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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Mornin' all:

Karen: I have mixed emotions about Cracker, also. I am so proud of you and him but don't want to give up your cute stories about him. I visualize him looking like the pup in the Advantix commercials or Cottonelle ones. The swishy little cuddley butt walking away from you. I hope it is a great match and that they keep you informed and pictured up!

Jezzy Lou has a beauty appointment today. None too soon. She has a mat on top of her head and Leann Emily got her claw stuck in it yesterday. She was pulling one way and Jezzy the other, screaming the whole time. By the time I got up and got to them, they had solved the problem. Now mom will solve it permentally.........She needs her railway spike nails trimmed also.

Everyone have a great Friday.

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So, have heard from another person how happy "cracker's " is. I totally believe it. And, it looks like I am slated for another foster pup. Should know by tomorow, so I will keep everyone posted.


Good job! You must be so proud.

The dog moves on, adopts a new "Mommy", performs the tasks that it was trained to do, becomes someone's heart and soul - making a huge difference in how this human maneuvers their lives and all's right with the world! ;)

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I too get this question. I thought all this time it was because she is so small and unusual for a service dog. I have never gotten the sad story though. I'm glad becuase I hate sad pet stories! I've notced since I have had Valentine' date=' I have become SUPER sensitive when It comes to animals. If one of those comercials about abused anmials or puppy mills comes on tv I have to turn the channel right away or I'll find myself crying my eyes out.


I'm glad to hear about Crackers and to be placed with a young girl will be wonderful for a young dog too, Lot's of play time and work to do.[/quote']


Me too, me too! I used to watch those animal control shows, where they would go and pick up 120 cats from a home, or an injured or abused horse or dog. Now, other than Cesar Milan [The Dog Whisperer] I can't watch any of these shows and, that commercial with those dogs in shelters; with those eyes; those faces.............OMG! I do the very same thing.....I switch the channel so fast [i'm so grateful that we have remotes and it's not 30 years ago] or, I'd be falling all over the place to get to the T.V.!

We are "hyper-sensitive" to ALL animals now.......

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Mornin' all:


Karen: I have mixed emotions about Cracker, also. I am so proud of you and him but don't want to give up your cute stories about him. I visualize him looking like the pup in the Advantix commercials or Cottonelle ones. The swishy little cuddley butt walking away from you. I hope it is a great match and that they keep you informed and pictured up!


Jezzy Lou has a beauty appointment today. None too soon. She has a mat on top of her head and Leann Emily got her claw stuck in it yesterday. She was pulling one way and Jezzy the other, screaming the whole time. By the time I got up and got to them, they had solved the problem. Now mom will solve it permentally.........She needs her railway spike nails trimmed also.


Everyone have a great Friday.



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I just had to go look at Ms. Brenny with the flower between her teeth. Hugs and snuggles to her. I love red and black together!


Isn't that a funny picture. It was onboard a cruise to Brazil. The photographer was taking pictures of people sitting at a piano and the women were given a rose to hold.

I waited my turn, in line and when we got to the piano I put Brenda with her front legs on the bench and the rose between her teeth......I swear the line of people waiting grew to about 100 watching the setting-up of the "Brenda" shot! Of course, I don't know how many personal albums she's in of the people who were taking paparazzi pictures of her!!!!! :rolleyes: (Morey walked away, he was so embarrased!)

It's one of my most favorite pictures of Ms. "B"!

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Meet "Cooler" a 10 week old golden/lab mix! According to her trainer she looks more lab like. And you know, I am a charter member of the "love a lab" club. I am looking forward to meeting her and starting her cruise critic stories. It will help with "Cracker's " separation. So, back to potty training, excited for sits and downs and teaching basic manners. I'll be working with a different trainer this time. I think it will be a good team dynamic. Stories and pictures to follow....

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One more "Cracker's " story.. He's been so good with his advanced commands. As a rule, I don't work advance commands, unless a trainer asks and then gives me very clear guidelines. you never want to mess up a training program. But, I think Crackers was really getting "tug" command. Where he tugs on a bandana tied to a door to open it. I would come up to the door, give him a wait command(which he always did well), then as soon as I said "yes" he tugged the door open. It was as if he was being a gentlemen and wanting to open the door for him. I had people watching and everyone was charmed.

