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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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I give the babies salmon treats from Blue Buffalo, it has glucosamine included in it.


What a day Blitz at the Vet and me at the ER again. Well I found out how much a baby Blitz really is. That ear is really sensitive and it took the Vet, three vet techs and me (with a broken rib already) to try to hold him still. One of the vet techs let go and Blitz hit me in the chest exactly where I have the broken rib. well good news its not ear mites, bad news is we dont know if something fell in the ear and thats why its infected. I finally got control of Blitz at the Vet; he was really scared everyone in the room trying to hold him down. I finally did get him to chill out by standing in front and and told him "Out" and for the most part he did calm down. So $130.00 dollars later I have antibiotics and Blitz will be seen again on Friday. I suggested to the Vet when this happened to King, I was given two little pills and it made King very tired and it allowed King to chill while his ears were cleaned. This will happen to Blitz on Friday; I did feel so bad for him since it has to be painful and everyone crowded around him. All the old vet techs were released or quit (?) so its a brand new staff of very inexperienced Vet Techs. One girl was trying to hold Blitz but her hands were near the mouth and I suggest a muzzle; he has never bit anyone and I dont want it to happen any time this year either. I had Blitz open his mouth and I showed the little girl how a GSD teeth work and explained while a Pit will bite and hold on a GSD teeth especially the teeth behind the K9's are just like a sharp scissor and the mouth is designed to cut flesh. She stayed away from Blitz after that. Not all was bad today; after the Vet Blitz got a few hamburger patties from daddy and we are friends again.


We did get a chance to weigh him when we first arrived and all the Doc's do love Blitz and its been 6 months since they have seen him. Today Mr Blitz topped the scales at 96lbs; and that was a goof how these new techs tried to work with Blitz. I told her just walk him over to the scale and tell him to sit; OMG I seriously believe they got rid of the old vet techs because they wanted to much money and hired anyone to assist the vet. The girl was so clueless and finally I walked in the scale room and told the young lady to tell Blitz up (to get on the scale) and sit (or sietz) and he sat right down with no problems. Really if your going to hire Vet tech's they should have some experience with pets like dogs. This little girl is a danger to herself, especially with her lack of experience. If Blitz had been a biter or even somewhat aggressive it would have been Meal Time at the Vets. I mean really Blitz would not intentionally hurt any one but you have 5 people in a room trying to hold him down and something could have happened.


OK with that said I am off my soap box. I'm just venting because I really feel the the vet failed me today with him laying off the experienced staff and hiring inexperienced staff.


OK different subject; what about Carnival in the news again. There are 8 Americans on board and those dang pirates smell a big pay out if they can board that ship. Geeez whats up with that; yeah it appears it was a fire that knocked out the ship; I guess bad timing for that little Oops to happen.....


OK finished...........

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I would think that it's not so bad in Shepherd's because their ears stand-up and get a lot of air.....maybe they also get a lot of "stuff" because they're so exposed. Poor Labs have those flappy ears that get no air so they stay a great breeding ground for everything.


Well since yesterday and me finding out its not ear mites and the Vet asking about Blitz swimming etc I have watched the pups interact and I now know what happened to Blitz's ear. Sarge's former nick name that really explains his loving nature is "Sir Lick A-Lot", Sarge has this morning licked Blitz's ears, face, the bottom of my feet everything..... So now I know the source; how to stop it. Its easy to stop and I have corrected Sarge already today.


Hey Roz don't know if you saw it I give the babies gluscosamine daily in their treats. I buy a bag of Blue Buffalo treats and it tastes good to them. Dont get me wrong the babies love their treats but these are actually vet approved with Salmon and sure have a unique smell to them. These are not given out like regular treats, only once daily. I have my guys on a mix of Blue Buffalo and Taste of the Wild dog food and while its more expensive foods my babies actually eat less food daily since its better food.


Hopefully this helps.

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How bout if after you sprinkle the powder on his food, you wet it a little bit so he doesn't see the powder. We don't have that problem with Orson. He's fine with the tablets. But then again, you could put a Buick in his bowl and he would eat it. We also give him about a half cup of thawed string beans with each meal.


