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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Well, we did the CCI Workshop.......it rained from Friday night to Sunday night........I'm not talking "rain", I'm talking POURING DOWN, ANGRY LOOKING and FEELING, HUGE DROPS FROM THE SKY RAIN!!!

It was worth the "frizzy" hair but the dogs were so restless because they couldn't go outside and run on the fabulous grassy areas together and get some of that energy worked-out! It made for some very interesting moments in the different workshop areas.

They have a cat who's been trained to jump-up and press on the "door-plates" to open the doors. And, who will jump-up and switch on a light. It's incredible.....but, she only works when she wants to work! Her name is "ADA" [get it...American's With Disab. Act], so clever!!!

I'm so glad we went.....we learned about CPR, emergency medical care and the signs and symptoms of the senior vs. the younger dog in any given medical situation. How to carry a big dog and the appropriate burial's for "that" time. It was worthwhile.

We also met some great folks and saw some old friends. One gal from one of our classes [not mine], who graduated at the same time, told me about the deaths of 4 out of the 6 dogs who were in her class. Three of the dogs died, suddenly, from leukemia and one from a rare blood disorder. Very, very sad. Three of the graduates were there with their successor dogs, the fourth person was so distraught over the death of her dog that she doesn't want to replace it! A tough situation, to say the least.

I'm always glad I go to these Workshops.....I learn a lot and, it's ALWAYS an amazing sight to see so many "Miracle Workers", all in the same place. The turn-out was huge!!!!!!!

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So now that I have emptied a box of tissues..... I know, dogs don't live as long as we do, they slow down...but still it is so hard.


With that said, one young dog (6 months) is IN THE HOUSE!!! and she is on the sofa and on our legs and on....OK, Cooler is now a teenager, but still wonderful. I picked her up last week and she was jumpy and mouthy and mouthy. I asked her trainer when that started and she said last week with the rain... Luckily, all it took was a bath, some kisses a few ball throws and an outing to walmart and she settled down. Know, she is in the house, but since it is almost 8 she is in her sleep mode, please don't make me wake up mom. I love it as I am sitting on the floor and she is snuggled next to m

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So now that I have emptied a box of tissues..... I know, dogs don't live as long as we do, they slow down...but still it is so hard.


With that said, one young dog (6 months) is IN THE HOUSE!!! and she is on the sofa and on our legs and on....OK, Cooler is now a teenager, but still wonderful. I picked her up last week and she was jumpy and mouthy and mouthy. I asked her trainer when that started and she said last week with the rain... Luckily, all it took was a bath, some kisses a few ball throws and an outing to walmart and she settled down. Know, she is in the house, but since it is almost 8 she is in her sleep mode, please don't make me wake up mom. I love it as I am sitting on the floor and she is snuggled next to m


You should have seen the room, [which was filled to the brim with ALL of the Workshop attendee's], when they started the discussion of "death", the entire room got so heavy and silent. The Director walked-in, just at that moment and said, "what's going on in here, you guys are so quiet?" It was the most pregnant pause you could ever imagine!

I think, we folks who work or use these wonderful dogs, have "ultra, ultra" sensitivities to the loss of them. It's because we spend every waking and sleeping moment with them. We're [at least this is true for me] NEVER separated from them. Brenda is my second skin!!!!!!

And, trust me, I do know that even for our pets who remain at home, this is a devasting loss. Morey still talks about his beloved ****zu [Mai-Tai], they were inseparable......he adored him [they adored each other]. He didn't want to go anywhere without him. I totally got it! And, we did very little traveling because he couldn't bare to "kennel" him! And, I sat in "mourning" when my beloved pet died, as a young adult. My mother had to pry me out of bed!


Sunshine, what fun.....a 6 month old pup. That'll keep you young and exhausted!!!! ;)

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I think of Bailee all the time. Her leash is in the back floor of my car and her picture (the last one taken of her) is on my visor. My 2 hour ride back and forth to Johns gives me alot of alone time to think, mostly of her. I do alot of crying in that car! Tomorrow will be 5 months shes been gone. I am still having a hard time dealing with it. I know it will get better and I hoped it would be alot better by now, but I just can't seem to get her out of my mind. OK enough of that crap!


I have to agree with all of you that Wex is the handsomest (a word?) dog around. Friday he will be in his pumpkin costume for school. I will have pics to share. I have never been one for dressing up animals, but Wex actually loves it!! We have his tux thing that his puppy raisers made him (I'm sure I posted a pic) and he goes over and sniffs it, then turns his head and looks at me like "Can I put that on?). What a wierdo!!


