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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Cruise ships absolutely have the right to ask us to sign a form holding them "harmless" for any damage our dog may do or for any harm that may come to another passenger because of our dog. This form is legal for them to require now and for the future. There is nothing unjust or unfair about them asking for this. It also does not go against any laws that the DOJ may come down with. I'm glad they ask for this. It keeps the honest folks honest!

No, they don't, not starting on Nov. 2nd anyway. It is not the DOJ, it is the DOT who put this regulation in place. It will not be legal for them to require it anymore.

The forms have nothing to do with keeping anybody honest. It is just to try to prevent you from suing the cruiseline. It doesn't give you any protection; it gives the cruiseline protection. Contracts are in favor of the one who makes you sign it, not in favor of the one who signs it - that goes for the regular passenger contracts, too.


Please do not hesitate to sign and return this form back to Princess Access department. Advising against signing it is foolhearty. If they discontinue requesting it in the future, fine. I take full responsiblity for Brenda.


We're all the Service Dog folks who are proud to show off our dogs and have nothing to hide.

You take full responsibility for your dog no matter what. But, that's not what these forms are about. Nor are they about showing off dogs or hiding anything. They don't make or break a dog as a service dog.

Carnival has yet to send me the form they sent last year - perhaps because they knew this law was coming - but if they try, I will not sign it because they are not to be sending out such a form.


The Immigration official in Brazil wanted to meet Brenda and myself at the Purser's desk at 6:00am [before anyone could disembark.] We also had this request upon cruising in Barbados. And, everyone had to wait leaving the Diamond Princess in 2005, because an Immigration Official wanted to check Brenda's paws [so weird!]


You never know what any given country will ask for. I say "ask away", I'm always ready for any good questions and requests.


What on earth were they looking for on her paws?!?! :confused: Strange indeed! I had one TSA agent at the airport check my dog's paws one time, which I also thought was strange. (I think a lot of them have no clue how to pat down a dog, so they make things up as they go.)


Did they tell you in advance that they wanted you down there at 6a?! What if you weren't awake yet, weren't dressed yet, or were in the shower when they called? It would've held the whole ship up. I guess if you didn't answer the phone/weren't in your room, they'd page you over the intercom? I'm lucky to get out of the cabin a little after the time they ask you to be out of cabins on debarkation morning, so they'd have to come to my cabin if they wanted to see me before then (as long as it was after I'd dressed, of course!).


I've been dealing with sinus issues the past several days/week, so haven't been on here as much. I'm feeling better now, though! :) I use a natural herbal pill called Sinupret - it works really well!! In case anybody is looking for a good cure for sinus headaches and other sinus issues.

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Lucky for us, Wex's shots are due in October so it's always gonna be right before the cruise. Wex isn't due for his rabies til next October, but we are going to see what the vet says. Maybe we will have to do a yearly shot instead of the 3yr one so we can go to some of these islands.


The one-year rabies vaccine is the exact same as the three-year vaccine, just with a different label (and different vaccination expiration date). Always go with the three-year vaccine unless you need the one-year for an island or whatever (they will take the three-year for one year, but if you want to go to an island over a year from when you did the vaccine, you'd have to re-vaccinate and that might confuse your local authorities, LOL). As it is, the vaccine lasts a lot longer than three years; we're all over-vaccinating our dogs because the laws make us.


My dog's rabies was originally due in September, but I guess last time I got it done in August (I don't even remember going to the vet before Labor Day, LOL, but the paperwork doesn't lie). Since we had to do the six-month wait thing, I had to get it done early this time.


There is always alot of talk about able bodied people getting HP rooms, I don't see how. We have to fill out forms everytime. Unless they fill it out and lie :eek:


I think some just don't send it back and hope the cruiseline doesn't keep asking them for it, which I guess they don't! :mad: Hopefully things will get much better once Nov. 2 comes with the new regulations on getting HC rooms.

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Originally Posted by Rolls Royce Lover viewpost.gif

The Immigration official in Brazil wanted to meet Brenda and myself at the Purser's desk at 6:00am [before anyone could disembark.] We also had this request upon cruising in Barbados. And, everyone had to wait leaving the Diamond Princess in 2005, because an Immigration Official wanted to check Brenda's paws [so weird!]


We had the same thing happen to us last year in Tortola. There were two other servive dogs on the ship with us. We all had to go to one of the clubs early in the morning. A woman came in and checked all the paperwork and held out her hand for $20 per dog. She never even looked at the dogs. They could have been potbelly pigs and she would not have noticed.

