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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hi All, Glad we are all back safe and sound after the holidays. Ours was very nice. We went to one of Johns sisters. She has 4 boys in their 20's and they are all the nicest kids I've ever met. Great time, lots of food which we are still eating. Tonight is going to be the last turkey night!! I'm not a fan of the old bird, so once a year is good enough for me.


Roz, I have been thinking of you all weekend! I cannot believe that it's only one week away!!!!! :eek: You tell Morey that he better be keeping us up to date. I'm sure you will be talking to him during the week. We want to know everything!!!!!

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Hi All, Glad we are all back safe and sound after the holidays. Ours was very nice. We went to one of Johns sisters. She has 4 boys in their 20's and they are all the nicest kids I've ever met. Great time, lots of food which we are still eating. Tonight is going to be the last turkey night!! I'm not a fan of the old bird, so once a year is good enough for me.


Roz, I have been thinking of you all weekend! I cannot believe that it's only one week away!!!!! :eek: You tell Morey that he better be keeping us up to date. I'm sure you will be talking to him during the week. We want to know everything!!!!!



My daughter is an "organically grown" kind of gal. The "bird" was so expensive I felt guilty eating the darn thing!!!!! I loved being with her beautiful family but I'm so glad to be HOME! ;)


I'm home until Wednesday then I go back to work for 3 days to fit two weeks worth of work into those days.....YIKES! Then, I have to pack for Team Training. I leave on Sunday and start T.T. on Monday.


Cindy, I'll ask Morey to write but the man does what the man wants to do! Don't be upset if he holds back until we come home.


He won't let me even feed Brenda now. He insists on feeding her and taking care of her needs [except for cleaning her teeth and ears and going to the groomer], he still allows me to do that!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Finally we will get to know the name of this mystery dog! :confused: And if he/she is yellow or black. I hope we will be kept in the loop. Although CCI is very strict on the amount of info they will allow out. It's only a week. We can wait. :eek:


I know they won't let me get the word out while I'm in T.T. I know there are two dogs, I know one is yellow and is a male, the other I know nothing about!


I've been trying to imagine what my new dogs name is, knowing CCI it could be just about anything. Unlike Canine Assistants CCI doesn't use "themes" for naming their dogs.......so, who knows.


When my friends and/or family still ask me what I'll name my dog [forgetting that I don't get to pick my dogs name], I have to remind them, "do you think I would have picked "Brenda" to be my dogs name?"


And, you are correct about the way that CCI wants their students to be as "quiet" as possible about their matches because the Puppyraisers are so anxious about knowing if their dog has been given to a "forever" home or not.


A lot of love/time/patience and guidance has been put into these amazing dogs and the Puppyraiser wants to know all about me. CCI doesn't want anyone to get too excited until the final match has been made.


I won't even get to meet "Successor's" Puppyraiser's until the January Graduation. All such exciting stuff if you're a recipient of a Service Dog from CCI.

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Its like a early Christmas, the new puppy!!!! I hear all these great things about CGI and I am very envious of yall. With that said I love my Blitz also.


Not "like", it IS an early Christmas present for both of us [the dog and me!] They should put him/her into a stocking or at least have a Christmas hat for him. Dress him/her like Santa or an Elve. I'd love it! :p I'm a "puppy spoiler" not that I "spoil" their training, I just "spoil" them in general. I fall very hard for my Service Dog Partner.....I can't imagine adoring a dog any more than I do Brenda but then I did bring two more babies into my life after my first one and my love only grew bigger!!!!! To me, it will be the very same thing!


I surly will not forget this Christmas and when "Successor" came into our lives.


CCI is truly a wonderful organization and I feel very proud to be part of them. It's never too late to get on their "Waiting List" for a 4-legged miracle worker in your life. Even though you have Blitz, CCI may still allow you to have an assistance dog from them to work along side you, you could look into it. As long as Blitz does not act in a angry way towards other dogs, it could be possible.

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Hi Connie -


Thanks so much for your message. All good ideas, and rather more helpful and welcoming, than an earlier message directed to me.


Asta is a registered service dog in the City of San Francisco. With our first time out on a 13 day cruise, perhaps some of my concerns are over-worry. We will check into the freezer situation.


Thanks for your good wishes. Will probably not be back on this board.




Wait...she got upset cause we told her it wouldn't be good if she walked the dog around the ship and it peed everywhere?? :confused:

And she says it's a "registered" service dog? :eek: Let me know

where she got it from. I don't want to make a mistake and go there.