The "Buick" thing is so funny!!!!! Your suggestion is exactly what my friend at work said......I didn't give him any this morning, I'll try it tomorrow, thanks!

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I give the babies salmon treats from Blue Buffalo, it has glucosamine included in it.


What a day Blitz at the Vet and me at the ER again. Well I found out how much a baby Blitz really is. That ear is really sensitive and it took the Vet, three vet techs and me (with a broken rib already) to try to hold him still. One of the vet techs let go and Blitz hit me in the chest exactly where I have the broken rib. well good news its not ear mites, bad news is we dont know if something fell in the ear and thats why its infected. I finally got control of Blitz at the Vet; he was really scared everyone in the room trying to hold him down. I finally did get him to chill out by standing in front and and told him "Out" and for the most part he did calm down. So $130.00 dollars later I have antibiotics and Blitz will be seen again on Friday. I suggested to the Vet when this happened to King, I was given two little pills and it made King very tired and it allowed King to chill while his ears were cleaned. This will happen to Blitz on Friday; I did feel so bad for him since it has to be painful and everyone crowded around him. All the old vet techs were released or quit (?) so its a brand new staff of very inexperienced Vet Techs. One girl was trying to hold Blitz but her hands were near the mouth and I suggest a muzzle; he has never bit anyone and I dont want it to happen any time this year either. I had Blitz open his mouth and I showed the little girl how a GSD teeth work and explained while a Pit will bite and hold on a GSD teeth especially the teeth behind the K9's are just like a sharp scissor and the mouth is designed to cut flesh. She stayed away from Blitz after that. Not all was bad today; after the Vet Blitz got a few hamburger patties from daddy and we are friends again.


We did get a chance to weigh him when we first arrived and all the Doc's do love Blitz and its been 6 months since they have seen him. Today Mr Blitz topped the scales at 96lbs; and that was a goof how these new techs tried to work with Blitz. I told her just walk him over to the scale and tell him to sit; OMG I seriously believe they got rid of the old vet techs because they wanted to much money and hired anyone to assist the vet. The girl was so clueless and finally I walked in the scale room and told the young lady to tell Blitz up (to get on the scale) and sit (or sietz) and he sat right down with no problems. Really if your going to hire Vet tech's they should have some experience with pets like dogs. This little girl is a danger to herself, especially with her lack of experience. If Blitz had been a biter or even somewhat aggressive it would have been Meal Time at the Vets. I mean really Blitz would not intentionally hurt any one but you have 5 people in a room trying to hold him down and something could have happened.


OK with that said I am off my soap box. I'm just venting because I really feel the the vet failed me today with him laying off the experienced staff and hiring inexperienced staff.


OK different subject; what about Carnival in the news again. There are 8 Americans on board and those dang pirates smell a big pay out if they can board that ship. Geeez whats up with that; yeah it appears it was a fire that knocked out the ship; I guess bad timing for that little Oops to happen.....


OK finished...........


Quite a day you had! Vet bills can be so expensive. I hope Blitz is better soon and your sore ribs didn't get too much more damage.

I don't count on the Vet Tech's much [it's a really tough job and the turnover for these hardworking folks is frequent], I give all the instructions to Brenda & now Horton and the Tech's just stand by and watch. It was a stressful day for poor Blitz Boy! Thank goodness it doesn't come often.

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John said try peanut butter. I remember when we started Wex on those, he kind of balked at taking them. I just throw them in his food and he eats them. Are they Cosequin or some other brand?


Brenda loves them but I think in the beginning [years ago] it take a few trys before she finally just chewed them along with her food......I'll try wetting the stuff and hopefully it will be no problem tomorrow. Or, it may be John's idea and here comes the peanut butter!

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I booked October 6th, Pacific Coastal, again.....Coming into San Francisco on a Sunday and in the afternoon, instead of early morning is so attractive. And, staying for two days gives my kids a chance to come and visit me with ease. Also, there are no sea days and Catalina was thrown into the mix. It just sounds like a totally fun cruise and I love the Sapphire.

