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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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[quote name=Caribbean Chris;


Funniest elevator moment - it stopped for new people getting on' date=' getting pretty crowded, and I gave Raylene a command quietly (I thought) to "Back Up." All the other passengers obediently started shuffling little steps backward. I explained I was talking to the dog, not them.[/quote]


Loved the elevator story.


About Handicap placards, had a woman question us after we were backing out of our parking space about us not having placard displayed. Our state doesn't want anyone driving with the placard displayed. So when we start backing out I remove it and put it in one area so I don't lose it. I don't have a visual handicap. She was kinda of nice about it.




Aruba is getting big and someone with get a well trained and loved service dog.



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This is my first day back to work since Christmas Eve. I just spent some time getting caught up here. Sounds like everyone is doing well. Things here are going well. Davis is doing very well. We just realized that he will be turning in in four short months. Boy the time goes quick. We have to start working on his "puppy book". Well now i have to try to get caught up with work stuff.

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Since I live in Pennsylvania and my vet is in New Jersey, does it matter which state I get the USDA form 7001 stamped and sealed? I hope not, because it would be easier to get to the one in NJ.



How many copies of each document should I bring? Should I get more than one original copy of Form 7001?




Hi Cindra - I am no expert, but if the USDA vet is in New Jersey, it seems as though you would send it to the state of NJ USDA office for the second signature & stamp. You could call the state USDA office and ask.


(My vet suggested that my spouse carry a photocopy of the 7001 and any other paperwork like rabies certificate in his luggage in case I lost my copy - good idea.)


I got one original certificate 7001 only - kept it in my hand luggage and then in my stateroom in case I needed it returning to the US. (I didn't - the Homeland Security guy in the booth did not even keep a copy.)


Also brought copies of the 7001 for every port, just in case, but never needed them. Apparently, the ship copied & included it with their other paperwork for each immigration officer as we arrived for clearance and that was the end of it. Your ship may do it differently.


The ship's customer service desk will make copies of anything for you if you need it.


Hope you'll let us know how your trip goes next month! I think everyone's experiences are slightly different, so it is useful to hear.

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Dear Aruba,

Been there, done that! I know how my PuppyRaisers felt when they were raising me to be the amazingly, wonderful partner that I've become. They cried, went to church to pray about it and then cried some more! They loved me so much, they NEVER wanted to see me leave their side. I loved them too!


As your Mum said, it would have been such a silly waste of time and effort if I didn't graduate and become Roz's best friend. As it would be if you were not to graduate and become the Service Dog you're being trained to become.


I know you, your Mum and Dad and your dog buddies at home will miss each other terribly. They love you so much. But, there's a person who's been waiting for you to come into their life and show them the joys that life can bring. You're going to show them the way and fulfill their dreams of freedom. You have a mission and because of your Mum, you will complete that mission. We're all so very proud of you and all your accomplishments.


I love Roz and I want to do my best for her, just like I was raised to do. My life is full and complete, just as yours will be.


I'll always be your buddy,

Horton Jeffrey



you know I keep trying to respond to this, but for some reason every time I try to do so the screen gets all blurry...

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Well, I set up Pedro's vet appointment for the week before we leave for our cruise. It's the last day our vet will be there before he takes a vacation, so I grabbed the slot now. We went over the requirements. They have the ISO chip in stock, and most of the vaccines. One has to be ordered. The question came up regarding Bordetella shots. It's not on the list of vaccinations required, but do you think it's a good idea to get one? Absolutely get the Bordetella.

Since I live in Pennsylvania and my vet is in New Jersey, does it matter which state I get the USDA form 7001 stamped and sealed? I hope not, because it would be easier to get to the one in NJ. No, doesn't matter.

Have any of you been denied entry into a port for some reason...other than the ones we know won't allow our dogs? I have been questioned and given a more difficult time in some.......but NOT denied!

How many copies of each document should I bring? Should I get more than one original copy of Form 7001? 3 copies of everything is good. And, one original is fine. The most pressing time to have a copy of everything is when you're originally boarding [give them a copy and tell them they may keep it.] Sometimes it takes them forever to find a copy machine.

