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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Evenin' all:

Quam: That tie would look amazing on Wexy, with his shiny black coat. And the kiss would fit him to a "T". Hint, hint, Cindy!

As for toy boxes, Jezzy Lou has one. I pick all her "babies" up and put them in it. She looks at me like I have lost my mind and promptly takes them all back out. I have given up and they are strewn about the house. You never know when she might need one of her babies and then at least one or more of them will be close by. Several end up in the bed with us! :o She does have one, well actually it was Leann's that looks like a little squirrel. The coloring does make me take a double look when I see it laying there!

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Wow alot going on here while I've been gone. I certainly hope I didn't miss the man bashing!!


As you all know, we got a photo albumn and a disk with 450 pictures on it. Our puppy raisers are great!! We thank them so much for all the stuff they gave us. We got to see Wex at every stage of his life, something we would have missed. I think it's a great gift for a puppy raiser to do that and wished all of them did it.


That tie and collar is awesome!! And I do think Wex would look awesome in it. As for the snow booties, I would think all the other dogs would make fun of him! :eek: Knowing him, he would prob wear them. I think he's getting snow between his pads and it's either to cold or it hurts him. He has been stopping and either holding up his leg or he sits and licks the paw til it melts. There really is to much snow to shovel any spot for him. and of course here comes another 5-10 more inches tonight! I really don't remember getting this much snow. There's no where to put it!! They are also talking another storm this weekend. Enough already!


Would love to see some more pics of Cooler. :D

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Wow alot going on here while I've been gone. I certainly hope I didn't miss the man bashing!!


As you all know, we got a photo albumn and a disk with 450 pictures on it. Our puppy raisers are great!! We thank them so much for all the stuff they gave us. We got to see Wex at every stage of his life, something we would have missed. I think it's a great gift for a puppy raiser to do that and wished all of them did it.


That tie and collar is awesome!! And I do think Wex would look awesome in it. As for the snow booties, I would think all the other dogs would make fun of him! :eek: Knowing him, he would prob wear them. I think he's getting snow between his pads and it's either to cold or it hurts him. He has been stopping and either holding up his leg or he sits and licks the paw til it melts. There really is to much snow to shovel any spot for him. and of course here comes another 5-10 more inches tonight! I really don't remember getting this much snow. There's no where to put it!! They are also talking another storm this weekend. Enough already!


Would love to see some more pics of Cooler. :D


Cindy, there's no "timing" on man bashing.......just kidding guys. I couldn't stand our world without men in it. They're very necessary beings! ;)


Cindy, you really lucked-out when it came to PuppyRaisers. I hope we get as lucky next time.


As I'm writing this Brenny is snoring so loudly in her crate that the mailman stopped because he thought the floor was moving!!!!! :p


Our air conditioning is running day and night. It's global warming on the California coast.


Brenda would never, never, never wear anything on her face/head or feet. She's the only dog in TeamTraining that would not wear the gentle leader and when it roasting on our blacktop parking lots I have to run her in and out of the car because she won't wear anything on her paws. Such a "Diva!"

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Wow alot going on here while I've been gone. I certainly hope I didn't miss the man bashing!!


As you all know, we got a photo albumn and a disk with 450 pictures on it. Our puppy raisers are great!! We thank them so much for all the stuff they gave us. We got to see Wex at every stage of his life, something we would have missed. I think it's a great gift for a puppy raiser to do that and wished all of them did it.


That tie and collar is awesome!! And I do think Wex would look awesome in it. As for the snow booties, I would think all the other dogs would make fun of him! :eek: Knowing him, he would prob wear them. I think he's getting snow between his pads and it's either to cold or it hurts him. He has been stopping and either holding up his leg or he sits and licks the paw til it melts. There really is to much snow to shovel any spot for him. and of course here comes another 5-10 more inches tonight! I really don't remember getting this much snow. There's no where to put it!! They are also talking another storm this weekend. Enough already!


Would love to see some more pics of Cooler. :D


Cindy, there's no "timing" on man bashing.......just kidding guys. I couldn't stand our world without men in it. They're very necessary beings! ;)

Cindy, you really lucked-out when it came to PuppyRaisers. I hope we get as lucky next time.

