is our kids played together in adventure ocean without issue and my son is the one that grooms him so has more dander than the dog.


We are scheduled to cruise again in August with RCCL. I am not sure if we are going to keep the reservation or not.


OMG! How awful! The Hotel Manager needed to be contacted the moment you could NOT FIND THE POTTY BOX! What a pile of moron's!

I am so sorry that you had such a bad experience. Unfortunately, they were NOT ready for you. You did everything you needed to do! Next time.....Get the Hotel Manager involved and, stand your ground, at the front desk until you're made happy (so exhausting). We have learned this after we had a bad experience onboard the Carnival Elation and the Hotel Manager went practically overboard to make sure everything was made right (after I insisted that I was not going to leave the front desk, until I was made happy), including a great discount for another cruise (do I have the strength for this?)

Princess has it down pretty well now.....and, they have refrigerator's in ALL of their cabins. Poor Chewy.....he's so innocent and was put through so much negative stuff, unecassarily! And, you were forced to keep it together for your son's sake......Gosh! What an awful time for you!!!!!!

"PACK YOUR BAGS!" did the Hotel Manager say this? How dare he/she!!!!! I wish I was there with you (that person would have wished they had never said those words!)....It's absolutely tiring to experience all that you did and still come away wanting or even thinking about doing it again!

Could you have handled some of what happened to you differently, probably but when you're in the moment; with a dog; a child who needs help and staff that are not cooperating......you had a lot of odds against you. We all need an advocate to be with us just to deal with these imbeciles! Was your TA onboard with you?

Okay! Let's brush ourselves off.......How's Chewey and his tummy? It can take some dogs forever to recover from stomach issues! And, how's your son?

I'm hoping that everyone has recovered.....Now.....let's deal with the cruiseline and our future cruising with Chewey & our son.....

1. Are you onboard RCCL again? If so, cancel.

2. I would call my TA and change the cruise to Princess.

3. I would get out a letter to RCCL and insist on being compensated for the horrific experience, if not by you then certainly by your TA and I would remind them that you are going to make sure that all your friends are made aware of the poor treatment that you received from them.

And, most importantly, sunnymommy, you have our undying support and love........Please don't let this turn you totally off to cruising......

Oh! And, for that "moron-mommy" who said that her child was so allergic, you are so right about the fact that your son had more allergens on him than anyone......Geeezzzz!

Gotta love some of the public.......We need to have the patience of a Saint to walk through life with a Service Dog!!!!!! :)

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Thanks Roz, but since I have retired I do not have access to a Fax machine.


Our TA said they would watch for price changes but I have come to believe that it did not cover S.F. departures as it seems none of those are ever on sale! You're right it didn't


We are cruising on the Sea Princess out of S.F. on Sept. 1 to Alaska if anyone wants to join us!

I'm looking at this 2 for 1 out of Seattle for September 5 or 6th (on the Golden or Star)......it's so hard to pass-up that kind of deal and it also gives us a chance to visit our kids in Eugene, Oregon. It would be a road trip.....since my DH is so afraid to fly.
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ROZ- friday is inching closer !!!! hey maybe princess would honor the 2 for 1 for next year or we could see what kind of booking we could get . If i do alaska it would be alone and if i do the 7 day mex rivera same same ... my hubby is just not a cruise and i dont know many people who can pay for the cruise and take the week off BUT my hubby has been talking about doing alaska again or at least seattle

ok so go to jet blue ..... burbank to seattle is AMAZING prices !!!!! like 160 RT good huh ? have never flown them though so i am afraid LOL is it a small jet ? or regular plane like southwest air ? anyone know ? anyone ever flown them.... makes seattle really affordable to us !

cari and Denver


I don't think my DH would fly, even if it were FREE!

We'll talk more on Friday about Alaska. See you then!

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What a horrible experience on RCCL. :eek:

I agree cancel you next cruise and rebook one with Princess.