I don't mean to be a pain. I just want to make sure all of my ducks are in a row before we leave. Thanks.




Cindra, you're just like me and want to make sure that there's no stone unturned. You're a wonderful Service Dog Mom. You're very careful and thoughtful.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Roz, that is such great info about the dog's suitcase! I know we'll be flying with our dog at some point - we've got a ton of frequent flyer miles. I'd love to do another Panama Canal cruise eventually (our last was Christmas 1983 when we were almost newlyweds.) Also very good train info...I love trains and hadn't thought about some of the issues.


Yes, we got used to passengers commenting as we went around the ship. Bob heard a lot of "that's a beautiful dog!" comments. If we ever sat down in a public area where she was visible next to me, lots of folks would seize the opportunity to come up, chat, and ask to pet.


There were several tiny toddlers on board who loved The Puppy...one adorable little girl screamed at length when her parents decided it was time to pry her away from the doggie encounter and move on. I figured the shipboard rumor mill would feature Raylene having bit her within minutes.


Funniest elevator moment - it stopped for new people getting on, getting pretty crowded, and I gave Raylene a command quietly (I thought) to "Back Up." All the other passengers obediently started shuffling little steps backward. I explained I was talking to the dog, not them.


I love the toddler/Raylene encounter. To me, there's nothing more beautiful than my gentle giant and a very small child enjoying each other.


And, the elevator story is so reminiscent of what has happened to us. It's so funny when I talk to Horton [and, I do this a lot] and people in front don't see him and I'm quite sure they think I'm talking to the wall. And, like you, they respond to my commands. It's so funny!!!!!


I don't know if all handlers do this but the conversations between Horton and I are book worthy, I'm sure!


I don't really ask him questions. I'm making exclamations of our time together and he looks up at me, I pat him, he reassures me and I pat him again. I ask him rather than command him and he responds to me perfectly.


It's a dance......Horton and I do a dance. The public gets to witness the dance and that's okay too!!!!

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Mornin' all:

Chris, what a beautiful story. I am so glad it all went smoothly, except for the potty box. I wonder what they would have done if you were in a wheel chair? Hmmm. Anyway, I teared up reading it. It is so nice to hear that maybe, just maybe the general population is warming up to the idea that there are actually disabled people that don't just sit at home on the pity potty train. I don't have a service dog, but do have an unnoticeable disability. Every once in awhile I will get the "stare" or comment under their breath as to why I am parking in a handicap space. If I don't have to use it on a particular day, I don't park there. I feel there are others that are more constrained than I am and leave the space (hopefully) for them. I actually had a friend post on FaceBook about a particular vehicle parked in a handicap space, with the placard, but she said they got out of the vehicle and walked just fine. I did not even comment. I had a co-worker say "Oh, that's your husband handicap card that you use?" Now I wanted to slap her! But it is what it is and we troop on. Now that I have completely veered left from your wonderful post.........Welcome to me. The squirrels are running rampant today! :D


Poor pitiful Patty, she does exist. Remember, she works in my office!!!!


You will always be our "NO NONSENSE NANCY!"


Take care dear heart and you can park anywhere you want!

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Dear Horton


Thank you so much for your words of encouragement but it took Mum a few tries to read this to me, so she handed it over to Dad! She's going to miss me.


Oh Horty, I'm going through the "stealing slippers" and "stealing shoes" stage, and the chewing "sofa throws" stage - I think it's really funny, but Mum doesn't quite see it that way. I get the look! You know that look, eh Bro? Even when I try the sad puppy eyes and the really fast "wag my bum" and my tail is spinning round so fast I think I'm going to take off - I still get the look!!!