I'm so sorry about the Mexico cruises being such a problem with the pirates and thieves that are ruining it for not only the tourists but the poor folks who are trying desparately to make a living in this already impoverised country. So sad!!!!! :(

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Sunshine: I hope all is well for you. I doubt you can even take time to look at this board, you're so busy with your beautiful daughters wedding plans. This is a very exciting time, I hope you're enjoying it.

I miss you and wish you all the wonderful things that come with watching a child marry and start their own life together with the one they love. Enjoy your family & friends and come back and tell us all about it, when you have the time.



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I booked October 6th, Pacific Coastal, again.....Coming into San Francisco on a Sunday and in the afternoon, instead of early morning is so attractive. And, staying for two days gives my kids a chance to come and visit me with ease. Also, there are no sea days and Catalina was thrown into the mix. It just sounds like a totally fun cruise and I love the Sapphire.


I'm so sorry about the Mexico cruises being such a problem with the pirates and thieves that are ruining it for not only the tourists but the poor folks who are trying desparately to make a living in this already impoverised country. So sad!!!!! :(


Wow Sounds like a nice cruise. I have been looking too. We found we like for next Jan. John wants to skip a year, but....NO I say. HeHe He hates booking early, but he doesn't realize it gives us time to throw some money on the bill each month instead of paying all at once!! Men.


I don't know if I mentioned we finally got our rollin shower put in the apt. Three days at hotels was exhausting. Took over a year but its finally done. Much easier for John. But he has hurt his arm and I think he did it from the way he gets in the new shower. UGH He had to wait til I got back here today to get out of bed. He seems better now but still can't straighten it at the elbow.





Are you getting the Cosequin through the IADDP?

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Wow Sounds like a nice cruise. I have been looking too. We found we like for next Jan. John wants to skip a year, but....NO I say. HeHe He hates booking early, but he doesn't realize it gives us time to throw some money on the bill each month instead of paying all at once!! Men.


I don't know if I mentioned we finally got our rollin shower put in the apt. Three days at hotels was exhausting. Took over a year but its finally done. Much easier for John. But he has hurt his arm and I think he did it from the way he gets in the new shower. UGH He had to wait til I got back here today to get out of bed. He seems better now but still can't straighten it at the elbow.




Are you getting the Cosequin through the IADDP?

Cindy, I'm so sorry to hear about John's injury. Please give his elbow a big "Roz Kiss" and, you'll see, it'll be better in no time.

Would John ever consider cruising the Pacific Northwest with Roz & Horty? Between the dogs and you and me there'd be no time for anyone else!!!!!

I have not taken advantage of my IAADP membership to buy my Heartguard/Advantix or my Glucosamine, I know I should. I will, I will. It's just that it's so much easier to buy the stuff when I'm ordering the dogs Virbac chews from Entirely Pets, I just lump everything together, get my free shipping and it's done! Getting into the car and going over to the Vets costs as much [the gas] as just ordering online and be done with it!

To fill my car with gas is almost $100. Pretty soon I'm gonna hitch a wagon to Horty and he can pull me to work! :eek:

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Hello! I am looking at going on a cruise next year and have some questions about taking my service dog. I have flown with him before, but wondered if anyone could tell me what paperwork the cruiselines require to allow my service dog to accompany me.

Also, I should mention that he is a psychiatric service dog (NOT therapy dog), so I don't know if the requirements are different.

To address what some of the other posters were talking about, I get asked all the time what kind of service dog my fella is because I don't appear disabled. It's very uncomfortable because I don't really like revealing that he is a psychiatric service dog to strangers who invariably have no understanding of what that means. Does anyone have any tips for dealing with this?

Any help you can offer. . .


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Hello! I am looking at going on a cruise next year and have some questions about taking my service dog. I have flown with him before, but wondered if anyone could tell me what paperwork the cruiselines require to allow my service dog to accompany me.

Also, I should mention that he is a psychiatric service dog (NOT therapy dog), so I don't know if the requirements are different.


