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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Thanks for the welcoming-back! There's no place like home!!!!


Colleen, Misty is adorable. Give yourselves some time to adjust to one another's habits. She'll learn your likes and dislikes before you know it. I'm so glad that Oz is doing well in his retirement. It's what you really wanted for him.


Chris, good luck in your wait for a Hearing Dog. Is your application with CCI? I don't remember.


I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are looking forward to a very Merry Christmas.


I'll fill you all in on some of my adventures this past week: A bit beyond Medford, Oregon there is a wonderful rest area off of Interstate 5. It's like a huge forest and park. Filled with lots of trees and areas for the kids to play and the dogs to explore. It's about 800 miles from home. I had taken Brenda out of the back area of my SUV to allow her to walk, eat and get some water. When she was done I put her back in the car and then took Horton out. He had eaten, drank water and we were finishing our walk when suddenly someone pushed me from behind, knocked me to the ground and proceeded to pull on Horton's leash. I'm on the ground, face first, laying there and struggling to hold on to Horton, with all the strength that I could muster.


I looked at the hand tugging on the leash and could see that it was a woman, not saying a word just pulling, and tugging, very quickly, on his leash. I never let go, people were running over and the woman relinquished the leash and ran towards a red pick-up truck and took off. Leaving Horton standing over me and me laying on the asphalt.


My right knee, my right hand and my spirit were truly injured. My right hand is broken, right above my pinkie and my knee and right leg are all black and blue with asphalt burns.


Unbelievable, isn't it? The police were called and took my statement. They told me that Horton looks like a valuable dog and maybe she was hoping to sell him. I don't know but I do know that if I hadn't fought for him, I would have been devastated at the loss of him. It was quite an experience, one that I won't ever forget.


Thank goodness, we're all safe.


OMG Roz!!!!!!!!! :eek: What a terrible thing to have to go through. I know I will hang onto Wexlers leash alittle tighter when I walk him. Who would do something like that! Some horrible person! :mad::mad::mad: I'm so glad you are all safe.

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Thanks for the welcoming-back! There's no place like home!!!!


Colleen, Misty is adorable. Give yourselves some time to adjust to one another's habits. She'll learn your likes and dislikes before you know it. I'm so glad that Oz is doing well in his retirement. It's what you really wanted for him.


Chris, good luck in your wait for a Hearing Dog. Is your application with CCI? I don't remember.


I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are looking forward to a very Merry Christmas.


I'll fill you all in on some of my adventures this past week: A bit beyond Medford, Oregon there is a wonderful rest area off of Interstate 5. It's like a huge forest and park. Filled with lots of trees and areas for the kids to play and the dogs to explore. It's about 800 miles from home. I had taken Brenda out of the back area of my SUV to allow her to walk, eat and get some water. When she was done I put her back in the car and then took Horton out. He had eaten, drank water and we were finishing our walk when suddenly someone pushed me from behind, knocked me to the ground and proceeded to pull on Horton's leash. I'm on the ground, face first, laying there and struggling to hold on to Horton, with all the strength that I could muster.


I looked at the hand tugging on the leash and could see that it was a woman, not saying a word just pulling, and tugging, very quickly, on his leash. I never let go, people were running over and the woman relinquished the leash and ran towards a red pick-up truck and took off. Leaving Horton standing over me and me laying on the asphalt.


My right knee, my right hand and my spirit were truly injured. My right hand is broken, right above my pinkie and my knee and right leg are all black and blue with asphalt burns.


Unbelievable, isn't it? The police were called and took my statement. They told me that Horton looks like a valuable dog and maybe she was hoping to sell him. I don't know but I do know that if I hadn't fought for him, I would have been devastated at the loss of him. It was quite an experience, one that I won't ever forget.


Thank goodness, we're all safe.


Holy Crap Roz!!

Did somebody stick a crazy magnet on you?? I'm glad you're alright. I could only imagine what would have happened to that woman if you would have been able to get your hands on her!!

Were you on your way to your family's house or on your way home?

It's a shame nobody got her license plate.

