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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hi everyone. I'm so jealous of those of you going on cruises soon. I'd hoped to go on a cruise for my birthday next year, but it doesn't look like it will be possible financially.


Sunshine: Waiting to hear how your triathlon relay goes. I'm not sure I could swim the amount you'll have to.


On Wednesday I finally bit the bullet and began my research on guide dog schools. I've narrowed it down to 2 schools to apply at. I made the doctor appointments for the medical forms, but the appts are almost a month away still. Waiting on one school to call about my application request. That's where things stand now. I find it hard to believe I'm really doing this, but it is the best thing for Rufus, and he comes first.


Hope you all have a great weekend. We caught a cold last weekend, so I'm hoping for a quiet weekend to recuperate. My husband has all kinds of plans, though, so who knows how quiet it will really be.

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I find it hard to believe I'm really doing this, but it is the best thing for Rufus, and he comes first.


You know what is best for Rufus and if it will benefit him, then it is the right thing to do. And, you will have him for a big teddy bear buddy! Good luck in your journey, and keep us informed.

Everyone have a great weekend. We are getting haircuts! Long over due.....


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I am now an "Iron Girl" having finished a sprint triathalon. I am pretty darn tired, but feeling good about the day. And of course I hear thru the grapevine that two SD's in training were at the event!! I am sure they were woofing for me, saying "good girl", "you can do it", "that's right".........Now if only they had met me with a big spoonful of peanut butter...... I will need to go find them and give them some special hugs and kisses. I was on a relay team, and since they made me Captain, and had no name ideas I suggested "Team Sunshine". Little did they know that was my CC name. I'll post more later. Quam told me what I was doing wrong, so maybe soon I can post some pictures. (Of the dogs, not Team Sunshine)!:D

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Wooooohoooooooo Team Sunshine!! What a great accomplishment. And to do it with some of your furry students there, they must be so proud of you. :D We can't wait to see some pics of these dogs you speak about everyday.



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Kimberly: Your cruising time will come, you'll have your turn.

Rufus is very proud of you and your decision is a good one, you followed your gut and, made him your priority in your thought process. Good luck with your applications.

Will you be able to keep Rufus when you get a successor dog? Or, did you already tell us this?

Cari, "DenverSees4Me" may be able to help you with the application process. She's a wonderful source of information.

Sunshine: Congratulations, what an amazing feat! You are our hero! In more ways than one! "Team Sunshine", how cute is that!!! And, Nancy's right, if you had seen the pups they and you would have been so distracted.

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Mornin' all:

Feeling kind of ho hum this am. Have been so busy lately, am looking for a day that I don't have anything to do! Have a doctors appointment this am, then usual errands. Maybe can have some afternoon time.

Been looking at the fabulous pricing on cruises. Even September has some good deals. Not sure is we can swing it. Not having a job is harder to make plans than if I had one and knew when I would be working for scheduling purposes. I keep thinking, so what if I get a job and don't have vacation time? Just me over thinking everything as usual.

Everyone have a great week.


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I thought about changing my cruisecritic name to "Iron Girl" or maybe "Iron Pup", but think I will keep it as it. Team Sunshine members all felt really good about our performance, so that is all it means. Now, back to dogs, pups, and all things cruising!! Princess has some GREAT prices on cruises in the fall. So much that we are thinking about a cruise on 11/28. Either the Mexican Riveria or the Western Carribbean. Punching the numbers to see how it will work. No dogs this week, but training camp is next week, so must finish up my menu for dinner. It will be a tex-mex, with me providing the chicken for burriotos and my partner in 'canine' providing the taco stuff. Off to rest and plan , and set the house up. Everyone have a great holiday. I shed a few tears, as usual, when The Star Spangled Banner" played on Sunday. I am sure I will shed a few more on the 4th as we play, and remember those who are serving in areas of political turmoil. Woof Woof!

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Mornin' all:

Feeling kind of ho hum this am. Have been so busy lately, am looking for a day that I don't have anything to do! Have a doctors appointment this am, then usual errands. Maybe can have some afternoon time.


Been looking at the fabulous pricing on cruises. Even September has some good deals. Not sure is we can swing it. Not having a job is harder to make plans than if I had one and knew when I would be working for scheduling purposes. I keep thinking, so what if I get a job and don't have vacation time? Just me over thinking everything as usual.


