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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Well Wex went to the vet and had all his shots for the year and the trip. We gave him a rabies shot even though he didn't need it until next year. The vet said there is no worries about giving him the shot yearly if we need to. Of course he has an ear infection (nothing new) and she gave us some other meds to try. She said the old meds could burn his ears and thats why he fought us so much. He still doesn't the new ones, but there is a big difference with the new ones. The other ones, he would go absolutely nuts, running around and rubbing his head on the floor. It seems he can handle the new ones better, maybe no burning. He was 1lb overweight, so John is having a fit! He'll get over it. We are going to put him on Cosaquin (sp) cuz we get it free from IAADP. So he is all set, hopefully.


I ordered the cake (instead of making one) for the 35th birthday party. I will try to get a picture of it to post here.


My Bailee was also ball obsessed. We would have to make her stop or she would go all day. But we could never take it away from her cuz she would look for it all day and night, so we would just tell her no more and she would run around with it and play herself. Yesyerday we watched a puppy in training and he was obsessed with toys so we hide them before he got here. Now Wex would rather have belly rubs instead of toys. He does love plastic water bottles. Sometimes if we can't get him to run, we give him a bottle and he runs like crazy with it! It's amazing how different each one of them is.




Cindy, you've had dogs who have lived very successful/long and healthy lives. Trust your good instincts and your Vets, when it comes to Wex's care.

Labs and Lab/Retriever cross mixes are so susceptible to ear infections......I have to clean Brenda's ears EVERY DAY! I buy the long QTips and us "Calm Ears", [i get them both on EntirelyPets.com]. The Calm Ears contains Aloe Vera, has a nice scent and keeps her ears from ever smelling badly.

I coat the QTip in the solution and very carefully clean all the "nooks and cranny's" of her ears....it's amazing what she can gather in there on a daily basis. She's so used to this that she knows to "sit" and "stay" while I do it. Just be careful not to go in too deeply. This along with her daily dose of Benadryl seems to be keeping her out of the Vets office.

I'm not a Vet but I know what it takes to care for my dog [as do you]. After reading these boards and listening to some great suggestions Brenny and I have found a successful routine that works for us.

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I've got Cooler home. Her trainer emailed me with !!! and *** and everything else, she is retrieving keys already!! Yea for Cooler, but I am not really surprised as she has been picking up cell phones and remotes at this house for awhile!! Keys are a little tricker and yea for this little gir. She is now 5 months old and so cute and so smart, and so far, not rotten.

well, not too rotten!!!


"Go Cooler"!!!!!! I am always amazed at how these Pups can be so, so smart.

It also makes me so appreciate all the training and extra love that my Brenny got to be the amazing worker that she is today.

Thank you!!! :)

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Have you had the vet check her for hip/elbow problems or arthritis? I read a story recently about a police dog who came down with arthritis and he was successfully treated with his own stem cells - he's back to work now! :) I'm sure it was ridiculously expensive treatment, but worth it, especially for a police dog (he was a drug-sniffing dog, I believe, and found a large stash once he was back to work after his treatment) keeping our streets clean.


Quam: You're kidding, right! It's me, Roz! If Brenda needed my stem cells she'd get it. She's been checked and double-checked for any and all disease.

What Brenda is suffering from, unfortunately, is what all of our dogs will have to go through......."Old Age!" And, it comes-up on them so, so quickly. Her refusals to "jump" into my very tall car is expected. I was prepared for it, eventually. I think, the fact that she's doing it at 10 1/2 is good and, not a bit surprising [just disappointing.] It's quite a leap and even difficult for some 6' tall people to manage the step-up.

[i won't drive a vehicle that I can't see what's happening down the road.] So, I have to live with the "step-up" and, so do my dogs. That's why I have the ramp, if it's needed.