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Oh my gosh Roz- so sorry to hear what happened to you. Glad that you are ok and hope you had a great visit with your family.


I hope that this note gets posted, for some reason I could not see any new posts or get my messages posted. Today it looks like it might go through. I will see when I push submit.:eek:


I sent a few messages for every one to have a Happy Thanksgiving but I didn't see any of them posted. Hope all of you had happy holidays with family and friends.


So glad the Oz is doing well and Misty is just so cute---I am sure you will have many happy years with her and she with you.


Chris- hope you get approved for your dog soon.


Don't want to forget anyone, so hope you are all well and happy.


Kiss and hugs to all the fur babies and a big hug to all of you too.

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Roz, I noticed that you mentioned Brenda having trouble on hardwood floors. Hero was my husband's previous Guide Dog. Hero was diagnosed with osterosarcoma and had his left hind leg amputated. The whole first floor of our house is hard surfaces, and that was very difficult for him so I went to Target and bought a bunch of large (5' x 8') mats so that he had a secure place to walk. Hero's been gone for two years now, and the mats have moved to the basement.


I see that many of you have lost a service dog. That was one of the hardest things that's ever happened to me. Hero was a trooper. The week before he died, we had a big snowfall and he was outside playing in it like a puppy. He loved the snow and he loved to cruise. He enjoyed just sitting on the balcony and looking out at the water. We are so lucky to have this furry babies in our lives.

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Oh my goodness, Roz! :eek: That is horrible! I'm so glad other people were around to scare her off. Did anyone get a license plate number? I'm glad Brenda and Horton are OK. Do you have a splint or cast for your hand? I hope you are healed quickly. Did this happen on the way up or back? Take Care! :)


It happened on the way up, on Sunday at 11:30 in the morning. I was about 300 miles from Lisa [my daughter] and, after a visit to the ER for XRays, where the hand fracture was diagnosed, the rest of my trip to Eugene, Oregon felt like the longest 300 miles I ever drove!

The policeman said that once they saw Horton's tattoed ear and realized that he has a microchip, he would have been thrown out onto the interstate. He would have been of no use to them. They couldn't have sold him, although they might have used him for dog fighting, as the bait. Terrifying isn't it?

My hand is pretty painful and wrapped. I'm going to see my own doctor today and see what she wants to do. I hope they don't put on a plaster cast. My right knee looks like I was shot with buck shot and my leg is all black and blue. Such a freaky thing to happen.

The weather in Eugene was in the low 30's, so cold. My car battery decided it had had enough and stopped working. I had a new battery installed after it died twice while we were out and about. Thank you AAA.

Through all the misadventures, I had a fabulously wonderful time with my children and a very uneventful drive back home.

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Roz, I noticed that you mentioned Brenda having trouble on hardwood floors. Hero was my husband's previous Guide Dog. Hero was diagnosed with osterosarcoma and had his left hind leg amputated. The whole first floor of our house is hard surfaces, and that was very difficult for him so I went to Target and bought a bunch of large (5' x 8') mats so that he had a secure place to walk. Hero's been gone for two years now, and the mats have moved to the basement.


I see that many of you have lost a service dog. That was one of the hardest things that's ever happened to me. Hero was a trooper. The week before he died, we had a big snowfall and he was outside playing in it like a puppy. He loved the snow and he loved to cruise. He enjoyed just sitting on the balcony and looking out at the water. We are so lucky to have this furry babies in our lives.


What a wonderful story of your hero "Hero!"

At home I have rugs everywhere for my girl but at my daughter's her first floor is nothing but hardwood. Brenda and Horton spent most of their time on the bottom level, which is nothing but carpeting. I would take Brenda up the elevator and for the short walk across the hardwood floor to the garage was enough to cause her to slip and slide. She would finally just lay down, with all fours spread out......I would help her up and we'd walk, very gingerly, out to my car.

I don't think Brenda will be making the trip to Oregon again. But I'm glad that she was with me to enjoy her time at Lisa's house with the kids and Horton.

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Oh my gosh Roz- so sorry to hear what happened to you. Glad that you are ok and hope you had a great visit with your family.


