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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Southern Snow and Ice in the forecast and I am at the hospital for the next 48 hours at least. They have to insure patient care so staff come in early and stay late. The good news is I am paid for the time...maybe I'll earn enough for a cruise...ha ha ha


Woke up this morning [here, in sunny, southern Ca.] with ice on all our roofs/lawns and cars. If it were to rain, we definitely would have snow!!!!!

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Quam: Thank you for the information on escalators. It makes sense to give the dog a "warning" before getting off. I was curious about that.


When I get my "successor" dog it will be very interesting to experience the escalator thing with him/her. It sometimes can be very challenging to find the elevators in malls/stores/airports/cruise docks, etc., etc. I look forward to the ease of traveling. Boarding the elevator at the dock in San Pedro is truly the "waiting game!"


[boy, listen to me getting ready for Brenny's successor! :o] I find that the more I talk about it, the braver I get. What will happen at the time I actually do it.........we'll see!!!!!!!


No problem. :)


It is okay to talk about getting a successor dog. I think it'll make it easier for you when the time does come. While I think my dog still has two to four more years to go until it is time to retire and I'm definitely not looking forward to retiring her (or to having two dogs at the same time in the house!), I do think about how there will be a successor dog someday and how that will work and all.


BTW, I can't believe last time I was on here when I was naming the other stupid things that have happened to me, I forgot to name the medical issue my dog is having! I think I might've thought I mentioned it, then I sent the message. She is having a bit of a medical issue right now and we're out of the country, so had to go to the vet here. It might be caused by an infection, so she is on Prednisone (she's doing fine on it, not having side effects like Roz's dog did; every dog is different and Roz's next dog might be one who would do fine on it, too - well, okay, she pees more, LOL, but not really more often, just more quantity when she does need to go) until we can get back home and to our vet. It has gotten a little better, so hopefully it can be cured!

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Oh - and I saw another service dog (I believe it was a guide dog, since it looked to be a guide dog harness and the woman looked like she couldn't see) here in the Bahamas the other day (either Friday or Saturday). I think she was on a cruise ship that was in port that day. I saw them from afar, as we were walking through a little park area and she was sitting on a bench (her dark brown dog laying at her feet), so didn't get to say anything to her. But that was the first time I've seen another service dog here, so it was nice to see. I don't think it was anybody on this thread, but if it was, speak up!! :)

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Mornin' all:

Quam: I am sorry your furbaby isn't feeling good. Its bad enough when you are home, can't imagine being out of the country. I am glad the vet took good care of her and diagosed her problem. Speeding recovery to both of you!


Roz: I am sorry you had "ice" in your neck of the woods! We are at -11! What is that? FREEZING. I wouldn't mind if I didn't have to go out in it. The jeep had a hard time starting, again this morning. I thought Trav and I were going to have to walk to the bus stop! :eek: Also wouldn't mind except the freezing factor. I need to get us scarves and hats and souped up gloves!


Hope everyone has a Terrific Tuesday............

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Oh - and I saw another service dog (I believe it was a guide dog, since it looked to be a guide dog harness and the woman looked like she couldn't see) here in the Bahamas the other day (either Friday or Saturday). I think she was on a cruise ship that was in port that day. I saw them from afar, as we were walking through a little park area and she was sitting on a bench (her dark brown dog laying at her feet), so didn't get to say anything to her. But that was the first time I've seen another service dog here, so it was nice to see. I don't think it was anybody on this thread, but if it was, speak up!! :)


Have a wonderful trip. I love when I see other SD's. And, its very hard for me not to always approach them.

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No problem. :)


It is okay to talk about getting a successor dog. I think it'll make it easier for you when the time does come. While I think my dog still has two to four more years to go until it is time to retire and I'm definitely not looking forward to retiring her (or to having two dogs at the same time in the house!), I do think about how there will be a successor dog someday and how that will work and all.