Morey's looking into having the car dealer install an automatic step-up.....we'll see how that goes! ;)

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Sorry, but overvaccination is indeed something to worry about. It can cause dogs to get sick, die, or have a shorter life span. If it wasn't a problem, there wouldn't be a huge issue over it and there wouldn't be studies being set up/done to prove how long the vaccines actually last. A lot of vets would prefer vaccinating because of the almighty dollar, unfortunately, and some vets don't keep up on the current/correct info. (like one I tried once who told me there has never been an issue with the Lyme vaccine, which is wrong). I'm sure Cindy knows and trusts her Vet [she's not new at dog caretaking!] I know we could all learn a lot from her past experiences.


Ear infections are often caused by skin allergies, which can be caused by the food you feed the dog. You might want to try figuring out what he's allergic to (starting with switching out the main protein - chicken is the most common allergy - and grains and such) so you can stop feeding it to him. Unless the dog is presenting with any other allergen problems I would trust what my Vet and CCI says about feeding my dog. Most often the ear infection is just indicative to the dog breed!!!!! Don't over think it!!!!


Just keep track of his weight often enough and you'll not have a problem. Sometimes we stress over our dogs weight as much as we do our own. Tell John to get out more with him, he can wheel and Wex can walk it off!!!!! ;)


I get the Dasuquin from the IAADP offer. (I got Cosequin 'til they started offering the Dasuquin, which is similar but has a few more good things in it - I forget what the differences are now, since that was a couple years ago I compared them, but there is also Dasuquin MSM, the next level up from Dasuquin, though I don't recall if that is part of the offer or not.)


I have yet to use all my IAADP discounts [i know, I'm just stupid on this one]. Good for you for thinking so smart!!!!!

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Quam, It's only the rabies shot we are giving him, not anything else. Many people who do not get their dog to the vet on time, have to get rabies every year. We talked to our vet about it because I had seen you write about vaccinating before. It is completely safe for rabies. We also discussed the Cosequin, the Dasuquin does have more things in it and he doesn't need those things at his age.


Cindy: Trust your good instincts! Rangely and Bailee had long and good lives. And, that's because of your great care and love!!!!!!

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Ha Ha Ha on the rotten joke. When my daughters were little I would tell them they were "rotten to the core" then usually would blow kisses on their tummies, tickle, them... something. One time my daughter told someone she was "rotten" and then pulled her shirt up to show how rotten she was. Sheesshh in todays world, I would be in big trouble!!! So, Cooler is "rotten to the core" and I tickle her tummy when I tell her. She was so sweet today. She seems to have three speeds: 1. Super excited, jumpy, wiggly, can't sit still.2: Very focused on me, watching, doing her commands, confident, and 3; Sleeping. She can turn it off and go to sleep in a heartbeat. Had some nice "dog" naps today while being loved on and stroked and patted at the hospital. Even fell asleep while a young girl was getting casts applied for. This little girl was really missing her dog at home, so i don't think she minded that Cooler fell asleep 1/2 o her lap and 1/2 on mine!!

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Ha Ha Ha on the rotten joke. When my daughters were little I would tell them they were "rotten to the core" then usually would blow kisses on their tummies, tickle, them... something. One time my daughter told someone she was "rotten" and then pulled her shirt up to show how rotten she was. Sheesshh in todays world, I would be in big trouble!!! So, Cooler is "rotten to the core" and I tickle her tummy when I tell her. She was so sweet today. She seems to have three speeds: 1. Super excited, jumpy, wiggly, can't sit still.2: Very focused on me, watching, doing her commands, confident, and 3; Sleeping. She can turn it off and go to sleep in a heartbeat. Had some nice "dog" naps today while being loved on and stroked and patted at the hospital. Even fell asleep while a young girl was getting casts applied for. This little girl was really missing her dog at home, so i don't think she minded that Cooler fell asleep 1/2 o her lap and 1/2 on mine!!


Sweet, sweet stories. Thank you for sharing them.

