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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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fairbourne, what happens to the pups that go into advanced training and decide college is not for them? Do you get the chance to take them home as a pet? That's what happens with us and CCI.



Hi DKD, Yes. Guide Dogs for the Blind take the pups when they are 14 months old and they go to the training centre. At that time, we can say whether we would take the pup back if it doesn't make it through the training or doesn't do a career change e.g. to become a hearing dog or a dog for people with disabilities other than sight or hearing. They may also go as a breeding dog - they have their own breeding programme.


We have decided that we will tick the box and have Aruba back if she doesn't go forward (I'm struggling to say "doesn't make it"!) to become a working guide dog or as above.


So, yes same thing happens as with you. We also have the opportunity to have her back when she retires. There is a long list of people who want to take retired guide dogs, or the pups who don't graduate and no wonder! I think the puppy walkers have first refusal.


It just struck me that here am getting worried about something that hasn't happened yet, I.e. Aruba leaving us, and really I should be thinking of how the guide dog owner must feel when their dog retires and they can't keep them, so they are parted after a few years of a very special relationship. Now that must be hard and it reminds me of how Coleen felt when her dear Oz retired. How is he doing Colleen? And Misty, gorgeous girl? :)


How's Davis doing? I just loved that photo of him and his big feet! - how these pups grow up so fast!:D

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That's funny Chris, I can just see all the toys lined up at bedtime! Thanks to you all for your reassurance - this first time puppy walking is all learning for us. Thinking about it with my sensible head on, these wonderful dogs would not go on to be such great "life changers", helpers and amazing companions as you say, if they weren't treated well at the training kennels. With my "mummy head" on I wish I could tuck Aruba in every night! :rolleyes: my DH keeps telling me I will surely have another pup to tuck in every night! So I guess he's made his mind up about doing this all over again! :D.


That is so good to hear! Every dog training organization needs people just like you! THANK YOU!

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I can't even imagine being told that I had to give up Brenda in order to have Horton. I would have had to go without a Service Dog until Brenda passed. [i had Horton 2 1/2 years before Brenny passed.] I'm so grateful that CCI felt that it would not make a difference for me. Horton would go off to work with me, while Brenda stayed at home with Morey.


Of course, my life is very different now. I would have to put Horton in "Doggie Day Care" if I were to get a Successor Dog when he's ready to retire. I could NEVER part with him! Thank goodness he's only 5 years old and has a lot more years to work with me.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Hi DKD, Yes. Guide Dogs for the Blind take the pups when they are 14 months old and they go to the training centre. At that time, we can say whether we would take the pup back if it doesn't make it through the training or doesn't do a career change e.g. to become a hearing dog or a dog for people with disabilities other than sight or hearing. They may also go as a breeding dog - they have their own breeding programme.


We have decided that we will tick the box and have Aruba back if she doesn't go forward (I'm struggling to say "doesn't make it"!) to become a working guide dog or as above.


So, yes same thing happens as with you. We also have the opportunity to have her back when she retires. There is a long list of people who want to take retired guide dogs, or the pups who don't graduate and no wonder! I think the puppy walkers have first refusal.


It just struck me that here am getting worried about something that hasn't happened yet, I.e. Aruba leaving us, and really I should be thinking of how the guide dog owner must feel when their dog retires and they can't keep them, so they are parted after a few years of a very special relationship. Now that must be hard and it reminds me of how Coleen felt when her dear Oz retired. How is he doing Colleen? And Misty, gorgeous girl? :)


How's Davis doing? I just loved that photo of him and his big feet! - how these pups grow up so fast!:D


Davis is doing pretty good. His biggest issue is a lack of confidence. It takes him some time to figure out new situations. It's something we are working on with him. But it is a slow process. If Davis decides he doesn't like college, we have someone at our bank that wants him. But we still have until May to work with him. Then we will start the process all over again hopefully in June or July.

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Davis is doing pretty good. His biggest issue is a lack of confidence. It takes him some time to figure out new situations. It's something we are working on with him. But it is a slow process. If Davis decides he doesn't like college, we have someone at our bank that wants him. But we still have until May to work with him. Then we will start the process all over again hopefully in June or July.




Aw! Davis! Horton had to stay with CCI a little extra time because he, like you, had to really think about his tasks carefully. Sometimes he'll go off into my bedroom and kind of hibernate if the noise in the house or the environs outside are too much for him to decipher! He's a very thoughtful dog, as I'm sure you are!


CCI thought that as long as Horton completes his tasks and is willing to try each time that he would be a great worker.


I'm madly in love with his personality and can appreciate his shy, loving and gentle ways!


No matter what happens in your life, you will have a person who will adore you! Whether it be for your work ethic or your gentle spirit, you'll be loved!!!♥

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I just want to say that no matter what kind of day I am having - visiting this thread always makes me feel better; even if I was already having a great day!


thanks to everyone who contributes.