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Meet "Cooler" a 10 week old golden/lab mix! According to her trainer she looks more lab like. And you know, I am a charter member of the "love a lab" club. I am looking forward to meeting her and starting her cruise critic stories. It will help with "Cracker's " separation. So, back to potty training, excited for sits and downs and teaching basic manners. I'll be working with a different trainer this time. I think it will be a good team dynamic. Stories and pictures to follow....


Yippee!!!! Hello "Cooler!" Have fun with Karen. Please let us know all about your adventures.


Love those Labs and the cross between the Lab and Golden can be a beautiful dog.

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One more "Cracker's " story.. He's been so good with his advanced commands. As a rule, I don't work advance commands, unless a trainer asks and then gives me very clear guidelines. you never want to mess up a training program. But, I think Crackers was really getting "tug" command. Where he tugs on a bandana tied to a door to open it. I would come up to the door, give him a wait command(which he always did well), then as soon as I said "yes" he tugged the door open. It was as if he was being a gentlemen and wanting to open the door for him. I had people watching and everyone was charmed.


What a wonderful boy!

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I am well aware of the law. We spent ALOT of time with CCI puppy raisers doing public awareness/fundraisers. We have never had a problem bringing puppies in training anywhere. All I was saying is that if the law were to be enforced, the was it was stated above, it would be a big problem. Relax...I'm on your side.


Quam is so enthusiastic about her beliefs and knowledge that I've noticed that sometimes she can be very "strong" in her wording.


I would hate to see the laws become too strict on bringing the "puppies in training" into the public arena. Without their training, in every environment, the folks who need the dogs would be very limited in where they could go!


I love to watch them. It takes all my resistence not to go over and touch them.

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So, Cooler is now in the house!! Or maybe I should say in the puppy pen! I have an indoor play yard, looks like a playpen. Cooler says in a very sharp yippy voice to please get off the computer and come play with her. I'm doing my best to ignore the pleading, as I want her to get used to being quiet in a contained space. Of course in a few more weeks the play pen won't contain her, and the crate will have to do. She'll sleep in a crate tonight, at least, I hope she will sleep.


She is so cute, and so lab like. Racing around the yard, jumping and nipping at Sandy(who told her no in her best big dog voice), and helping me puppy proof what i thought was puppy proofed!!!


I'm looking forward to graduation on Thursday and then some coctails afterward with a few friends. I told them I might need a tequila shot instead of a dog-tini!! Working on my photo album for Crackers and starting a new one for Cooler. One of the other volunteers has a blog set up for her foster journey. I might try that.


OK, time to get the baby out of the pen and into the room. Maybe I need that tequila shot now:D

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So, Cooler is now in the house!! Or maybe I should say in the puppy pen! I have an indoor play yard, looks like a playpen. Cooler says in a very sharp yippy voice to please get off the computer and come play with her. I'm doing my best to ignore the pleading, as I want her to get used to being quiet in a contained space. Of course in a few more weeks the play pen won't contain her, and the crate will have to do. She'll sleep in a crate tonight, at least, I hope she will sleep.


She is so cute, and so lab like. Racing around the yard, jumping and nipping at Sandy(who told her no in her best big dog voice), and helping me puppy proof what i thought was puppy proofed!!!


I'm looking forward to graduation on Thursday and then some coctails afterward with a few friends. I told them I might need a tequila shot instead of a dog-tini!! Working on my photo album for Crackers and starting a new one for Cooler. One of the other volunteers has a blog set up for her foster journey. I might try that.


Your "computer pictures" are so clear. I can actually visualize that puppy in the pen. I'm just glad that I don't have to hear it. I don't think I have the patience for it. But, I sure do love the results.

Keep the updates coming and good luck with the album. Roz never got to have a true "picture" of Brenda as a puppy. She got "bits and pieces" and, only because CCI insisted that the puppyraiser give her something of Brenda's puppy training time.

Get your kleenex ready for Graduation. You're an amazing and loving puppyraiser. Look for the smile on Crackers face when he sees you.