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Quam, It's only the rabies shot we are giving him, not anything else. Many people who do not get their dog to the vet on time, have to get rabies every year. We talked to our vet about it because I had seen you write about vaccinating before. It is completely safe for rabies. We also discussed the Cosequin, the Dasuquin does have more things in it and he doesn't need those things at his age.


Every vaccine is subject to overvaccination, including the rabies vaccine. That's why there is the Rabies Challenge study, to prove that we do not have to be overvaccinating our dogs by giving the rabies vaccine every three years - it lasts at least seven (likely longer, perhaps the dog's entire lifetime). Giving it every year is not "completely safe", despite what some vets will say (and what some laws make ppl do). There are also some types/brands of rabies vaccines that are worse than others (they have different ingredients).


The core vaccines shouldn't be given every year either, of course. And there are vaccines that aren't needed in most cases (including Lyme, Corona, and Lepto), although some of these islands require some of them.


Are you getting the Welactin, too? Free salmon oil. I used to use it, but now I use capsules I buy from an organic company 'cause they are much easier to feed, not to mention travel with. But, since I got the Welactin from them before, they still sent it to me the last time I got the Dasuquin, I'm just not using it.



Finally got my Bahamas import permit in the mail today - they're back to requiring a microchip again, as there's a paper included for the vet to fill out for that. (They sent said paper to me two years ago, but not last year [sent for/got two permits at once], so I thought perhaps they'd decided not to require it after all.)

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Quam: You're kidding, right! It's me, Roz! If Brenda needed my stem cells she'd get it. She's been checked and double-checked for any and all disease.

LOL! Stem cells don't work like that, silly. :p


What Brenda is suffering from, unfortunately, is what all of our dogs will have to go through......."Old Age!" And, it comes-up on them so, so quickly. Her refusals to "jump" into my very tall car is expected. I was prepared for it, eventually. I think, the fact that she's doing it at 10 1/2 is good and, not a bit surprising [just disappointing.] It's quite a leap and even difficult for some 6' tall people to manage the step-up.


[i won't drive a vehicle that I can't see what's happening down the road.] So, I have to live with the "step-up" and, so do my dogs. That's why I have the ramp, if it's needed.


Morey's looking into having the car dealer install an automatic step-up.....we'll see how that goes! ;)


I hate driving cars, too. I'm an SUV (or truck) person myself. If I have to get behind the wheel of a car for whatever reason, it is just so ... weird-feeling!! I hate being so low!


My dog sometimes uses the step to get into an SUV (mine's not automatic, but I think another family member's is) - sometimes she'll step on that, then jump up onto the floor of the vehicle, then jump up onto the seat. Of course, it also depends on where she's sitting, which depends on how many ppl are in the vehicle.

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Hey, Everyone....Just thought I would take a minute to introduce myself....


My name is Karla, and I train service dogs for a living, as well as other dog training(basics). I started training Service dogs for myself and others in 1993 when I was diagnosed with MS, and organizations such as CCI and PAWS would not allow me to have one of their dogs, because I was a dog trainer, and had other dogs(such a crock!).


So, I saw a need, that CCI wasn't the end all of end alls, and jumped on the band wagon of service dog training.


I was a consultant for the Department of Defense, who trained Service Dogs out of Ft. Knox and Ft. Leavenworth for disabled vets(they shut down the program a few years back). I also am one of the only Civilian Military Work Dog Handlers out there.


I have trained over 6000 dogs and their owners, 0ver 200 service dogs trained and placed(I require 500+hours of training on my dogs prior to certification, and over 200 hours of client training before they are "certified"), graduated 2 dog training schools, Am a certified Behavioralist from Purdue University School of Veterinarian Medicine, Have a degree in Psychology and Social Work. I am also a registered Vet Tech, Certified Groomer, and so forth!


I am currently owned by three Rotties, all of whom can and do work as my service dog when needed.


I also teach Martial Arts, gearing my instruction toward children with disabilities, particularly autism. I have 2 black belts and am working toward my third in another style. I compete and enjoy mixed martial arts(IE, UFC Style fighting.)


