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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Cindy, our weather here in CA has been absolutely glorious; not too hot or too cold and perfect for man [woman] and beast but Brenda's just not up to walking or being shlept into and out of the car. I promised her that Horty and I would stay with her and we are. We're playing "what's in the kong" [i stuff hers and his kong with bits of rice cake] and they try to maneuver every last piece out of it.


When she's done with emptying her kong she's exhausted and that's just fine! If he's slower than her, she'll go over and start barking at him. It's so funny to watch. She's such a diva and a character. I love having her around, she can teach the world how to behave [most of the time!]


I can't imagine a world without Brenda Elizabeth in it!!!!! :o


OMG thats so cute!! I never thought of putting rice cake in it. But Wex is very good at eating his kong with frozen yogurt in it, so I think the rice cake would be a breeze for him.

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Oh! Oz! You look so much like Auntie Roz, my hair does exactly the same thing!!!!! I'm in love with you!!!!!


Oh Roz, you just about had me peeing my pants!!! LOL! :eek: That's so funny about your hair! LOL!


"Lucky" wee Oz, he has no idea how many new Aunties he has! :D

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OMG thats so cute!! I never thought of putting rice cake in it. But Wex is very good at eating his kong with frozen yogurt in it, so I think the rice cake would be a breeze for him.


Cindy, I love the yogurt idea. What flavor/brand do you use? I don't want to cause any tummy aches!

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The picture is of Oz on the promenade deck relaxing. I took it is April on our TA.


Air Transat gave him his own seat on the flight from Rome to Toronto....this is the third time Air Transat has done that. So neat!!!


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Hi all been a a while But we are back in action! I graduated with my new guide dog Dodger Back in April of this year and it feels like I have always had him.

Roz I was saddened to hear of your news And have been meaning to send you a card, however it has been believe it or not extremely hard for me to digest and is only until now that I can post on these boards . I will be in touch....


On a much less heavy note, I am wondering if anyone can tell me what requirements are for Jamaica? I know I need a negative titer test but the stuff the Disney sent me was very confusing because it states that The titer test has to be done 30 days after the rabies vaccination is given? Or is it three months after the rabies Vaccination is given? Or can I have had him have the vaccine and just give a negative tighter as long as it is done three months Or more than three months after it was given?


Also do we know if those health certificates have to be US DA stamped and endorsed? Hopefully siri spelled USDA. Right lol

The guy dog school says they are using the most current form of health certificate but it is not the one with the carbon copies, I am concerned as I don't think that is the right health certificate.


Anything anyone can do to shed some light on the subject would be greatly appreciated :-)

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The picture is of Oz on the promenade deck relaxing. I took it is April on our TA.


Air Transat gave him his own seat on the flight from Rome to Toronto....this is the third time Air Transat has done that. So neat!!!


Who wouldn't give this dog anything he wanted? He's so darn cute!!!!

I wish CCI would start breeding & training the Labradoodle! Is that what Oz is?

I'm not saying that my Labs are not too gorgeous for words but I love the "doodles!"

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The picture is of Oz on the promenade deck relaxing. I took it is April on our TA.


Air Transat gave him his own seat on the flight from Rome to Toronto....this is the third time Air Transat has done that. So neat!!!



He looks so comfortable! And cosy! .... I hope you've told him he must be the most admired dog in the whole world today! :D

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The good thing about the rice cake in the kong is it can be crumbled-up into tiny bite-size pieces and hardly makes any mess.....especially with Brenda who scarfs up every last morsal.

Also, does the yogurt get drippy and messy?

My dear Roz, this is Labradors we are talking about ..... The yoghurt would not have TIME to get drippy and messy! LOL! ;)

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Hi all been a a while But we are back in action! I graduated with my new guide dog Dodger Back in April of this year and it feels like I have always had him.

