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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I got the luggage tag ticket holders. They're wonderful. It didn't take long to get them and they're made really well. I think they'll hold-up really good!!! I highly recommend them!


That's great to hear! I showed them to the group leader and she is going to get them for everyone to put in the Welcome Packets for the cruise. Knowing this, I'm not going to tape and punch my tags after I print them, but just stick them in the folder unfolded (they stay in better that way - I was afraid last time when they were taped and folded of them falling out [i fly, remember, so can't put them on the bags 'til after flying 'cause the airlines don't like that]). It'll be nice to not have to do an arts'n'crafts project on the tags! :p

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As for leaving you service dog with others...a very tricky subject. As the reason they are service dogs is they mitagate or help with a disability. So, if you need them, how can you leave them ashore???? In some cases a family member or caregiver can also provide the assistance temporarily, but in the case of medical alert dogs... seizure responce, seizure alert, cardiac alert....That is where it is gray and tricky, and I am certainly not judge, jury or opinion giver.


I do think you have to be very careful who you leave your service dog with. I work with very young service dogs in training, and you would not believe the training and testing I went through, before I could "volunteer" with them.


Still, if the cruise line wants me to come take care of SD's, I am so "on board" with the idea!!!


Exactly. I don't understand the ppl who leave their service dogs home on a whim. I've heard things like, "Oh, I don't want to take her into a restaurant and my husband is there for me," or, "Oh, it is raining out today," or, "Oh, I didn't think I could bring my dog to [insert place]," and other stuff from ppl on message boards first- or second-hand.


If my dog is sick, I stay home because I need her, which is why I have her in the first place. If my dog can't do something short-term, such as go on a Disney ride, a friend stays with her at the ride exit while I ride and then the friend rides (if they wish to). Depending on the circumstances of the place and how I'm doing that day and such, I'll sometimes leave my dog under the table at a restaurant with my family members when I have to go to the bathroom - but more often than not, she comes with me.

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when I have to go to the bathroom - but more often than not, she comes with me.


In the 8 years that I've had Brenda, I think she's only been in a public restroom 6 or 7 times. I go into a handicap stall and "insist" that she stands. I give her the "stand" command. I hate when she sits on bathroom floors. It may be my own fetish but the stuff that she can pick-up in her fur and then return to the dining room or wherever, with me - makes me sick to think about it!!!!! :o

If no one else is with me, I have no choice but when hubby or others are with me, I leave Brenny with them, if I'm going into a public restroom.

I know that many of us have Service Dogs that "must" be with them.....I'll hold onto the walls before I bring her in!!! :rolleyes:

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In the 8 years that I've had Brenda, I think she's only been in a public restroom 6 or 7 times. I go into a handicap stall and "insist" that she stands. I give her the "stand" command. I hate when she sits on bathroom floors. It may be my own fetish but the stuff that she can pick-up in her fur and then return to the dining room or wherever, with me - makes me sick to think about it!!!!! :o


If no one else is with me, I have no choice but when hubby or others are with me, I leave Brenny with them, if I'm going into a public restroom.


I know that many of us have Service Dogs that "must" be with them.....I'll hold onto the walls before I bring her in!!! :rolleyes:


I take my pups and dogs in training into the potty with me all the time. Public restrooms, bathrooms at my house, no potty is private. Because Sd's in traiining, need to know what it is like to be with their person during such private areas like bathrooms. Sometimes, it is all I can do to sit before they think the toilet is a never ending water bowl. Can I tell you that Cooler thinks she should unwind the toilet paper in order to hand it to me...... Public Pottys and service dogs, always an area of amusement as well as necessity.:p

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That's great to hear! I showed them to the group leader and she is going to get them for everyone to put in the Welcome Packets for the cruise. Knowing this, I'm not going to tape and punch my tags after I print them, but just stick them in the folder unfolded (they stay in better that way - I was afraid last time when they were taped and folded of them falling out [i fly, remember, so can't put them on the bags 'til after flying 'cause the airlines don't like that]). It'll be nice to not have to do an arts'n'crafts project on the tags! :p


Sounds good!

