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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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There are several salmon oils on that web site, which one do you use?


I used to use the oil in the green can....but, it gets so messy. I now use the "New Alaskan Salmon Oil" in the white plastic container. I buy the 32oz for $26.99. It works great.

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Hi Everyone and Happy 4th of July.



Before I left I contacted the authorities for Grand Turk and for the Bahamas (Princess Cays). Grand Turk has the most stringent requirements. Based on my research I thought we would need to get him microchipped with an international microchip. When i looked at the conditions for importation however they say "permanently identified with a microchip transponder or tattoo". I am thinking his CCI ear tattoo which is on all his paperwork should suffice. (The tattoo in Brenda's ear-from CCI - is all that was necessary for our trip to Europe-she is not microchipped-this was a few years ago-I don't know if requirements have changed.)What do some of you seasoned cruisers think about it? I may still get him microchipped with an avid microchip just for general safety reasons. They also require a heartworm test.


There has been some prior discussion about a spot on the Bahamas permit for the dog's microchip number. There is nothing on the form they sent me about a microchip number or any other identifying number? DisneyKidsDad I think it was you who said yours did not either? I do have an extra form that was sent to me about the dog being free of parasites, which I assume means a fecal exam will have to be done. Has anyone else done a fecal in addition to the titer test? My vet wrote (on the State of California Department of Food and Agriculture Certificate) that Brenda was on Heartguard and Advantix and that she was free of parasites. He did do a fecal & blood titer for our trip to Europe.


By the way the quiet spot thing for the tags is great.



I can't wait to order that Quiet Spot Tag Silencer. When Brenda comes out from underneath a table, in a restaurant, the first thing she does is shake herself off......and, there goes our cover.

There's no way we can leave unnoticed after that!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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I've been shopping. Ordered the tag silencer, and the salmon oil. I'll let you know what I think. Now, I am off to order my favorite homemade soaps for my dry itchy skin. Blame it on the sun!! I love these soaps. I usually buy them at the farmer's market, but I haven't managed to make it the past few weeks, so will have to suck it up and pay a shipping fee.

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I've been shopping. Ordered the tag silencer, and the salmon oil. I'll let you know what I think. Now, I am off to order my favorite homemade soaps for my dry itchy skin. Blame it on the sun!! I love these soaps. I usually buy them at the farmer's market, but I haven't managed to make it the past few weeks, so will have to suck it up and pay a shipping fee.


Let us know how you like the Salmon Oil.......It has made such a world of difference in Brenda's fur and skin.....I hope it makes a difference in her heart, as well [they say it does.]

I get all my skincare stuff from beautynhealth.com....try it!


I ordered the silencer....I hope I get it before our trip to CCI on the 17th.

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Mornin' all:

Jezzy Lou has two hot spots on her back that she has had for awile. I put cortizone spray on them and the hair is growing back. I wonder if the Salmon oil would help with that? I gave her a bath yesterday, used some oatmeal soap. She smells purty and is all nice and soft. She finally got her rabies shot and microchip in yesterday. She screamed when the microchip was put in. Mommy held her and gave her plenty of hugs and kisses. She's fine now. Slept quite a bit yesterday afternoon. I think a big ole red ant bit her between the toe! She was kicking her leg and foot like she was trying to shake something off and I looked and found a bump. Will keep an eye on it. She hasn't been shaking it any more.

Everyone have a great day.


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Mornin' all:


Jezzy Lou has two hot spots on her back that she has had for awile. I put cortizone spray on them and the hair is growing back. I wonder if the Salmon oil would help with that? I gave her a bath yesterday, used some oatmeal soap. She smells purty and is all nice and soft. She finally got her rabies shot and microchip in yesterday. She screamed when the microchip was put in. Mommy held her and gave her plenty of hugs and kisses. She's fine now. Slept quite a bit yesterday afternoon. I think a big ole red ant bit her between the toe! She was kicking her leg and foot like she was trying to shake something off and I looked and found a bump. Will keep an eye on it. She hasn't been shaking it any more.


Everyone have a great day.




Nancy: I believe the Salmon Oil will help with the hot spots....Remember, it's taken internally and, although it will help, it may take some time. Ask your vet.

I found that Brenda's problems [dry/itchy/flaky skin and dull coat] took about 4 weeks to resolve.....and, now I haven't missed a "squirt" of the stuff, with her morning meal, for the past 4 years.