I would also write a letter to rRCCL and tell them what happened and that you have cancelled and will re- book with another line.


What gets me is that IF the cruise lines would just put appropriate 4x4 potty box, there are no problems cruising with a SD. It is so simple.

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Also, with all the words I use....I forgot to mention....Even Princess has a problem with NOT ENOUGH STUFF in the box.

We've run into the problem of just an inch of "stuff" (shavings or pellets) in the box where poor Brenny has to try and "grip" it with her hind legs and paws as she's trying to squat.

Solution:I find a Steward and insist that they give me the "stuff" and I dump a lot of it in the box. They're so afraid to over use it.......or, that they'll run out!!!!!

Princess is trying to acquire the "fake turf" that I use for Brenny at home.....she loves it and it's so easy to maintain, with no "tracking or smell!" A few "on leash" walks, with the command, over the turf and she's good!

We'll see, in April. I may just bring a roll of turf with me.....I have time to think about it.

We drive to the dock so it's no big deal for me and it may save me from a lot of frustration, if they're not prepared.....I'll either leave it or I'll insist that they wash it off and I'll rake it home with me!

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I don't think my DH would fly, even if it were FREE!


We'll talk more on Friday about Alaska. See you then!

Would Amtrack be a possiblity for you instead of air travel. We quite enjoyed Amtrack from Seattle to Vancouver on our Alaska cruise. My Aunt who lives in the Seatlle area uses Amtrack on a regular visit to visit her family in Oregon and San Francisico?

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AmTrak is a wonderful option, we've done it to San Diego and to Santa Barbara. To travel straight through to Seattle from L.A., there are transfers along the way (making it so labor intensive, when you have heavy baggage and a dog traveling with you), it makes it way too difficult for us and it's not cheap. Flying is cheaper, faster and easier but hubby doesn't like it.

So, I'm the designated driver (of which I like) and we hit the road. We have an Expedition; it's big and comfy and we stop in hotels along the way. But, I'm more like a "trucker".....I hit the road and don't stop until my foot goes numb. It's fun. When gas was really expensive it wasn't so much fun.....but, it was still cheaper than the train and, less stressful than flying!

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I didn't know abt all the transfers. OUCH. I took Amtrack from Phildadelphia to Atlanta last year. It was much more cost effecient than a last minute flight and enabled me to drive with my mom for 1/2 the trip. But, boy was it a long...... train ride. I didn't sleep as well as I thought I would, and I kept looking out the window,going are we in Charlotte or what.... If you ever change your mind abt East coast travel, I would offer up my house as a way station. Crates, kongs, and dog loving provided!!!

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I didn't know abt all the transfers. OUCH. I took Amtrack from Phildadelphia to Atlanta last year. It was much more cost effecient than a last minute flight and enabled me to drive with my mom for 1/2 the trip. But, boy was it a long...... train ride. I didn't sleep as well as I thought I would, and I kept looking out the window,going are we in Charlotte or what.... If you ever change your mind abt East coast travel, I would offer up my house as a way station. Crates, kongs, and dog loving provided!!!


Sunshine: You are so sweet! It's why I love cruising so much, with DH and Brenda. It seems we get to go to far away places; together; aboard a floating hotel; eat amazing food; enjoy wonderful entertainment; play games; swim; sunbathe; meet new friends; read; rest and be treated like Queens and Kings and "SuperDogs" while we're at it.

Who could ask for anything more?

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I got so heated this morning about the cruise line, I forgot about the "All Mighty" mom of the year that had the nerve to complain about Chewey. I can bet he is cleaner than her! :DIt reminds me of none smokers who sit in the smoking section or next to it so they can be drama queens. Hubby smoked for years, but has been smoke free for three years! Yeah. It use to irritate me the commotion people would cause. I think they just want the attention.

You sure have gotten your share of not so good luck lately. Hopefully this is the end of it. Whoever is doing this, STOP IT.


