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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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How funny. Crackers loved grooming time and especially when I would brush out his "tail feathers". He had that classic full feathery fur on his backside and a fluffy tail. He liked the furminater as well as a soft knobby brush. Now Cooler is so labby, she tolerates grooming at best.

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Nancy, I CAN'T have one more thing that "tethers" me to the computer/blackberry/phone, etc., etc. :mad:


So, please "Sunshine" send us a picture of the "Doodle" guy!!!!!


I've tried and tried to post pictures on cruise critic and always fail......sorry, i'd love to post pictures of the doodle. She is back playing with her siblings and roomates tonight. Cooler enjoyed some playtime in the backyard before I left.

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When I went to CCI for my initial interview. There were 5 other people interviewing along with me. There were 5 dogs, that the trainer's were using to test us with. 3 Black Cross/Mix's, 1 yellow Lab and 1 HUGE, Golden Retriever/Lab mix, named "Bracco." Who do you think I got? I got "Bracco"........he had hair like a Lion's mane. It was gorgeous. I, of course, thought; "whoopie", this is MY dog. I'll be brushing his hair every hour, on the hour! :p

He and I walked so tall, so proud......I loved every minute of it!!!! I wonder what happened to Bracco? I was told that these dogs most likely were "Release's" and are used for interviews. By now, he's a very senior boy and hopefully enjoying his retirement years.

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I've tried and tried to post pictures on cruise critic and always fail......sorry, i'd love to post pictures of the doodle. She is back playing with her siblings and roomates tonight. Cooler enjoyed some playtime in the backyard before I left.


I'm not so good at that either......Sometimes, I hit the right button and even surprise myself! I'll use my imagination! ;)

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When I went to CCI for my initial interview. There were 5 other people interviewing along with me. There were 5 dogs, that the trainer's were using to test us with. 3 Black Cross/Mix's, 1 yellow Lab and 1 HUGE, Golden Retriever/Lab mix, named "Bracco." Who do you think I got? I got "Bracco"........he had hair like a Lion's mane. It was gorgeous. I, of course, thought; "whoopie", this is MY dog. I'll be brushing his hair every hour, on the hour! :p


He and I walked so tall, so proud......I loved every minute of it!!!! I wonder what happened to Bracco? I was told that these dogs most likely were "Release's" and are used for interviews. By now, he's a very senior boy and hopefully enjoying his retirement years.


Crackers was like that. He was big and handsome and just breathtaking. Everyone would comment on it. He would stand so tall and proud next to you, and then just curl up or lie down or whatever it took to bring comfort to someone in need. I hope he is doing well out in the big world. I am sure he is. Probably still getting compliments and love.

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Crackers was like that. He was big and handsome and just breathtaking. Everyone would comment on it. He would stand so tall and proud next to you, and then just curl up or lie down or whatever it took to bring comfort to someone in need. I hope he is doing well out in the big world. I am sure he is. Probably still getting compliments and love.


You know it!!!! ;)

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If I can post pictures on here, both of you should be able to do it! I am no computer wiz. Heres a few cute pics. Roz notice the crossed paws. The first pic is what we call his "signature" position. He lays like this all the time. Third pic shows what a bum he really is.






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Hi everyone!, let me start by saying how much I enjoy reading this board and learning sooo much! I am Mom to a 19yo son with multiple disabilities. we have been waiting and now are finally getting his SD in the next few weeks. She is a Golden and I am told is very blonde. My DS has named her "Annie". I suppose my first question for all of you is: How long should we wait after she joins our small family, to book our next cruise? I was hoping to cruise next year but will she need more time with us before we stress her with something like that?. I also have a question about how airport security handles screening dogs. I read a lot of blogs but don't really know how that works. we fly often and that will surely be our first big test. Thanks!

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Welcome krisnme, Congratulations on your new service dog. We got our latest service dog in August 2009 and he went on his first cruise January 2010. So we only had him 4 months. He did awesome. As far as the airports go, my hubby is a quad and they take him and the dog aside. They did a patdown on the dog and swabbed his vest, collar and leash with the explosive detecting cloth. I have also heard from people they check their paws. Best of luck and any more questions, please ask.



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If I can post pictures on here, both of you should be able to do it! I am no computer wiz. Heres a few cute pics. Roz notice the crossed paws. The first pic is what we call his "signature" position. He lays like this all the time. Third pic shows what a bum he really is.