Everyone have a great week.




Nancy: There are some really [hard to resist] deals out there. That's how we're going to Alaska in September 2 for 1.

Having my job is the ONLY reason we can cruise. With all the expenses these days and with the tax's, in California [not to mention the rest of our economy], I feel very lucky to have this job, at all!

As far as vacation time.....every place is different but you don't have to worry about that until you get the job!

Good luck, with your personality you should find a job very easily.

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I thought about changing my cruisecritic name to "Iron Girl" or maybe "Iron Pup", but think I will keep it as it. Team Sunshine members all felt really good about our performance, so that is all it means. Now, back to dogs, pups, and all things cruising!! Princess has some GREAT prices on cruises in the fall. So much that we are thinking about a cruise on 11/28. Either the Mexican Riveria or the Western Carribbean. Punching the numbers to see how it will work. No dogs this week, but training camp is next week, so must finish up my menu for dinner. It will be a tex-mex, with me providing the chicken for burriotos and my partner in 'canine' providing the taco stuff. Off to rest and plan , and set the house up. Everyone have a great holiday. I shed a few tears, as usual, when The Star Spangled Banner" played on Sunday. I am sure I will shed a few more on the 4th as we play, and remember those who are serving in areas of political turmoil. Woof Woof!


Seriously, I'm over 40 and I still well-up when I hear it.

Have a wonderful 4th everyone!!

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Mornin' all:

Roz: Thanks, I know, I just have too much time on my hands! Have to take Jezzy Lou to get her rabies shot and microchipped, then we need to get her license. Then she will be all legal!

I had to go down the page and look at all the furbabies in our avatars this morning. I needed a furbaby fix. What a handsome and beautiful group of kids we have! Or is that a biased mommy opinion?

Everyone have a great Thursday...........


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Nancy, I have to agree with you, our babies are beautiful!!


Today Bailee is going for a bath. She never had to many baths, she never smells. She HATES baths and brushing. She will run and hide if i get the brush out. We have this do it yourself doggy wash near our house. A few times I did her myself, but she is so terrified I thought someone else doing her might be better. So she has an appointment today at 1:00. She also has this terrible dandruff, so I got $14.00 medicated shampoo from the vet to bring with us. Since she is old and shakes from the whole experience, they requested I stand by her and comfort her. I don't know how good that will do. As dogs get older their fur changes, She's looking kinda ratty. The vet said we might have to put some fish oil in her food. I had her on weight management food and now I have changed to the regular food. I'm not sure if that has something to do with her fur changes or just old age. Alittle history on her. Her whole life she had this huge lump on her neck. They said it was a clogged mucus gland and there was an operation for it but it was horrible and expensive. At one point a cyst formed and she got really ill. They went in and drained it a few times, which was surgery and they had to knock her out. Finally after 3 operations I decided to take her to John's vet. This man was a miracle worker!! He somehow opened up the cyst and sewed it open to heal instead of just draining it. (knocking on wood) In 2 years it has never come back. She became a new dog, she could actually yawn, which she couldn't do before. She was also have seizures every six months to a year, and since the operation she hasn't had one. For years she was living with my son and of course he did nothing with her and she was fat. Now that she is living with us this past year, she went from 82lbs. to 67lbs. Now she gets a walk everyday and is very happy to live with us, or should I say happy to be with "her John". She could care less about me, she adores him. Boy I really got off the subject of dog washing. Sorry! Anyway this is why I hate to torture her with a bath, but it needs to be done.



Edited by rangeley
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Cindy, Brenny used to have horribly dry skin with a lot of flaking [on a black dog it looks awful!]. We started using salmon oil [every morning-6 squirts on her kibble], she loves it and her skin/fur is so lusterous and silky, with a phenomenal shine [it's also good for their hearts]. She no longer has any dandruff/dry skin or dull coat. (A big THANK YOU to the groomer who recommended it at Golden Shears, in Woodland Hills, CA.)

I buy it from Entirelypets.com [on the internet] it seemed to be cheaper. I even take it onboard our cruises [in a smaller squirt containter, wrapped in a zip-lock bag.]

