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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I lost my 9 year old hearing assist dog in June, right before we went to Alaska. I spent the trip heart broken. I used to train for an agency, and I trained her. She was a bearded collie. While in Alaska, I found out that there was no litter from the breeding I was hoping to get a new girl from.


Last Friday, my new girl arrived from England. I was thrilled! She handled being brought to me on a forklift perfectly. We're six months away from full training and a complete team, but the vast crater in my heart from losing Lessa is starting to fill!


She's already carrying objects like remotes and phones, so it will be fairly easy to shape picking up things I drop and don't notice--like iPods and keys. She's confident, too, for a baby, which really makes me feel good. I knew I depended upon Lessa, I just didn't know how much! I look forward to cruising with Missy some day.


Kate: Welcome! And, thank you for sharing your story about "Lessa." It's my biggest fear.....to be without my "Brenny"........I have to stop......it makes me get so teary and sad!

Okay, I'm back......Congratulations on getting "Missy!" It's also very good to hear that the crater in our hearts, after they're gone...can be filled!!!!!

Please let us know how the training goes and, yes, you'll have lots to share with us, when you start cruising with your new partner!

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Ok Roz you're in. But John says only one guess, so you must choose. Here's my choice, click on the pic. He is one of those dogs in the pic. I just want him cuz I've met him and he looks like my Bailee. :D


Kim, Thanks so much for the info. Everyone has been so nice and informative. I'm soaking it all in.


Kate, Welcome! So sorry to hear about your Lessa. We just went through the same almost a year ago so we know how you feel. But like you, we are getting our new baby too!! Congrats, and the best of luck. Please keep us updated.





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I want in. Maybe whoever wins sends a care package to CCI!! I'll have to go back and look at the pictures again.


Meanwile my two houseguests have very good puppy manners and are sleeping now. Hopefully all night, but we will see.



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Quam: I hope you get to go! Sounds great! Please tell us all about it, if you do!!

So do I! ;) I will definitely come and post about it if I do go. It isn't until next calendar year, though, so it'll be a while.


Also, Quam, you mentioned about the Welactin and Cosequin being free for IAADP members.


First; has the Cosequin/Dasuqin been proven to be equal to the Glucosamin/Chondroitin in its effectiveness? Brenda is doing so well on the latter that I hate to change it, if it's not going to be equal. And, the same question would be for the Welactin. Is it as effective as the straight Salmon Oil?

Cosequin and Dasuquin ARE Glucosamine/Chondroitin combos. They are the highest-quality ones out there. The company makes G/C for humans, as well, and those are doctor-recommended (my father's doctor told him to get that particular brand after my father had knee surgery). Dasuquin is a newer formula that has something added that helps the G/C work better - you can also get it with MSM added (I forget what MSM adds as far as benefits go, but you can look it up on the company's Web site - just do a Google to find it, as I forget the exact name). So, yes, this would definitely benefit Brenda - and save you hundreds of dollars! (I recommend the chewables - they are very palatable, I think beef flavoured or something like that.)

The Welactin is also high-quality and the two or so added ingredients help the salmon oil, so it will be as good as or better than what you feed now. (I don't know what brand you feed, but some brands of supplements have no quality control and differing amounts can go in each bottle and such.) You can read about it on the company's Web site, as well.


I do spend a lot for both of these supplements in Brenda's diet and, most impotantly, I like how she's doing and, don't plan on stopping. But, if I could get the same results without spending the money......that would be even better, for all of us!!!!


(I could save money and put it towards cruising more often!!!!)


Second; how does a member go about getting these supplements, without paying?


In your IAADP packet is info. on how to get them. Basically, you give your vet a photocopy of your IAADP card and then she calls up the company who makes the supplements - the contact name and phone number are on the IAADP sheet that you give to the vet to explain the process to them. She orders them for you - you can ask her to have them shipped right to your home instead of to the vet's for you to pick up (my vet did this for me without my even asking them to, which is cool 'cause I go to the nearest VCA vet to get the IAADP discount and that is 25-30 min. away, so it saves me a trip).