BTW, I can't believe last time I was on here when I was naming the other stupid things that have happened to me, I forgot to name the medical issue my dog is having! I think I might've thought I mentioned it, then I sent the message. She is having a bit of a medical issue right now and we're out of the country, so had to go to the vet here. It might be caused by an infection, so she is on Prednisone (she's doing fine on it, not having side effects like Roz's dog did; every dog is different and Roz's next dog might be one who would do fine on it, too - well, okay, she pees more, LOL, but not really more often, just more quantity when she does need to go) until we can get back home and to our vet. It has gotten a little better, so hopefully it can be cured!


Quam: I hope your SD is doing better and better. I can handle my kids not being well better than I can handle Brenda being sick.

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Mornin' all:

Quam: I am sorry your furbaby isn't feeling good. Its bad enough when you are home, can't imagine being out of the country. I am glad the vet took good care of her and diagosed her problem. Speeding recovery to both of you!


Roz: I am sorry you had "ice" in your neck of the woods! We are at -11! What is that? FREEZING. I wouldn't mind if I didn't have to go out in it. The jeep had a hard time starting, again this morning. I thought Trav and I were going to have to walk to the bus stop! :eek: Also wouldn't mind except the freezing factor. I need to get us scarves and hats and souped up gloves!


Hope everyone has a Terrific Tuesday............


32 degrees is freezing........You have won the prize for "cold!" We we're once in New Orleans, at Mardi Gras when it was 7 degrees below zero..........I was so cold, all I could do was cry!!!!!!!!

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Come to NJ where we are expecting at least another six inches of snow tonight. That will go on top of the 12" that's still on the ground from the three feet we got the day after Christmas and the 3 inches we got last weekend!! :mad:



OMG , No way! I'm such a wimp when it comes to cold weather! You know, "valley girl" and all!!!!! I was born near Pittsburgh, Penn. and moved to L.A. when I was 3 years old. I know it costs to live here.......but, it's so worth the weather!!!!!!!!! We may be going broke but we're basking in the sunlight while we're doing it!!! ;) :rolleyes:

I just took Brenda outside for "potty time" and, it's 62 degrees, with a cool breeze and I'm freezing. It's supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow!

Okay, okay, I'll stop complaining!

I hope you get to see some sunshine and warmth, soon!

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Mornin' all:

Hope everyone is okay, no posts since the 11th. Been busy, doing nothing of any interest!



Good Morning Nancy, it's been very busy here in the non-profit world. I hope our friend Cindy, Wexy, John and family are having a wonderful time on their cruise. I miss her. I can't wait to hear all about her vacation.

We actually had to turn on the AC yesterday. It's getting very warm, here in L.A. I love that good old "Mr. Sun!":p

Miss Brenny is going through some sort of "metamorphosis"; she's still sleeping and snoring pretty heavily [more so than when she was younger].....but, when she's ready to play.......she's 2 years old again. I love it and hope that it lasts for a long time! :)

Have a restful weekend to all of you who get three days off of work and school!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Southern Snow kept me snowed in at work for longer than I wanted, then once Mr Sunshine got me home, kept me housebound for a few more. Sandy's heel is not as good as I thought as she pulled me down twice on slippery sidewalks, so I didnt' even try to walk her. Just played in the back yard. Missed my Cooler and the rest of the gang. Off to get a young pup for a home visit since he hasn't had one yet, then I'll swap him out and bring Cooler home. Young pup will get a hospital visit tomorow. First AAT visit for him, so it will be short and sweet.

Cindy, welcome home. We missed you and want to hear and see pictures of the cruise....

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Evenin' all:

Cindy: Now that was a tease if I ever read one! Can't wait to see how many shirts John actually took.

Sunshine: Now, now, in Sandy's defense, I have almost fallen several times all on my own! I can't believe you are blaming that sweet girl. Good luck with the pup. Hopefully he will be as brillant as Cooler!

First day at new job. Teachers aide for a day care/pre-school. Had a light day with it being Marting Luther King's birthday. :eek:We had our hands full and they said Tuesdays are their busiest days............I had a good time with the little ones.