I hope that this note gets posted, for some reason I could not see any new posts or get my messages posted. Today it looks like it might go through. I will see when I push submit.:eek:


I sent a few messages for every one to have a Happy Thanksgiving but I didn't see any of them posted. Hope all of you had happy holidays with family and friends.


So glad the Oz is doing well and Misty is just so cute---I am sure you will have many happy years with her and she with you.


Chris- hope you get approved for your dog soon.


Don't want to forget anyone, so hope you are all well and happy.


Kiss and hugs to all the fur babies and a big hug to all of you too.


Thank you Trudy and right back at you. All's good, we're home and that's the best place to be!

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OMG Roz!!!!!!!!! :eek: What a terrible thing to have to go through. I know I will hang onto Wexlers leash alittle tighter when I walk him. Who would do something like that! Some horrible person! :mad::mad::mad: I'm so glad you are all safe.


Do you believe how desperate some folks are! The fact that he's tattoed and chipped would have meant that they would throw him away to a dog fighting ring or just dump him off the highway. OMG!

The police said that if he had his vest on, while I was walking him in the rest stop, they may not have bothered me. Who knows!

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The policeman said that once they saw Horton's tattoed ear and realized that he has a microchip, he would have been thrown out onto the interstate. He would have been of no use to them. They couldn't have sold him, although they might have used him for dog fighting, as the bait. Terrifying isn't it?


OMG!!!!!!! I am now terrified! :eek: That is unthinkable that people would do something like that. :mad:


Did they get the license plate?

Edited by rangeley
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OMG!!!!!!! I am now terrified! :eek: That is unthinkable that people would do something like that. :mad:


Did they get the license plate?


And, of course, Horton was ready to go with this woman if she took his leash and God knows what would have happened to him.

What a world we live in!!!!

I'm out and about, I don't sit at home watching TV and hiding. I can't let this kind of creepy behavior stop or deter me. But, geezzz Lord, enough is enough already!!!!!

I'm going down to Oceanside next week for Horton's re-certification I'm going to share this with them and see if there's something else I should have done differently. Or, there should be a key word that turns our dogs into "Kujo" and creepy characters just stay away!!!!!:eek:


There were hundreds of people in the rest area, including truckers, families and lots of kids.......no one got the license plate. Although, there was a trailer hitched to the back of the pick-up which would have made it difficult to see the license.

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It happened on the way up, on Sunday at 11:30 in the morning. I was about 300 miles from Lisa [my daughter] and, after a visit to the ER for XRays, where the hand fracture was diagnosed, the rest of my trip to Eugene, Oregon felt like the longest 300 miles I ever drove!

The policeman said that once they saw Horton's tattoed ear and realized that he has a microchip, he would have been thrown out onto the interstate. He would have been of no use to them. They couldn't have sold him, although they might have used him for dog fighting, as the bait. Terrifying isn't it?

My hand is pretty painful and wrapped. I'm going to see my own doctor today and see what she wants to do. I hope they don't put on a plaster cast. My right knee looks like I was shot with buck shot and my leg is all black and blue. Such a freaky thing to happen.

The weather in Eugene was in the low 30's, so cold. My car battery decided it had had enough and stopped working. I had a new battery installed after it died twice while we were out and about. Thank you AAA.

Through all the misadventures, I had a fabulously wonderful time with my children and a very uneventful drive back home.


Very scary for you and Horton. I sure am glad they did NOT get Horton. Very scary to think about what could have happened to Horton, and what could have happened to you,about Horton. I hope your hand heals fast. Glad that you were able to visit family. Best wishes to you and the fur babies. Susan

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Very scary for you and Horton. I sure am glad they did NOT get Horton. Very scary to think about what could have happened to Horton, and what could have happened to you,about Horton. I hope your hand heals fast. Glad that you were able to visit family. Best wishes to you and the fur babies. Susan


Susan, thank you so much for your "best wishes", they are very welcomed and I wish you and yours the same.

