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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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[quote name='Rolls Royce Lover'][COLOR=indigo][B]Here we are sitting around, Horty laying on my bed and Brenda laying at the front door [she wants to make sure that Horton and I are not going out without her!] Today, we're staying home with her. We're going to keep her company and let her know how much she's loved every minute of every day!!!!![/B][/COLOR][/quote]

Awwww You better have spent the day with her. She needs some lovin!!
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[quote name='Rolls Royce Lover'][COLOR=indigo][B]Here we are sitting around, Horty laying on my bed and Brenda laying at the front door [she wants to make sure that Horton and I are not going out without her!] Today, we're staying home with her. We're going to keep her company and let her know how much she's loved every minute of every day!!!!![/B][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

What a lovely cosy scene you've painted! :). I hope you managed to spend a cosy day together. I love a doggy snuggle-up on the sofa - their sofa in old clothes, as they don't get up on the good sofas!

Well finally we got our Internet connection back - it's been down since last Friday morning - I felt so cut off! I do have one of these smart phones, but I'm not "smart" enough to use the blooming thing properly and I had no idea how to set it up for Internet and emails, so never bothered. So today, totally fed up with no internet and being told it might take another 2 days for re-connection, I finally got in gear and went to the phone shop for help on how to set the phone - it took the young lady all of 10 seconds! And would you believe it, when I got home, the broadband was up and running again .... Typical!!

Ah well I suppose it's a First World problem really but what did we do before we had the Internet. The DH and I were remembering how if you wanted to book a holiday, you would send for brochures and wait for them to arrive, or you had to visit your local travel agent - it is all so much easier now. And I can't remember the last time I did a big supermarket shop actually in the shop! :eek: Edited by fairbourne
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I will sign the CCI petition, even if I am Canadian.....I spend a good deal of time in the USA.

I laughed when reading about our dogs barking........mine will bark if he sees a critter outside....I will then tell him "that is enough." He stops barking........except he has one last bark with his lips closed.....he figures if I don't hear it, it doesn't exist....but, I can see his cheeks puff up and he raises his head like he would when he barks.......cracks me up.
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[quote name='MCDW']I will sign the CCI petition, even if I am Canadian.....I spend a good deal of time in the USA.

I laughed when reading about our dogs barking........mine will bark if he sees a critter outside....I will then tell him "that is enough." He stops barking........except he has one last bark with his lips closed.....he figures if I don't hear it, it doesn't exist....but, I can see his cheeks puff up and he raises his head like he would when he barks.......cracks me up.[/QUOTE]

What a wee cutie - I could cuddle him no problem! I just imagine him thinking while he's looking at those ducks "I could if I wanted to you know ducks, just you come a bit closer and quack at me again" (and I bet he's also thinking Mum would kill me if I jumped in! LOL!)

They do like to have the last "bark" so to speak! ;):D

I will try and sign it too - we have had a couple of guide dogs attacked recently in the UK. It makes my blood boil, it really does. :mad:

Here's one story [url]http://www.falmouthpacket.co.uk/news/10463995.Guide_dog_attacked_by__pit_bull__in_Penryn_may_not_work_again[/url]

Hopefully they will change the law as they are suggesting soon, the sooner the better but will it stop these morons? Edited by fairbourne
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[quote name='rangeley']Awwww You better have spent the day with her. She needs some lovin!![/quote]

[COLOR=indigo][B]Cindy, our weather here in CA has been absolutely glorious; not too hot or too cold and perfect for man [woman] and beast but Brenda's just not up to walking or being shlept into and out of the car. I promised her that Horty and I would stay with her and we are. We're playing "[I]what's in the kong[/I]" [I stuff hers and his kong with bits of rice cake] and they try to maneuver every last piece out of it.[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]When she's done with emptying her kong she's exhausted and that's just fine! If he's slower than her, she'll go over and start barking at him. It's so funny to watch. She's such a diva and a character. I love having her around, she can teach the world how to behave [most of the time!][/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo][B]I can't imagine a world without Brenda Elizabeth in it!!!!! [/B][/COLOR]:o
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What a lovely cosy scene you've painted! :). I hope you managed to spend a cosy day together. I love a doggy snuggle-up on the sofa - their sofa in old clothes, as they don't get up on the good sofas!


Well finally we got our Internet connection back - it's been down since last Friday morning - I felt so cut off! I do have one of these smart phones, but I'm not "smart" enough to use the blooming thing properly and I had no idea how to set it up for Internet and emails, so never bothered. So today, totally fed up with no internet and being told it might take another 2 days for re-connection, I finally got in gear and went to the phone shop for help on how to set the phone - it took the young lady all of 10 seconds! And would you believe it, when I got home, the broadband was up and running again .... Typical!!