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I take my pups and dogs in training into the potty with me all the time. Public restrooms, bathrooms at my house, no potty is private. Because Sd's in traiining, need to know what it is like to be with their person during such private areas like bathrooms. Sometimes, it is all I can do to sit before they think the toilet is a never ending water bowl. Can I tell you that Cooler thinks she should unwind the toilet paper in order to hand it to me...... Public Pottys and service dogs, always an area of amusement as well as necessity.:p


A few areas of embarrassment for sure!!!! I love when Brenny just stares at me when I'm dressing in the morning......I'm thinking..."hey no judgement here!" "So you think I should buy this in a larger size?" Sometimes, I think there could be a real sit-com here!!!! :o

And, then I think to myself, "what's she staring at?" :rolleyes:

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Mornin' all;

Roz: Along that line, Auntie brought Travis a new winter coat. It is one of those big puffy ones. He puts it on and says "Does this make me look fat?" Now mind you he is 7 years old and a string bean. I laughed on one hand and then wonder where he is getting this from........

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Mornin' all;


Roz: Along that line, Auntie brought Travis a new winter coat. It is one of those big puffy ones. He puts it on and says "Does this make me look fat?" Now mind you he is 7 years old and a string bean. I laughed on one hand and then wonder where he is getting this from........


T.V. - It's where I get all my good stuff!

The other day, I swear, Brenny was watching this show about horses. She's not one to "cock" her head, like some dogs do [i think, she probably thinks it might make her look too silly!] I, myself, love to watch dogs who keep turning their heads from side-to-side! So cute!

Anyway, she's watching this show and I keep telling Morey not to switch the channel because she's really engrossed in watching what the horses are doing.

Then, comes the "Benafyl" commerical with that adorable dog and his adorable owner, as their laying on the floor and they both roll-over and the owner's talking to him about his food and whatever!

Love doggie commercials and so does Miss "B"!

What were we talking about????? Never mind!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

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Bailee was a big one for cocking her head. You would talk to her and she would move it side to side. Rangeley never did it and Wex not to much either.


I love that! I know Wex is a "leg-crosser", that's another thing that just "tickles" me. The dogs that cross their legs while laying down. As if to say, "what are we talking about now girls!" And, "do you think I should have my nails done?"

Brenda's too "intense" to cross anything......God forbid anything got in the way of her lunging-up to grab a ball or miss out on a bite to eat! ;)

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I have a golden/poodle mix at my feet tonight. Some might call her a designer mutt, but I can tell you she is one fabulous dog. She has settled into the household routine very well and was solid at the hospital today. Still have to see how well she sleeps...always a mystery on the first night of a home visit. Cooler's trainer asked me to take her this week instead of cooler so she could have some home visit time as well as hospital visitation. Cooler did not seem happy at all when I took her out of the room instead of her....Hope I can get out of the dog house with her.....

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I have a golden/poodle mix at my feet tonight. Some might call her a designer mutt, but I can tell you she is one fabulous dog. She has settled into the household routine very well and was solid at the hospital today. Still have to see how well she sleeps...always a mystery on the first night of a home visit. Cooler's trainer asked me to take her this week instead of cooler so she could have some home visit time as well as hospital visitation. Cooler did not seem happy at all when I took her out of the room instead of her....Hope I can get out of the dog house with her.....


Would that be a "Goodle" or a "Poodlen" or a "Polden"? Must be so cute!

Just the thought of the disappointment that "Cooler" might be feeling would keep me from ever being a good "puppyraiser!" :(


I'd "fall-for-the-fur" everytime!!!!

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In the 8 years that I've had Brenda, I think she's only been in a public restroom 6 or 7 times. I go into a handicap stall and "insist" that she stands. I give her the "stand" command. I hate when she sits on bathroom floors. It may be my own fetish but the stuff that she can pick-up in her fur and then return to the dining room or wherever, with me - makes me sick to think about it!!!!! :o

Yeah, I never let my dog sit on public restroom floors!!! EWW!!!! I mean, I'm sure public place floors aren't any/much cleaner (especially under a restaurant table), but it is just the thought of it and all....