Our worlds seem to revolve around our Service Dogs, Dogs in Training, folks who are on the waiting list for a SD, those of us who cruise with our Service Dogs or just wonderful folks who have so much to add to this blog with love and respect for what we do.


We share like experiences and learn from each other. Thank you for sharing with us.

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DKD - he sounds like a real sensitive soul and like Horton too, our boy dog doesn't like loud noises or any upset - even a baby crying on the TV, raises his eyebrows! I think we also have to remember that not every pup is able to carry out this enormous task we ask of them in helping us. It is such a big ask after all! I think this was one thing that nearly all the puppy walkers I spoke to told us when we first started this journey was that not every pup makes it, and to not be disappointed or think that we had done anything wrong in raising the pup.


This was very good advice and reassurance to give, as now, much as we hope that Aruba will do well, we won't feel bad if she doesn't.


When Aruba is worried or something is new, she will sit and "think it out". So a couple of times walking along the high street, she would stop and sit. This will hopefully change once she gets more accustomed to heavy traffic in a town centre. These dogs have to be prepared for any eventuality, so I will have to take her into the town more.


So today we went to get her a new toy. She has chewed "Duckie" to the point where the rope wings have had to be cut off! We bought 3 toys - a fabric monkey, a fleece fabric long snake thing which the assistant said had had good reviews and feedback (excellent we thought!) and a rubber and rope combo chew/tug toy.


The monkey lasted 5 minutes after Poppy got hold of it and it was armless and one leg less with stuffing all over the rug! :mad: Aruba and her had a tug of war with it.


Then Aruba set to work on the snake - it now has a lovely gash with the stuffing spilling out! This lasted about half an hour! :mad:


The tug/chew toy was found a short while ago with the rope in shreds and pulled out of the hard ball chew bits. :mad:


So Kong toys only from now on! The boy dog is not interested in toys at all, so he got a chew stick and sneakily enjoyed it, while the little boogers destroyed the toys!


Have a great weekend everyone! :D


My boy having a well earned nap! :)


Edited by fairbourne
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DKD - he sounds like a real sensitive soul and like Horton too, our boy dog doesn't like loud noises or any upset - even a baby crying on the TV, raises his eyebrows! I think we also have to remember that not every pup is able to carry out this enormous task we ask of them in helping us. It is such a big ask after all! I think this was one thing that nearly all the puppy walkers I spoke to told us when we first started this journey was that not every pup makes it, and to not be disappointed or think that we had done anything wrong in raising the pup.


This was very good advice and reassurance to give, as now, much as we hope that Aruba will do well, we won't feel bad if she doesn't.


When Aruba is worried or something is new, she will sit and "think it out". So a couple of times walking along the high street, she would stop and sit. This will hopefully change once she gets more accustomed to heavy traffic in a town centre. These dogs have to be prepared for any eventuality, so I will have to take her into the town more.


So today we went to get her a new toy. She has chewed "Duckie" to the point where the rope wings have had to be cut off! We bought 3 toys - a fabric monkey, a fleece fabric long snake thing which the assistant said had had good reviews and feedback (excellent we thought!) and a rubber and rope combo chew/tug toy.


The monkey lasted 5 minutes after Poppy got hold of it and it was armless and one leg less with stuffing all over the rug! :mad: Aruba and her had a tug of war with it.


Then Aruba set to work on the snake - it now has a lovely gash with the stuffing spilling out! This lasted about half an hour! :mad:


The tug/chew toy was found a short while ago with the rope in shreds and pulled out of the hard ball chew bits. :mad:


So Kong toys only from now on! The boy dog is not interested in toys at all, so he got a chew stick and sneakily enjoyed it, while the little boogers destroyed the toys!


Have a great weekend everyone! :D


My boy having a well earned nap! :)


I love the picture, he is so handsome.......When they're sleeping I could just eat them, they're so adorable!!!!!


Horton is "destruction derby" on all his toys. I have toys in the toy basket, most of which belonged to Brenny, who NEVER destroyed a toy! Horton has a planned attack; first comes the tag or label, then comes the nose, eyes, arms, legs and anything else that's dangling from the toy. He will do anything he can to get to the "squeaker" inside the toy.


I have bought the toys that don't have stuffing and look like "road-kill" and he may not tear them apart but he gets bored with them almost immediately!