Poor little Jezzy.....ant bites can be so painful.....I hate those little silent/creepy/ monsters!!!! :eek:

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I have a 9 month old golden/lab mix with me tonight. She did great at the hospital today, pretty well with my dog(some lip curls and doggy smack talk). Now in her crate for the night. Crossing my fingers that she does better than her sister and will sleep tonight!! I'll keep everyone posted. Tomorow is an errand and outing day. Library, grocery store....... Then back to the farm as I have two 10 hour shifts to put in and then some lake play time. We are probably going to book a cruise the first week of December. Deciding between the Mexican Riveria on the Emerald and the Western Carribeean on the Crown.

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Mornin' all:

Sunshine, hope your shopping trip goes good with the girl! When I get a visual of the pups you describe, they always have a smile on their faces! I can just see the big ole paws and the wiggling butts..........

Hope everyone has a great day. It is heating up here. And the humidity is very high for us. Don't like that feeling.


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Thankfully my pup was quiet in the crate, whewww. She was a delight, but I had to return her today. I stopped off at the puppy barn afterwards and had some cuddle time with the latest litter. Pure golden retrievers, I got lot's of licks and ear nibbles and snuggles. I could just feel my blood pressure going down.

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My DH suffers with high blood pressure and depression.

When I bring Brenda home from work, she will go to him and, lay at his feet while he strokes her tummy.

He will start to smile and I can see the "relaxation" on his face.

Amazing what a difference these dogs can make in people's lives. She's a miracle worker, in so many ways.

When she's cruising with us and someone spots her [whose missing their own furbabies, at home] they will ask if they can sit down with her and pat her. I usually say "yes!" I totally understand how stressful it can be to be without our dogs or cats. And, eventhough they know their being taken care of, they're still not with them!

Brenda is a working dog but there defintely times, while cruising, that she's relaxing just as we are. It's during these times that I allow people to enjoy her!!!

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A friend of mine who also is a volunteer handler takes her SDs in training to work with her. She says many of her co workers will stop by her desk and ask if they can "have a moment". Of course they want some canine cheer and she obliges. Of course the dog has to do a sit or a shake or something for the reward of human hugs.

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Hi all its been a while since we have stopped by !

WOO HOO we are HUGE fans of quiet spot - we order ours on e bay for about 7 bucks I love them ! I put them on all my pups in traning and of course on my working guy Denver ! ( Brendas secret boyfriend - they have a date again this weekend LOL ) It is not only good fpr coming out from under tables but for me because I cant see so well when Den and I are walking his collar dosent jingle therefore if theres a dog near by sometimes we can get away with being kinda stealth mode LOL yes i love love love it

I have a link for a cool folding dog bowl too I will look for it and post later it is 20 bucks but soooooo great we also like another product the company sells for 7 bucks it is a top for water bottles made for your dog to drink right from the bottle havent tried it yet but going to order it soon .


Roz - Im soooooooo excited I get to see you guys this weekend ! Be sure to bring Brenny of you can Denver says he wants to kiss her ! There will be Denver and Cougar and Hamlett and a few other guide dogs there ! It will be a P A R T Y !!!!!!! hope papa can make it too ! hopefully theres somewhere cool inside to hang out ill post back when I find out from Amber


Have a great rest of your week all !

Cari and Denver

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real quick Nancy try salmon oil as roz suggested and also on the hot spot itself try colidol silver ( dont know if i spelled the first word right ) go to a health food store we have sprouts and henrys out here ( trader joes does not carry it ) and ask for it !!!! Great to have on hand and you can apply it a few times a day to the spot it will fix it ! and it should run you about 7-10 dollars

hope this helps

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The Salmon Oil came yesterday. I put it on Sandy's kibble and she sniffed and walked away:(. Then she came back and scarfed it all down, and looked at me like "seconds please"! Then the cat came over and started to lick the edges of her dish. Since my cat is an itchy mess, I added a 1/2 squirt to her food this morning and she was munching away. Thanks for the tip. I am waiting for my quiet spot to arrive next. I misplaced my folding dog dish, so will look for the one you mentioned Cari.


Question for you west coasters. Rich and I are debating on a cruise on 11/28. We can go to the Mexican Riveria out of Long Beach or the Western Carribbean out of FLL. Of course the FLL is easier for us, but we have been wanting to do the Mexican Riveria for a while. What type of weather would you anticipate that time of year.

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Mornin' all:

Thanks everyone for the tips.


Since we have Colidal Silver in the cupboard, I will try that. Hubby swears by it. First signs of a cold and he takes it. I must admit his bouts with colds are usually milder than mine.

Oh, I so wish I could come to the party! A whole group of furbabies! And Denver and Brenny get to smooch again and cuddle. What fun, have a great time.

Gotta run. Have to go to the big city today. 165 miles one way, but have to come home tonight as I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning!


