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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I don't understand how they can let any animal on a plane with people if it hasn't atleast had a rabies shot! And I don't want to listen to some little dog yapping the whole flight. People that have those little dogs and take them everywhere don't usually observe the rules. I see them everywhere it says "no pets". Just because its small doesn't mean it can go to the grocery store. I think alot has to do with these high profile celebrities who seem to do whatever they want.



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I love the pool. Thanks for the pictures. We used to have a puppy pool for our basset hounds. It gets really hot in Sacramento in the summer. I think Keldon might like one to cool off after running around.


I posted a question a few days ago whether most of you use travel agents for your cruise travel? If so, do they specialize in service dog travel or travel for those with disabilities? Especially Roz...this will be our third cruise with Princess, but first with Keldon. How is Princess to deal with when you are acting without a travel agent?


Have a good day everyone and thanks to all who have served our country.


Kim: I usually use a travel agent who is very familiar with Brenda and me.

However for our trip to Alaska, in September, I booked directly with Princess (the price was amazingly good and, I didn't want to miss the sale!) My travel agent was so busy.....I just called Princess, myself!

When I spoke to the person on the phone, I told her about my Service Dog and, then, I called Allison Muff (Princess Special Needs Service Dept.) at 661.284.4521. She faxed me a form, to be filled-out and I faxed it back to her.

I requested that the same "potty box" situation, as was on our last crusie, be set-up for our future cruise.

She requested that all the paper work required for Alaska be faxed back to her and that's it!

I hope this helps.

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Well, we're back from Vegas......We had a wonderful trip....and, even got to see the President, at Caesars Palace. That was a big surprise!

Neither Morey or I gamble (we're people watchers!) And, Vegas is the most amazing place to do that!

Brenda was very well behaved in all venues. The weather was unseasonably hot!!!!!! In the 100's during the day and only cooled down to 95 at night. She hates, hates the heat.....but, we managed to stay inside air conditioning most of the time, except when she pottied. And, that was quite an adventure.....it appears that Las Vegas hotels have removed most of their grassy areas and, have either replaced them with rock, granite, cement or artificial turf (water conservation!)

The ground was so, hot....I had be very careful to find areas that were either shady or had the artificial turf! This became an adventure in itself. We would try topotty her, either in the early morning or after the sun went down.

We had a fun time.....but, I think we'll stick to cruising. So much more to offer for the money spent. The food in Las Vegas is not much better and dining in a nice hotel is very expensive......the entertainment is good but again, it's so expensive!!!!! Dollar for dollar cruising is a much better value. And, the potty thing for Brenny is never a "hit or miss", I know where it is, I can plan for it and, she's not stressed from the elements, we may incur!

Then, on our drive home we ran into a rare monsoonal (sp.) rain and wind storm. And, most Californian's do not know how to drive in the rain, let alone rain and wind combined......it made for a very interesting adventure home!

Thank you all for your advice about Brenny's habits in Target (and, maybe you're right....maybe it's the "Target Phenomenon!")

I, too, have "tested" her responses, when she's not in an environment that "just doesn't suit her" and, she's sharp as a tack!

Such a control freak!!!!!!

I so love all of your stories and wonderful pictures.....thank you for sharing them with all of us.

Your reasurrance of Brenda being able to work for a very long time....is so helpful to me!!!!!!

And, getting "pets" on airplanes is going to be such a disaster! We'll see!!!!!


Gotta to go back to work.......I'm playing "catch-up!"

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I'm off tomorow to pick up a dog for hospital visitation, then back to swap out dog for PUPPIES. Need to set up the play yard, get out my cleaning supplies and camera. These guys are probably about 14 weeks as well, so will be super cute and probably yappy, yippy and fun. I'll let you know how it goes.

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Originally Posted by 1 Huskerfan viewpost.gif

I love the pool. Thanks for the pictures. We used to have a puppy pool for our basset hounds. It gets really hot in Sacramento in the summer. I think Keldon might like one to cool off after running around.


I posted a question a few days ago whether most of you use travel agents for your cruise travel? If so, do they specialize in service dog travel or travel for those with disabilities? Especially Roz...this will be our third cruise with Princess, but first with Keldon. How is Princess to deal with when you are acting without a travel agent?

Kim, I live in Elk Grove and have booked my own and used TA. All Princess. email me if you would like the info.:)


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I use a travel agent, but not a specific one for service dogs. We have only cruised with Werin in the US and Canada and haven't done a Carribbean one yet. I have been learning from the boards what paperwork needs to be done and getting through that way.

