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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Roz: She will be staying with an Auntie. But she hasn't met this Auntie. Reno always stayed with her. But Jezzy Lou is different. She sleeps with us and doesn't leave our side. Papa was always home with her, where as Auntie works, but only until noon. I know she will be fine, it is mommy that won't........


I send my good wishes. Let us know, upon your return, how it went. Don't forget her favorite toy/blanket/pillow and treats.

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I am gathering things for that. Although the toys and blanket are a no go for now. She just takes them back! I put all her toys in pile in front of her bed (She naps in it during the day) and before I walk away she comes and browses' (sp) for her favorites! I'm afraid if I take her favorites she may tear them up in anger, fear or missing us. But will send some anyway. They say animals have no sense of time, but Reno us to tell time and let me know it was time to eat! :D

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I am gathering things for that. Although the toys and blanket are a no go for now. She just takes them back! I put all her toys in pile in front of her bed (She naps in it during the day) and before I walk away she comes and browses' (sp) for her favorites! I'm afraid if I take her favorites she may tear them up in anger, fear or missing us. But will send some anyway. They say animals have no sense of time, but Reno us to tell time and let me know it was time to eat! :D


I don't know who "they" are but animals have a TRUE sense of time. Much more logical than ours and based on the rising and falling of the sun/moon/tides, etc.

Trust your animal to tell you when it's time to get up and feed them/got to sleep, etc., better than the time that's set on your clock!

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Can I just share that I am struggling with loss. My friend with ALS is hanging in their in hospice care, but the daily struggle is hearbreaking. My Crackers is providing his own healing both to me and my friend. We went to hospice house yesterday. Kay had been having a very bad day, restless, confused, and scared. Her daughter was glad to see us come in and left us for a visit. Kay has lost a lot of muscle function but she was still able to pat the bed and motion for Crackers to come closer At first Crackers just put his paws on the bed and allowed pats, finally at Kay's insistence, I somehow found room for big boy to get on the bed with her. He was half off the bed, but still snuggled up and just provided the comfort he can. Later, Kay's daughter and I managed to move her about in the bed to make more room, next thing, up goes Crackers. He found his space, curled up right next to her, her hand found his fur and finally quiet set in. Both fell asleep and the room was filled in peace. Kay's daughter and I sat and talked quietly and just watched the magic of "dog". Crackers was doing what medication and human care just wasn't quite doing today: providing rest and comfort.


I found my own healing occuring and so did Kay's daughter.


As we left, we visited a few more residents at the hospice. Needless to say, these people are all facing life and death with dignity. Crackers treated them all with kindess and dignity.



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Can I just share that I am struggling with loss. My friend with ALS is hanging in their in hospice care, but the daily struggle is hearbreaking. My Crackers is providing his own healing both to me and my friend. We went to hospice house yesterday. Kay had been having a very bad day, restless, confused, and scared. Her daughter was glad to see us come in and left us for a visit. Kay has lost a lot of muscle function but she was still able to pat the bed and motion for Crackers to come closer At first Crackers just put his paws on the bed and allowed pats, finally at Kay's insistence, I somehow found room for big boy to get on the bed with her. He was half off the bed, but still snuggled up and just provided the comfort he can. Later, Kay's daughter and I managed to move her about in the bed to make more room, next thing, up goes Crackers. He found his space, curled up right next to her, her hand found his fur and finally quiet set in. Both fell asleep and the room was filled in peace. Kay's daughter and I sat and talked quietly and just watched the magic of "dog". Crackers was doing what medication and human care just wasn't quite doing today: providing rest and comfort.


I found my own healing occuring and so did Kay's daughter.


As we left, we visited a few more residents at the hospice. Needless to say, these people are all facing life and death with dignity. Crackers treated them all with kindess and dignity.




Karen, I'm writing from home and was going to wait until I went into work tomorrow [this is Morey's account] but I just couldn't wait.


There truly is nothing anyone can say to alleviate your sense of impending loss. What you're feeling is so real. What your seeing from Crackers is pure magic and bliss.


You've given Crackers love, trust, security and confidence. He, in return, is giving your friend her sense of quiet and calm. Something that her horrific disease has stolen from her.


You and Crackers are a blessing to your friend. She's on a very tough journey and you're witness to it. This is very difficult.


I watched my father die like this, it's so intense, it literally drains every ounce of energy out of you.


We're all here for you; get some much needed rest so that you can take on the next day.


I'm sending you positive and loving energy. Take care of you.