Roz only has like a month to go for her cruise, I'm soooooo jealous!!!! I do all the packing then he asks me "did you bring this and this" drives me nuts!! I have a list and I check things off as I go along. There are so many things that a handicapped person needs, between shower chairs and medical stuff, thats why we have so much luggage.:eek:


Today it's 75 degrees here and warmer tomorrow, what strange weather. On Friday it's going back down to the 50's. No wonder so many people are sick! I'm glad I had my flu shot!!:)



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I think of Bailee all the time. Her leash is in the back floor of my car and her picture (the last one taken of her) is on my visor. My 2 hour ride back and forth to Johns gives me alot of alone time to think, mostly of her. I do alot of crying in that car! Tomorrow will be 5 months shes been gone. I am still having a hard time dealing with it. I know it will get better and I hoped it would be alot better by now, but I just can't seem to get her out of my mind. OK enough of that crap!


I have to agree with all of you that Wex is the handsomest (a word?) dog around. Friday he will be in his pumpkin costume for school. I will have pics to share. I have never been one for dressing up animals, but Wex actually loves it!! We have his tux thing that his puppy raisers made him (I'm sure I posted a pic) and he goes over and sniffs it, then turns his head and looks at me like "Can I put that on?). What a wierdo!!


Roz only has like a month to go for her cruise, I'm soooooo jealous!!!! I do all the packing then he asks me "did you bring this and this" drives me nuts!! I have a list and I check things off as I go along. There are so many things that a handicapped person needs, between shower chairs and medical stuff, thats why we have so much luggage.:eek:


Today it's 75 degrees here and warmer tomorrow, what strange weather. On Friday it's going back down to the 50's. No wonder so many people are sick! I'm glad I had my flu shot!!:)




Cindy, I'm sitting here with the biggest tears in my eyes [i can hardly see the monitor], for you and for Bailee........I'm sorry for your loss of your sweet girl, you loved her so. I didn't touch her but, she sure touched me!!!!!!........Isn't it amazing how the car can be the cheapest and best therapist!!!!!!!! I use it all the time!

I love that Wex loves to dress-up. When I put a pretty, party collar on Brenny, she looks right into my eyes.....as, if to say, "thanks mom!"

Have a fun Halloween with him!

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Yes, it is an Allergy Clinic and Yes they did request that Brenda NOT be wearing any gear.


Amazing, but I totally get why they were concerned; there are folks who have deadly allergies and, the fact that a woman came out and cleaned up Brenda's spot where she was laying [right after she got up], was something to see. She sprayed the floor...she sprayed the towel and she got down on her hands and knees to clean. [i should have asked her if she was for hire!] :p


I have to respect their methods of protecting all their patients.


Then that is okay. Although not legal for them to require such things, it is the right thing for a service dog owner to follow through on any reasonable requests (i.e. if your dog was a guide or mobility dog and they said not to put her harness on, that is not a reasonable request because it would affect your safety as well as the effectiveness and purpose of the service dog and its job - but it would be reasonable for you to take off a vest, since its only purpose is identification and it does nothing to keep you safe or allow your dog to work).


And, yes, you definitely should have asked the cleaning woman if she was for hire!!! :p

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Roz, was this the seminar you were to speak at about cruising? If so, how did it go?


Quam, it went very well. That said, I don't think they truly believed that Brenda will be on her 14th cruise in November - that is until, I brought out the professional pictures of her [when we go on our cruises and they're taking those various shots, all over the ship, of people in their formal attire] I always insist that a picture be taken of Brenda. She's wearing a party collar and looking so pretty.

The room just broke-out into applause, certainly not for me, but for Miss Brenny and her wonderful traveling accomplishments.

I encouraged them to go and to not be intimidated by Travel Agents or any cruiseline that discourages you from bringing your Service Dog.

One of the Trainers suggested that the dog ALWAYS be left in the cabin while you go ashore and, I totally disagreed with her. And, explained how that can be done. And, that you simply have to use your good judgement in the country you're visiting.

All-in-all I think a few more people were encouraged to venture out more with their dogs.