So, I am not to be trusted alone, apparently! :rolleyes: I don't really eat the throws, I just like chewing them! I had my own throws on our doggy sofa, but they've been binned as I chewed lots of holes in them, so what am I supposed to do? Now there are NO throws on any sofa! But I still have my lovely heart cushion in my bed, no way am I chewing that! Piggy needs to have an operation, some stitching - I forgot what I was chewing and I chewed his little porky leg! imagejpg8_zps5dfb05c4.jpg


I'm glad you will always be my Bro, thanks Horty.


Love Aruba xxx


PS I think I'm almost grown up now .... Happy New Year Horty! xxx



STOP IT!!! It's such a bad habit to pick-up humans things and mess with them. I have to say they don't share their stuff well; like their shoes, socks, pillows and throws. Try to stick to your own toys. You'll notice that the humans don't chew on YOUR stuff, which is what Roz always reminds me!


My latest habit it to steal paper towels and run around the house with them......drives Roz mad!!!! She tells me to "sit" and to "give", what a spoilsport!


Aruba, you are so darn cute. Those almond shaped eyes are to die for!!!! I'm so in love with you, as is Roz.


I wish I could hug and, sniff and lick your face!!!!! ♥♥ Sorry, this is getting kind of "X" rated!


Take care pretty girl and have a Happy, Exciting New Year.


Love & Licks,

Roz & Horty

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Well, I set up Pedro's vet appointment for the week before we leave for our cruise. It's the last day our vet will be there before he takes a vacation, so I grabbed the slot now. We went over the requirements. They have the ISO chip in stock, and most of the vaccines. One has to be ordered. The question came up regarding Bordetella shots. It's not on the list of vaccinations required, but do you think it's a good idea to get one?


Typically, vaccinations need to be done at least one month prior to the trip, so you should schedule a separate appointment for getting the vaccines done. Never, ever get your dog any vaccines that are not needed due to laws or import requirements (after the puppy shots are finished at a year old)! Over-vaccination is a real thing and can hurt dogs or shorten dogs' lives. Titer for vaccines other than rabies to see if the dog needs to be re-vaccinated, which is unlikely. My twelve-year-old dog's titers came back great even after being on chemo for lymphoma - she has not gotten any vaccines (other than rabies, since the laws and import regulations require it, and Leptospirosis, since the import regulation for where we go each year requires it and that particular one doesn't last for more than a year in their systems) since her puppy shots.


So, no, don't get the bordetella shot - and, like the flu shot for humans, it only protects against a few strains, not all, so it isn't really worth it.


Since I live in Pennsylvania and my vet is in New Jersey, does it matter which state I get the USDA form 7001 stamped and sealed? I hope not, because it would be easier to get to the one in NJ.


I am not certain, but I don't believe it matters, as those are just regional offices which are all controlled by the federal USDA. My vet just told me, when I got a health certificate the other day, that our regional office has moved out of our state - that's a bummer, as if I ever need it again, it means that now I have to mail everything overnight and include a return overnight mailer instead of going in person - and if there should be an issue with the paperwork, that could be a big problem due to the delay!


Anyway, when you call to make your appointment, just ask them if it is okay to go there. If they are like the one that used to be here, they only book appointments up to two weeks in advance of the day you want the appointment for. And you could not go without an appointment. Do remember to bring proof of your dog's service dog training so you don't have to pay for the endorsement!


Have any of you been denied entry into a port for some reason...other than the ones we know won't allow our dogs?


No, but I heard about it happening to a lady who stupidly didn't have even an inkling of the necessary paperwork (didn't look up the requirements or didn't think they applied to her).


How many copies of each document should I bring? Should I get more than one original copy of Form 7001?


I don't mean to be a pain. I just want to make sure all of my ducks are in a row before we leave. Thanks.




You don't need more than one health certificate (they are filled in by hand), just make copies of the one you get and hold onto the original. If you want, make a copy for each country, plus one for the ship - don't forget to count your return port (such as the US) as a country needing one.


You are not a pain, don't worry! We definitely understand about needing to be sure you have everything covered before the trip!!

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Funniest elevator moment - it stopped for new people getting on, getting pretty crowded, and I gave Raylene a command quietly (I thought) to "Back Up." All the other passengers obediently started shuffling little steps backward. I explained I was talking to the dog, not them.