To address what some of the other posters were talking about, I get asked all the time what kind of service dog my fella is because I don't appear disabled. It's very uncomfortable because I don't really like revealing that he is a psychiatric service dog to strangers who invariably have no understanding of what that means. Does anyone have any tips for dealing with this?


Any help you can offer. . .




Stephanie, welcome to our thread. I, too, do not have a disability that is obvious so I get asked all sorts of questions. It seems if you're not blind your need for a Service Dog makes no sense to the public.

My favorite question is, "how did you get your dog onboard the ship?" I always answer, "in my hanging bag!"

When asked what my dog does for me or the question is more like this, "what kind of dog is that?" I say, "a Black Lab!" I know very well, that they meant, "what does that dog do for you and why do you have it?" I answer, "she's a Search & Rescue Dog!" And, I keep walking. If we get to talking more and it seems I'm making a new friend, I will let them know exactly what my dog does.

You do NOT owe anyone an explanation of what your dog does and it's really NO ONE'S business except Immigration/TSA and other public officials who may want to see further documentation and paperwork on you and your dog. The cruise ship/the hotel/etc. may ask about your Service Dog and you may answer their questions.

Your dogs good behavior will be proof enough that he/she is a trained Service Dog. All I do when I walk up to the counter is ask my dog to sit and stay, right in front of the person behind the counter and they're so impressed by my dogs quick response, they ask no further questions.

The paperwork for cruising is:

1. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Animal and Plan Health Inspection Service. U.S. Interstate and International Cert. of Health Examination for Small Animals Certificate.

It's a (6) copy Cert. given to you by a USDA Vet. My Vet has them in his office [ask your Vet if he is qualified or knows a Vet who is.]

On this Cert. Is the doctors list of your dogs immunization record and the doctors signature with address.

2. A Medical report showing your dogs last visit with the Vet/rabies/distemper/DHPP/Bordetella/Heartworm Antigen test results and general history of dogs health. (The training org. will give this to you.)

3. A copy of your dogs last examination with the Vet, which will show all current shots, etc.

4. Microchip information.

5. Copy of City Dog License

6. Any other pertinent information from your Medical Doctor /Vet/Training org.

Make 3 copies of all of the above: One you will hand to the people at the pier when you're checking in, one you will give to the Purser's Desk [if they ask] and one you will give to Immigration if they ask.

Always keep the originals for yourself to show but not give away.

My retired Service Dog, Brenda, had completed her 15th cruise and I'm taking my new dog, Horton, with me on March 24th for his first. I find if I have all my dogs in a row before I embark the ship that my cruise goes very smoothly.

I always call the Special Needs Dept. [i can give you the numbers if you want] one week before I cruise to let them know that I want them to call or email the ship to have the Pottybox placed where I want and to make sure that it's the appropriate size. They really appreciate the "heads-up!"

You're going to love cruising with your dog. It's now my very favorite way to vacation........so easy, so carefree and so much fun!!!!

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Cindy, I'm so sorry to hear about John's injury. Please give his elbow a big "Roz Kiss" and, you'll see, it'll be better in no time.


Would John ever consider cruising the Pacific Northwest with Roz & Horty? Between the dogs and you and me there'd be no time for anyone else!!!!!



I have not taken advantage of my IAADP membership to buy my Heartguard/Advantix or my Glucosamine, I know I should. I will, I will. It's just that it's so much easier to buy the stuff when I'm ordering the dogs Virbac chews from Entirely Pets, I just lump everything together, get my free shipping and it's done! Getting into the car and going over to the Vets costs as much [the gas] as just ordering online and be done with it!


To fill my car with gas is almost $100. Pretty soon I'm gonna hitch a wagon to Horty and he can pull me to work! :eek:



Roz, I checked out that cruise and it looks awesome!!!! It's like seeing all of the beauty of Cali on one cruise. And it's not John that won't go, it's me :(. I really hate to fly and LA is a long way to go. John has been bugging me to go out west for a long time. He thought the trip was great too. UGH I hate myself :eek:

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Roz, I checked out that cruise and it looks awesome!!!! It's like seeing all of the beauty of Cali on one cruise. And it's not John that won't go, it's me :(. I really hate to fly and LA is a long way to go. John has been bugging me to go out west for a long time. He thought the trip was great too. UGH I hate myself :eek:


Morey's eactly like you.....there's a great cruise out of N.Y. in October seeing the east coast: N.Y./Halifax/Saint John/Bar Harbor/Boston & Newport. I'd love to do this itinerary but Morey NEVER will. I may just do it myself with Horty. It means I would need more vacation time and the cost of the flight, the hassle, etc., etc., but I need to do it.