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I'm off tomorow to pick up a dog for hospital visitation, then back to swap out dog for PUPPIES. Need to set up the play yard, get out my cleaning supplies and camera. These guys are probably about 14 weeks as well, so will be super cute and probably yappy, yippy and fun. I'll let you know how it goes.


I miss that puppy stage.....although, sometimes a "senior dog" can be so "puppy-like", at times! I love those times, they make me smile!

Have fun and good luck. Let us know how it goes! And, don't forget to share those moments that literally make you weep with laughter!!!! :p

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Roz, I have two lab mixes(and they look mostly lab)at my house. You would LOVE them. Black as midnight and sooooo cute. Very curious and high energy, I think I burned calories this morning just chasing after them. I think we are off to the neighborhood pool later this morning to watch swim practice, and then I'll see. Both were super quiet last night in their pen, so that helped with sleep. Making up for it this morning:D. Know if only I had time for my coffee....gotta go Oh, they are about 13 weeks old. Big Feet, long tongues, floppy ears....

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Roz, I have two lab mixes(and they look mostly lab)at my house. You would LOVE them. Black as midnight and sooooo cute. Very curious and high energy, I think I burned calories this morning just chasing after them. I think we are off to the neighborhood pool later this morning to watch swim practice, and then I'll see. Both were super quiet last night in their pen, so that helped with sleep. Making up for it this morning:D. Know if only I had time for my coffee....gotta go Oh, they are about 13 weeks old. Big Feet, long tongues, floppy ears....


AWWWWW!!!!!! Sunshine; don't get me started.....my eyes are whelling-up!

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't look into Brenny's big brown eyes and make her promise me to stay, stay, stay!!!!!!!!!

I clean her eyes, every chance I get from that "allergy gook" [that's what I call it] and, lately as I'm wiping away the "stuff" I can feel the bones in her face much more now, than ever before. The aging process for a dog is so amazingly quick. I swear, just yesterday, her face was more full and not so boney!!!!!!!

And, then, I take her out back to her yard and throw her ball and, there she is, my young and flighty and happy girl!!!!!!!

Sunshine, I wish I could see those pups.....you know, it's what Brenny looked like many years ago!!!!!

I have a picture of her, when she was 16 weeks old.....it sits on a shelf that I can look at, while I watch T.V. And, I frequently stare at it, as she sleeps on her couch. I dart back and forth to the young and plump puppy, to the gray and thin faced dog, who is so happily taking her nap and, well, you guessed it.......I tear-up!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy those babies and share your stories.....PLEASE!!!!!! :)

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I usually take pictures of the dogs and pups when I have them at my home or on outings. When they graduate I give them to the recepient so they can see what they looked like as puppies. I think I am going to try to set up an online photo site. That way I can post the link and y'all can get some puppy fix.

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i usually take pictures of the dogs and pups when i have them at my home or on outings. When they graduate i give them to the recepient so they can see what they looked like as puppies. I think i am going to try to set up an online photo site. That way i can post the link and y'all can get some puppy fix.



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So I have a story for you all: Yesterday I was visiting the local Children's Hospital with an 8 month old Golden Retriver. I was asked to see a 19 month old who had significant developmental delays, vision impairment as well as seizures. As I entered the room the child was in a crib and both parents were sitting by his side. They had a sound machine with sea sounds on it. After asking if they wanted a visit, even if it was just for the parents, both said yes. Dad picked his son up and sat in the chair. I sat on the floor with my canine friend. As we talked, the parents said they wanted to see how their son would react to a dog. I told them dogs had an ability that humans didn't to interact. Soon my dog was licking and sniffing toes, and we started to see smiles from the child. I allowed my dog to lap and sniff around the child's face and we saw more reaction. After a bit, the child was relaxed in his Dad's arms and we talked about seizure response dogs, about canine companions, about dogs in general. My dog was snooozing big time on the floor (sea side sounds in the back ground). I asked Dad if he didn't want to put his child on the floor by the dog. Soon this child who has big issues and no real trunk control was resting with his head and torso on the flank of the dog. I looked at his parents and said: He can feel the soft fur, he can hear the heart beat, and he can feel this dog's chest rise with breath. He can probably smell him. After some tears and photos we left. I felt like my 8 month old dog had finally let this family know that their child could feel and experience somethings. The joy of the unjudgemental dog. They just know what is important. Ok, off to get some kleenex myself.

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Sunshine: All I can say is WOW!!!!!!!! And, grab my kleenex and continue to tell you how beautiful that story was...

Oh, these amazing animals, what they have the capability of doing for all of us!