He loves squeaky toys........he could care less about tennis balls [where I was buying them every week for Brenda.] She would fall asleep with a ball in her mouth........so, so cute!!!! ♥


Have a wonderful weekend. It's Morey's birthday on Sunday, I will spend the day crying!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Roz - dear girl don't you dare sit and cry all day - I didn't know Mr M but I'm sure he would not want you to do that at all! WE don't want you to do that! If I was closer I would be sending Aruba over with lots of puppy kisses and licks and that would definitely put a stop to any crying!!! ;):)


Message to Horton - hey big boy, you look after your Mum this weekend as you always do but she will need some special doggy hugs on Sunday.


Funnily enough it was my late dad's birthday this week too. My only regret is that he never met my DH - they would have been great pals methinks! And it is DH's birthday soon - these Virgo men are very special. :D

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I love the picture, he is so handsome.......When they're sleeping I could just eat them, they're so adorable!!!!!


Horton is "destruction derby" on all his toys. I have toys in the toy basket, most of which belonged to Brenny, who NEVER destroyed a toy! Horton has a planned attack; first comes the tag or label, then comes the nose, eyes, arms, legs and anything else that's dangling from the toy. He will do anything he can to get to the "squeaker" inside the toy.


I have bought the toys that don't have stuffing and look like "road-kill" and he may not tear them apart but he gets bored with them almost immediately!


He loves squeaky toys........he could care less about tennis balls [where I was buying them every week for Brenda.] She would fall asleep with a ball in her mouth........so, so cute!!!! ♥


Have a wonderful weekend. It's Morey's birthday on Sunday, I will spend the day crying!



Diana's Gibson is a power chewer too. He also loves squeaky toys. She buys him Kong AirDog Squeakair "tennis balls". They are larger than a regular tennis ball, and of course very squeaky. We laugh and encourage him to keep squeaking when he gets one in his mouth, so he squeaks it louder and harder for the entertainment value. (His mouth is large, so regular size tennis balls are too small. Diana is afraid he will get them stuck in his throat, but these larger ones do the trick on all counts. She calls him grapefruit face when he has one of these in his mouth.)


When she first got him he went through a whole toy box of stuffed dog toys and chew toys. No plaything is safe from his strong jaws and love of destroying toys. Diana's sister bought him two Lambchop stuffed animals that are now history. (If you remember Shari Lewis and Lambchop you know what I am describing, only not a puppet but a large stuffed toy with internal squeaker.)


I wish you a pleasant and peaceful weekend full of "Labrador Retriever love".


Thanks, Beckie

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Mornin' all:

Jezzy Lou is so good with her stuffies. She has all of them since she came to live with us! She has a toy box (for her babies). Hubby and I are forever throwing the babies back to the box. She trots over and digs through it until she finds the one she wants. The only one that she did some remodeling on was one that looks like a mallard duck and it had the duck "Squawk" squeaker in it. She insisted on squawking that thing, running through the house. It was hysterical. Then she started trying to chew the squeaker out. Only one. Which reminds me, the babies need to get a bath to get the "crusty" doggie spittle off of them! She has a small sock monkey that she just loves and several other favorites. Of course all the smaller kitty stuffies belong to her too! Poor kitty, we can hear her in the middle of the night playing with her toys that Jezzy comandeered!


Roz, you know I love you to the moon and back! I know I will have tears (do now) in my eyes for dearest Morey. I miss the posts about him. Him and Miss Brenny will celebrate in the style that befits them! Regal all the way. ♥



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Dear Beckie, Nancy, Fairbourne, et.al., Thank you so much for all your good wishes and great stories about your toy eating, lamb squishing, stuffie destroying beasties!!!!!


My daughter flew in from Oregon and we're going to go to my son's farmer's market tomorrow, in West L.A., to spend the day together. Our weather here is so humid and so hot with the possibility of thunder showers.....such weird weather for us but so perfect for Morey's birthday!


YOU mean the world to me!

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I love the picture, he is so handsome.......When they're sleeping I could just eat them, they're so adorable!!!!!


Horton is "destruction derby" on all his toys. I have toys in the toy basket, most of which belonged to Brenny, who NEVER destroyed a toy! Horton has a planned attack; first comes the tag or label, then comes the nose, eyes, arms, legs and anything else that's dangling from the toy. He will do anything he can to get to the "squeaker" inside the toy.


I have bought the toys that don't have stuffing and look like "road-kill" and he may not tear them apart but he gets bored with them almost immediately!


He loves squeaky toys........he could care less about tennis balls [where I was buying them every week for Brenda.] She would fall asleep with a ball in her mouth........so, so cute!!!! ♥


Have a wonderful weekend. It's Morey's birthday on Sunday, I will spend the day crying!


Awwww Roz, please don't cry. :(

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Good Morning All !


Happy Birthday Morey====Roz, just hve a great remembering day with your children.