As I'm writing this Brenny is snoring so loudly in her crate that the mailman stopped because he thought the floor was moving!!!!! :p

Our air conditioning is running day and night. It's global warming on the California coast.

Brenda would never, never, never wear anything on her face/head or feet. She's the only dog in TeamTraining that would not wear the gentle leader and when it roasting on our blacktop parking lots I have to run her in and out of the car because she won't wear anything on her paws. Such a "Diva!"

Inside my head I'm wishing I get a male "Successor" dog so he can wear those cute "Tux's!" And, so I can say "good boy"! Silly, I know!

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With the puppy pictures, were pictures of the actual puppy raisers and their family members included, or more just the puppy. With Crackers I did include a picture that showed our family with him, but just one. I didn't want them to feel like he was "ours" first...but maybe I was just over thinking it.

Anyway, Cooler still has at least another 6 months with me and I'll keep taking pictures and Cindy, yes I'll send some.

Seriously, Roz and Cindy, Y'all need to get on facebook....if only to see more pictures of the pups/dogs then you could ever want. OK, maybe not, you'll end up never getting off the computer and shoveling the SNOW!! Or packing for earthquakes, or in my neck of the woods, watching out for random tornadoes....

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With the puppy pictures, were pictures of the actual puppy raisers and their family members included, or more just the puppy. With Crackers I did include a picture that showed our family with him, but just one. I didn't want them to feel like he was "ours" first...but maybe I was just over thinking it.


Anyway, Cooler still has at least another 6 months with me and I'll keep taking pictures and Cindy, yes I'll send some.


Seriously, Roz and Cindy, Y'all need to get on facebook....if only to see more pictures of the pups/dogs then you could ever want. OK, maybe not, you'll end up never getting off the computer and shoveling the SNOW!! Or packing for earthquakes, or in my neck of the woods, watching out for random tornadoes....


You are so funny.......I'm afraid if I started with Facebook, I'd never stop. As it is, finding the stolen moments to write on Cruise Critic [and I get very close to making some folks angry, here at work] or, at least, I get some very weird looks, can be challenging.......you guys are that important to me!

And, when our PuppyRaisers finally gave us 4 pictures, that I treasure, one of them had their daughter hugging Brenda and I thought that was very special and showed that she did get hugs and kisses.

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Sorry Sunshine I am anti facebook. I am so sick of hearing about facebook and twitter that I will never join them. John has a facebook account that some teacher talked him into getting so she could show him something, now he just gets tons of emails from them for various things. No thanks! I actually get emails all the time saying someone wants to be your friend on facebook and I don't even belong.


And of course we got another 12 inches of snow! I love New England but this is getting crazy. All these states are going to go broke removing all this snow. I have never seen so much and have lived here all my life. It does look beautiful but thats about it. No school again today, they will be going to school in July!

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Sorry Sunshine I am anti facebook. I am so sick of hearing about facebook and twitter that I will never join them. John has a facebook account that some teacher talked him into getting so she could show him something, now he just gets tons of emails from them for various things. No thanks! I actually get emails all the time saying someone wants to be your friend on facebook and I don't even belong.


And of course we got another 12 inches of snow! I love New England but this is getting crazy. All these states are going to go broke removing all this snow. I have never seen so much and have lived here all my life. It does look beautiful but thats about it. No school again today, they will be going to school in July!


Cindy, I get the very same messages all the time. I think folks like to rack-up the numbers on how many friends they have or something. I just delete the messages. I always like to make new friends but I don't need to announce the numbers to the world.

Please don't call me "old-fashioned" but I think Facebook and Twitter are more of a nuisance than they are useful. When I'm driving to and from work, everyday, I can't begin to tell you how many people are looking down or to the side rather than looking ahead and out their windows. It's very freightening. I've seen some horrible accidents and I've been behind people who drive very scary because I know they're not paying attention.

Well, I'm still in the "waiting" mode. It's like the birth of a baby! I'll let you all know if anything changes.