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Roz, We live in a building with elderly and handicapped people. The elderly light up when they see the dogs. Rangeley was very loved here, he had his favorites. Alot of the women (mostly women here) were devastated when Rangeley passed. I heard many of them say that their blood pressure went down when they patted the dog. It was great for them. We also have a few small yappy dogs here but no one likes them, and they really don't care for people. Bailee has now taken over Rangeleys job, and lets everyone pat her. :D



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Cari: We look forward to seeing everyone too! Brenda doesn't get to see many dogs, unless we're at CCI or we visit a doggy park [not something we do very often] so, seeing Denver again will be a real treat for her [and me!] not to mention all the other dogs.

Sunshine: Wait until you see the difference in Sandy's [and the kitty's] coats. It's a miracle! :)

Also, cruising the Mexican Riviera, in Novemeber, is perfect. It tends to be very hot and humid from late April through October and starts to cool down in November [they consider the mid to upper 80's cooler!]. We have decided that we'll never do the Riviera again when it's hot......it's not the heat that is so unbearable it's the humidity!!!!! So unpleasant!

Princess does not leave out of Long Beach but the Carnival Pride [as well as other Carnival ships does!] We loved the Pride and had a wonderful cruise onboard her. She's a magnificent ship, with a great crew!

Nancy: You would love these folks; who the party is being thrown for.....they are a young, dynamic couple, with a beautiful baby son. They are pregnant with a baby girl and, couldn't be more excited about it.

Cari introduced them to us and we all had dinner together. They were waiting for their Service Dogs [at the time we met.] I think they have one, now!

It was such an inspiration to see two young people [who are visually challenged] handle their dinner and their baby's needs, as well!

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Thanks for the update on weather and the Mexican Riveria. I have to say that is the direction we are leaning.


Now, as to that Salmon Oil. Are you sure it is not a controlled substance????? Sandy is sitting outside the pantry where the bottle is and staring at it. :D!! I feed her twice a day and she wasn't too happy that her afternoon kibble was not flavored with "essence of stinky fish!!.


I'll keep y'all posted as to Salmon Oil Addiction.

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Thanks for the update on weather and the Mexican Riveria. I have to say that is the direction we are leaning.


Now, as to that Salmon Oil. Are you sure it is not a controlled substance????? Sandy is sitting outside the pantry where the bottle is and staring at it. :D!! I feed her twice a day and she wasn't too happy that her afternoon kibble was not flavored with "essence of stinky fish!!.


I'll keep y'all posted as to Salmon Oil Addiction.


I am sitting here laughing with tears......that is so funny!!!! But, I know what you're talking about. Brenny starts salivating the moment I start spraying the smelly stuff!

Be careful not to hit your carpeting.....takes forever to get the staines out and makes tile floors like an ice skating rink!!!!!

We could start the 5 scale program [Get it? Fish-scales, never mind!]

It also helps with bowel movements [sorry] and with their hearts. It's all those omega acids.

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Mornin' all:


Roz is right. We have cruised the Mexican Riviera alot. We love to go in November or December. The weather is gorgeous. Even a little too warm, but I think that is all the time in Mexico. I don't think they get many cold spells! We love the Mexican Riviera. Puerta Vallarta is one of our favorites. Have you considered the Carnival Spirit for 8 days? Usually cheaper than the 7 day, don't ask me why. But it goes to Acapulco (which we don't particulary care for, too big city, L.A.ish) and Zihautenejo (another favorite) Manzanillo, different than any other port. Take a look at their cruises. Absolutely loved the Spirit. Great crew.

Gotta get ready for doctors appointment and a gazillion errends. When do they stop?

Everyone have a great Friday and weekend.


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hi roz see u Saturday




Okay, everyone, tell me this is not a gorgeous picture.....as handsome as he looks in this picture....that's how wonderful he is in spirit. What a great dog!!!!!!! And, you should see him work!!!!

I can't wait to plant a big "smooch" on his head!!!!!!!!

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Mornin' all:



Roz is right. We have cruised the Mexican Riviera alot. We love to go in November or December. The weather is gorgeous. Even a little too warm, but I think that is all the time in Mexico. I don't think they get many cold spells! We love the Mexican Riviera. Puerta Vallarta is one of our favorites. Have you considered the Carnival Spirit for 8 days? Usually cheaper than the 7 day, don't ask me why. But it goes to Acapulco (which we don't particulary care for, too big city, L.A.ish) and Zihautenejo (another favorite) Manzanillo, different than any other port. Take a look at their cruises. Absolutely loved the Spirit. Great crew.


Gotta get ready for doctors appointment and a gazillion errends. When do they stop?


Everyone have a great Friday and weekend.




Nancy, thanks for the suggestion, I'll have to check into the Carnival Spirit.

Have a restful weekend.....although, with your scedule, I don't know how you'll do it!!!!!

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