Roz I was saddened to hear of your news And have been meaning to send you a card, however it has been believe it or not extremely hard for me to digest and is only until now that I can post on these boards . I will be in touch....


On a much less heavy note, I am wondering if anyone can tell me what requirements are for Jamaica? I know I need a negative titer test but the stuff the Disney sent me was very confusing because it states that The titer test has to be done 30 days after the rabies vaccination is given? Or is it three months after the rabies Vaccination is given? Or can I have had him have the vaccine and just give a negative tighter as long as it is done three months Or more than three months after it was given?


Also do we know if those health certificates have to be US DA stamped and endorsed? Hopefully siri spelled USDA. Right lol

The guy dog school says they are using the most current form of health certificate but it is not the one with the carbon copies, I am concerned as I don't think that is the right health certificate.


Anything anyone can do to shed some light on the subject would be greatly appreciated :-)


Hi Cari, thank you so much for your kind words......it still throws me for a loop, loosing this amazing man......it's so much to bare!

I have never been to Jamaica I hope someone will be able to assist in your travel there.

Please give Denver a big hug and kiss from Brenda and me, I hope his retirement is a good one and hopefully one day Horton and Dodger will be able to meet each other.

Love you Cari!

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My dear Roz, this is Labradors we are talking about ..... The yoghurt would not have TIME to get drippy and messy! LOL! ;)


Oh! Yeah! What was I thinking?

I opened a jar of peanut butter [creamy, low fat], it's my most favorite guilty pleasure, and Horton sat himself right on my foot, watching every move I made!!!!! I got out a spoon, put some on it and he had that spoon cleaned off in 0.1 second!

I swear, there's nothing that can hold a candle to the Lab and their need to indulge!!!! It's what makes them such great dogs to train.....they're so food driven....hey, that's why I'm so trainable!!!! :p

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I don't know about Jamaica. We recently went to the Bahamas though and the vet didn't give me the international certificate because apparently they now need to be sent off and stamped and returned. Our final vet appointment was the morning we were flying to start our trip so there was no time to get that done. The Bahamas didn't request it so it wasn't an issue.


I don't know what the official status is but that is what we were told.

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Oh! Yeah! What was I thinking?

I opened a jar of peanut butter [creamy, low fat], it's my most favorite guilty pleasure, and Horton sat himself right on my foot, watching every move I made!!!!! I got out a spoon, put some on it and he had that spoon cleaned off in 0.1 second!

I swear, there's nothing that can hold a candle to the Lab and their need to indulge!!!! It's what makes them such great dogs to train.....they're so food driven....hey, that's why I'm so trainable!!!! :p



Me too!! I'm on that old seafood diet - see food and eat it! groan, I know the "old" ones are the best! :eek:



LOL! these labs are SO funny .... Our girl does exactly the same if we are eating, she sits on a foot, or puts her chin on a knee which gets heavier and heavier as she is ignored ... And then the shoving starts! When I'm eating and she is sitting in front of me as close as she possibly can, she shuffles into me, and this shuffling becomes a nudge, then as I continue to ignore the nudging and the huffing and the puffing, and the dribbling, I get a shove from the chest! And if I so much as dare not to give her my last mouthful of whatever she thinks should be shared, oh my, the look from "disgusted of the village" and I get the "look" that only "totally deprived" Labradors can give us, especially as we know they are all starved, never fed and as she walks away she gives me another over the shoulder "look"! Especially if she hasn't been given a piece of her favourite pizza crust! Walking dustbins, the lot of them! LOL!

Edited by fairbourne
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Hi all been a a while But we are back in action! I graduated with my new guide dog Dodger Back in April of this year and it feels like I have always had him.

Roz I was saddened to hear of your news And have been meaning to send you a card, however it has been believe it or not extremely hard for me to digest and is only until now that I can post on these boards . I will be in touch....