It's all a "test", some sort of "life-lesson", a character challenge......I'm not sure but I'd like to know when it's my turn to be done with the "crappy" stuff and let's get on with the "fun" stuff!!!!! I'm so much better at that!

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OMD (Oh my Dog) Roz. That is just so over the top. What a crazy woman that must have been with that many people around. I would have screamed and cussed up a storm. Poor sweet, lovable Horton, didn't know stranger danger. Too bad they couldn't have found the car easier with a trailer attached to it. I would have been a raving lunatic. Then having to drive all that way home. I am so glad everyone is ok and home safe. :mad:

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Well here we are arrived safely on "your" side of that big stretch of water in Florida, and I'm catching up with all the news!


My goodness Roz, my heart was in my mouth reading your awful story. I was just thinking as I was reading the first report, I bet Horton, if he was like our big boy and being so trusting, would have just gone with the she-devil! And you later said as much! Sadly, maybe it is time for the dogs to have a "protect command". What is this world coming to! I hope your "war wounds" heal quickly, as it was certainly some battle you had!


Colleen, Misty is gorgeous, and I'm so happy to read that Oz is enjoying his retirement. You have two beautiful doggy pals .... :D.


We had a lovely, if not frisky jaunt across the pond - although with each passing cruise I find myself not so concerned with the movement and felt fine, whilst others were flailing around us.


We enjoyed lovely lazy days, staring out to sea, looking for any signs of life, there was the odd passing tanker, a few flying fish, spectacular sunsets and of course the biggest decisions of all to make as to where, when and, sometimes with "our new best friends", to have yet another delicious morsel or two! And just when you think you can't manage any more, afternoon tea beckons as well!!! LOL! I do love a nice afternoon tea, and once we had "trained" the waiters to make proper tea, it was just perfect! (Tea bags in the teapot, then boiling water poured in and allowed to steep for a couple of minutes. No wonder you US peeps prefer coffee the way you make your tea!)


The only dog we met was in Bermuda - a lovely black girl lab who was wearing a bright red harness and was on her daily jaunt around the historical dockyard. We did a meet and greet and her human said she was thrilled that day as there were so many people walking around off our ship, saying hello to her. Although he didn't say as much, I imagine what he really meant was there were lots of different smelling opportunities, so she was in doggy heaven. She sniffed and sniffed at my DH's trousers as there would have been without doubt, a doggy treat or two in the pockets! Sadly for her, there were none that day! (as we left our home airport I put my hand in my coat pocket, and oh no, there were a couple of gravy bones in there. That made me feel very sad!)


More to come on our adventures, but breakfast is calling - I know, more food! And maybe a lazy day by the pool, it's a bit overcast but we will make the most of the warm Florida sun before heading home to minus temperatures!


Best wishes and hugs to you all :D .... The Internet connection was soooo slow on board, I just about managed to check my emails before giving up the will ....!

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OMD (Oh my Dog) Roz. That is just so over the top. What a crazy woman that must have been with that many people around. I would have screamed and cussed up a storm. Poor sweet, lovable Horton, didn't know stranger danger. Too bad they couldn't have found the car easier with a trailer attached to it. I would have been a raving lunatic. Then having to drive all that way home. I am so glad everyone is ok and home safe. :mad:


The Oregon State Police are so engaged with pulling over cars and bringing up the revenue for a very poor state that they could have cared less about my dilemma! When we called to follow-up the next day, they had no record of the incident.

I have a big meeting in town today and my doctor appt. for my hand was moved to tomorrow. If my pinkie finger didn't hurt so darn much, I'd cancel it.

Horton is doing great and he doesn't look any worse for the attempted dognapping.

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Well here we are arrived safely on "your" side of that big stretch of water in Florida, and I'm catching up with all the news!


We had a lovely, if not frisky jaunt across the pond - although with each passing cruise I find myself not so concerned with the movement and felt fine, whilst others were flailing around us.