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Originally Posted by Rolls Royce Lover viewpost.gif

The Immigration official in Brazil wanted to meet Brenda and myself at the Purser's desk at 6:00am [before anyone could disembark.] We also had this request upon cruising in Barbados. And, everyone had to wait leaving the Diamond Princess in 2005, because an Immigration Official wanted to check Brenda's paws [so weird!]


We had the same thing happen to us last year in Tortola. There were two other servive dogs on the ship with us. We all had to go to one of the clubs early in the morning. A woman came in and checked all the paperwork and held out her hand for $20 per dog. She never even looked at the dogs. They could have been potbelly pigs and she would not have noticed.


Now I don't feel so bad, we weren't asked for "the bribe" money!!!!

And, with the forms we fill out, I swear they mean "hogs" not "dogs!"

Pretty funny stuff! :rolleyes: :D

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Quam, can you please send this "NOVEMBER 2nd" regulation or law that you say is coming forth. Is it from the DOT? [My brother worked for the DOJ] easy to confuse.

I'm curious about what the "new" laws will entail and just how Service Dogs and cruising will be affected. I will be at CCI in a few weeks talking about cruising with our SD's and I'd like to inform them of this.

It doesn't appear that Princess is aware of any new requirements either.

I hope you're feeling better now. I have sinus issues too and this weather we're having is not helping.

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Well our Daughter's college homework load is preventing us from going up to the graduate workshop at CCI tomorrow. But Sunday we are sneaking off to our favorite puppy raisers house to help get silent auction items together for the New Jersey chapter's big fundraiser at the end of the month (Wine & Noses) Cindy & John...you know who I mean. :D Oh well there's always graduations to look forward to and next years workshop.

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DKD, We are not going to the workshop either. We have to pay for our cruise this month :eek: The 17th we have a CCI 35th birthday party to go to at a pet store/training center. Wex will have a spa day there to raise money for CCI. He will get a bath and a pedicure! It should be fun.



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DKD, We are not going to the workshop either. We have to pay for our cruise this month :eek: The 17th we have a CCI 35th birthday party to go to at a pet store/training center. Wex will have a spa day there to raise money for CCI. He will get a bath and a pedicure! It should be fun.




Your excuse for not going is WAY better than mine. :(

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Well hello all you happy peppy people !!!!!

It has sure been a while since we have said HI ! Nancy found me on FB and told me you all said Id better get back here and say hi so .... here I am !!!!!!!!!!

Denver and I are doing GREAT ! Denver is starting to really slow down in his work and will most likely retire in a couple of years 3 at best - he will be almost 11 in 2 years :-( time flies and I wish he could work forever but Guide work is much more demanding than service work I think ....

We are going to go pick up our new baby today :-) a Male Yellow Lab!!!! We will puppy raise for Guide Dogs of the Desert . It is a great way for me to give back the gift of sight to a fellow blind person :-) I cant think of a better thing to do !I will come back and post pics soon

OK CRUISE ???????s

Mexican Rivera - Mazalan puerto and cabo

WHAT DO I NEED - health cert yes I know but I herd from DCL that I needed to have a 1 year rabies instead of a 3 year - does anyone who has sailed with their dogs know if this is the case ? Do I really need to re vaccinate Denver ? I hope not :mad: I would think a 3 year shot is fine ????

Also does anyone know if the health cert has to be USDA endorsed or is a regular international interstate health cert from my vet ok ?

Anything else I would need ?

Thanks all !!! I sail on Disneys first sailing on CA on Jan 23 2011 !!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOOOO EXCITED !!!! Denver will be turning 9 on the cruise and I will be ummmmmmmm 21 again LOL for those of you who dont know Denver and I have birthdays a day apart !

Take care all and I will come back in a day or two with pics :-)

xxxooooo hugs waggs kisses and slobbers WE HAVE MISSED YOU ALL !

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Well our Daughter's college homework load is preventing us from going up to the graduate workshop at CCI tomorrow. But Sunday we are sneaking off to our favorite puppy raisers house to help get silent auction items together for the New Jersey chapter's big fundraiser at the end of the month (Wine & Noses) Cindy & John...you know who I mean. :D Oh well there's always graduations to look forward to and next years workshop.


Our kids [the one's without the fur, do come first] I think!!!!! Sometimes I wonder! My love for Brenda is so overwhelming that my son calls her "his little sister!"