I scuba dive when I have the time, or when my MS is flaring up. I have found, along with my Neurologist, that O2 under pressure seems to help in my flare ups. Which reminds me, I need to go diving tomorrow---plus I get to catch lobsters!!!!!Which I don't eat, but sure do have fun catching!!!!:cool:


I love cruising, and like to do scuba diving cruises(yup they have those!)


I look forward to learning about your experiences traveling aboard cruise lines with a service dog!!

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Hey, Everyone....Just thought I would take a minute to introduce myself....


My name is Karla, and I train service dogs for a living, as well as other dog training(basics). I started training Service dogs for myself and others in 1993 when I was diagnosed with MS, and organizations such as CCI and PAWS would not allow me to have one of their dogs, because I was a dog trainer, and had other dogs(such a crock!).


So, I saw a need, that CCI wasn't the end all of end alls, and jumped on the band wagon of service dog training.


I was a consultant for the Department of Defense, who trained Service Dogs out of Ft. Knox and Ft. Leavenworth for disabled vets(they shut down the program a few years back). I also am one of the only Civilian Military Work Dog Handlers out there.


I have trained over 6000 dogs and their owners, 0ver 200 service dogs trained and placed(I require 500+hours of training on my dogs prior to certification, and over 200 hours of client training before they are "certified"), graduated 2 dog training schools, Am a certified Behavioralist from Purdue University School of Veterinarian Medicine, Have a degree in Psychology and Social Work. I am also a registered Vet Tech, Certified Groomer, and so forth!


I am currently owned by three Rotties, all of whom can and do work as my service dog when needed.


I also teach Martial Arts, gearing my instruction toward children with disabilities, particularly autism. I have 2 black belts and am working toward my third in another style. I compete and enjoy mixed martial arts(IE, UFC Style fighting.)


I scuba dive when I have the time, or when my MS is flaring up. I have found, along with my Neurologist, that O2 under pressure seems to help in my flare ups. Which reminds me, I need to go diving tomorrow---plus I get to catch lobsters!!!!!Which I don't eat, but sure do have fun catching!!!!:cool:


I love cruising, and like to do scuba diving cruises(yup they have those!)


I look forward to learning about your experiences traveling aboard cruise lines with a service dog!!


Hi Karla, and welcome to this wonderful group of world travelers with our Service Dogs [most interested in cruising but we do share some wonderful stories of our land adventures] and, all the issues that go with all of it.

I was a little "taken aback" by your comments about CCI [i'm so grateful to them for my amazing Brenda] but, I suppose they felt your training expertise might be more of a hindrance, in that you might "undue" some of what they do!

In my class [when I was going for Team Training] there was a gal who was a trainer for Guide Dogs of America [her mother was applying for a Service Dog and she was there to support her mom]. Many times the trainers in the room would ask her to leave the room because she had some very strong opinions about the process and they felt she was confusing us "novices" who knew nothing about dog behavior.

This gal became very helpful on our "outings" to the market/the mall and to restaurants but, again, the CCI trainers asked her to only be in the background and not to be too involved with the dogs.

We would love you to stick around and maybe answer some of the many questions that do come-up about our dogs, their behavior and other stuff. Your knowledge and training is so welcomed here!!!!!!

We all know that not "one" thing will work for "everyone" and we're smart enough to know how to go to the "experts" for our final decision making.......but, still it's always good to hear what other folks do and suggestions are always welcome!

Besides, we who have the "Senior" dog perspective and who realize that the "retiring" day is very close need the support of EVERYONE!!!!

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Just keep track of his weight often enough and you'll not have a problem. Sometimes we stress over our dogs weight as much as we do our own. Tell John to get out more with him, he can wheel and Wex can walk it off!!!!! ;)



Cindy & John: Please forgive me........I can't believe how "pushy" and "bossy" I can be. Get me, telling John what to do! :confused:

And, well, John.....you may hit me over the head and remind me of.....well, just hit me over the head.