I wouldn't miss a morning, she has been on it for the past 4 years and I'm so glad because she's a healther/prettier girl now.

Brenda has a huge cyst inside her right flank, resting on her stomach. The doctor says it's benign and is so indicitive of Labs. As long as it's not bothering her and remains benign, we won't touch it.

Poor Bailee she's been through a lot. Thank goodness she has you and John to take good care of her!

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Well we are back and it went pretty well. I think having the other girl there helping me made her alittle calmer. She whines when we put the water on her. Can you beleive a lab that is afraid of the water :eek: She loves to swim so maybe its the nozzle. She's all curled up in a ball and I have her covered with a towel just incase shes cold. They did not want to blow dry her because of the dandruff and also its been raining like you wouldn't believe, so it would have been useless. Now I see all the dandruff that got moved around. When she dries I will have to torture her again with the brush.:( But she will be all pretty for her big family picnic on Saturday. :D


Roz, Thanks for the info on the salmon oil, I read about it online. The only thing I worry about is that it said to much can be harmful, so I need the right dosage.



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Well we are back and it went pretty well. I think having the other girl there helping me made her alittle calmer. She whines when we put the water on her. Can you beleive a lab that is afraid of the water :eek: She loves to swim so maybe its the nozzle. She's all curled up in a ball and I have her covered with a towel just incase shes cold. They did not want to blow dry her because of the dandruff and also its been raining like you wouldn't believe, so it would have been useless. Now I see all the dandruff that got moved around. When she dries I will have to torture her again with the brush.:( But she will be all pretty for her big family picnic on Saturday. :D


Roz, Thanks for the info on the salmon oil, I read about it online. The only thing I worry about is that it said to much can be harmful, so I need the right dosage.






Labs are the best!!!!!

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Hi guys! I've been sick with a bad cold all week, grrr. Roz, I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but Rufus will be staying with us as our couch potato. Cari and I have been emailing back and forth a lot, she's full of great info.


Yesterday was Rufus and my 6th Dog Day anniversary. We didn't do a whole lot since I'm sick, but I groomed Rufus real well, and then he got a treat with his dinner. I also broke the no-people-food rule and got him his own plain hamburger. He enjoyed it.


Independence Day is a favorite holiday of mine because fireworks are one thing I can still see pretty well. Coming so soon after my personal independence day with Rufus makes it special too. :) Hope you all have a great, fun, safe 4th!

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My Lab Sandy has itchy skin too. I fed her all my canned salmon I brought back from our Alaska cruise and she loved it, but I don't know that it helped much. I'm going to try the Salmon oil and see if it helps. I hate hearing her tags jingle in the middle of the night as she scratches!!!


I will have "Golden Girl's" sister home with us next week. She is a pretty girl as well. Mr Sunshine has promised to finally install the baby gate for our den. I always have the dogs on leash with me even in the house(called umbilical training), but at night when we watch TV it is nice to drop the umbilical and allow some roaming in a small space.


I've gotten some pictures back from the triathalon, and am already thinking about another in the fall. It was nice to be at an event where women of all ages and sizes were. I was somewhat worried about my size and level of fitness, but it was a non issue on the race. Even the pictures of my backside running up the hill in my suit don't bother me, and it is a big back side, but I was chugging away and you can tell.


Having my mom and mil over for a picnic lunch today, then a day on the boat with our daughters and their fellas tomororw. Sunday, spending another boat day with my brother and his family. Looking forward to a fun weekend. Everyone stay safe and have a great holiday weekend.

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Cindy, Brenny used to have horribly dry skin with a lot of flaking [on a black dog it looks awful!]. We started using salmon oil [every morning-6 squirts on her kibble], she loves it and her skin/fur is so lusterous and silky, with a phenomenal shine [it's also good for their hearts]. She no longer has any dandruff/dry skin or dull coat. (A big THANK YOU to the groomer who recommended it at Golden Shears, in Woodland Hills, CA.)


I buy it from Entirelypets.com [on the internet] it seemed to be cheaper. I even take it onboard our cruises [in a smaller squirt containter, wrapped in a zip-lock bag.]


I wouldn't miss a morning, she has been on it for the past 4 years and I'm so glad because she's a healther/prettier girl now.