I'm sure watching that little boy, resting on that pup and seeing the reaction the parents probably had, was a moment in time that you will not forget....

Bless you for what you do!

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First of all, Welcome back Roz. As usual we missed you.


Second, Sunshine your stories are inspirational. I think most people don't realize how much an animal can change someones life.




Cindy & John: Thank you! Are we still in the "waiting" mode? Don't you just love people who remind you? :rolleyes: You'll see....it will happen and, not too long from now!

I got an email, this morning, from Brenda's "puppy raisers" [i can't thank that family enough], they still have their very first puppy, who didn't pass the final exam to become a Service Dog....he's now 12 years old. A yellow Lab, with an attitude! And, although he didn't pass the rigorous testing, he still became Brenda's "lead" when it came to her learning how to be such an amazing SD, herself!

Puppyraisers are truly a rare breed of folks. Like "Sunshine" [who shares her stories with us all the time], these people hold a very special place in my heart and soul! I will ALWAYS be eternally grateful to them!

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Roz, We are still waiting *sigh* I guess we will know soon if we get into the August 1st class. John was hoping for that one because he would have the dog to start the new school year. Yesterday all the high school kids visited his elementary school. Of course he knows most of them from when they were in elementary. They were all asking for Rangeley :( When he came home and told me about it he said "Do you think we will be still waiting this time next year for a dog?". I just told him I hope not and didn't think it would be that long. I am here Thurs thru Monday then I go to my moms in Connecticut for a few days to help her out. I think he is very lonely when I go there and thats when he misses Rangeley the most.


About the puppy raisers, these people are incredible!!! They put in so much work and then have to give the dogs back. I don't know how they do it!! I am glad that CCI gives them the recognition they deserve.

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Roz, We are still waiting *sigh* I guess we will know soon if we get into the August 1st class. John was hoping for that one because he would have the dog to start the new school year. Yesterday all the high school kids visited his elementary school. Of course he knows most of them from when they were in elementary. They were all asking for Rangeley :( When he came home and told me about it he said "Do you think we will be still waiting this time next year for a dog?". I just told him I hope not and didn't think it would be that long. I am here Thurs thru Monday then I go to my moms in Connecticut for a few days to help her out. I think he is very lonely when I go there and thats when he misses Rangeley the most.


About the puppy raisers, these people are incredible!!! They put in so much work and then have to give the dogs back. I don't know how they do it!! I am glad that CCI gives them the recognition they deserve.


Cindy: The questions asked to John about Rangeley much be very, very difficult for John.....my heart goes out to him. I know these are only words......but, you'll see; time will pass and, soon he'll have his "fur" partner and won't even remember these days of waiting.

I can remember and, I do sympathize with him on the "angst" of the wait!!!!!

CCI is so aware of that "anxiousness" and, they will make the Team Training happen ASAP!!!!!

Please let us all know when you get the letter or the call.

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Those must be such hard questions! Since I also work at the same Children's Hospital I volunteer with I am also questioned about lack of dog. As in "Where is the Dog?". Not to mention I worked in that area for 25 plus years..., Where is the dog!! Actually, I don't mind taking 2nd place to my four foooted friends.


I am sorry, I have no stories right now, except trying to figure out how 1.5 cups of food in equals at least 3 cups of food out, and that is not accounting for the recycled food that is the latest fashion statement!!! My daughter and her boyfriend checked on the pups today at lunch while I was at work. They were smelly and had chosedn to shred the puppy pads in the pen instead of using them for the correct hygenic purpose!! Michael bathed the puppies, while my daughter cleaned the pen and put down clean sheets.....I had the same mess less than 3 hours later. YIKES! So, Ok after bathing pups, and starting some laundry our power went out.... I told Mr Sunshine I needed some "Sushi, Sake and Soy Sauce" and not in that order.


Now, both pups are quiet. I am getting ready for bed. 4:30 am came early this morning. Tomorow should be a great day, as neither of us has to work. Off to bed.

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After taking a few days to read all 90 pages of this thread, I am ready to introduce myself. I'm Kimberly, and I have a 7.5 year old yellow Lab guide dog named Rufus, who will be retiring sometime soon.


I used this thread last fall for planning purposes, and the information gathered here was so useful. We went on a cruise for my husband's birthday, and we left on Rufus' 7th birthday. We went to Grand Cayman and Jamaica on the Navigator of the Seas. The ship staff were wonderful. We had issues in port at Ft Lauderdale with a shuttle bus driver, and at a shop in Jamaica that removed an item I purchased from my bag. Neither issue had anything to do with Royal Caribbean or the Navigator OTS. I would cruise again in a heartbeat if I could.