Speaking of, I need to renew my IAADP membership; it is up next month! :)

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Sorry for the delay in responding. I did not speak with anyone directly (it sounds like you did), just their veterinary and animal control unit. I got the conditions for importation and the application. I will forward the email or scan and send if you don't mind giving me an email address.


Kim and Keldon


Can you post it somewhere on the Web (i.e. post it as a photo on Webshots or something) and post the link to it? I don't need more SPAM in my e-mail box when SPAMbots pick up on posted e-mail addresses. :p Thanks!

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Did you have a problem taking the dog into the butterfly farms? Is the short walk on St Thomas to the butterfly farm like a few blocks?


Remember that the U.S. Virgin Islands (as well as Puerto Rico) are under the ADA just as they are in the U.S.A., so you have legal access to places there just like you do here. :) Bring your law info. cards/DOJ Business Briefs and use them if you have any access problems. (You might want to print out the section of the ADA that lists USVI & PR as being under the ADA, too, as I don't think that is on the Business Briefs and may not be on whatever law card you use.)

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Re: dog boots


I haven't used these, so don't know how well they would work on hot pavement (as opposed to booties with thick rubber soles like shoes), but apparently dogs like them a LOT more than other booties (no funny walk to laugh at when you put them on) and they look easier to put on.




If anybody here tries them, let us know how you like them!

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Ok Roz you're in. But John says only one guess, so you must choose. Here's my choice, click on the pic. He is one of those dogs in the pic. I just want him cuz I've met him and he looks like my Bailee. :D


Kim, Thanks so much for the info. Everyone has been so nice and informative. I'm soaking it all in.


Kate, Welcome! So sorry to hear about your Lessa. We just went through the same almost a year ago so we know how you feel. But like you, we are getting our new baby too!! Congrats, and the best of luck. Please keep us updated.




What's his name? He almost looks like Brenda, except she has that short/English Lab nose and head.

So exciting!!!!!

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Re: dog boots


I haven't used these, so don't know how well they would work on hot pavement (as opposed to booties with thick rubber soles like shoes), but apparently dogs like them a LOT more than other booties (no funny walk to laugh at when you put them on) and they look easier to put on.




If anybody here tries them, let us know how you like them!


Quam, these actually look doable......I will try them and let you guys know how she does with them.

She's the only dog in training that would not wear a gentle leader on her nose.....she would, literally, run her face along the ground and walls to get it off and would not focus on her job. So, CCI decided it wasn't worth the hassle with her!!!!!!

Also, getting anything on her paws makes her "nuts", until she gets it off, she'll do nothing else (I swear she has a bit of OCD)......we'll see if the booties work. I'll let you know.

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Regarding the dog shoes/boots we borrowed a pair of Muttluks for our trip to Disney World. Keldon was fine wearing them (we practiced a bit at home before we left). They are a softer one without the rubber soles like the Ruff Wear ones. They last pretty well, but are susceptible to wear over time. They are compact enough you could carry them with you in a purse, etc.. They were highlighted in the IAADP Partners Forum Third Quarter 2008 because they have a program where IAADP members get 50% off and maybe a shipping discount. If you are a member call 888-muttluk or email muttluks@muttluks.com. I have not contacted them to see if they are still offering the discount?


Kim and Keldon

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Mornin' all:Ok, I'm going with Zolo! Of course I am partial to yellow babies. He looks so attentive and curious. :D All of them are beautiful and I am sure they will make the right match.

Ditto. Look at the smile on his face...that is one happy dog! Of course I am also partial to Stevick because he looks A LOT like Keldon.


Roz does Brenda have smaller ears than some of the other labs? Keldon has smaller ears and a head like Brenda's. He is also a full lab.


Kim and keldon

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Roz, His name is Jefferson. He was a sweetie, but they all were. John told the trainer he needed alittle more work, which he did. So he must be spectacular by now! :D


Well, I may have to re-think my guess work........Okay, I'm going to go with "Wexler!" It seems your leaning towards a black dog.....and, if you've already told the training staff that you're thinking of "Jefferson", and he's not quite up-to-snuff, than maybe they'll think "black" and, go with "Wexler!"