I absolutely LOVE this dog. Wexy is so, so adorable with those crossed legs. What is up with that? Why do some dogs do this? It just blows me away and cracks me up when I see it!!!!!

You go Wexy!!!!! Just remember you're Brenda's man!!!! :p She may be an older woman but she's so much fun!!!! And, really pretty. Although, your coat is looking mighty "spiffy!"

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Hi everyone!, let me start by saying how much I enjoy reading this board and learning sooo much! I am Mom to a 19yo son with multiple disabilities. we have been waiting and now are finally getting his SD in the next few weeks. She is a Golden and I am told is very blonde. My DS has named her "Annie". I suppose my first question for all of you is: How long should we wait after she joins our small family, to book our next cruise? I was hoping to cruise next year but will she need more time with us before we stress her with something like that?. I also have a question about how airport security handles screening dogs. I read a lot of blogs but don't really know how that works. we fly often and that will surely be our first big test. Thanks!



Hi, "Krisnme": Welcome to the most actively, friendly and truly educating thread about Service Dogs and traveling, that you'll ever read.

You really need to give "Annie" at least 3 months to "bond" with your son before you take the next step and venture out into the cruising world. I'm so glad that you have one booked - Good for you! Some might say you don't need this time.....I would disagree. Give the two of them and yourself a chance to get truly comfortable with each other.

I think Cindy has given you the best advise about the TSA and airports..

I don't like to be separated from Brenda but at the airports they may ask that she go through the screening without me.......I do not drop her leash. I ask that an agent be waiting on the other side of the screening device. I ask that he/she call her name and use the command "here" - at which time I pass the leash to them. They "pat" her down, open the zippers on her Vest and check it's contents. I pass through and take the leash and we're on our way!!!!

When you come back from your cruise the Immigration officials may ask you questions such as: where were you, what did you visit, were you on a farm or ranch? They may take you and "Annie" into an area where they will want to examine "Annie's" paws & fur [to make sure that she's not carrying back any critters], this only happened on two occasions and Brenda has been on 13 cruises - so it's not so common.

Congratulations, again, on getting your Service Dog - your's and your son's world will be so much bigger and brighter!

Have a wonderful cruise! "Annie" will now have her very own "paparazzi"!

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I absolutely LOVE this dog. Wexy is so, so adorable with those crossed legs. What is up with that? Why do some dogs do this? It just blows me away and cracks me up when I see it!!!!!


You go Wexy!!!!! Just remember you're Brenda's man!!!! :p She may be an older woman but she's so much fun!!!! And, really pretty. Although, your coat is looking mighty "spiffy!"


Roz, I hope someday we can meet and maybe cruise together. I would love for you to meet Wex. He adores older women as Bailee was like a mother to him. He would love Brenny!! Now we have to get Morey to go on Holland America. And get me to fly there :eek:

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Roz, I hope someday we can meet and maybe cruise together. I would love for you to meet Wex. He adores older women as Bailee was like a mother to him. He would love Brenny!! Now we have to get Morey to go on Holland America. And get me to fly there :eek:


Cindy, I would love it, too! We'd have so much fun. If you ever find a cruise that looks good to you - on the west coast, please let me know and, I'll bend-over-backwards to try and get onboard!

I think Morey will go to San Diego if I really push it!!!!

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Mornin' all:

Welcome Krisnme. Stick around, we get kind of wild and crazy every once in awhile, but are pretty harmless!

Roz: I use MSN to catch up on news. They had a video on "Charity gives Service dogs to those deserving". Of course I had to click on it. They had a video on "Puppy empowered love" Had to watch it. Cried like a baby and saw the most gorgeous blonde doodle! Then of course when I went back to find out where to tell you to look, it had rotated from the front page. I think it will come back. If you go to www dot msn dot com, it was in the second row, under the 3 pictures. Hope you can find it.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and weekend.

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Mornin' all:

Welcome Krisnme. Stick around, we get kind of wild and crazy every once in awhile, but are pretty harmless!


Roz: I use MSN to catch up on news. They had a video on "Charity gives Service dogs to those deserving". Of course I had to click on it. They had a video on "Puppy empowered love" Had to watch it. Cried like a baby and saw the most gorgeous blonde doodle! Then of course when I went back to find out where to tell you to look, it had rotated from the front page. I think it will come back. If you go to www dot msn dot com, it was in the second row, under the 3 pictures. Hope you can find it.


Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and weekend.