Too funny!!! They must have thought you were quite the bossy one! ;)


Glad you had a great cruise with Raylene!! What was her favorite part?

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Too funny!!! They must have thought you were quite the bossy one! ;)


Glad you had a great cruise with Raylene!! What was her favorite part?


She loved all the petting and attention, and for me it was a training opportunity for a more controlled sit and "Say Hello." I think she liked sniffing the sea air and new smells at the ports.


Her favorite part though was riding in the back of a convertible - like a high school homecoming queen in a parade - between the two of us on St. Croix all day.

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Chris, when we went to Hawaii, we were on Maui. It was getting time to get back to the ship and there was a line for taxi's. Everyone was nicely waiting in line (Don't know how that happened) anyway, a nice convertible pulled up and a couple with a service got in, but there was space for more passengers. The next ones in line backed off and didn't want to get in! We weren't far enough up the line to get in, but some other lucky folks got to ride with them. And as you said, the service dog was sitting up in the back of that convertible like they were king of the mountain. Funny it even looked liked they were trying to sit up even straighter and higher. Fond memories. I bet Raylene was like "Yay, I'm the princess!"

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Typically, vaccinations need to be done at least one month prior to the trip, so you should schedule a separate appointment for getting the vaccines done. Never, ever get your dog any vaccines that are not needed due to laws or import requirements (after the puppy shots are finished at a year old)! Over-vaccination is a real thing and can hurt dogs or shorten dogs' lives. Titer for vaccines other than rabies to see if the dog needs to be re-vaccinated, which is unlikely. My twelve-year-old dog's titers came back great even after being on chemo for lymphoma - she has not gotten any vaccines (other than rabies, since the laws and import regulations require it, and Leptospirosis, since the import regulation for where we go each year requires it and that particular one doesn't last for more than a year in their systems) since her puppy shots.


So, no, don't get the bordetella shot - and, like the flu shot for humans, it only protects against a few strains, not all, so it isn't really worth it.


Quam, seriously.........for someone who's dog is fighting cancer, to be so cavalier about vaccinating properly.....be careful what you recommend for others to do. At the very least, please recommend that they speak with their Vet about this. before suggesting they NOT GET VACCINATED!!!! If you have ever witnessed a dog who was not protected by this vaccine get deathly ill you would not be so adverse to it!!!!!!




I am not certain, but I don't believe it matters, as those are just regional offices which are all controlled by the federal USDA. My vet just told me, when I got a health certificate the other day, that our regional office has moved out of our state - that's a bummer, as if I ever need it again, it means that now I have to mail everything overnight and include a return overnight mailer instead of going in person - and if there should be an issue with the paperwork, that could be a big problem due to the delay!


Anyway, when you call to make your appointment, just ask them if it is okay to go there. If they are like the one that used to be here, they only book appointments up to two weeks in advance of the day you want the appointment for. And you could not go without an appointment. Do remember to bring proof of your dog's service dog training so you don't have to pay for the endorsement!




No, but I heard about it happening to a lady who stupidly didn't have even an inkling of the necessary paperwork (didn't look up the requirements or didn't think they applied to her).




You don't need more than one health certificate (they are filled in by hand), just make copies of the one you get and hold onto the original. If you want, make a copy for each country, plus one for the ship - don't forget to count your return port (such as the US) as a country needing one.


You are not a pain, don't worry! We definitely understand about needing to be sure you have everything covered before the trip!!


ALWAYS speak to your Vet about the best thing to do for your dog. They know best how to care and treat your treasured possession!

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I bet Raylene was like "Yay, I'm the princess!"


She definitely was. Our friend John in the passenger seat of the convertible kept turning around snapping pictures. All four of us (humans) laughed all day because she was so obviously smiling and proud of herself with that big pink tongue hanging out! I need to get my photos organized and post one.