Ah well I suppose it's a First World problem really but what did we do before we had the Internet. The DH and I were remembering how if you wanted to book a holiday, you would send for brochures and wait for them to arrive, or you had to visit your local travel agent - it is all so much easier now. And I can't remember the last time I did a big supermarket shop actually in the shop! :eek:


I hear you! I try to think back before the internet....shopping, booking vacations, blogging, etc., etc. I like it so much better now but I really did seem to do just fine before. I had loads of friends, family, vacations, catalogs to shop out of and my phone bill was always enormous!!!!

How do you do your supermarket shopping now?

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I will sign the CCI petition, even if I am Canadian.....I spend a good deal of time in the USA.


I laughed when reading about our dogs barking........mine will bark if he sees a critter outside....I will then tell him "that is enough." He stops barking........except he has one last bark with his lips closed.....he figures if I don't hear it, it doesn't exist....but, I can see his cheeks puff up and he raises his head like he would when he barks.......cracks me up.


That "muffled" bark is so funny. That's what Horton does.....he looks right at me [not where the noise is coming from] and does one last "whooof!" It's inside his throat, his cheeks puff-up, he gets a "bug-eyed" stare and I just crack-up!

Where would I be without these wonderful beings in my life?

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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What a wee cutie - I could cuddle him no problem! I just imagine him thinking while he's looking at those ducks "I could if I wanted to you know ducks, just you come a bit closer and quack at me again" (and I bet he's also thinking Mum would kill me if I jumped in! LOL!)


They do like to have the last "bark" so to speak! ;):D


I will try and sign it too - we have had a couple of guide dogs attacked recently in the UK. It makes my blood boil, it really does. :mad:


Here's one story http://www.falmouthpacket.co.uk/news/10463995.Guide_dog_attacked_by__pit_bull__in_Penryn_may_not_work_again


Hopefully they will change the law as they are suggesting soon, the sooner the better but will it stop these morons?


I opened the link and just the title, got tears in my eyes and had to close it.


The amazing work that a guide does, the good that he serves and then to be attacked just sickens me.

If it were to happen to Horty I would be so devastated. I'm constantly looking around when we're out walking, looking for the stray dog. That doesn't stop the surprise attack. I know I would jump in between and allow myself to be attacked before my dog! My girlfriend doesn't go out walking without a big walking stick....maybe that's a good idea! It gives you something to help you.

There's not much chance of an attack onboard a cruise ship, it's always the places were visiting that can sometimes scare me.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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So, which one of you guys is going to meet me and Horton onboard the Star Princess on September 29th. I have to build my "brave" up to go traveling alone.......I know, I have Horton but I always had my "rock" to fall back on......I'm really "alone" this time!!!!!!

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So, which one of you guys is going to meet me and Horton onboard the Star Princess on September 29th. I have to build my "brave" up to go traveling alone.......I know, I have Horton but I always had my "rock" to fall back on......I'm really "alone" this time!!!!!!


Hi Roz, I know our circumstances are different....but....just wanted to say that you will be so fine on your cruise with just Horton. I have taken 14 cruises with my little guide dog for the deaf alone. The other passengers have been wonderful and so kind.......everything from wanting to dog sit, to walking Oz to babysitting him if I didn't want to take him ashore....I don't take them up on their offers, but itk is so nice to know they "have my back" so to speak....You will be Fantastic.


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Hi Roz, I know our circumstances are different....but....just wanted to say that you will be so fine on your cruise with just Horton. I have taken 14 cruises with my little guide dog for the deaf alone. The other passengers have been wonderful and so kind.......everything from wanting to dog sit, to walking Oz to babysitting him if I didn't want to take him ashore....I don't take them up on their offers, but itk is so nice to know they "have my back" so to speak....You will be Fantastic.


With encouragement like yours who wouldn't be okay! Thank you!


In the last few years Morey was unable to do a lot but would always encourage me to go with girlfriends instead. In the beginning of our marriage we didn't do anything without each other. Lately, I knew he was at home waiting for me, or he'd be resting in the cruise ship cabin; a phone call away; always there to be my champion and root me on. He was always ready to hear about my experiences, to give me advice and give me all his positive feedback. We were great friends and each others support system. I was very lucky to have had him in my life!

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I hear you! I try to think back before the internet....shopping, booking vacations, blogging, etc., etc. I like it so much better now but I really did seem to do just fine before. I had loads of friends, family, vacations, catalogs to shop out of and my phone bill was always enormous!!!!