I do have to use the accessible stall when she is with me. That's why sometimes I leave her with a family member - if the stall is broken or if there's somebody in it and I have to go badly :o or whatever. Almost all times that I'm with others I do have her with me, it is just once in a while that it is more convenient (yet safe) for me to go alone. Obviously, she is always with me when I'm alone (save for the airplane restroom scenerio, as a dog can't fit in those tiny things! I try not to use them).

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Mornin' all:

Roz: Oh my, Karen posted a picture of "Parti" (the golden/doodle) on facebook. She is ADORABLE! I want her. Maybe she will post one here or you could join facebook and take a look see. She will definately be a distraction to others. Who could resist her.

Hope everyone is having a good week. Its hump day, down hill from here.

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Yeah, I never let my dog sit on public restroom floors!!! EWW!!!! I mean, I'm sure public place floors aren't any/much cleaner (especially under a restaurant table), but it is just the thought of it and all....


I do have to use the accessible stall when she is with me. That's why sometimes I leave her with a family member - if the stall is broken or if there's somebody in it and I have to go badly :o or whatever. Almost all times that I'm with others I do have her with me, it is just once in a while that it is more convenient (yet safe) for me to go alone. Obviously, she is always with me when I'm alone (save for the airplane restroom scenerio, as a dog can't fit in those tiny things! I try not to use them).


Whew!!!!! I'm not alone on this one!!!! :o I think it's really one of the reason's, besides making it easier to put their vests on, that CCI trained the dogs the "stand" command!!!! :D

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Mornin' all:

Roz: Oh my, Karen posted a picture of "Parti" (the golden/doodle) on facebook. She is ADORABLE! I want her. Maybe she will post one here or you could join facebook and take a look see. She will definately be a distraction to others. Who could resist her.


Hope everyone is having a good week. Its hump day, down hill from here.


Nancy, I CAN'T have one more thing that "tethers" me to the computer/blackberry/phone, etc., etc. :mad:

So, please "Sunshine" send us a picture of the "Doodle" guy!!!!!

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Whew!!!!! I'm not alone on this one!!!! :o I think it's really one of the reason's, besides making it easier to put their vests on, that CCI trained the dogs the "stand" command!!!! :D


That's the only command Orson did not do for the trainers or will not do for us. You have to pull him up to standing and then have him "wait". And then hope for the best. :rolleyes:

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That's the only command Orson did not do for the trainers or will not do for us. You have to pull him up to standing and then have him "wait". And then hope for the best. :rolleyes:


What is up with these "brilliant" Service "hero's?" Obviously, the "stand" command would not keep him from graduating.....just like Brenda's "quirk" about not having the "gentle-leader" on her face [or, anything else, for that matter!]


What's he thinking about not responding to the "stand" command. I can't imagine what's going through his canine brain!

Let me see if I can re-inact it: TRAINER: "Orson, STAND!" - ORSON: "I'm not going to "stand", it's so annoying that they ask me to get up, when I'm so comfortable laying down!" "What's-up with this "stand" thing?" "It serves no purpose, as far as I can see, except to make it easier on those humans, they're so lazy!" "Standing is a "human thing", we dogs, we're more into the "down" command!" "Besides, don't I do enough for you - what's up with standing?" "You want me to "stand", make it interesting, you know, bring on the kibble!"

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Wex also isn't at his best with the stand command. When I get him dressed, he's awsome, stands and then turns when I ask him to. But when I brush him he always wants to sit. I say "stand", then "wait" but when the brush gets near his bottom he sits. Maybe he just doesn't like anyone near that "area".

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Wex also isn't at his best with the stand command. When I get him dressed, he's awsome, stands and then turns when I ask him to. But when I brush him he always wants to sit. I say "stand", then "wait" but when the brush gets near his bottom he sits. Maybe he just doesn't like anyone near that "area".


If it's a wire brush or a Furminator...I'm sittin too!! :eek:

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Wex also isn't at his best with the stand command. When I get him dressed, he's awsome, stands and then turns when I ask him to. But when I brush him he always wants to sit. I say "stand", then "wait" but when the brush gets near his bottom he sits. Maybe he just doesn't like anyone near that "area".


Exactly what Brenny does!

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