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Wait...she got upset cause we told her it wouldn't be good if she walked the dog around the ship and it peed everywhere?? :confused:

And she says it's a "registered" service dog? :eek: Let me know

where she got it from. I don't want to make a mistake and go there.


That's what it sounded like to me. She was upset because her Service Dog likes to "mark" it's territory and it was suggested that she re-think training her dog to not be allowed to mark anything, anywhere!!!!!!

For Laura: I suggest ALWAYS contacting the ships Access Dept. for Special Needs to verify where the pottybox will be so that your dog has no accidents.

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I don't know about that lady from SF this is how it happened with Blitz. My ability to walk is slowly going away thus carrying items is more difficult as it getting items so I discussed this with my health care provider at the VA. He offered the idea and the following month I came back and agreed with his suggestion. Not long after that I received a VA Prescription for a service animal and it mentions the disability qualifiers on it. I know different docs and agencies do things differently. I did contact a few agencies and even today I feel like I would be taking a trained service animal away from someone more needy than I am. Yes I need help walking especially since the heel spurs on the good leg. So after some research I decided to go to a local breeder who offered a male sable puppy at less than half price. Blitz's mom and dad are from Germany directly and Blitz was born in Louisiana. The breeder has been a huge helping hand in Blitz with his training since this woman is no stranger to German Shepherds since she trains K-9's for local PD. Yes there is a huge difference from Attack to Assist and the breeder is very understanding and more than willing to help Blitz and I on this journey.


As far as Blitz and his reaction to other animals or dogs, even with snappy little toy dogs with attitudes Blitz will notice those little bark-allots yet has no reaction to those ankle bitters. I understand most here have fantastic puppy's who are really trained and work so well with the mommy and daddy's who post here and I consider my friends now. Blitz is not on that level yet when it comes to training; although he is the most trained dog I have ever had and we have only started our journey together. There is a huge connection between him and I. One very proud moment I have with Blitz is the reaction between Blitz and their reaction to him. So far nothing but positive comments about his being helpful to me, his reaction to others. This past weekend we did the Wounded Warrior walk (I couldn't finish). The sky is the limit when it comes to Blitz and his training.


I am a member of the Patriot Guard, which is a group of individuals who escort falling soldiers or those who passed away after their military service is complete. They called and asked up tonight to do our first escort of a fallen Navy Service Member. It works out really well for Blitz and I since I cant ride motorcycles due to my disability. We will have the most important job of all, we will escort the flags during the funeral. I asked them again to make sure its OK for Blitz to come and they Welcomed US as a team.


I know he is a special animal and just getting out is way easier for me since Blitz came in my life. From the physical to the mental disabilities he has helped me beyond even my wildest dreams. This is the most important reason why I have helped with setting up a new agency in S Mississippi called "SAV".


What a great agency, it provides emotional support dogs for those Veterans who suffer from PTSD. If you know veterans in your local area give the home office a email (or send a PM to me) and who knows maybe we can help those individuals.


OK book finished.....

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In all honesty where can you register a dog as a service animal. The reason I am asking is while the VA gave me the paperwork and its in my records. Harrison County has posted signs about no dogs on the beaches so I contacted the Board of Supervisors and asked the process to allow Blitz come on the beach and assist me on the uneven surface. They asked for supporting documentation which I provided and now he is documented in South Mississippi at least as a service animal should we be asked why he is on the beach. I can't go there too often since it hurts my legs and my knee is unstable. Now I know there are rip off websites that provide certifications for service animals and I know their paperwork is as legal as those who purchase vests for their dog so is doesn't have to stay at home while the family is out.


Just wondering

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That's what it sounded like to me. She was upset because her Service Dog likes to "mark" it's territory and it was suggested that she re-think training her dog to not be allowed to mark anything, anywhere!!!!!!


Since this was raised I have been working with Blitz to have him do number one like a little lady (squatting) rather than like a male dog.

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Since this was raised I have been working with Blitz to have him do number one like a little lady (squatting) rather than like a male dog.


I'd love to watch those training sessions!


Also, continue to do what you're doing with the Veteran's, it's good work. I applaud any individual or Organization that works with our Veteran's offering them a better life after their service to our country.


Watching Service Dogs working with our Vets in helping them to get back to a more normal life and regenerate their spirit is a beautiful thing!

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Hello Everyone. I too am excited to hear about "successor" and team training. I am so lucky that I have gotten to know the famous Roz and of course Princess Brenda...how great is this thread that we got to meet each other.