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Hi Cindra - I am no expert, but if the USDA vet is in New Jersey, it seems as though you would send it to the state of NJ USDA office for the second signature & stamp. You could call the state USDA office and ask.


(My vet suggested that my spouse carry a photocopy of the 7001 and any other paperwork like rabies certificate in his luggage in case I lost my copy - good idea.)


I got one original certificate 7001 only - kept it in my hand luggage and then in my stateroom in case I needed it returning to the US. (I didn't - the Homeland Security guy in the booth did not even keep a copy.)


Also brought copies of the 7001 for every port, just in case, but never needed them. Apparently, the ship copied & included it with their other paperwork for each immigration officer as we arrived for clearance and that was the end of it. Your ship may do it differently.


The ship's customer service desk will make copies of anything for you if you need it.


Hope you'll let us know how your trip goes next month! I think everyone's experiences are slightly different, so it is useful to hear.




Thank you for taking the time to answer all of my questions. I'm glad I don't have to have lots of originals or copies...even though I will have extras in my file. I want to have all of my "i's" crossed and "t's" dotted...wait, reverse that.;)


If you come to a port that won't allow your dog entry, do you have to clear their customs anyway? In other words, can we sleep in when we get to Jamaica? LOL


Don't worry, I will be sure to come back and report all of our experiences when we return.


I was working with a private tour operator in Costa Rica for a day tour. In our party is a scooter user and our Pedro, of course. This tour operator welcomed us all and is bending over backwards to insure our safety and happiness while with him. I'm hoping for an equally friendly ship's tour in Cartagena. You just never know who will let you enter and who won't there. Keep your fingers crossed for us there.


I just bought a dog sling for Pedro, just in case we see strays, we can just pick him up and secure him in the sling. I am also figuring which flea/tick med to use while we are away. I am most concerned about the rain forest.


Did you think about getting a Bordetella vaccine for your dog?


Am I overthinking things?:confused:



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If you come to a port that won't allow your dog entry, do you have to clear their customs anyway? In other words, can we sleep in when we get to Jamaica? LOL


Did you think about getting a Bordetella vaccine for your dog?


Am I overthinking things?:confused:




We never had to get up early and meet with officials, but that was on Celebrity. Maybe you can advise the customer service desk that you won't be disembarking in Jamaica when you provide your paperwork.


My dog was originally vaccinated for Bordetella by Guide Dogs for the Blind before her career change to Dogs for the Deaf. The USDA vet wanted to give her a booster since she was beyond a year from the original, so I permitted it.


Those tour operators sound great. Will look forward to hearing how they do.


I over-thought things and worried endlessly. But all went smoothly. Over-thinking is better than showing up with no preparation. But once you embark, just go with the flow and have a great time!

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Dear Horton


Thank you so much for your words of encouragement but it took Mum a few tries to read this to me, so she handed it over to Dad! She's going to miss me.


Oh Horty, I'm going through the "stealing slippers" and "stealing shoes" stage, and the chewing "sofa throws" stage - I think it's really funny, but Mum doesn't quite see it that way. I get the look! You know that look, eh Bro? Even when I try the sad puppy eyes and the really fast "wag my bum" and my tail is spinning round so fast I think I'm going to take off - I still get the look!!!


So, I am not to be trusted alone, apparently! :rolleyes: I don't really eat the throws, I just like chewing them! I had my own throws on our doggy sofa, but they've been binned as I chewed lots of holes in them, so what am I supposed to do? Now there are NO throws on any sofa! But I still have my lovely heart cushion in my bed, no way am I chewing that! Piggy needs to have an operation, some stitching - I forgot what I was chewing and I chewed his little porky leg! imagejpg8_zps5dfb05c4.jpg


I'm glad you will always be my Bro, thanks Horty.


Love Aruba xxx


PS I think I'm almost grown up now .... Happy New Year Horty! xxx

What a great picture! She looks ready to work. I can hear the sorting hat now. Aruba, you are having a great start in life and are destined for greatness. You will be an amazing service dog.

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DKD, Welcome home. I hope your holiday's were filled with family and fun. It's good to hear from you.