On a much less heavy note, I am wondering if anyone can tell me what requirements are for Jamaica? I know I need a negative titer test but the stuff the Disney sent me was very confusing because it states that The titer test has to be done 30 days after the rabies vaccination is given? Or is it three months after the rabies Vaccination is given? Or can I have had him have the vaccine and just give a negative tighter as long as it is done three months Or more than three months after it was given?


Also do we know if those health certificates have to be US DA stamped and endorsed? Hopefully siri spelled USDA. Right lol

The guy dog school says they are using the most current form of health certificate but it is not the one with the carbon copies, I am concerned as I don't think that is the right health certificate.


Anything anyone can do to shed some light on the subject would be greatly appreciated :-)


I knew I remembered reading something here about service dogs not being allowed on Jamaica. Start reading at post #25. I don't know how valid this information is or if it has changed but it's worth checking out.


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Cindy, I love the yogurt idea. What flavor/brand do you use? I don't want to cause any tummy aches!


Tip the kong upside down in a cup, put a piece of dog food in the bottom to block the hole. Then I mix non fat plain yogurt and a few pieces of dog food or some cut up apple . Fill the kong and freeze it. It's a non fat low calorie treat and it takes him a while to get it all out. At first it took him like and hour now it's like 20 minutes. He got good at it. But its a great treat and it keeps him busy for a while. I usually throw a towel on his bed when he eats it just incase some melts and comes out the hole. It's not that messy. I do not use greek cuz its to thick to put in the kong. Usually just buy the store brand. Just make sure its non fat and plain.

Edited by rangeley
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The picture is of Oz on the promenade deck relaxing. I took it is April on our TA.


Air Transat gave him his own seat on the flight from Rome to Toronto....this is the third time Air Transat has done that. So neat!!!


Omg He is so cute!!!

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Hi all been a a while But we are back in action! I graduated with my new guide dog Dodger Back in April of this year and it feels like I have always had him.

Roz I was saddened to hear of your news And have been meaning to send you a card, however it has been believe it or not extremely hard for me to digest and is only until now that I can post on these boards . I will be in touch....


On a much less heavy note, I am wondering if anyone can tell me what requirements are for Jamaica? I know I need a negative titer test but the stuff the Disney sent me was very confusing because it states that The titer test has to be done 30 days after the rabies vaccination is given? Or is it three months after the rabies Vaccination is given? Or can I have had him have the vaccine and just give a negative tighter as long as it is done three months Or more than three months after it was given?


Also do we know if those health certificates have to be US DA stamped and endorsed? Hopefully siri spelled USDA. Right lol

The guy dog school says they are using the most current form of health certificate but it is not the one with the carbon copies, I am concerned as I don't think that is the right health certificate.


Anything anyone can do to shed some light on the subject would be greatly appreciated :-)


Sorry Cari, dogs are NOT allowed on Jamaica at all. They are also not allowed on Barbados.

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Oh! Yeah! What was I thinking?


I opened a jar of peanut butter [creamy, low fat], it's my most favorite guilty pleasure, and Horton sat himself right on my foot, watching every move I made!!!!! I got out a spoon, put some on it and he had that spoon cleaned off in 0.1 second!


I swear, there's nothing that can hold a candle to the Lab and their need to indulge!!!! It's what makes them such great dogs to train.....they're so food driven....hey, that's why I'm so trainable!!!! :p


Wex is a peanut butter freak!! Sometimes when I have nothing to give John for lunch, I make him a pb and jelly. Wex knows when I take the pb out of the cabinet even before I open it.

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Me too!! I'm on that old seafood diet - see food and eat it! groan, I know the "old" ones are the best! :eek:



LOL! these labs are SO funny .... Our girl does exactly the same if we are eating, she sits on a foot, or puts her chin on a knee which gets heavier and heavier as she is ignored ... And then the shoving starts! When I'm eating and she is sitting in front of me as close as she possibly can, she shuffles into me, and this shuffling becomes a nudge, then as I continue to ignore the nudging and the huffing and the puffing, and the dribbling, I get a shove from the chest! And if I so much as dare not to give her my last mouthful of whatever she thinks should be shared, oh my, the look from "disgusted of the village" and I get the "look" that only "totally deprived" Labradors can give us, especially as we know they are all starved, never fed and as she walks away she gives me another over the shoulder "look"! Especially if she hasn't been given a piece of her favourite pizza crust! Walking dustbins, the lot of them! LOL!