I'm looking at our excursions for our cruise in September. The best part of that cruise will be going under the Golden Gate Bridge and, not having to worry about "too much documentation" because the whole cruise we'll be covered by the ADA!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Cooler is 8 months old already. And while I think she is fabulous looking, she does look more "dog" and less "puppy". I am still taking lot's of pictures, but have slowed down. Now I try to find the right event. First trip to the aquarium, First Trip on public transport, etc.... Looks like next week she get's to go to "college" with one of our younger volunteers. I am very happy for her, what a great experience, go to classes, hang out with the 20 somethings... And I certainly hope that lot's of pictures get taken...I am pretty sure they will.


And I agree, those nails need trimming...Black nails are often longer as it is hard to see the quick...


I noticed you're in Atlanta. Is that the giant aquarium there that you take them to? I soooo wanna go there someday! Is it as good as it sounds/looks from photos and a show on TV I saw?


Does the program you're with allow you to grind the dog's nails?

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I certainly hope I didn't miss the man bashing!!


LOL!! :D


That tie and collar is awesome!! And I do think Wex would look awesome in it.


He would! And everybody would love it on him!


As for the snow booties, I would think all the other dogs would make fun of him! :eek: Knowing him, he would prob wear them. I think he's getting snow between his pads and it's either to cold or it hurts him. He has been stopping and either holding up his leg or he sits and licks the paw til it melts.


Haha, naw, they'd think he looked COOL! ;) Yeah, it does sound like he's getting the snow in his pads - it gets more and more compressed as the dog walks, turning rock hard, so of course that is gonna hurt. The Pawz boots don't make dogs walk funny like the other types of boots usually do - I put them on my dog for the first time and she didn't even care they were there, whereas with the RuffWear, Muttluk, and another brand of booties that we've tried, she absolutely hates them and throws a temper tantrum until they come off (as well as she does that funny walk when they're first put on).


Dogs licking their paws can be dangerous if they are walked where ice melt has been put down (roads, sidewalks, etc.). It is best to not allow them to lick their paws after being outside in the winter (or spring, before the roads are washed).


There really is to much snow to shovel any spot for him. and of course here comes another 5-10 more inches tonight! I really don't remember getting this much snow. There's no where to put it!! They are also talking another storm this weekend. Enough already!


If you had started shoveling with the first storm, then you'd be able to do it. ;) But not with three feet of snow on the ground. You have to shovel after (or during) each storm in order to make a spot and pathway. Unless you have a front-loader come and dig you out a little spot.

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Brenda would never, never, never wear anything on her face/head or feet. She's the only dog in TeamTraining that would not wear the gentle leader and when it roasting on our blacktop parking lots I have to run her in and out of the car because she won't wear anything on her paws. Such a "Diva!"


Try a pair of the Pawz. They're cheap, so you won't lose much if they don't work out, but dogs really do accept them well. They can feel the ground under their feet, unlike with other types of boots with thick soles, so they're comfortable with them.


I found mine at Petco, but you can order them online, too, and that's where I first heard of them. I just picked them up when I saw them at Petco, otherwise I would've ordered them.


The size chart is on the company's Web site, which is www.PawzDogBoots.com .

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Sorry Sunshine I am anti facebook. I am so sick of hearing about facebook and twitter that I will never join them. John has a facebook account that some teacher talked him into getting so she could show him something, now he just gets tons of emails from them for various things. No thanks! I actually get emails all the time saying someone wants to be your friend on facebook and I don't even belong.


He just needs to turn off the settings that say he wants to get e-mails every time such'n'such a thing happens. I don't get a single e-mail from Facebook 'cause I turned all those settings off (except for if an event is cancelled or the time changes, but I don't do events on Facebook).


The e-mails you get are Spam from ppl wanting to collect your personal info. (phishing). Never click on those links!


Twitter I don't get the point of. I made an acc't to "reserve" my business name on there, but I don't use it. Facebook I love 'cause I have friends and family who have moved to other states and countries and I have moved to another state from other friends, so I get to keep up with what's going on with their lives and see photos of their kids and such via Facebook. It is a really great site!

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Try a pair of the Pawz. They're cheap, so you won't lose much if they don't work out, but dogs really do accept them well. They can feel the ground under their feet, unlike with other types of boots with thick soles, so they're comfortable with them.


I found mine at Petco, but you can order them online, too, and that's where I first heard of them. I just picked them up when I saw them at Petco, otherwise I would've ordered them.