Morey has Brenda to keep him company and vice-versa. As long as Brenny is in our life, she'll NEVER be left with a dog sitter or in a kennel so our travels would be different any way [Morey loves this excuse!]

I'll have to come your way to see you......it can be done, it just won't happen as soon as I'd like.


Don't beat yourself up over it.....we love you just the way you are!

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I would think that it's not so bad in Shepherd's because their ears stand-up and get a lot of air.....maybe they also get a lot of "stuff" because they're so exposed. Poor Labs have those flappy ears that get no air so they stay a great breeding ground for everything.

This week I'm trying to get Horton to eat his gluscosamine/chondroitin in powder form since he hates the tablets that Brenda loves. Well, he ate his food, with the powder sprinkled on and in it but he hated it.

Do you guys have any great suggestions for getting the glucosamine/chon. into him...any special secrets or formula?

With his long legs and huge body I'd like to see him get every advantage of supplements that Brenda gets!!!!!


Are you giving him the Cosequin/Dasuquin tablets? (Did you change the covered dog on your IAADP membership yet?) Those are beef-flavored. If he doesn't like those (too bad, since they are free!), I know I have seen lots of other products with g/c in them, including treats - the downside to all of those is that they may not be the stated level of g/c (look for certified products - I forget the name of the organization) and the quality of the g/c won't be the same as the Cosequin/Dasuquin (the company that makes those is the number-one company in reputation and recommended by vets and doctors [for the human version of g/c they make, CosamineDS]).


I suppose you could try adding some flavor to the Cosequin/Dasuquin by spraying on some doggy food flavor spray (look for the all-natural kind) or chicken stock/broth or by wrapping the tablet in a slice of cheese (i.e. Kraft American Cheese Slices - they have the thinness to easily wrap around meds).

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I have not taken advantage of my IAADP membership to buy my Heartguard/Advantix or my Glucosamine, I know I should. I will, I will. It's just that it's so much easier to buy the stuff when I'm ordering the dogs Virbac chews from Entirely Pets, I just lump everything together, get my free shipping and it's done! Getting into the car and going over to the Vets costs as much [the gas] as just ordering online and be done with it!

To fill my car with gas is almost $100. Pretty soon I'm gonna hitch a wagon to Horty and he can pull me to work! :eek:


You really ought to get the Cosequin/Dasuquin for free via IAADP for Doofus (hehe!) once your membership gets changed to him being your service dog getting the benefits (I think there is a waiting period). You'll still have to buy Brenda's, but it sure will save you well over a hundred dollars!


You don't have to go to the vet's office; just call them to tell them to call the company for your next six-month supply. You only need to do it twice a year. If your vet doesn't already have the instructions paper and the copy of your IAADP membership card, you can fax it to them. They then call up the company that makes the supplements and have the six-month supply shipped to your house. Easy-peasy and no gas involved! :)

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Hello! I am looking at going on a cruise next year and have some questions about taking my service dog. I have flown with him before, but wondered if anyone could tell me what paperwork the cruiselines require to allow my service dog to accompany me.

Also, I should mention that he is a psychiatric service dog (NOT therapy dog), so I don't know if the requirements are different.

To address what some of the other posters were talking about, I get asked all the time what kind of service dog my fella is because I don't appear disabled. It's very uncomfortable because I don't really like revealing that he is a psychiatric service dog to strangers who invariably have no understanding of what that means. Does anyone have any tips for dealing with this?

Any help you can offer. . .