Trudy, how are you doing and how's your pup?


Cindy, I hope you, John and Wexy are doing well. Aren't you cruising soon? I guess Santa didn't bring you a new computer.......Darn Santa, what good are you? :mad:


Cindra, your story of putting Pedro in a sling made me smile. I wish sometimes that I could put my 92lb boy in a sling.....Yeah, right!!! ;)

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What a great picture! She looks ready to work. I can hear the sorting hat now. Aruba, you are having a great start in life and are destined for greatness. You will be an amazing service dog.


I fear you are right DKD - she's getting ready for her next adventure ..... But she's still a Tink. When I have my lunch I usually give the dogs a small treat. Today it was leftover doggy Christmas treats - small knotted hide balls - one each which I laid out beside my lunch tray at the back of the kitchen worktop counter. I left the kitchen for no more than 5 seconds to close a door, I heard a clunk and as I wondered what that was, Aruba charges past me to the living room. She was very proud of herself, as not only had she stolen one small ball, she had managed to steal two in her big mouth and the clunk was the third falling out of said big mouth onto the kitchen floor.


Her proud smug grin didn't last very long! She did hand them over with no problems, but we will have to do some work on this stealing.


I suppose I should be glad she didn't have my lunch!!!

Edited by fairbourne
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I fear you are right DKD - she's getting ready for her next adventure ..... But she's still a Tink. When I have my lunch I usually give the dogs a small treat. Today it was leftover doggy Christmas treats - small knotted hide balls - one each which I laid out beside my lunch tray at the back of the kitchen worktop counter. I left the kitchen for no more than 5 seconds to close a door, I heard a clunk and as I wondered what that was, Aruba charges past me to the living room. She was very proud of herself, as not only had she stolen one small ball, she had managed to steal two in her big mouth and the clunk was the third falling out of said big mouth onto the kitchen floor.


Her proud smug grin didn't last very long! She did hand them over with no problems, but we will have to do some work on this stealing.


I suppose I should be glad she didn't have my lunch!!!


That just goes to show, no matter how much training there is, at the end of the day they are still dogs. The important thing is that she gave them back. THAT"S GOOD TRAINING!!

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I fear you are right DKD - she's getting ready for her next adventure ..... But she's still a Tink. When I have my lunch I usually give the dogs a small treat. Today it was leftover doggy Christmas treats - small knotted hide balls - one each which I laid out beside my lunch tray at the back of the kitchen worktop counter. I left the kitchen for no more than 5 seconds to close a door, I heard a clunk and as I wondered what that was, Aruba charges past me to the living room. She was very proud of herself, as not only had she stolen one small ball, she had managed to steal two in her big mouth and the clunk was the third falling out of said big mouth onto the kitchen floor.


Her proud smug grin didn't last very long! She did hand them over with no problems, but we will have to do some work on this stealing.


I suppose I should be glad she didn't have my lunch!!!


Aruba, Aruba, Aruba, what are you thinking!!!!!!


It's the one trick that Mr. Horton has not tried yet! He's certainly tall enough to grab anything he wants off the sink or my desk; he just hasn't, yet!


He also sticks his nose into the trash but as of yet has not pulled anything out!


Brenda would NEVER, EVER even come close to the trash and she wasn't as tall as him to reach the stuff on the counter but I could leave a sandwich on the coffee table, within her reach easily, and she'd NEVER go near it. Of course, her PuppyRaisers told me the tale of how she ate the siding off of their brand new garden shed in their back yard. So, she had her "puppy moments" but as an adult, she was pure genius, except when it came to going for walks. She just had to checkout every person, every dog, every flower! I hated to go on walks with her. Horton is absolutely brilliant at this. He doesn't walk, he prances and stays right by my side. When I take him shopping with me, he's so good about moving a step, going backwards and then moving another step. Brenda would forever get tangled in my feet and I'd always be tripping over her.


They all have their really great and really bad qualities. They're just like employees; some are good for one thing and not so good for something else.

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