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Ugh I just wrote this whole message and must have hit the wrong button and it's gone!!!:(


I've done that.....you know how wordy I am! :o Well, once I wrote this whole long message and then "hit" the wrong button and "poof" it was gone........NOT FUNNY!!!!! :rolleyes:

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Quam, it went very well. That said, I don't think they truly believed that Brenda will be on her 14th cruise in November - that is until, I brought out the professional pictures of her [when we go on our cruises and they're taking those various shots, all over the ship, of people in their formal attire] I always insist that a picture be taken of Brenda. She's wearing a party collar and looking so pretty.


The room just broke-out into applause, certainly not for me, but for Miss Brenny and her wonderful traveling accomplishments.


I encouraged them to go and to not be intimidated by Travel Agents or any cruiseline that discourages you from bringing your Service Dog.


One of the Trainers suggested that the dog ALWAYS be left in the cabin while you go ashore and, I totally disagreed with her. And, explained how that can be done. And, that you simply have to use your good judgement in the country you're visiting.


All-in-all I think a few more people were encouraged to venture out more with their dogs.


I'm glad it went well for ya!


Strange that one of the trainer suggested to always leave the dog on the ship when you go ashore. What would be the point of taking the dog then?! Not to mention leaving the dog alone is not a good idea and may not be allowed by the cruiseline. Not to mention taking the dog ashore isn't an issue (unless you haven't done the proper requirements for entering the countries).

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So, that dog luggage tag I ordered from JeffersPet came in the mail today ... and it is SOOOO cute!!!!! :D I definitely recommend them! I think I'm gonna have to order more so my luggage tags will all match or, if I order a different dog style, go together (even though the ones that came with my two matching suitcases are nice and go with the suitcase pattern - maybe I can put the dog ones on the side handles).... ;)

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I'm glad it went well for ya!


Strange that one of the trainer suggested to always leave the dog on the ship when you go ashore. What would be the point of taking the dog then?! Not to mention leaving the dog alone is not a good idea and may not be allowed by the cruiseline. Not to mention taking the dog ashore isn't an issue (unless you haven't done the proper requirements for entering the countries).



I agree! If I can't take Brenny, I don't go! How's that for "togetherness!" :)

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So, that dog luggage tag I ordered from JeffersPet came in the mail today ... and it is SOOOO cute!!!!! :D I definitely recommend them! I think I'm gonna have to order more so my luggage tags will all match or, if I order a different dog style, go together (even though the ones that came with my two matching suitcases are nice and go with the suitcase pattern - maybe I can put the dog ones on the side handles).... ;)


I'm always willing to buy "anything" that's useful, cute and has something to do with dogs. I'm going to look at them again. It's always good to have someone else get them and be the guiena pig! ;)

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Well Wex looked so cute this morning. I took lots of pics but John took the camera to school so I don't have any to post yet. Probably tonight or over the weekend.




He's such a "show-off"! Aren't they funny! I think some dogs really love the dressing-up thing! I know, I love seeing it!!!!!

I think I told you guys about Brenda hating anything on her head or muzzle. She was the only dog in training that would NOT wear the gentle leader. Even to this day, if I put something on her head she goes nuts!

But, she will wear pretty collars and believe me, I have many!

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Roz, Neither Bailee or Rangeley would wear clothes. We could put a bowtie on Rangeley but thats it. He even hated his jacket. When we would go out and put it on him, he would act like he was frozen. Now Wex is a different story. He is alittle flamboyant! Any clothes at any time for him.



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Roz, Neither Bailee or Rangeley would wear clothes. We could put a bowtie on Rangeley but thats it. He even hated his jacket. When we would go out and put it on him, he would act like he was frozen. Now Wex is a different story. He is alittle flamboyant! Any clothes at any time for him.




I'm sitting here laughing........I love "flamboyant" men. And now we have 'flamboyant" dogs.....How cool is this! I hope my successor dog [when Brenny has had enough of me] is just like Wex!

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Orson will wear hats, clothes, glasses, doesn't matter. He just sits there and looks at you like "will ya take the picture already?"


I love that "deer in the highlights" look that most dogs give......not Brenny..she's rubbing her head on the ground or wall, using her paws any way she can to get whatever it is off her head!!!!! Not a good sport when it comes to dressing-up!

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Roz, I got it at Petsmart for $3.97. What a deal! ;) He wore it all day and I think was sad when I took it off. The kids loved it! I always try to look for something that is comfortable and he can wear for an extended period of time.


DKD, That Orson is something else, I bet he looks adorable dressed up with his big smile!!



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