I love you guys......this board would be "nothing" without you! :)

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Thanks for the warm welcome. Please don't misunderstand----I am glad that CCI is out there and available to those who benefit from them. But, lets also remember, that they might not have the answers for everyone! And, since they do produce so many dogs per year, sometimes, they tend to lump all issues in one thing.

For instance....All the dogs in my household eat different foods. And, all the dogs I train may eat different foods. At CCI's facilities, it is much simpler to feed 1 food to all dogs, and hope that all dogs do well on it. If the dogs don't, then that dog might be otherwise washed from the program.


And, I understand their reasoning(not withstanding I beleive that Eukanuba donates food to them, free of charge---so it behooves them to "preach" Eukanuba---which is why I don't have a "Dog Food Sponsor" for my small organization! Because I know that Eukanuba really isn't the greatest food out there---it's ok, but there are much better foods that actually cost less!)


I do feed my Female girl, Largo, Taste of the Wild---only Prarie(she gets gassy on anything else, and it is the only food she can eat and not have ear infections and skin itchies)

My male Rottie, Mister-Mister, is on Pro-Plan

My other Females, Jenka and Nia(who is living with a friend) are both eating Diamond dog food.


All my dogs get Raw Chicken backs in the AM, pumpkin mixed with their food in the PM, and any leftovers I might have.


When I breed my girls, they automaticly go on a low dose of thyroid---BTW, if you are having skin and ear problems and have a lab or a golden, I would encourage you to have thyroid checked----Alot of the time that is the problem---Especially if there are weight issues combined.


I think it behooves all of us to be very well educated in all types of food. As much as I would like to feed a generic food like Eukanuba(available worldwide), it just won't work!

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Thanks for the warm welcome. Please don't misunderstand----I am glad that CCI is out there and available to those who benefit from them. But, lets also remember, that they might not have the answers for everyone! And, since they do produce so many dogs per year, sometimes, they tend to lump all issues in one thing.

For instance....All the dogs in my household eat different foods. And, all the dogs I train may eat different foods. At CCI's facilities, it is much simpler to feed 1 food to all dogs, and hope that all dogs do well on it. If the dogs don't, then that dog might be otherwise washed from the program.


And, I understand their reasoning(not withstanding I beleive that Eukanuba donates food to them, free of charge---so it behooves them to "preach" Eukanuba---which is why I don't have a "Dog Food Sponsor" for my small organization! Because I know that Eukanuba really isn't the greatest food out there---it's ok, but there are much better foods that actually cost less!)


I do feed my Female girl, Largo, Taste of the Wild---only Prarie(she gets gassy on anything else, and it is the only food she can eat and not have ear infections and skin itchies)

My male Rottie, Mister-Mister, is on Pro-Plan

My other Females, Jenka and Nia(who is living with a friend) are both eating Diamond dog food.


All my dogs get Raw Chicken backs in the AM, pumpkin mixed with their food in the PM, and any leftovers I might have.


When I breed my girls, they automaticly go on a low dose of thyroid---BTW, if you are having skin and ear problems and have a lab or a golden, I would encourage you to have thyroid checked----Alot of the time that is the problem---Especially if there are weight issues combined.


I think it behooves all of us to be very well educated in all types of food. As much as I would like to feed a generic food like Eukanuba(available worldwide), it just won't work!


Karla: Some great "food" for thought! You are correct, CCI does get their food donated and do recommend Eukanuba. If we give Brenda any kind of meat or chicken she immediatly gets diarrhea. As a matter of fact, if we change her diet at all her tummy gets upset.

Thanks for the information, you will be our "go to gal"! I hope you don't mind letting us pick your brain every now and then.

And, please share some of your "doggie" experiences with us. We love hearing them.

Have you cruised at all with any of your Service Dogs?

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Yes, I have "Cruised" with a service dog, a couple of times. To the Bahama's and in the BVI(Gotta Love St. Croix!!!!)