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Mornin' all:

Karen: You and Cracker are both loves. I bet watching the two of them gave a calming effect on you and Kay's daughter, also. What a wonderful and sad thing to watch.

As Jezzy Lou lays in bed with us at night, I feel myself searching for her, just to touch her fur and pet her. Or, have my leg rest on her. It is mending for me. Don't know about her, but it helps me!

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Thank you friends for your support and love. It truly means a lot to me. I visited my friend Kay again today. This time I was accompanied by an 16 month old lab/golden mix. She has black fur that shines so much you can see yourself in it. This was my first time working with her, but what a sweetheart. She will probably graduate in July. I would expect great things from her, and Roz I know she would have a special place in your heart with her good looks.


My companion has not had much hospital experience, but otherwise is quite bold. Her trainer had told me to feel free to use advanced commands with her, which is always nice. So we went to hospice house for our visit. She is about 1/2 the size of Crackers and has twice as much energy(that would be the lab in her). She did a pretty good job of snuggling on the bed, but was a bit anxious with the sounds and smells of the room. We still had a nice visit, and while Kay would have appreciated Crackers a bit more, she still enjoyed the visit from the new girl.


Later as we were leaving we stopped in the break room area. There we did a demonstration of light switches and opening the fridge. Someone wanted to know if she could fetch a beer and I told them not until after 5.


She just glowed when asked to do these tasks, and the attention she got. Just goes to show that each dog has their own distinct skills.


Went and spent some time with my Crackers afterwards. We played a bit, groomed a bit and then he helped me fold a bunch of towels(took them from the dryer). All in all a good day for us.

Pray for peace and comfort for my dear friend Kay and if you have any extras, I'll take some too.


Thanks everyone,


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Thank you friends for your support and love. It truly means a lot to me. I visited my friend Kay again today. This time I was accompanied by an 16 month old lab/golden mix. She has black fur that shines so much you can see yourself in it. This was my first time working with her, but what a sweetheart. She will probably graduate in July. I would expect great things from her, and Roz I know she would have a special place in your heart with her good looks.


My companion has not had much hospital experience, but otherwise is quite bold. Her trainer had told me to feel free to use advanced commands with her, which is always nice. So we went to hospice house for our visit. She is about 1/2 the size of Crackers and has twice as much energy(that would be the lab in her). She did a pretty good job of snuggling on the bed, but was a bit anxious with the sounds and smells of the room. We still had a nice visit, and while Kay would have appreciated Crackers a bit more, she still enjoyed the visit from the new girl.


Later as we were leaving we stopped in the break room area. There we did a demonstration of light switches and opening the fridge. Someone wanted to know if she could fetch a beer and I told them not until after 5.


She just glowed when asked to do these tasks, and the attention she got. Just goes to show that each dog has their own distinct skills.


Went and spent some time with my Crackers afterwards. We played a bit, groomed a bit and then he helped me fold a bunch of towels(took them from the dryer). All in all a good day for us.

Pray for peace and comfort for my dear friend Kay and if you have any extras, I'll take some too.


Thanks everyone,




Awwww! Another wonderful "tail" from Karen.

I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER liked black dogs. Then, CCI presented Brenda to me and my life and my love for black dogs has NEVER been the same!

Karen, I will say an extra prayer for Kay and in my prayer I will ask that she be given some peace and relief from any pain or suffering.

And, for you, I will ask for extra strength so that you may endure the days ahead.

Stay well,


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Afternoon all:

I so wish we had an organization around here that would do what Karen does. It just brings a calm over me. I have seen a small little dog at mom's nursing home. Don't know if it is someones pet or not. Its seems to go to the same room. I have mixed emotions about that. One poor lady kept calling her dog, Petey and whistling for him. Very sad. Mom hasn't asked about Tiger. I will just tell her I found him a good home.

We are off tomorrow morning. I will have the laptop with us. Will try and check in periodically.

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We're looking at the Pacific Coastal cruises out of L.A. for 2011. We're going to do a B/B onboard the Sapphire Princess on September 24, 2011. We've always wanted to do the Pacific Coast [from the ocean side], we've done the roadways from Mexico to Washington more times than I can remember. It's got to be a totally different experience when seeing this venue from a cruise ship!


And, seeing the Golden Gate Bridge while on the ocean has got to be a thrill!


I love having a cruise to look forward to!

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Mornin' all:

Roz: That sounds like a wonderful itinerary! Hubby would love not having to fly. Maybe some day. I am still working on one for this year!