How do you do your supermarket shopping now?


On my laptop from the comfort of my favourite armchair! ;):D


We have several supermarkets who will do a home delivery - Tesco.com, Sainsburys.com for example. Oh and ASDA.com (owned by Walmart and I don't care for the store at all - if you want a laugh, have a look at the website all about some of their shoppers, can't remember what it's called but its all about Walmartians. When I first saw that word I thought it was about Wal Martians! Not Walmart-ians! Duh!!!)


It saves so much time, I can make up my order and then they will turn up, they will even put your stuff in your fridge for you, not that I do that, no stranger is getting to root around my fridge! LOL! But it makes buying bulky and heavy things, like the big sacks of DOG food, so much easier. I never have to lug it as they drop it off to the garage and there it stays until it gets transferred to their food bin for onward transfer to doggy tummies! And if I order so much on the right day, the delivery is free!


Don't you have this service from your supermarkets in the US? We are usually behind you guys with service offerings!


I buy my fresh stuff like vegetables and fruit from a local farmer's shop. And his beef too! And fish from a local fish house - we've got some of the best fish around. Did you know that Scotland exports most of its shellfish - prawns, lobsters, crayfish to Spain? Huge refrigerated trucks leave the West Coast of Scotland every day bound for the Continent.


Roz, I know exactly how you mean about that article! I posted it as it raised the change the government is planning to make to the law, so that if a service/guide dog is attacked, it will now be treated in the same way as an attack on a person. I do hope they get that law passed, the sooner the better. But it is a sad reflection on today's society that this even has to be contemplated.

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Hi Roz, I know our circumstances are different....but....just wanted to say that you will be so fine on your cruise with just Horton. I have taken 14 cruises with my little guide dog for the deaf alone. The other passengers have been wonderful and so kind.......everything from wanting to dog sit, to walking Oz to babysitting him if I didn't want to take him ashore....I don't take them up on their offers, but itk is so nice to know they "have my back" so to speak....You will be Fantastic.



Stop it!!! - I want to cuddle Oz now! And stroke that gorgeous face LOL! ;):D he looks quite "The Lord of the Cruise" sat there on his verandah chair! :D


I am not surprised you have offers to babysit!! There are lots of kind people around, thank goodness!


Thank you for sharing his photos with us :)

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So, which one of you guys is going to meet me and Horton onboard the Star Princess on September 29th. I have to build my "brave" up to go traveling alone.......I know, I have Horton but I always had my "rock" to fall back on......I'm really "alone" this time!!!!!!


You know I would love to! :D.


Roz, you WILL be fine, you may have little "moments" and I would be very surprised "knowing you", if you didn't, but just remember Mr M would not want you to stop doing things that you so enjoy doing, now would he? :)


And when you come back with all the stories of your adventures, you can tell us! But you'd better write them down, as you know at your eh, age, eh you might forget eh, signing off now, eh quickly .... duck, cyber slap coming my way .... :eek::eek: LOL!

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Stop it!!! - I want to cuddle Oz now! And stroke that gorgeous face LOL! ;):D he looks quite "The Lord of the Cruise" sat there on his verandah chair! :D


I am not surprised you have offers to babysit!! There are lots of kind people around, thank goodness!


Thank you for sharing his photos with us :)


My pleasure..........this picture was taken with Oz on his deck chair, facing the wind and enjoying a sea day.


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OMD (Oh my dog) I can't take the pictures of the cute-i-licous Oz! I would huggle him up in a heart beat. And he knows he is cute, just look at that face!


Roz: I so wish we could swing being on that cruise ship with you. But not in the cards right now. You and Horty will be fine (I know you know that) You can also tell Ms. Brenny all about the cruise, she will listen intently and even know what you are talking about because she has cruised so many times. I can see her beautiess head tilted and listening away to Mama tell her all about it.

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On my laptop from the comfort of my favourite armchair! ;):D


We have several supermarkets who will do a home delivery - Tesco.com, Sainsburys.com for example. Oh and ASDA.com (owned by Walmart and I don't care for the store at all - if you want a laugh, have a look at the website all about some of their shoppers, can't remember what it's called but its all about Walmartians. When I first saw that word I thought it was about Wal Martians! Not Walmart-ians! Duh!!!)


It saves so much time, I can make up my order and then they will turn up, they will even put your stuff in your fridge for you, not that I do that, no stranger is getting to root around my fridge! LOL! But it makes buying bulky and heavy things, like the big sacks of DOG food, so much easier. I never have to lug it as they drop it off to the garage and there it stays until it gets transferred to their food bin for onward transfer to doggy tummies! And if I order so much on the right day, the delivery is free!