Cooler came home for the holidays. She had a great time being a dog with Sandy, lot's of tummy rubs, ball throws and long walks. She still wore her vest and went on outings with me over the weekend. She is slated to go into the January Camp. Always a bitter sweet time. She just needs to go with someone who likes to go go go.

Mackey is coming home Wednesday and celebrating Rich's birthday then off to make a presentation to first graders. Always a good time to review service dog manners with the children.

On a personal note, we had to put her 19 year old kitty to sleep this weekend. It was a hard decision, but, we are all at peace with it. Both of my daughters came by to give her kisses and then off we went. She is now lying peacefully in the backyard to Maxx the terrible. It wouldn't seem like a home without at least one pet buried in the back yard.

Itchy and Scratch (otherwise known as Sandy) and I are off to UGA vet school and dermatology department to assess her allergies. She's off all steroids and off all antihistamines. Has lost weight (which is a good thing) on the new fish diet and is less itchy, but we are also in her non itchy season. I'll keep y'all posted.

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All male CCI dogs are taught to squat and not lift their legs.


Thats why Blitz is being taught to do this. Actually its rather simple with Blitz. I take him out to go to bathroom and keep him away from trees and he squats so the training is rather simple so far. The bad part is the other two males here; if they could I know they are laughing at poor Blitz and making fun of him.... lol

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I love Blitz's face! Fantastic ears!


For many years a younger member of our family had a service dog who was able to predict seizures. A little red poodle. Thanks to this wonderful little dog our family member had a much happier life and was able to do more.


The dog died very suddenly before we were able to bring another dog into the household so that the elder dog might be able to train the younger one to predict seizures.


We have never been able to get over his loss.


There was never any question that he was a service dog as he was very well trained (no marking) and had a harness with his information and a pocket with his certification papers for all to see.


We are grateful for his time with us and how devoted he was to our family member.

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Hello Everyone. I too am excited to hear about "successor" and team training. I am so lucky that I have gotten to know the famous Roz and of course Princess Brenda...how great is this thread that we got to meet each other.


Cooler came home for the holidays. She had a great time being a dog with Sandy, lot's of tummy rubs, ball throws and long walks. She still wore her vest and went on outings with me over the weekend. She is slated to go into the January Camp. Always a bitter sweet time. She just needs to go with someone who likes to go go go.


Mackey is coming home Wednesday and celebrating Rich's birthday then off to make a presentation to first graders. Always a good time to review service dog manners with the children.


On a personal note, we had to put her 19 year old kitty to sleep this weekend. It was a hard decision, but, we are all at peace with it. Both of my daughters came by to give her kisses and then off we went. She is now lying peacefully in the backyard to Maxx the terrible. It wouldn't seem like a home without at least one pet buried in the back yard.


Itchy and Scratch (otherwise known as Sandy) and I are off to UGA vet school and dermatology department to assess her allergies. She's off all steroids and off all antihistamines. Has lost weight (which is a good thing) on the new fish diet and is less itchy, but we are also in her non itchy season. I'll keep y'all posted.


I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. Having her in your lives for 19 years is truly a gift, what an amazing life! I hope Sandy does okay with the allergy testing and that all of her problems will be in the past.


I'm busy getting my food supply's and clothes ready for my week at CCI and Team Training. I'm not sure if I'll be the only student for the week or not, I sort of hope that there will be other's, otherwise everything I do will be noticed. No room for much error! I'm so looking forward to meeting my new buddy!

Brenda and I are enjoying each other this week.......extra hugs and kisses!

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In SF, you provide proof that your dog is a service dog to the City Animal Control and they issue a special registration number and tag. Not sure about other cities/counties


In Los Angeles, I had to provide a letter from CCI along with the city's request for payment of her city dog tags and I received her license. On the license registration it states that she is a Service Dog.

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I love Blitz's face! Fantastic ears!


For many years a younger member of our family had a service dog who was able to predict seizures. A little red poodle. Thanks to this wonderful little dog our family member had a much happier life and was able to do more.


The dog died very suddenly before we were able to bring another dog into the household so that the elder dog might be able to train the younger one to predict seizures.


We have never been able to get over his loss.


There was never any question that he was a service dog as he was very well trained (no marking) and had a harness with his information and a pocket with his certification papers for all to see.


We are grateful for his time with us and how devoted he was to our family member.


Thank you for sharing your amazing story with us. What a wonderful dog. I hope that you'll be able get another dog to replace this remarkable little hero.

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