But we are on our road trip now. In Vegas. Staying at Circus Circus. Too many people for us. Yesterday we went to where my girlfriend and her husband are staying. Nothing for Trav to do, so we sat by the pool and he played with two little boys all day. We caught up on about 45 years worth of missing each other, A nice day all around. Today we are headed for Grand Junction to the Dinosaur Discovery Museum. It is suppose to be interactive so i hope Trav has a good time. This vacation is mostly about him.

Hope everyone is doing good. Til next time.

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My precious friend Kay has a set of angel wings today. She lost her battle to ALS yesterday surrounded by her family. I am so glad that Crackers was able to provide some comfort over the past few weeks. I like to think she is surrounded by so many of our special friends with four feet, so Reno, Bayley and Rangley...go kiss kay and tell her Crackers and I will think of her everyday.

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Mornin' all:

Karen: I am so sorry for the loss of Kay. You can bet Reno was right up there getting his kisses and hugs and scratches in. She is in a better place and now is free of pain. Bless her and you and Crackers for making the end bareable for her. You are also an Angel.

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Karen, I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like your friend is in a better place now. It's so nice to think that Crackers gave her comfort in her last days. I'm still how amazed how these animals can give comfort to so many.



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My precious friend Kay has a set of angel wings today. She lost her battle to ALS yesterday surrounded by her family. I am so glad that Crackers was able to provide some comfort over the past few weeks. I like to think she is surrounded by so many of our special friends with four feet, so Reno, Bayley and Rangley...go kiss kay and tell her Crackers and I will think of her everyday.


Karen: I'm so sorry for your loss of your friend Kay. May she rest in peace. I hope that you will find comfort in the memories of Kay when she well.


I send my love to you in the days ahead!


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Mornin' all:


Oh, Valentine is a sweetheart. What a face!


We are traveling and will be without internet for awhile. Will check back when I can.


Until then, stay safe, hug our furbabies and hold them tight. I miss my girls so much!


Nancy, have a safe trip. I'm off work for the next week and will be spending time my children.


We've been to the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, to see Toy Story 3...what a great movie. I loved it. Then you go to the Fun Zone and play on various rides and games, it was great fun for the kids and extremely tiring for PaPa, Brenny and me. That was Tuesday. On Wednesday we took the train to Union Station and walked across the street to Olvera Street. Great authenic Mexican lunch, shopping and then back on the train to home. Watching Brenda maneuver the steps and jumping into and off the train is amazing. She has got to be the most well rounded and most experienced traveler for a Service Dog. She's such a good sport.

And, of all the things that I've bought for her travels the "collapsible water bowl" is the best!!!! It's light/clean and so durable. It has a hook that attaches to my purse or whatever.


Today it's Legoland then the Rainforest Cafe, in Costa Mesa and then home to collapse. On Friday were having "swim day" and a Birthday party, then Saturday off to San Francisco and then on to Oregon.


I send my best wishes to you, Karen, and hope that you're managing each day after Kay's passing.


Safe travels and happy cruising to all of you who are lucky enough to be on one!



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2010 Iron Girl Complete! Whew am I tired.


Awesome Sunshine!!!!!!


We are exhausted too, even though we didn't do a triathalon. We travelled to see our puppy raisers yesterday. They came up for a concert. It was about a 2 hour drive for us to see them. We had a great time. They are the nicest people. The young girl who raised Wex has another pup training, it's about a year old and her brother has a CCI dog and was there too. We didn't attract much attention with 3 dogs there. Wex was so excited to see all of them. At CCI they say that the dogs "live in the moment" but you could plainly see he knew and adored his puppy raising family. It was a free outdoor concert at this beautiful park. The only thing was the HEAT!!! It was so humid you couldn't breathe. No breeze..nothing. John and I had these cool things that go around our necks and we had to keep putting them in the cooler. John doesn't sweat like we do so his core temp goes up fast. He had to keep soaking his head. It was to hot to run the dogs so we kept them quiet and fed them cookies and water. I was suppose to go to CT today but I'm pooped and the weather is as bad as yesterday. So I think it's going to be a pool day at Johns sisters and I will venture home tomorrow. I know alot of our puppy raisers say the recipients (sp) don't keep in touch with them, but how can you not let these people know how the dog is doing. They made the dog what it is today. And we are so greatful!!



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Cindy, Thanks for posting your story. It was nice to see that Wexie still loved his puppy family, but so bonded with you guys. Crackers and I have really bonded over this past year, but his trainer is happy about it. She says it shows how well he will bond with his recepeint when the match is made. I hope so, because he is one fabulous dog and I hope for great things for him.

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