As I sit here reading your stories of the fur baby's eating their toys, Pepper, my new baby, is running around the house with her rabbit. She too wants to chew up her toys but so far we have her not doing that and just playing with them. She also has taken over the cats toys. The cats are still hiding under the bed. We had Pepper only a few days and she came down with a cough, turns out she has Kennel cough. so she is on Meds and doing fine. We didn't plan on having a baby but it seems she is less then one yr old, so we are in training and I have been reading these threads to get some ideas. It has been so long since I had a pup. :eek: Right now she has settled down and is sleeping in the cat bed.


Everyone have a great day and keep the stories coming, I love them. Big hugs to all the fur babies.

Edited by trudle
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Roz - dear girl don't you dare sit and cry all day - I didn't know Mr M but I'm sure he would not want you to do that at all! WE don't want you to do that! If I was closer I would be sending Aruba over with lots of puppy kisses and licks and that would definitely put a stop to any crying!!! ;):)


Message to Horton - hey big boy, you look after your Mum this weekend as you always do but she will need some special doggy hugs on Sunday.


Funnily enough it was my late dad's birthday this week too. My only regret is that he never met my DH - they would have been great pals methinks! And it is DH's birthday soon - these Virgo men are very special. :D


Thank you dear heart.♥ It was a tough day. My children were with me and we shared stories of this amazingly wonderful and devoted to his family, kind and gentle man! He was a great guy with a huge amount of love for his family and friends. He was a brilliantly wise and gracious soul. I miss him so, so much.


I've known him since I was 18 years old. We shared so much, the memories and picture albums are so vast it's unbelievable!


He was a true Virgo in every sense of the word, which made him so annoying, at times! Everything had to be lined-up perfectly and there had to be a sense of order, even if it was about putting fruit in a basket! Life will never be the same without him.......just very different.


Horton was a blessing. He kept everyone smiling and laughing. He gave hugs and played tug-of-war......and, as you know, the humans NEVER win! It was fun to watch!!!!!

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Well we set up our canopy and table with our group of CCI misfits & dogs yesterday at a local street fair. We met alot of nice people and even some that expressed an interest in becoming puppy raisers. We raised $232 in donations also. We are doing another one on Sept. 21st. It keeps us out of trouble. :D

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Hi Roz - I'm glad you had your family around you - I recognised some of my DH in your description of Morey. He even cuts the easy spread butter neatly out of those tubs!!! LOL!


Horton, you are such a good, good boy, unlike like this little tink - see photo!


Photo - this is my old chair I have in my small study and I thought it was very quiet when I was in the kitchen next door, a bit too quiet! - you would think by now I would know how sneaky these dogs are!!! :eek: needless to say, she got short shrift and bundled off as soon as I took this photo! I think her expression says it all really - she knows fine she is not supposed to be there!


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Well we set up our canopy and table with our group of CCI misfits & dogs yesterday at a local street fair. We met alot of nice people and even some that expressed an interest in becoming puppy raisers. We raised $232 in donations also. We are doing another one on Sept. 21st. It keeps us out of trouble. :D



Well you misfits did a great job .... LOL!! What sort of thing do you sell?? Branded CCI stuff, homebakes? I love these stalls with home made goodies. Yum yum! :D

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Good Morning All !


Happy Birthday Morey====Roz, just hve a great remembering day with your children.


As I sit here reading your stories of the fur baby's eating their toys, Pepper, my new baby, is running around the house with her rabbit. She too wants to chew up her toys but so far we have her not doing that and just playing with them. She also has taken over the cats toys. The cats are still hiding under the bed. We had Pepper only a few days and she came down with a cough, turns out she has Kennel cough. so she is on Meds and doing fine. We didn't plan on having a baby but it seems she is less then one yr old, so we are in training and I have been reading these threads to get some ideas. It has been so long since I had a pup. :eek: Right now she has settled down and is sleeping in the cat bed.


Everyone have a great day and keep the stories coming, I love them. Big hugs to all the fur babies.


Trudy, thank you so much for sharing the adventures of Pepper. She is a youngster; you're in for some real fun! Enjoy her! ♥


Remember, be consistent......if I've learned nothing else from living with a dog, it's that they love consistency. If it's a hard fast rule and you want good behavior then stick to it and your life with Pepper will be a joyful one!


I'm so happy for Pepper and for you! ♥

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Well you misfits did a great job .... LOL!! What sort of thing do you sell?? Branded CCI stuff, homebakes? I love these stalls with home made goodies. Yum yum! :D


We don't sell anything. We just have a donation jar out for whoever wants to put something in. They do get to play with the dogs if they want. That helps loosen their wallets some. :rolleyes:

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We don't sell anything. We just have a donation jar out for whoever wants to put something in. They do get to play with the dogs if they want. That helps loosen their wallets some. :rolleyes:


Thank you so much for being such a great supporter of my favorite 501c3 in the world!


You're a great guy!♥

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