I couldn't read some of the names......but, I like how "Wexler's" doing a lot of scoping of his environment and not looking at the camera (he has a mind of his own!)

It really doesn't matter what we think......when they match you.....you'll be drooling all over him/her!!!!!

Have fun!

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Mornin' all:Ok, I'm going with Zolo! Of course I am partial to yellow babies. He looks so attentive and curious. :D All of them are beautiful and I am sure they will make the right match.

Ditto. Look at the smile on his face...that is one happy dog! Of course I am also partial to Stevick because he looks A LOT like Keldon.


Roz does Brenda have smaller ears than some of the other labs? Keldon has smaller ears and a head like Brenda's. He is also a full lab.


Kim and keldon


Yes, and, a shorter nose, with a square head......she's got a big body and short legs, she's a true English Lab.

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Roz, I like the black labs, John likes the yellows. He did actually mention to them that he would like a yellow male, but we know you take what you get. Zolo and Lucah look alot like Rangeley. I don't think I want one that looks just like him, it would be kinda wierd. But I will love it no matter what.



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Roz, I like the black labs, John likes the yellows. He did actually mention to them that he would like a yellow male, but we know you take what you get. Zolo and Lucah look alot like Rangeley. I don't think I want one that looks just like him, it would be kinda wierd. But I will love it no matter what.





Truer words were never spoken.........And, to watch all that these dogs are trained to do and, how they perform their tasks.....it just amazes me what Miracle Workers they are!!!!!

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Puppy Update: Having too much fun. Took one puppy up to the high school where the cheerleaders were running a mini camp. 200 little girls between 5 - 12 cheering running around the gym, rain on the roof! What a commotion. Of course my little goldy girl lit up and ran with the kids and watched some of their cheers.

My little fella only got to go to the bank, grocery store and home depot. I told the girls I would bring him tomorow. I can only do short outings and one at a time.

My dog and both pups went on a nice car ride. Practicing getting in and out of the car and riding nicely in the back seat.... Need some work on that. j

I'm going to look closer at the graduating dogs now. Let you know my pick soon.

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It is true CCI has a dog/some dogs in mind, but it is interesting how the connection just happens. As they requested we went into it completely trusting them to make the match. They are so good about knowing the needs of the recipient and yet it all comes down to chemistry. It is amazing to watch the meet and greet rotation day when they are kind of assessing connections. Our son had no preference for color of dog going in....on that day however it became really clear he preferred the black dogs. Then it became perfectly clear he had a connection with Keldon. They were all great dogs, but Keldon was "the one". It still gives me goosebumps.


Cindy, a veteran CCI puppy raiser with whom we are good friends told me to have you look for a pup at graduation named Maaco/Maako. He is turning in at your graduation and is the brother of the pup she is currently raising. Small world huh?


Kim and keldon

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Sunshine, Love the stories, keep them coming!


Kim, I noticed you are from California. You do know we will be on Long Island.


Yes. Our friend is very involved with CCI so she knows quite a bit about CCI nationally. In addition her pup and Maaco's/Maako's mom lives about 15 minutes from us. Now that I am thinking about it I think my daughter and I saw that litter when they were about 6 weeks old! My daughter frequently goes to the breeder caretaker homes so the young puppies can be exposed to kids. They do ship the pups across country from Santa Rosa for puppy raising at one of the other regions. By the way Maaco/Maako (I really need to find out how that dogs name is spelled) is a golden. His brother our friend is raising is beautiful.


Kim and Keldon

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:confused: I have a question for you guys. :confused: Do all 10 or 11 teams train together or do service dogs and facilitator dogs train seperately??






All teams start out training together. Towards the end of the second week, some of the service dog teams broke off to do some specialized training. Some of it included pulling the wheelchair and turning on and off lights. We were a skilled companion team so we stayed with the main group.

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