We enjoyed lovely lazy days, staring out to sea, looking for any signs of life, there was the odd passing tanker, a few flying fish, spectacular sunsets and of course the biggest decisions of all to make as to where, when and, sometimes with "our new best friends", to have yet another delicious morsel or two! And just when you think you can't manage any more, afternoon tea beckons as well!!! LOL! I do love a nice afternoon tea, and once we had "trained" the waiters to make proper tea, it was just perfect! (Tea bags in the teapot, then boiling water poured in and allowed to steep for a couple of minutes. No wonder you US peeps prefer coffee the way you make your tea!)


Best wishes and hugs to you all :D .... The Internet connection was soooo slow on board, I just about managed to check my emails before giving up the will ....!


Wonderful news, Fairbourne, continue to have a glorious cruise and keep up with the details. Love hearing news from a cruise!!!!!

Isn't it fun to have such fabulous choices for where to dine onboard a cruise ship?

Thanks for the info. on brewing tea. My DH was a big fan of tea and could brew a stiff pot of tea better than coffee!

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It's official!!


We just got the flight information for Davis IV. He will be flying into

Newark Liberty Airport at 8:00 AM on Dec. 13th. :D


Awwwww! I wish I lived closer, I'd love to see that homecoming! You bet the other folks onboard that plane will be enjoying it as much as you will!

I'll be in Oceanside for re-certification but I'll be online that weekend. Please don't forget to write about it.

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Awwwww! I wish I lived closer, I'd love to see that homecoming! You bet the other folks onboard that plane will be enjoying it as much as you will!


I'll be in Oceanside for re-certification but I'll be online that weekend. Please don't forget to write about it.


Sorry to burst your bubble Roz, but the pups are transported in crates in the cargo area, not in the cabin.

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It's official!!


We just got the flight information for Davis IV. He will be flying into

Newark Liberty Airport at 8:00 AM on Dec. 13th. :D


That's great news, looking forward to the first photos! :D. Glad also to read that Ocho doing well. :). His photo has been much admired.

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Hello, I haven't been on this website in quite a while. I was wondering if anyone knows what paper work and vaccinations are needed now for cozumel, Belize and Honduras. I am having trouble with the state.travel.gov website I use to always use. I want to take my golden retriever with me.

Thanks for any information.

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Wonderful news, Fairbourne, continue to have a glorious cruise and keep up with the details. Love hearing news from a cruise!!!!!

Isn't it fun to have such fabulous choices for where to dine onboard a cruise ship?

Thanks for the info. on brewing tea. My DH was a big fan of tea and could brew a stiff pot of tea better than coffee!


We're off the ship now Roz - I re-read my post and I'm sorry I didn't write more clearly - blame the ship lag! LOL!


We are spending a few days in Florida before we head home at the end of the week to brrrrr weather! We are so looking forward to doggy hugs and maybe, just maybe, we might even get a "brush by" by one of the cats too!


Well, we would have got on just great with your dear DH - any man who can make a good cup of tea is just fine and dandy in my book! :D

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We're off the ship now Roz - I re-read my post and I'm sorry I didn't write more clearly - blame the ship lag! LOL!


We are spending a few days in Florida before we head home at the end of the week to brrrrr weather! We are so looking forward to doggy hugs and maybe, just maybe, we might even get a "brush by" by one of the cats too!


Well, we would have got on just great with your dear DH - any man who can make a good cup of tea is just fine and dandy in my book! :D


Great!!!! Off again! I'm batting a thousand these days!!!!

No matter! Stay warm wherever you are!

You would have loved DH, he was an amazing guy!!!!!

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Hello, I haven't been on this website in quite a while. I was wondering if anyone knows what paper work and vaccinations are needed now for cozumel, Belize and Honduras. I am having trouble with the state.travel.gov website I use to always use. I want to take my golden retriever with me.

Thanks for any information.


You'll need the International Health Certificate [APHIS Form] to be filled out by a Vet.

One of the Vets in my Vets office is a USDA Vet. and one is not. Last time we traveled to Brazil the regular Vet filled out the form and we were fine, the time before that the USDA Vet filled out the same form and it was accepted too.

Ask your Vet which form is needed and who needs to sign it. Their office can look into International travel documents needed for your Service Dog.

Since these requirements can change frequently would you please come back and share with us what your Vet said.

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