As long as your dog is trained to do tasks that directly relate to your disability (and you are legally disabled as defined by the ADA), and is not solely for comfort/emotional support/its presence/petting/etc., your dog is allowed on cruises. Emotional Support Dogs are not allowed on cruises, unlike on airplanes. (Your dog also must be trained in public access and be housebroken and be kept on a leash in all public areas, of course.)


The vet paperwork you will need depends on the countries the cruise goes to. Some will not allow your dog to get off period (Jamaica and Barbados are two such countries), some require one or two rabies titer tests (with at least two rabies vaccinations having been done after your dog was microchipped - hopefully he is already microchipped!), some just require the international health certificate, some require an import permit, etc. (Yes, it can get confusing, especially when you are having to check on three to five countries at once for the same trip!) At minimum, you will need an international health certificate so you can get back into the States when the cruise is over (even if you don't get off at any of the ports).


If there is a port you want to do that your dog can't do, you will need to leave your dog on the ship in the care of a family member or friend travelling with you.


You do not need to tell anyone what type of service dog your dog is. If a business asks, you just need to tell them the dog is a service dog for your disability and name a couple of the tasks he does for you. They cannot ask you what your diagnosis is or what type of disability it is (psychiatric). If the public asks, it is none of their business if you don't want it to be. Just politely tell them that your medical records are personal and you wouldn't ask what is on their records. Some people don't realize it is such a personal question they are asking!

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The paperwork for cruising is:

1. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Animal and Plan Health Inspection Service. U.S. Interstate and International Cert. of Health Examination for Small Animals Certificate.

It's a (6) copy Cert. given to you by a USDA Vet. My Vet has them in his office [ask your Vet if he is qualified or knows a Vet who is.]

On this Cert. Is the doctors list of your dogs immunization record and the doctors signature with address.

2. A Medical report showing your dogs last visit with the Vet/rabies/distemper/DHPP/Bordetella/Heartworm Antigen test results and general history of dogs health. (The training org. will give this to you.)

3. A copy of your dogs last examination with the Vet, which will show all current shots, etc.

4. Microchip information.

5. Copy of City Dog License

6. Any other pertinent information from your Medical Doctor /Vet/Training org.

Make 3 copies of all of the above: One you will hand to the people at the pier when you're checking in, one you will give to the Purser's Desk [if they ask] and one you will give to Immigration if they ask.

Always keep the originals for yourself to show but not give away.

My retired Service Dog, Brenda, had completed her 15th cruise and I'm taking my new dog, Horton, with me on March 24th for his first. I find if I have all my dogs in a row before I embark the ship that my cruise goes very smoothly.

I always call the Special Needs Dept. [i can give you the numbers if you want] one week before I cruise to let them know that I want them to call or email the ship to have the Pottybox placed where I want and to make sure that it's the appropriate size. They really appreciate the "heads-up!"

You're going to love cruising with your dog. It's now my very favorite way to vacation........so easy, so carefree and so much fun!!!!


The paperwork needed depends on the ports of calls' requirements. The health certificate is always needed and often there are other documents/test results/permits needed, too. Like Roz said, it has to be filled out by a USDA-approved vet, which is not every vet. Sometimes you will have to get the certificate endorsed/stamped by your area's USDA office, too, depending on the country.


You do not need the records from your dog's last vet checkup/shots record. All the info. about vaccinations/titers will be on the health certificate.


You do not need the microchip certificate, as the microchip number will be on the health certificate and any needed tests (i.e. rabies titer).


You do not need your town/county/state license, as this has absolutely nothing to do with travel or anything any country needs to know. The license, which not everybody needs depending on where they live, is just a local thing so your town/county/state can tax you for owning a dog and, in many cases, make sure your dog has been vaccinated for rabies to protect everyone else. The tag is not an acceptable form of proof of rabies vaccination for travelling out of the country; you will need the health certificate and rabies certificate for that. (The latter is not required by some places, but always bring a copy of it just in case. One time my vet forgot to say on the health certificate that the rabies vaccine was the three-year vaccine and we were past year one, so having the rabies certificate saved me the hassle and expense of making an int'l phone call to my vet to have them fax the certificate over!)


You do not need a doctor's letter or service dog certification, etc.