Sorry you'll miss your workshop, I, too, really look forward to them. I try to attend the one in Oceanside, Ca. and the one in Santa Rosa, Ca. [getting in two a year.] To get to Santa Rosa it takes about 6 hours, Oceanside is only about 2 hours but so worth the drive. It's a lot of fun to catch-up with fellow graduates and we get to learn some new skills!!


Our PuppyRaiser's are not existent so CCI makes-up for the loss of them!

"Wine & Noses" - how cute is that!!! ;)


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DKD, We are not going to the workshop either. We have to pay for our cruise this month :eek: The 17th we have a CCI 35th birthday party to go to at a pet store/training center. Wex will have a spa day there to raise money for CCI. He will get a bath and a pedicure! It should be fun.




35 Years of doing the most amazing work with the most amazing miracle workers!!!!! You're such a great supporter!


Brenny gets her "Shampoo and Pedi" in a few weeks. I should call it a "fluff and smooch"! The guy who does her grooming always kisses her hello [don't tell PaPa], they're BFF's, it's so cute to see them greet each other. It also makes it easier for her to leave me! :o Oh! Not for her - for me!!!!!!! :(



Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Well hello all you happy peppy people !!!!!

It has sure been a while since we have said HI ! Nancy found me on FB and told me you all said Id better get back here and say hi so .... here I am !!!!!!!!!!

Denver and I are doing GREAT ! Denver is starting to really slow down in his work and will most likely retire in a couple of years 3 at best - he will be almost 11 in 2 years :-( time flies and I wish he could work forever but Guide work is much more demanding than service work I think ....

We are going to go pick up our new baby today :-) a Male Yellow Lab!!!! We will puppy raise for Guide Dogs of the Desert . It is a great way for me to give back the gift of sight to a fellow blind person :-) I cant think of a better thing to do !I will come back and post pics soon

OK CRUISE ???????s

Mexican Rivera - Mazalan puerto and cabo

WHAT DO I NEED - health cert yes I know but I herd from DCL that I needed to have a 1 year rabies instead of a 3 year - does anyone who has sailed with their dogs know if this is the case ? Do I really need to re vaccinate Denver ? I hope not :mad: I would think a 3 year shot is fine ????

Also does anyone know if the health cert has to be USDA endorsed or is a regular international interstate health cert from my vet ok ?

Anything else I would need ?

Thanks all !!! I sail on Disneys first sailing on CA on Jan 23 2011 !!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOOOO EXCITED !!!! Denver will be turning 9 on the cruise and I will be ummmmmmmm 21 again LOL for those of you who dont know Denver and I have birthdays a day apart !

Take care all and I will come back in a day or two with pics :-)

xxxooooo hugs waggs kisses and slobbers WE HAVE MISSED YOU ALL !


Cari: HI!!!!!! I've missed you and Denver. I'm so glad that all is well. Yes, I totally understand the "senior" dog thing. Brenny is now 10.5 years old and, is also slowing down. We'll be discussing this with CCI on our next visit.


After playing ball last week, she was limping on her front, left leg. The Vet thought it might be just a "sprain" and told me that although she's acting like a "pup" when she's playing, I need to slow down the play periods and not let her "hyper-play" so much, even though she wants to do it! Her spirit is amazing but her body says something else [sort of like me!]


I used ice/heat and deep tissue massage [just like I do for me] and we increased her glucosamine/chondroitin and, this week she's all better. Boy, are we glad!


Cari, we're doing the MR on November 27th, onboard the Sapphire Princess. Our Vet will not re-vaccinate Brenda and uses the 3 year vaccine. What is needed is:

  • Vet Exam [within the year] - Showing use of Heartguard/Advantix - recent Vaccine - [Most importantly] the Rabies Vaccine expiration date.
  • State of California Dept of Food and Agriculture Cert. for Interstate Movement of Small Animals [not all Vets have and can sign these - if yours can, that's perfect.]
  • NUMBER ONE: Ask the Vet for an ANIMAL HEALTH STATEMENT - This will show that the Vet examined Denver and will certify that he is clinically free of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases - it will have the date of the exam/all Vaccines given and the expiration of same with the Vet's signature.
  • City Dog License
  • Copy of your passport
  • I provide -Driver's License [if you have] or Training Permit Number [CCI Provides this-Not all Orgs. provide this.]

Some of the above will be considered as "not necessary" by some readers. In order that I am "not necessarily" asked too many questions by check-in/TSA/Immigration Officers or anyone else before or during my cruise-I provide all information about my Service Dog and myself.