Most of the time when we sit down to eat, Wex goes in the other room. We think his puppy raisers either put him in a kennel or put him out when they ate.

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Tip the kong upside down in a cup, put a piece of dog food in the bottom to block the hole. Then I mix non fat plain yogurt and a few pieces of dog food or some cut up apple . Fill the kong and freeze it. It's a non fat low calorie treat and it takes him a while to get it all out. At first it took him like and hour now it's like 20 minutes. He got good at it. But its a great treat and it keeps him busy for a while. I usually throw a towel on his bed when he eats it just incase some melts and comes out the hole. It's not that messy. I do not use greek cuz its to thick to put in the kong. Usually just buy the store brand. Just make sure its non fat and plain.


We have tried the kong with Orson. Not a good idea. They have not made a kong that is "Orson proof"! He chews right through them. Even the ones that say "lab proof".

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Most of the time when we sit down to eat, Wex goes in the other room. We think his puppy raisers either put him in a kennel or put him out when they ate.


If only ..... They don't bother too much when we eat at the table, they lie down and wait, but always with an open eye!! And we never feed them from the table. But it's when we are lazy having a TV tray supper or a treat .... The boy dog doesn't bother as he knows if she gets, he gets .... And that tray is just about eye level for a poor, starved lab! LOL!

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Tip the kong upside down in a cup, put a piece of dog food in the bottom to block the hole. Then I mix non fat plain yogurt and a few pieces of dog food or some cut up apple . Fill the kong and freeze it. It's a non fat low calorie treat and it takes him a while to get it all out. At first it took him like and hour now it's like 20 minutes. He got good at it. But its a great treat and it keeps him busy for a while. I usually throw a towel on his bed when he eats it just incase some melts and comes out the hole. It's not that messy. I do not use greek cuz its to thick to put in the kong. Usually just buy the store brand. Just make sure its non fat and plain.


What a great idea - I'm going to try this - thanks rangeley for the suggestion! :D

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Cindy, I love the yogurt idea. My two love rice cakes and get them after I've eaten dinner. They each go to their beds and wait to hear the sound of me removing my plate from the table and they come in and sit and wait for me to ask them to, "go to your bed!" Then I bring them each two rice cakes each. It's a habit I started a few months ago and it stuck.


Cari, I knew you'd get the answer you needed, not necessarily the one you wanted to hear though!

Brenda used to be an aggressive chewer just like Orson. But she's slowed down a lot.....I think it's just too tiring for her!

Fairbourne, aren't Labs the funniest when it comes to their food! Horton will come to me at work and just sit by me, while I'm at the computer and wait for his lunch.....same time, every day!

My fellow workers set their lunch times according to Horton's sitting and staring at me!

If I have to go to a meeting I know I have to schedule it either before or after his meal time. He's very serious about this!

When we're on a cruise or just traveling I know I have to watch the clock so I don't mess-up the schedule.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Hi Roz,


Oz is a miniature poodle....a little on the "short" side, we we don't tell him.:p


Our school in Canada is still doing the blacks and goldens, but also standard poodle and miniature poodles. For people with allergies they are a godsend........


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Hi Roz,


Oz is a miniature poodle....a little on the "short" side, we we don't tell him.:p


Our school in Canada is still doing the blacks and goldens, but also standard poodle and miniature poodles. For people with allergies they are a godsend........



OMD (to borrow a phrase!), he is just so cute! I imagine he twists his mum around his little paws! ;):D

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