Brenda has a huge cyst inside her right flank, resting on her stomach. The doctor says it's benign and is so indicitive of Labs. As long as it's not bothering her and remains benign, we won't touch it.


Poor Bailee she's been through a lot. Thank goodness she has you and John to take good care of her!


There are several salmon oils on that web site, which one do you use?

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Mornin' all:

Hope everyone has a safe and sane 4th. Fireworks are legal in our city limits. We are going to the neighbors and I plan on locking Jezzy Lou in the laundry room, (big one) and leaving a radio on. I will check on her several times and we won't stay late.


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My Lab Sandy has itchy skin too. I fed her all my canned salmon I brought back from our Alaska cruise and she loved it, but I don't know that it helped much. I'm going to try the Salmon oil and see if it helps. I hate hearing her tags jingle in the middle of the night as she scratches!!!




Check out this site. http://www.itzadog.com/

Look at the Quiet Spot dog tag silencer. It's a little pouch that you put all the tags in. We got one for Orson and it's great.

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Check out this site. http://www.itzadog.com/

Look at the Quiet Spot dog tag silencer. It's a little pouch that you put all the tags in. We got one for Orson and it's great.


Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out. It's that jingle sound and then you hear the scratch and then the lick! Then you think, you poor thing with your itchy skin, but I just want to sleep!!

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Mornin' all:

H A P P Y 4 T H O F J U L Y ! ! !

Ok, so the white letter wouldn't show up, I improvised!

Thank you to all our service men and women who serve to make us safe. My niece is retiring from the Airforce on August 11, this year. Congrats sweetie, we are so proud of you! Your favorite auntie! (That's a standing joke, when she was little and wanted something, she would always say "You know you are my favorite aunt?" She usually got what she wanted.)

Everyone have a great day. Dream of future cruises and the wide open ocean beckoning us to sail with it!


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Hi Everyone and Happy 4th of July.


I have been gone for a week at camp with our son. Yesterday there was a Princess ship in port in San Francisco. Now we all want to take a Princess cruise and leave form SF!


Before I left I contacted the authorities for Grand Turk and for the Bahamas (Princess Cays). Grand Turk has the most stringent requirements. Based on my research I thought we would need to get him microchipped with an international microchip. When i looked at the conditions for importation however they say "permanently identified with a microchip transponder or tattoo". I am thinking his CCI ear tattoo which is on all his paperwork should suffice. What do some of you seasoned cruisers think about it? I may still get him microchipped with an avid microchip just for general safety reasons. They also require a heartworm test.


There has been some prior discussion about a spot on the Bahamas permit for the dog's microchip number. There is nothing on the form they sent me about a microchip number or any other identifying number? DisneyKidsDad I think it was you who said yours did not either? I do have an extra form that was sent to me about the dog being free of parasites, which I assume means a fecal exam will have to be done. Has anyone else done a fecal in addition to the titer test?


Next step is to get a rabies shot. His 3 year is due in about 5 months and that is too old for some of the ports.


While we were at camp we visited some friends with a CCI grad. Keldon had a great time playing with the other CCI grad.


By the way the quiet spot thing for the tags is great.



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Mornin' all:

Hope everyone got through the 4th with minimal problems with furbabies. Jezzy Lou did great. I put her in the laundry room, gave her her blanket and some toys, turned the ancient "boom box" on some tunes and she was fine.

It is Leann Emilies birthday today. She is 2 years old.

Everyone have a great Sunday.


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Hi guys! I've been sick with a bad cold all week, grrr. Roz, I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but Rufus will be staying with us as our couch potato. Cari and I have been emailing back and forth a lot, she's full of great info.


Yesterday was Rufus and my 6th Dog Day anniversary. We didn't do a whole lot since I'm sick, but I groomed Rufus real well, and then he got a treat with his dinner. I also broke the no-people-food rule and got him his own plain hamburger. He enjoyed it.


Independence Day is a favorite holiday of mine because fireworks are one thing I can still see pretty well. Coming so soon after my personal independence day with Rufus makes it special too. :) Hope you all have a great, fun, safe 4th!


Yey!!!!! For Rufus.....I'm glad you and Cari connected and, yes, she is a wonderful resource for information.

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