The Ships/TSA and most importantly, the Immigration Officers from the various ports you may be going to are not current on all the new SD laws and their requirements. So, in order that my cruising be as "STRESS-FREE" as it can be - I have all the documentation in "TRIPLICATE" - One for me/for check-in, at the dock/ and one for the Purser's Desk, on the ship.


And, as to which Service Dog works the hardest or the most - I give "KUDO'S" to all these amazing dogs for all that they do in our lives! I'm in AWE of ALL OF THEM!!!!! ;)



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Mornin' all:

Cari: I am so glad to meet "Greg"! I love proper names for pets. Some people think we are ridiculous, but then they think our love for our furbabies is ridiculous, so I say just pee on them........

Roz: You should be getting excited about your cruise. Did you hear on the news about the baby that was on a flight from Puerta Vallarta? They flew into Denver. The plane and passengers were held up until paramedics could clear the child of any contagious (sp) disease. I figured that would be luck to have hubby actually agree to fly and then that would happen! :eek: Fortunately all was well, it was "just" foot and mouth disease. :confused:

Hope everyone has a great week.

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Mornin' all:

Cari: I am so glad to meet "Greg"! I love proper names for pets. Some people think we are ridiculous, but then they think our love for our furbabies is ridiculous, so I say just pee on them........


Roz: You should be getting excited about your cruise. Did you hear on the news about the baby that was on a flight from Puerta Vallarta? They flew into Denver. The plane and passengers were held up until paramedics could clear the child of any contagious (sp) disease. I figured that would be luck to have hubby actually agree to fly and then that would happen! :eek: Fortunately all was well, it was "just" foot and mouth disease. :confused:


Hope everyone has a great week.


Nancy: I heard. And, wouldn't you know it.....Mr. "I'll never fly again" was all over the news reports. Reassuring me that the decision not to fly was a good idea.......:( I really am going to allow him his "worries" and, if I want to go somewhere that requires flying Brenny and I will just do it without him!

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hoping this works - Pics of Denver and the new puppy in training Greg :-) Greg got his name from a soldier who lost his life in Iraq






Cari, thank you so much for sharing the pictures of Denver and Greg. They look so much alike.....except for the ever-so-greying face of our boy and Brenda's man "Denver!"

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Awsome pics Cari!! Love to see any dog pics. Speaking of dog pics, Roz I am still waiting for some pics of Brenny! :(


Well I have just been asked to bake the CCI dog birthday cake for our little celebration we will be having in our area. I make a dessert for our puppy raiser class each month so they thought I would be good for the cake. Hmmmm I guess they weren't thinking straight! :eek: I have no problem baking the cake but I am not too good at decorating it. I have a pic of the CCI logo and would like to get a photo of it on the cake. Problem is....where to get it done. Most places will put it on a cake that they have made but not sure if they will put it on an already made cake. I am already in a frenzy about it. Any suggestions?? Any one know where I could get some figures to put on it?? HELP!!



Edited by rangeley
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Awsome pics Cari!! Love to see any dog pics. Speaking of dog pics, Roz I am still waiting for some pics of Brenny! :(


Well I have just been asked to bake the CCI dog birthday cake for our little celebration we will be having in our area. I make a dessert for our puppy raiser class each month so they thought I would be good for the cake. Hmmmm I guess they weren't thinking straight! :eek: I have no problem baking the cake but I am not too good at decorating it. I have a pic of the CCI logo and would like to get a photo of it on the cake. Problem is....where to get it done. Most places will put it on a cake that they have made but not sure if they will put it on an already made cake. I am already in a frenzy about it. Any suggestions?? Any one know where I could get some figures to put on it?? HELP!!




Cindy, give me your email address and I'll send you pictures and, even a video of her playing in the back yard.

Also, about the cake....if you can scan the logo, then put a copy on some foam board, then place it on the cake......go to PIP'S in your area and ask them to do it. Just make sure you tell everyone it's not edible.

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I emailed you Roz so you can send me the pics. And I have a call in to a dog bakery a few towns over. I am waiting for the cake lady to call me back. I think they will put the logo on the cake and she will decorate it nice. It will be a big bone cake and I hope she can decorate with CCI colors.

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I emailed you Roz so you can send me the pics. And I have a call in to a dog bakery a few towns over. I am waiting for the cake lady to call me back. I think they will put the logo on the cake and she will decorate it nice. It will be a big bone cake and I hope she can decorate with CCI colors.


Cindy, please send your email address. And, I'll send you pix.

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