I want to do some small dive charter(Live aboards) in The med, sometime in the next couple of years. I love old stuff, and figure seeing stuff underwater would be great!


On some other notes, I do travel extensively with my crew of dogs(Europe, Asia, Middle East). Largo and I were in Bagdad in 09, after which we went to Rome for a week(http://WWW.LargoDoesRome.blogspot.com).


Had a blast!

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Mornin' all:

Karla: Welcome to our little hang out. My Lab, Reno (passed) was taking thyroid medication and I guess that is why no ear problems with him. I did keep them clean with a cotton ball and solution, though.

Roz: I had the craziest dream about Reno last night. We were in Laughlin, at Harrah's. Their were construction guys in our room and one of them grabbed one of my blouses to use as a rag. (Well some of them do look like rags, I suppose) Anyway, I went to the front desk to complain and the girl that was helping me, turned around and helped some guy with a bag of charcoal, when I was in mid sentence. I know I can be wordy also, but, really. Anyway the manager came over and I told her "we use to really like this place" and she said, "oh just wait, I think you still will." They rolled out a big marble memorial with Reno on it and there were flowers all around it. I guess I was just thinking about my big boy and missing him. Very strange.


Cindy: Did I read it right that Wexie had gained 1 pound? I can gain and loose 5 pounds in one day! Those kids at school need to run with him, some more. He is still one sexy pup!


Hope everyone has a great day. The week is almost over.

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Yes, I have "Cruised" with a service dog, a couple of times. To the Bahama's and in the BVI(Gotta Love St. Croix!!!!)


I want to do some small dive charter(Live aboards) in The med, sometime in the next couple of years. I love old stuff, and figure seeing stuff underwater would be great!


On some other notes, I do travel extensively with my crew of dogs(Europe, Asia, Middle East). Largo and I were in Bagdad in 09, after which we went to Rome for a week(WWW.LargoDoesRome.blogspot.com).


Had a blast!


Karla: I read the story about your airplane experience with your Service Dog [actually he/she was writing it], I still have a tear in my eye. It was ridiculous how the pilot treated you, what a full-on jerk!!!!!! :mad:

Thanks for sharing it.

Watching our dogs age and seeing the slowing down and changes is very hard.

I absolutely dread Brenny retiring.

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Mornin' all:

Karla: Welcome to our little hang out. My Lab, Reno (passed) was taking thyroid medication and I guess that is why no ear problems with him. I did keep them clean with a cotton ball and solution, though.


Roz: I had the craziest dream about Reno last night. We were in Laughlin, at Harrah's. Their were construction guys in our room and one of them grabbed one of my blouses to use as a rag. (Well some of them do look like rags, I suppose) Anyway, I went to the front desk to complain and the girl that was helping me, turned around and helped some guy with a bag of charcoal, when I was in mid sentence. I know I can be wordy also, but, really. Anyway the manager came over and I told her "we use to really like this place" and she said, "oh just wait, I think you still will." They rolled out a big marble memorial with Reno on it and there were flowers all around it. I guess I was just thinking about my big boy and missing him. Very strange.


Cindy: Did I read it right that Wexie had gained 1 pound? I can gain and loose 5 pounds in one day! Those kids at school need to run with him, some more. He is still one sexy pup!


Hope everyone has a great day. The week is almost over.


Nancy: You're imagination is definitely working overtime. I can't imagine [here come the tears] not having Brenny right here, beside me-all the time........gotta go, this conversation makes me nuts!!!!! :(

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Welcome Karla! Glad you decided to join our little group. If you have any cruise questions, I am probably not the one to ask. Although we are on our 2nd service dog, we have only cruised once with him. This year will be his 2nd cruise and he just loves it!! He is very social and loves to say hi to everyone and get some pats. It is always nice to hear another opinion. We might not agree with everyones opinion, but we always take it into consideration. And love the input from everyone. Only comment I have is about the dog food. Alot of dog training organizations get food donated. The place we got our last service dog got their food donated too. It is just a suggestion to use that food, since the dog has been on it. When we got our dog home, he became allergic to one of the preservatives and we had to change his food. Until this dog, we always fed our dogs "Old Roy" dog food from walmart and they were both healthy til the day they died. And not all the dogs there were on the same food. I think it's "whatever works for your dog".