After I do some work......you know, the stuff I get paid to do and helps to pay for the cruising....I'm going to the website. I love stories about dogs, especially ones about our amazing "hero's"!

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. will update you all as we learn more about Annie and get closer to bringing her home. My head is swimming with all the things we need to get for her!


You are so welcome. If I may be of some help. Don't forget to buy extra water and food dishes for the car and something collapsible for your purse.

We happen to live in an "earthquake" area so we keep an emergency supply of: water, leash, bowls, rain gear and food in the car. And, I have a "Brenda Bag" that I walk around with. I keep the collapsible water holder, extra food, emergency meds. in that bag. Brenda is very prone to ear infections so, I keep cotton swabs and her medicine in this bag.

I have a hook by our front door, on this hook are: Her leash, collar and CCI Vest. I can't go out the front door without passing all that she needs to have on.

You will find your very own "comfort zone" with "Annie" and what you will need to keep you and her life in sinc.

If you have any good ideas or suggestions we love to hear them!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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You are so welcome. If I may be of some help. Don't forget to buy extra water and food dishes for the car and something collapsible for your purse.


We happen to live in an "earthquake" area so we keep an emergency supply of: water, leash, bowls, rain gear and food in the car. And, I have a "Brenda Bag" that I walk around with. I keep the collapsible water holder, extra food, emergency meds. in that bag. Brenda is very prone to ear infections so, I keep cotton swabs and her medicine in this bag.


I have a hook by our front door, on this hook are: Her leash, collar and CCI Vest. I can't go out the front door without passing all that she needs to have on.


You will find your very own "comfort zone" with "Annie" and what you will need to keep you and her life in sinc.


If you have any good ideas or suggestions we love to hear them!

Thanks, Only had 1 earthquake here, a 2.5 right under where I live, scared me to death but you would laugh at it! The bag idea sounds great. Kris and I are going to the fabric store this weekend to get fleece to make several "tied" blankets for Annie. we travel between family daily and often have daytrips and disney/Florida trips (we take the auto-train). I thought the blankets would be a good way to make her comfortable in all the places we spend our days. I am used to carrying food and water for Kris, as he has nutrition issues so I will just add some things for Annie to the bag. I will post pics the moment we get them. Any suggestions are welcome as we are completely new at this!

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Mornin' all:

Welcome Krisnme. Stick around, we get kind of wild and crazy every once in awhile, but are pretty harmless!


Roz: I use MSN to catch up on news. They had a video on "Charity gives Service dogs to those deserving". Of course I had to click on it. They had a video on "Puppy empowered love" Had to watch it. Cried like a baby and saw the most gorgeous blonde doodle! Then of course when I went back to find out where to tell you to look, it had rotated from the front page. I think it will come back. If you go to www dot msn dot com, it was in the second row, under the 3 pictures. Hope you can find it.


Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and weekend.


That MSN or msnbc story was filmed at Canine Assistance. We saw it at graduation and it was filmed during this past training camp. That doodle you saw is only 12 months old. She is a fabulous dog and should make a fabulous service dog. The current puppies you saw on the video are named after rivers. So the "sippi" is Mississippi.

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That MSN or msnbc story was filmed at Canine Assistance. We saw it at graduation and it was filmed during this past training camp. That doodle you saw is only 12 months old. She is a fabulous dog and should make a fabulous service dog. The current puppies you saw on the video are named after rivers. So the "sippi" is Mississippi.



How cute is that......All of Brenda's family were given names that began with "B"....There's "Bobbie" and "Beulah" and "Brenda" and "Black Bart" [her Grandfather] and her mom was "Quintara" [i guess they couldn't think of many names that begin with "Q"]! :rolleyes:

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Hi everyone!, let me start by saying how much I enjoy reading this board and learning sooo much! I am Mom to a 19yo son with multiple disabilities. we have been waiting and now are finally getting his SD in the next few weeks. She is a Golden and I am told is very blonde. My DS has named her "Annie". I suppose my first question for all of you is: How long should we wait after she joins our small family, to book our next cruise? I was hoping to cruise next year but will she need more time with us before we stress her with something like that?. I also have a question about how airport security handles screening dogs. I read a lot of blogs but don't really know how that works. we fly often and that will surely be our first big test. Thanks!


Welcome! Congrats on the new dog! What will she be doing for your son?