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Evenin' all:

Cindy: Now that was a tease if I ever read one! Can't wait to see how many shirts John actually took.


Sunshine: Now, now, in Sandy's defense, I have almost fallen several times all on my own! I can't believe you are blaming that sweet girl. Good luck with the pup. Hopefully he will be as brillant as Cooler!


First day at new job. Teachers aide for a day care/pre-school. Had a light day with it being Marting Luther King's birthday. :eek:We had our hands full and they said Tuesdays are their busiest days............I had a good time with the little ones.


Nancy, good luck on the job. You may find training a dog easier than children. :rolleyes: At least, some times, I do!

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Cindy, welcome home! I hope you enjoyed the warm weather and the cruise. Can't wait to hear more about it.


Sunshine, how much fun is it that you get to bring home these adorable pups and, as far as Sandy goes........I'm so greatful that we don't live where the "slippery" stuff is or I know Brenny would be pulling me off my shoes on a daily basis! :eek: She can be such a wild woman on the walk!


Well, I got an email from CCI wanting to set-up my "Phone Interview" for a Successor Dog. It's going to be on Thursday at 9:00am. I'll be interviewing with Lauren, from CCI, Santa Rosa. I know, I know, I've done this before but then why am I such a "nervous Nellie" about it?


The visions of bringing home another Service Dog while Miss "B" stays home and plays with Morey is becoming more and more real.


Morey and I are setting-up the plan now as to how we're going to handle it. And, although it does sound easy in theory....to actually do it will be another story.


Will I get another Black Lab or a Yellow or white one or a pure bred or a "cross". Will it be tall like Wex or short like Brenny? Will it be playful and full of energy like [brenny] or more relaxed and layed back? It's a mystery as to who they'll match me with. I'm becoming more and more ready and accepting of the challenge.


I'll let you know how it goes as the process becomes more and more real.

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Sandy says a big thank you to all her defenders. And honestly she is not a big forger, just likes to walk three steps in front of me. But with the slippery ground I felt every slight tug on the leash...

Have a 5 month old lab cross home. He is full of energy yet very deferential to Sandy. More so than most dogs. In fact his submission is making her want to try to play. Maybe he is smarter than I think...

Didn't get much sleep as this fella is a barker and whiner and a digger. Trying to dig out of the metal crate. Finally had to sleep in the guest room with him. Off for an AAT visit today at the hospital then will swap this boy out for my girl. She has her own set of issues, but luckily crating at night isnt' one of them...

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Sandy says a big thank you to all her defenders. And honestly she is not a big forger, just likes to walk three steps in front of me. But with the slippery ground I felt every slight tug on the leash...


Have a 5 month old lab cross home. He is full of energy yet very deferential to Sandy. More so than most dogs. In fact his submission is making her want to try to play. Maybe he is smarter than I think...


Didn't get much sleep as this fella is a barker and whiner and a digger. Trying to dig out of the metal crate. Finally had to sleep in the guest room with him. Off for an AAT visit today at the hospital then will swap this boy out for my girl. She has her own set of issues, but luckily crating at night isnt' one of them...


I don't know if I have the patience to put-up with a "newborn" at night again!

I need your help on the "crate" thing. While Brenny's at work she loves her crate and is in it right now, just snoring away. She NEVER liked it at home but finds it to be a great comfort zone at work.

When I come home with a Successor Dog should I have Brenny's crate at home for her and get a new one for the new dog? I was thinking about this and want to make the transition for Brenny a good one.

What do you think? I'm open for any and all suggestions.

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I don't know if I have the patience to put-up with a "newborn" at night again!


I need your help on the "crate" thing. While Brenny's at work she loves her crate and is in it right now, just snoring away. She NEVER liked it at home but finds it to be a great comfort zone at work.


When I come home with a Successor Dog should I have Brenny's crate at home for her and get a new one for the new dog? I was thinking about this and want to make the transition for Brenny a good one.


What do you think? I'm open for any and all suggestions.


If Brenda likes her crate, then I would let her keep it at home. That is her space. When the new dog comes home, Brenda might just need her space. Get the newbie his/her own crate.