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i am so mad at RCCL after reading chewys post i couldnt even read the rest of the posts i had to come straight here and tell you what I would do if it were me

WRITE THE DOJ !!!!! yes the department of justice not for not being ready for you but for asking you to leave the ship.... they need the whole story there is a thing called title 3 of the ADA it is resonable accomidations and you were not given ANY resonable accomidations i would also write RCCL and attach the complaint you send to the DOJ where did chewy come from ? is he from an orginization? i know with guide dogs we have a state guide dog board we can also write do know what service dogs have but I WILL FIND OUT FOR YOU FRIDAY !!!!! and get back to you .

if you just complain to RCCL and they do not do anything to compinsate( i would ask for a FREE CRUISE or at least a balcony room upgrade ) i would tell thm you have been in contact with the DOJ and you dont want to waste their time or yours so your giving them a chance to resolve the matter first if not youll file a title 3 cojmpalint with the DOJ for being asked to leave the ship


it is a bummer chewy got sick... how sad for him to have had such a bad experience!@!@ is he a leash reliever at home ? will he go on command on leash at home and out ???? dogs who can not master this will have a hard time using a relieving box on a ship. Also the raw diet ? im just curious why ? why not kibble??? it is so hard having a dog on a raw diet and traveling .... MAN I FEEL FOR YOU ... you just got BURNT all they way around by RCCL !!!! I AM HERE TO ADVICATE FOR YOU !!!! e mail me off list if you need ANYTHING or have quiestions ok >???? COUNTRYGRL290@aol.com

cari and Denver

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i am so mad at RCCL after reading chewys post i couldnt even read the rest of the posts i had to come straight here and tell you what I would do if it were me

WRITE THE DOJ !!!!! yes the department of justice not for not being ready for you but for asking you to leave the ship.... they need the whole story there is a thing called title 3 of the ADA it is resonable accomidations and you were not given ANY resonable accomidations i would also write RCCL and attach the complaint you send to the DOJ where did chewy come from ? is he from an orginization? i know with guide dogs we have a state guide dog board we can also write do know what service dogs have but I WILL FIND OUT FOR YOU FRIDAY !!!!! and get back to you .

if you just complain to RCCL and they do not do anything to compinsate( i would ask for a FREE CRUISE or at least a balcony room upgrade ) i would tell thm you have been in contact with the DOJ and you dont want to waste their time or yours so your giving them a chance to resolve the matter first if not youll file a title 3 cojmpalint with the DOJ for being asked to leave the ship


it is a bummer chewy got sick... how sad for him to have had such a bad experience!@!@ is he a leash reliever at home ? will he go on command on leash at home and out ???? dogs who can not master this will have a hard time using a relieving box on a ship. Also the raw diet ? im just curious why ? why not kibble??? it is so hard having a dog on a raw diet and traveling .... MAN I FEEL FOR YOU ... you just got BURNT all they way around by RCCL !!!! I AM HERE TO ADVICATE FOR YOU !!!! e mail me off list if you need ANYTHING or have quiestions ok >???? COUNTRYGRL290@aol.com

cari and Denver


Cari: Cruise ships are kind of on the periphery when it comes to the ADA.....Yes, they do leave (most of them) from an American Port....However, the majority of them are registered and licensed out of a foreign country (which does not have the sames regulations/laws as the USA does). It can be a problem....they could decline to allow Service Dogs at all. Remember, most of them, once they leave the American dock are out in international waters.....it's a sticky situation, at best!

They can claim that they are allowing the Service Dog as a "friendly gesture!" I don't believe they are bound by law!

It's a bit of a quandry I know....but, bringing a Service Dog onboard a cruiseship can be very, very new for some of the management and staff (who are mostly foreign, as well!)

The heartbreaker is poor Chewey who has a special diet and couldn't eat normally.

Sunnymommy please let us know how he's doing. And, that the stress of that trip has not totally turned you off to trying it again!


There were definite breakdowns in commication......

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