You'll definitely need some settling-in time with the dog before you travel, especially if this is your first dog (including pets). Give it at least several months, if not up to six months. Some dogs take time to settle in, too, so it isn't just a time for you. For program dogs that were homed by many different ppl, sometimes it takes them a few months to realize they are finally "home" to stay. Some dogs settle in quickly to immediately just fine, so it depends on the dog. You'll figure out when you're all ready, then you can book a cruise.


I suggest you read the TSA screening guidelines page on TSA's Web site (www.tsa.gov) so you know from the source what they are and aren't allowed to do (not all screeners know). Generally, the dog is screened in the same way a person is screened - they walk through the metal detector (I recommend you send them ahead of you, though some prefer to go before their dog [i prefer being able to see her to make sure no other passengers try to touch or distract her] - I definitely don't recommend walking through WITH the dog 'cause the dog's gear sets off the metal detector and if you walk through together, you BOTH have to be patted down). If the dog sets off the detector, they'll hand-search the dog by patting it down, putting hands under its harness and collar and such, and often will also swab the dog's gear for traces of explosives (they put the swab in a machine that looks for traces of explosives). If your son is in a wheelchair, he obviously won't go through the metal detector or the new body scans, so the new enhanced pat-downs will be given (don't get me started on that...).


While you don't have to remove the dog's gear when going through security, if the dog is wearing a pack/pouch/bag of any type and you leave it on him instead of putting it through the x-ray, TSA will have to open up the bag and hand-search it (which may mean taking everything out of the bag). So, I recommend taking packs/pouches/bags off the dog and putting them through the x-ray machine for ease and the sake of time. Know that they cannot require you to remove any of the dog's gear, such as collars and leashes and mobility harnesses and guide harnesses, although agents who don't know the rules might ask you to - you can safely refuse to take the gear off (without getting in trouble with the TSA, I mean).


Oh - as for flying with a dog, I recommend you take at least one day's worth of the dog's food in your carry-on bag just in case the baggage handlers decide to misplace the dog's bag/bag with dog's food in it for a bit. A can of dog food for a service dog counts as medical supplies, so is allowed through even though it is larger than 3 oz. Take it out of your carry-on so it can be screened separately (otherwise, they'll see it on the scan and flag your carry-on bag as suspicious and go through the bag to find that can so they can inspect it).


I recommend not feeding your dog that morning for a morning to noontime flight and feeding your dog super early in the morning, with plenty of time for pottying the rest of the morning, for afternoon to night flights. Take water away before you leave for the airport - you can offer your dog ice cubes to LICK (not eat) when on the plane so the dog isn't thirsty but also doesn't fill up and have to pee real bad.

Edited by Quampapetet
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I don't like to be separated from Brenda but at the airports they may ask that she go through the screening without me.......I do not drop her leash. I ask that an agent be waiting on the other side of the screening device. I ask that he/she call her name and use the command "here" - at which time I pass the leash to them. They "pat" her down, open the zippers on her Vest and check it's contents. I pass through and take the leash and we're on our way!!!!


They are not allowed to separate a service dog from its handler, don't worry. I do recommend you not hold onto the leash, though, otherwise they might justify it as a way to give you the pat-down (which now is one of those intrusive enhanced pat-downs with the front of the hands and the touching of one's genitals and putting their hands inside one's pants waistline/underwear waistline). TSA is not allowed to take control of the dog, so they should not be taking the dog's leash or anything like that. They have to ask you before they are allowed to touch your dog (just like they have to ask you first before they touch you if you have to go through a pat-down).


I wrap my dog's leash around her harness handle and give her the command to walk through the metal detector. Once she's completely through to the other side enough to give me room to walk through, I give her the command to stop and she waits for me to get through (which I do once the detector has stopped beeping and the agent tells me to come through). Then we get to wait around for somebody to pat her down (some agents are scared of dogs so will ask for somebody else to come do it - some agents will also ask you to hold your dog's head away from them 'cause they are a little scared of dogs, too). The agents are not to interact with the dog other than a professional pat-down (not to play with, pet, talk to, etc. the dog), but sometimes you'll find one that will do that - you can, of course, ask them to not do that.


Do note that nobody watches your bags for you to keep them from theft off the x-ray conveyor belt, so you have to do double-duty of watching the pat-down and watching your bags at the same time, which can be hard! It is easier if the disabled person is travelling with somebody, as the other person can take/watch the bags until the pat-down is finished, but when travelling alone, you just have to be extra vigilent about those bags on the belt.

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