Looking forward to discussing our amazing dogs and cruising with you all.

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Hey everyone:

As if everyone is not stressed enough. I have a temporary job that is for all intense purposes, full time, permanent. The school district had a board meeting last night and they laid off all nine instructional aides that work at headstart. They are restructering the titles and the people returning next year will be Teacher Assistants, that have different qualifications than I do. Our union decided that rather than take a 20 day cut in pay, that they would let the board eliminate our jobs completely and let the chips fall where they may. Needless to say, I knew my job was ending next week, but also was optimistic that I would be back next year. Not now.

So, enough of my trivial problems. I will try and remember what I have read the last couple of days.

Roz: Give Brenny hugs and kisses for me. I still have my moments. Today, at the RV park that mom lives at, there were two, handsome, "Portly" yellow labs laying outside by there parents trailer. Still brings a tear to my eye for my Renie boy. You know, he never did get grey on the muzzle.

Sunshine: You are the bomb! Those sweet little babies, that are so bad! need a trainer just like you. Until I started working with special needs kids and then reading this post, I never put two and two together, but I am a firm believer in the power a dog has on the mind and soul. Just like the prison programs that are using inmates to train dogs and I just heard of program that they are allowing them to adopt cats. It gives the responsibility of taking care of the animal and if they mess up, the animal is taken away from them for a period of time. After being in law enforcement for 24 years, I would be the first to tell you that rehabilitation does NOT work unless the individual wants to be rehabilitated, but I definately think we are on to something with the inmates and our very "special" special needs kids.

Cindy: I am so proud of John for the simple fact that he has brought the kids something very special to them and they also miss Rangeley. I hope you get that call very soon and you are off for training with a new precious dog. They won't replace Rangeley, ever, but they will be just as loved and needed.

Harmonygirl: Welcome to our little world. I do not have a SD, but had a great buddy, named Reno for 13 great years. I had to have him put down in February and my heart is broken. These guys are so great and sincere, I might add.

Well, DH is calling for the BBQ to get started and dinner to get on its way, it is only 10:00 pm, I mean really? Is it time?

Everyone have a great weekend.


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Welcome Kimberly and Rufus!! We are always glad to have new friends join our group. This thread is suppose to be about cruising with a dog, and still is....but we've expanded it to include our lives and love of animals. It was nice of you to read all 90 pages. I guess you know us all already. Your dog Rufus is just beautiful. We look forward to hearing from you.


Nancy, I'm so sorry to hear about your job. Hopefully something will come along soon.



Edited by rangeley
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Goodmorning Everyone. Puppies are finally getting the idea of waiting until we get outside for potty opportunites. My outings with them have been short and sweet, mostly just to get them out. After hearing Brenny's Target phobia, we have gone their several times. Plus the staff always have friendly smiles for us. I stopped at a different grocery store last week with one, and was met at the door by an employee who said I couldn't come in. Thanks to Quam's advise, I quickly told them this was a "service dog in training" and she stepped aside. The training part was kind of obvious since the pup is only 14 weeks old. Our mission was 4 cans of frozen OJ for my MIL. Then off to visit with the senior citizens at her retirement home. Goodness, lot's of love their. Nothing like a puppy.


Today was yard work day and they helped us dig, and pull weeds. They are quite bold and curious, which makes it charming and challenging. I take them back on Wednesday and am going to spend the day at the training facility taking several different dogs out on brief outings. Then a break from dogs(other than my own) for a while.


Welcome to our newest blogger! I don't have a service dog, but work with those in training. This site is great, as it gives me some insight into the world of the recepient.

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Hi All

It has been a while so i thought i would stop in and check out a few posts ! Kimberly and Rufus Welcome!!!! I am Cari and am matched with a yellow Lab guide named Denver he is also 7.5 i would love to chat with you off line about your dog and what prompted you to decide to retire at 7.5 ... im in the wondering stages and since Denver is my first guide I like to pick other guide dog users brains about what they feel is acceptable for work and slowing when the dogs get older .... my e mail is Carishields@yahoo.com id love to hear from you .

Roz hows it going ? I am going to be in Northridge again for Rick and Ambers baby shower and I know shes gonna invite you too so if you can make it great if not hopefully I will at least be able to see you papa and Brenny boo !!!!

I wish i was able to keep up better with all the posts and get to know people better im bad about that stuff sorry guys but i do read and you all do matter !!!!!

Love and Licks

Cari and Guide Dog Denver

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