The size chart is on the company's Web site, which is www.PawzDogBoots.com .


We tried these.......Brenda will just lay down and pull them off [focusing on nothing else.] I try coaxing her with food to start walking and she'll just lay down.......she looked at me, as if to say......"I'm not budging one inch until you take these off, or I will!"

She's the same way about anything on her muzzle. I'm surprised she allows her vest to put on.

During Team Training the trainer said to the class, "we're going to give each of you a gentle leader, please put it on your dogs, except Brenda!" They knew she had "issues" with this and that she was an amazing worker with an attitude!!!!! A lot like me!!!!!!!! :p

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We tried these.......Brenda will just lay down and pull them off [focusing on nothing else.] I try coaxing her with food to start walking and she'll just lay down.......she looked at me, as if to say......"I'm not budging one inch until you take these off, or I will!"


She's the same way about anything on her muzzle. I'm surprised she allows her vest to put on.


During Team Training the trainer said to the class, "we're going to give each of you a gentle leader, please put it on your dogs, except Brenda!" They knew she had "issues" with this and that she was an amazing worker with an attitude!!!!! A lot like me!!!!!!!! :p


That's too bad that those didn't work for her. She's prob'ly the first dog to not like those, LOL! I thought my girl wouldn't, so was surprised when she actually didn't have a problem with them.


No dog likes things on their muzzles; that's why they shut down (which some ppl call "get calm") with those head halters on. It is a natural punishment for dogs (one dog puts its open jaw around the other dog's muzzle). Brenda is smart, so of course she isn't gonna tolerate one of those things! :) Head halters can also injure a dog when used improperly. Dogs' necks aren't designed for using head halters, but horses' necks are designed fine for halters, which is why that's not a problem.


My dog doesn't like anything on her head like hats, sunglasses, MuttMuffs (ear protection ear muffs), etc. There is only one thing she is perfectly fine with on her head and that's her baseball hat for our team - 'cause she likes baseball and our team and proudly wears the hat when we go to the games! :D They've even put her on the TV new with it on before! (My leg was on the news, too, hahaha!)


This is why I need to train my dog to be okay with the sunglasses ... speaking of, I really need to do that, as I only have a week (from this morning) to go before I leave!

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That's too bad that those didn't work for her. She's prob'ly the first dog to not like those, LOL! I thought my girl wouldn't, so was surprised when she actually didn't have a problem with them.


No dog likes things on their muzzles; that's why they shut down (which some ppl call "get calm") with those head halters on. It is a natural punishment for dogs (one dog puts its open jaw around the other dog's muzzle). Brenda is smart, so of course she isn't gonna tolerate one of those things! :) Head halters can also injure a dog when used improperly. Dogs' necks aren't designed for using head halters, but horses' necks are designed fine for halters, which is why that's not a problem.


My dog doesn't like anything on her head like hats, sunglasses, MuttMuffs (ear protection ear muffs), etc. There is only one thing she is perfectly fine with on her head and that's her baseball hat for our team - 'cause she likes baseball and our team and proudly wears the hat when we go to the games! :D They've even put her on the TV new with it on before! (My leg was on the news, too, hahaha!)


This is why I need to train my dog to be okay with the sunglasses ... speaking of, I really need to do that, as I only have a week (from this morning) to go before I leave!


Don't forget to take pictures and put it on the thread. I'd love to see your dog with the glasses on.

You must be getting very excited for your upcoming cruise.

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Don't forget to take pictures and put it on the thread. I'd love to see your dog with the glasses on.


You must be getting very excited for your upcoming cruise.


I'll try to remember to take a pic! :)


Yeah, I can't wait for the cruise (and the few days I'm spending in San Juan prior to the cruise [which leaves from San Juan, Puerto Rico], including doing the BioBay excursion)! I'm annoyed that I've only gotten an import permit from one place (St. Kitts) so far, though. I expected at least one other place (St. Lucia) to grant one. I might call on Monday if I don't get it by then. I also have lots of stuff to do before then, including cut the faux grass to size, go to the drug store for some stuff I need, get a haircut, perhaps get my dog groomed, etc. I need to call the vet tomorrow about her medical issue, too, to see if I need to bring her in and/or get some meds.