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Hey Roz, I just wanted to let you know that Ms Muff came through for us! We had signed up for a balcony cabin guarantee and mentioned that we needed a handicapped accessible room. She said she would check. We made a payment and the next day we had our cabin asignment! Boy were we surprised to get a room that early. And we did get a handicapped room. It will make it much easier with my skooter and Valentine and of course DH and all of his scuba stuff. I have always had such a problem getting a H/A cabin even when I booked 10-12 months in advance. The room is much larger so I won't fall over the skooter going to the bathroom and the grab bars will be great! Thanks for posting her name and number. She is super friendly and helpful.:D

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I am well aware of the law. We spent ALOT of time with CCI puppy raisers doing public awareness/fundraisers. We have never had a problem bringing puppies in training anywhere. All I was saying is that if the law were to be enforced, the was it was stated above, it would be a big problem. Relax...I'm on your side.


"Relax"? I wasn't not relaxed. Not sure what you were thinking. LOL.


But, yeah, the federal law doesn't cover in-training dogs of any kind, so that is already the case and there's no problem with it. And it definitely needs to stay like that.


Even in states that don't have access for in-training dogs, dogs can still be trained in public places by getting permission from each place. A bit of work to do and there might be some rejections, but better than nothing, of course.


Hopefully the new federal law will be released soon.



P.S. "A lot" is two words. ;)

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I'm stopped EVERY SINGLE DAY and asked the very same question. "Is that a puppy in training?"

That's annoying! I don't get asked it that often, but I think a good amount. Either that or someone will think I'm blind and she's a guide dog (love the parents that say to their kids, "That's a guide dog helping that blind lady see," haha).

I just reply, "No, she's already trained and she's mine," when ppl ask if I'm training her.

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My wife had to take orson to the vet yesterday. He had some yellow discharge coming out of one eye and the eye was a little red. Turns out it was no big deal. They gave us some eye drops to put in for a couple of days. But the next time someone says "look, it's one of those blind dogs",

I'll be able to say..."almost but we got him some drops for his eye!"


:D Too funny!


Speaking of vets, I finally got the result of my dog's rabies titer test back from Kansas State today - four weeks later! I'm glad the result is adequate 'cause it took so long we're now over the six-month mark 'til we enter St. Lucia (they're the island that requires the titer with a six-month wait after it).

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Quam is so enthusiastic about her beliefs and knowledge that I've noticed that sometimes she can be very "strong" in her wording.


Nothing "strong" about it, I was just stating a fact. I know some ppl wish their puppies-in-training were covered by the federal law and could go anywhere in any state, but that's not how it is.

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Hi All, I am excited and sadden at the same time about our Crackers going out into the world. But can't wait to see pics of Cooler!!!! I hope the CA website posts pics of their grads, cuz I would love to see Crackers with his new best friend. I have decided that I would NEVER be able to train a puppy and give it up. I'm upset about Crackers and have had nothing to do with this dog! I guess a release dog would be our only option. Some dog for Wex to play with. But right now we are free to do what we want and not have to worry about another dog. We have been looking at cruises and have picked out a 10day cruise. It goes to their private island, Grand Turk, somewhere in the Dominican, Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. We haven't booked anything yet, just looking and hoping the price goes down. We have been getting this big room in the front of the ship for the last few cruises. The regular room is now to small for us with the dog. The thought of the paperwork for the dog is killing me to even think about!! Maybe after 13 cruises like Roz, I will have it down pat. John would like to go to just Bonaire for a week. He has been there a few times diving and he loves it there. But the flying part isn't good for me :eek: He has a friend there who owns a restaurant near the hotel. And of course he loves to dive. Me not at all. So we will see what happens. Think I'll go check out the dog regulations for a few of these islands. Talk to all of you soon.



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Hi All, I am excited and sadden at the same time about our Crackers going out into the world. But can't wait to see pics of Cooler!!!! I hope the CA website posts pics of their grads, cuz I would love to see Crackers with his new best friend. I have decided that I would NEVER be able to train a puppy and give it up. I'm upset about Crackers and have had nothing to do with this dog! I guess a release dog would be our only option. Some dog for Wex to play with. But right now we are free to do what we want and not have to worry about another dog. We have been looking at cruises and have picked out a 10day cruise. It goes to their private island, Grand Turk, somewhere in the Dominican, Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. We haven't booked anything yet, just looking and hoping the price goes down. We have been getting this big room in the front of the ship for the last few cruises. The regular room is now to small for us with the dog. The thought of the paperwork for the dog is killing me to even think about!! Maybe after 13 cruises like Roz, I will have it down pat. John would like to go to just Bonaire for a week. He has been there a few times diving and he loves it there. But the flying part isn't good for me :eek: He has a friend there who owns a restaurant near the hotel. And of course he loves to dive. Me not at all. So we will see what happens. Think I'll go check out the dog regulations for a few of these islands. Talk to all of you soon.