Roz, You can yell at John anytime you want to! He's having a fit over this 1lb. They have been doing extra laps at the track!


We just got a email from HAL. They want a letter stating what Wex does for John. They want to make sure he's not a pet. You would think that they would keep that information in the computer, or ask for a copy of his ID card.


Nancy, He is still the "Sexy Wexy" we love. I love your Reno dream. I haven't dreamt of Bailee, but I have been thinking of her often lately. I still miss her so much. Of course at the vet last week, they put us in the room where she passed. I figured that would happen. Just my luck.


We have the CCI party this weekend and I will try to get a pic of the cake to post here.



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Welcome Karla! Glad you decided to join our little group. If you have any cruise questions, I am probably not the one to ask. Although we are on our 2nd service dog, we have only cruised once with him. This year will be his 2nd cruise and he just loves it!! He is very social and loves to say hi to everyone and get some pats. It is always nice to hear another opinion. We might not agree with everyones opinion, but we always take it into consideration. And love the input from everyone. Only comment I have is about the dog food. Alot of dog training organizations get food donated. The place we got our last service dog got their food donated too. It is just a suggestion to use that food, since the dog has been on it. When we got our dog home, he became allergic to one of the preservatives and we had to change his food. Until this dog, we always fed our dogs "Old Roy" dog food from walmart and they were both healthy til the day they died. And not all the dogs there were on the same food. I think it's "whatever works for your dog".


Roz, You can yell at John anytime you want to! He's having a fit over this 1lb. They have been doing extra laps at the track! OMG! I can't wait to to "razz" him! And, one pound is nothing!


We just got a email from HAL. They want a letter stating what Wex does for John. They want to make sure he's not a pet. You would think that they would keep that information in the computer, or ask for a copy of his ID card. I know it can be redundant but I'm glad they ask for this information, it keeps the honest folks honest!


Nancy, He is still the "Sexy Wexy" we love. I love your Reno dream. I haven't dreamt of Bailee, but I have been thinking of her often lately. I still miss her so much. Of course at the vet last week, they put us in the room where she passed. I figured that would happen. Just my luck. I would be a basket case.


We have the CCI party this weekend and I will try to get a pic of the cake to post here. I can't wait to see the pictures! Have fun!




Brenda is doing so well on the "ramp" getting into my truck. She sits and waits for me to put the ramp down, she waits for the one-word command and, then she goes up into the back of the truck and walks to the back seat and lies down. I love it!!!! What a great girl!!!!!

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Roz, We have a huge van with a lift. We could never get Rangeley to go on it. I tried going on it with him, but there was no way he would ride up on it. Then when Bailee got old and riddled with arthritis I tired to get her on it too. She was smart though, she used to use the side step and would walk up, instead of making the big leap. The other day we discussed maybe once a month getting Wex on it for when he gets older and has trouble getting in. It was something we didn't think about til they got older. We thought maybe we could get Wex used to it now. His legs are so darn long, it's just like a little step for him to get in. I think the ramp for Brenny is great!!



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Roz, We have a huge van with a lift. We could never get Rangeley to go on it. I tried going on it with him, but there was no way he would ride up on it. Then when Bailee got old and riddled with arthritis I tired to get her on it too. She was smart though, she used to use the side step and would walk up, instead of making the big leap. The other day we discussed maybe once a month getting Wex on it for when he gets older and has trouble getting in. It was something we didn't think about til they got older. We thought maybe we could get Wex used to it now. His legs are so darn long, it's just like a little step for him to get in. I think the ramp for Brenny is great!!




Thanks, Cindy!

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