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I'll try to remember to take a pic! :)


Yeah, I can't wait for the cruise (and the few days I'm spending in San Juan prior to the cruise [which leaves from San Juan, Puerto Rico], including doing the BioBay excursion)! I'm annoyed that I've only gotten an import permit from one place (St. Kitts) so far, though. I expected at least one other place (St. Lucia) to grant one. I might call on Monday if I don't get it by then. I also have lots of stuff to do before then, including cut the faux grass to size, go to the drug store for some stuff I need, get a haircut, perhaps get my dog groomed, etc. I need to call the vet tomorrow about her medical issue, too, to see if I need to bring her in and/or get some meds.


You'll get it all done and then you'll board the ship and kick back with a "foo-foo" drink and relax.

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OK, I get that most of you don't like facebook, but seriously, pictures of Cooler at the aquarium....might be worth the hassle. And Quam, please let me know when you want to viisit the Georgia Aquairum. It is really a fabulous aquarium and welcoming to service dogs. I'd love to meet you at the airport and keep you company. Heck, I'd even have you stay at our house. Service Dogs always welcome as well as ADA knowledgeble friends....

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OK, I get that most of you don't like facebook, but seriously, pictures of Cooler at the aquarium....might be worth the hassle. And Quam, please let me know when you want to viisit the Georgia Aquairum. It is really a fabulous aquarium and welcoming to service dogs. I'd love to meet you at the airport and keep you company. Heck, I'd even have you stay at our house. Service Dogs always welcome as well as ADA knowledgeble friends....


That's it, Atlanta here we come! I wish it were true. I'd love to spend a few days with you and the "gang!"

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Do these PAWS things stay on the dogs feet? It looks like they can just fall off. If they stay on, I will get some for Wex. Brenda sounds like Rangeley, he hated the jacket!! I know I told you he would stand like he was frozen.


Quam, I'm not sure of all the places you are going, but you will not have any problem at St. Lucia, especially since you got the titer test. They will give you a permit when they collect your money. :( When are you leaving??


Roz, Are you taking the coastal cruise in Sept??? I was just checking it out. The flights are wierd, it say it's only 3+ hours to get to LA but like 8+ to get home :confused: That doesn't make sense. If it was only 3 hours, I would have gone there already. I checked a few different months and it's all the same. Hmmmmmm


Ok Sunshine, you are alot closer and I love aquariums!! We just went to Atlantis aquarium in the Bahamas on our cruise. I have seen and heard alot of things about the Georgia aquarium, I would love to go there. And I'm sure Wex would love to play with some puppies. Oh and I would too!!

Edited by rangeley
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How excited would be for a visit!! Of to CA for a campus tour and some puppy patting time. Cooler and just maybe "cracker's" sister the last of the litter for some loving and then we could just talk cruises, visit the aquarium, ...please....come visit.....


Brenda and I would love to visit with you......We'd have a blast! It's not going to happen for a while. We'll just keep up this writing thing, it keeps us in the loop with each other!

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Do these PAWS things stay on the dogs feet? It looks like they can just fall off. If they stay on, I will get some for Wex. Brenda sounds like Rangeley, he hated the jacket!! I know I told you he would stand like he was frozen.


Quam, I'm not sure of all the places you are going, but you will not have any problem at St. Lucia, especially since you got the titer test. They will give you a permit when they collect your money. :( When are you leaving??


Roz, Are you taking the coastal cruise in Sept??? I was just checking it out. The flights are wierd, it say it's only 3+ hours to get to LA but like 8+ to get home :confused: That doesn't make sense. If it was only 3 hours, I would have gone there already. I checked a few different months and it's all the same. Hmmmmmm


Ok Sunshine, you are alot closer and I love aquariums!! We just went to Atlantis aquarium in the Bahamas on our cruise. I have seen and heard alot of things about the Georgia aquarium, I would love to go there. And I'm sure Wex would love to play with some puppies. Oh and I would too!!


Yes, we're going September 24th, onboard one of my favorite ships, the Sapphire. Cindy, please look into it. I'd be so, so happy if you were onboard with us. We'd have so much fun!

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