I feel the same way. I'd take the puppy to raise and then they'd have to call the police to get it away from me. Of course, I could only do this once.


Go for it. Book that cruise. The paperwork is just a "sideline". Of course, it's easy for me to say that since Roz is the one who takes care of it all. We probably wouldn't cruise if the paperwork were up to me. My biggest job is packing my clothes and Brenda's early morning walk to the potty box. I also do a great job at the buffet and in the dining room!


What ever you decide to do have fun with John and Wex.

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Hey Roz' date=' I just wanted to let you know that Ms Muff came through for us! We had signed up for a balcony cabin guarantee and mentioned that we needed a handicapped accessible room. She said she would check. We made a payment and the next day we had our cabin asignment! Boy were we surprised to get a room that early. And we did get a handicapped room. It will make it much easier with my skooter and Valentine and of course DH and all of his scuba stuff. I have always had such a problem getting a H/A cabin even when I booked 10-12 months in advance. The room is much larger so I won't fall over the skooter going to the bathroom and the grab bars will be great! Thanks for posting her name and number. She is super friendly and helpful.:D[/quote']


That's great to hear. With all the stuff we bring for our cruising it can be very tight to get a "regular" cabin. Sometimes we don't have a choice when all the HC cains have been taken, which is why we book as early as we can.


We once went into an inside regular cabin and the Steward had to store my wheelchair in a closet down the hall. Brenda's potty was in a "walkthrough hallway" from one crew area to another. Not the best place but when you cruise with a service dog you have to get very creative.


We booked our September, 2011 cruise a month ago. Roz was worried that we wouldn't get our favorite cabin onboard the Sapphire. We got lucky and she reserved it.


Have a great cruise.

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I think the powers to be knew I needed to jump right in with another pup so I would handle graduation with grace...Cooler is having a great weekend and has already met my oldest daughter at her apartment and Gram at her house. She slept all night in her and then handled crate time at both places we visited today.

I know graduation will be bitter sweet. But I have Crackers valentine teddy bear, his favorite stuffed animal and a photo journal of his time with our family. Should I put pictures that include my daughters and Rich and myself, or leave them out???

I have a picture of Cracker's birth mom to put in the album and pictures of several of his siblings.

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I think the powers to be knew I needed to jump right in with another pup so I would handle graduation with grace...Cooler is having a great weekend and has already met my oldest daughter at her apartment and Gram at her house. She slept all night in her and then handled crate time at both places we visited today.


I know graduation will be bitter sweet. But I have Crackers valentine teddy bear, his favorite stuffed animal and a photo journal of his time with our family. Should I put pictures that include my daughters and Rich and myself, or leave them out???


I have a picture of Cracker's birth mom to put in the album and pictures of several of his siblings.


Yes! You were all the most important humans in Crackers learning process. I hope there are pictures of Sandy too!


Good luck with the process. You did a great job. Now, Crackers is moving forward with the life he was meant to do.


Know in your heart that you are giving this little girl the opportunity to love and learn from Crackers......BECAUSE OF YOU!


The process will continue with Cooler.....Thank you!

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But right now we are free to do what we want and not have to worry about another dog. We have been looking at cruises and have picked out a 10day cruise. It goes to their private island, Grand Turk, somewhere in the Dominican, Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao. We haven't booked anything yet, just looking and hoping the price goes down. We have been getting this big room in the front of the ship for the last few cruises. The regular room is now to small for us with the dog. The thought of the paperwork for the dog is killing me to even think about!! Maybe after 13 cruises like Roz, I will have it down pat. John would like to go to just Bonaire for a week. He has been there a few times diving and he loves it there. But the flying part isn't good for me :eek: He has a friend there who owns a restaurant near the hotel. And of course he loves to dive. Me not at all. So we will see what happens. Think I'll go check out the dog regulations for a few of these islands. Talk to all of you soon.




Where is Bonaire?


Do you mean the Dominican Republic or the island Dominica? If the latter, I know the dog import regulations - you'll need the rabies titer and it has to be no more than one year since your dog has gotten his rabies shot when you arrive in the island.


Aruba I did look up earlier this year, but I don't remember it now. It is findable, though.


The paperwork can be a pain, but it'll be worth it! :)

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