Just my two cents. :D

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If Brenda likes her crate, then I would let her keep it at home. That is her space. When the new dog comes home, Brenda might just need her space. Get the newbie his/her own crate.

Just my two cents. :D


It's been my thought as well. When I have my phone interview on Thursday I will run it by them too!

Although I would hate to see Brenda staying in her crate, I'd like her to know that it would be a safe place to get away from that "puppy" thing!


Edited by wizard-of-roz
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It's been my thought as well. When I have my phone interview on Thursday I will run it by them too!


Although I would hate to see Brenda staying in her crate, I'd like her to know that it would be a safe place to get away from that "puppy" thing!




Now, now...it will be a perfect CCI trained service dog that will meet or exceed your every expectation. Only Brenda can call it "THAT PUPPY THING".

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Sucessor Dogs...OK, I have a sad and yet somewhat heartwarming story: I visited a young patient at the hospital. I've taken care of this young lady off and on since she was an infant. She received s service dog about 5 years ago and they had a wonderful match. Still, as a young teen with significant health problems, a lot of the everyday care of the dog fell on her mom. Over the past few years this young lady and I developed a different relationship based on my being a service dog handler and she being a service dog receipient. Our relationship shifted from nurse/patient to friends. And her mom's and my relationship also shifted. It was a balance with professional responsibilbites but we were all making it work...

Sadly several months ago I found out that her dog was diagnosed with a rare cancer. Today while visiting her in the hospital she told me that Misty had died. So sad as this was the first service dog I had a relationship with. Katie and I talked about the right time for another dog. For Katie, I think the sooner the better, but, I know the family needs more time. So a successor dog for Katie is in the future, but, maybe not too soon. Sorry if I made y'all sad... I am sad tonight...These dogs work so hard, and this dog was wonderful. I stayed late many a night, because Katie said I could stay and pat Misty and visit with her. Little did Katie and I know that Misty was just the bridge between us....

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Sucessor Dogs...OK, I have a sad and yet somewhat heartwarming story: I visited a young patient at the hospital. I've taken care of this young lady off and on since she was an infant. She received s service dog about 5 years ago and they had a wonderful match. Still, as a young teen with significant health problems, a lot of the everyday care of the dog fell on her mom. Over the past few years this young lady and I developed a different relationship based on my being a service dog handler and she being a service dog receipient. Our relationship shifted from nurse/patient to friends. And her mom's and my relationship also shifted. It was a balance with professional responsibilbites but we were all making it work...


Sadly several months ago I found out that her dog was diagnosed with a rare cancer. Today while visiting her in the hospital she told me that Misty had died. So sad as this was the first service dog I had a relationship with. Katie and I talked about the right time for another dog. For Katie, I think the sooner the better, but, I know the family needs more time. So a successor dog for Katie is in the future, but, maybe not too soon. Sorry if I made y'all sad... I am sad tonight...These dogs work so hard, and this dog was wonderful. I stayed late many a night, because Katie said I could stay and pat Misty and visit with her. Little did Katie and I know that Misty was just the bridge between us....


Oh! My Lord! You know how fragile I am, right now! Of the 11 or so dogs that graduated with Brenny, 5 of them have passed. When I go to a Workshop and I look for one of Brenny's classmates and I'm told that the dog passed away.......I'm absolutely floored!

The story of this young girl is so heart wrenching. I can only imagine what it does to you. I'm sorry!!!!!!! I'm giving you a huge hug from me to you <<<<< :-( >>>>>>>

I hope that Misty is resting in peace and didn't have to suffer and, hopefully, Katie's mom will go for that Successor Dog soon.

I'm so glad that I'm doing it right now, while my girl is feeling well and I can be strong enough for both of them. I don't know how well I'd do if I were doing this process through the sadness of such a great loss.

I know that you must have so many stories, just like this one. You're made of very special "stuff". What you give these dogs, not to mention the children and adults, puts you in a category all by yourself, my dear!!!!!

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