You don't need to make copies of the paperwork, but you can if you want. The cruiseline will make copies to give to every country.


The whole reason the health certificate is in duplicate is so that the country you are entering can take copies of it. The different page colors indicate they are for certain people in the process. For cruises, it is different because there are multiple countries so there are not enough duplicates, but normally travelling internationally, you definitely do need to give the country the original duplicated pages (whichever colors they need - for service dogs, not all pages apply).


Just to be clear, you MUST tell the cruiseline you will have your service dog with you, unlike with other situations of public access, and this must be done when you book (book first, then tell, of course!). You cannot just call a week ahead of time and tell them. That is not what Roz meant, but I just wanted to make it clear so you didn't think you could do that. You can work with the cruiseline for them to give you a potty area for the dog (what you are given depends on the cruiseline) or you can bring your own dog potty (i.e. faux grass placed on top of absorbant, disposable doggy pee pads). You are responsible for cleaning up after your dog on the ship just like you are on land.


Do be aware that many countries cruises go to don't have laws requiring places to allow you to bring your service dog with you, so if you are doing an excursion in such a country, you will need to check with the company if it is okay that your dog is with you. In these cases, there is also no law saying they cannot ask you what your disability is/why you need your dog, so you may have to answer that for them to allow you. Remain polite, but explain that your dog is well-trained and all that education stuff. Obviously, there are certain excursions you won't be able to bring your dog on, like zip-lining (despite that recent TV commercial with the zip-lining Little Piggy crying, "Whee-whee-whee,")! You may have issues with restaurants and taxis in these countries especially. Education is the key to getting access and your dog being impeccably trained to be "invisible" is key to keeping that access and helping others who come after you get access.

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I hope all of you are safe. With all the weather related issues in different parts of our country and knowing that some of you live near these areas, please take care of yourselves and know that our thughts and good wishes are with all of you, your friends, your families and your furbabies.

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We got hit a day before the rest of the nation in this area, lighting every where and three furbabies in my lap. They dont understand broken ribs do hurt even after a week; all they understand is daddy were scared......


Crawfish is in season here and all three love crawfish....

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OK this is a video I shot about a hour ago, I love buying the dogs toys and this is a attempt to save some cash. Kong which is a dog toy company makes a toy that you slide empty water bottles into and I decided to save some cash. I took a old sock, a empty water bottle and some washcloths and tried to copy their toy. This toy; or sock lasted a few days. So tonight I just gave Blitz a empty water bottle and its now destroyed.


Watch the video and you will see me offer Blitz a hand for paw; he is trained to just look at the left hand and shake with the trainers right. Its a goof for sure I get people to try to shake his paw all the time; they think they are doing something wrong when its not them at all. Its a evil trick from the guy in Mississippi.....


Ha ha ha (evil grin)


Edited by guitarest
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OMG! There so much that's disturbing about the video where do I begin.......I'm just glad that your all okay, with the distructive weather all around you!

Be careful letting your dog chew on plastic bottles and laying on electrical wiring......Jocko, you're making me a nervous wreck watching this video.


Take care.

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We are all OK here in the south! The tornadoes were a bit too close for comfort Friday Night. We had our emergency supplies in the basement, Sandy on leash, shoes on our feet(ok we are barefoot kind of people) and computers and cells charged. The storm turned about one mile from our house and we were OK. The rest of my family was as well and of course all my four footed friends up at CA.

Sorry to be absent so much lately. As Roz knows and the rest of you are about too my husband has been facing some serious lung problems. We have been meeting with specialist around the country with conflicting diagnosis. He had a lung biopsy last week, and has recovered well from the procedure. We should have some results next week and maybe a treatment plan. My service dogs in training keep us grounded and amused as we face an uncertain prognosis.

Cooler is slated for March camp. If the "right" recepient is out their than I will send her forward gladly (OK, some tears, but still...)If the match is not made she will be with me another two months. She is rocking her advanced commands and LOVES to work.

Love and Wags to all....and happy crusing for those who have that in their future. Right now, Rich and I are hoping to plan a summer cruise after weddings and dog graduations are complete.

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