Don't you have this service from your supermarkets in the US? We are usually behind you guys with service offerings!


I buy my fresh stuff like vegetables and fruit from a local farmer's shop. And his beef too! And fish from a local fish house - we've got some of the best fish around. Did you know that Scotland exports most of its shellfish - prawns, lobsters, crayfish to Spain? Huge refrigerated trucks leave the West Coast of Scotland every day bound for the Continent.


Roz, I know exactly how you mean about that article! I posted it as it raised the change the government is planning to make to the law, so that if a service/guide dog is attacked, it will now be treated in the same way as an attack on a person. I do hope they get that law passed, the sooner the better. But it is a sad reflection on today's society that this even has to be contemplated.


Through the DOJ [Department of Justice] we have such a law in place about protecting Service/Working Dogs from being kidnapped/harmed, etc. The fine is $10,000+. I hope there's jail time too!!!!

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On my laptop from the comfort of my favourite armchair! ;):D


We have several supermarkets who will do a home delivery - Tesco.com, Sainsburys.com for example. Oh and ASDA.com (owned by Walmart and I don't care for the store at all - if you want a laugh, have a look at the website all about some of their shoppers, can't remember what it's called but its all about Walmartians. When I first saw that word I thought it was about Wal Martians! Not Walmart-ians! Duh!!!)


It saves so much time, I can make up my order and then they will turn up, they will even put your stuff in your fridge for you, not that I do that, no stranger is getting to root around my fridge! LOL! But it makes buying bulky and heavy things, like the big sacks of DOG food, so much easier. I never have to lug it as they drop it off to the garage and there it stays until it gets transferred to their food bin for onward transfer to doggy tummies! And if I order so much on the right day, the delivery is free!


Don't you have this service from your supermarkets in the US? We are usually behind you guys with service offerings!


I buy my fresh stuff like vegetables and fruit from a local farmer's shop. And his beef too! And fish from a local fish house - we've got some of the best fish around. Did you know that Scotland exports most of its shellfish - prawns, lobsters, crayfish to Spain? Huge refrigerated trucks leave the West Coast of Scotland every day bound for the Continent.


Roz, I know exactly how you mean about that article! I posted it as it raised the change the government is planning to make to the law, so that if a service/guide dog is attacked, it will now be treated in the same way as an attack on a person. I do hope they get that law passed, the sooner the better. But it is a sad reflection on today's society that this even has to be contemplated.


"Wal Martians" how funny! My friend says we do have such services here in L.A. but I've never availed myself of them. I'm going to look into it.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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You know I would love to! :D.


Roz, you WILL be fine, you may have little "moments" and I would be very surprised "knowing you", if you didn't, but just remember Mr M would not want you to stop doing things that you so enjoy doing, now would he? :)


And when you come back with all the stories of your adventures, you can tell us! But you'd better write them down, as you know at your eh, age, eh you might forget eh, signing off now, eh quickly .... duck, cyber slap coming my way .... :eek::eek: LOL!


You are so right about the age thing. There are some days I swear I'm 102 and then those days that I don't feel older than 22. I do fall somewhere in between.....closer to the 102!!!!! :rolleyes:


This looks like a double post.........sorry!!!!!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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You know I would love to! :D.


Roz, you WILL be fine, you may have little "moments" and I would be very surprised "knowing you", if you didn't, but just remember Mr M would not want you to stop doing things that you so enjoy doing, now would he? :)


And when you come back with all the stories of your adventures, you can tell us! But you'd better write them down, as you know at your eh, age, eh you might forget eh, signing off now, eh quickly .... duck, cyber slap coming my way .... :eek::eek: LOL!


You are so right about the age thing. There are some days I feel like I'm 102 and then there's those days that I feel like I'm 22. I fall somewhere closer to 102 in reality!!!! :rolleyes:

I hope I never lose my sense of adventure and wonder and that all I want to do is "dance!" ;)

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OMD (Oh my dog) I can't take the pictures of the cute-i-licous Oz! I would huggle him up in a heart beat. And he knows he is cute, just look at that face!


Roz: I so wish we could swing being on that cruise ship with you. But not in the cards right now. You and Horty will be fine (I know you know that) You can also tell Ms. Brenny all about the cruise, she will listen intently and even know what you are talking about because she has cruised so many times. I can see her beautiess head tilted and listening away to Mama tell her all about it.


Love you, Nancy! One of our best supporters is YOU!!!!! Thanks little sis!

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