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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Ok, I have goosebumps! I know Roz, Mr. Roz and Brenny are getting their last minute things together. Checking to make sure they have that passport, all of Brennies papers in her "bag" and getting out the carrier to put everything in and going to the pier............I so wish we were all their with them. I know they will have a great time for all of us.

I know you are already away from computers, but have a fantabulous time and wish we were there! :D


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OK, today I had an opportunity to actually ask someone with a SD what agency they got their dog from - the city I live in is about 130,000 folks but to see an SD is a rarity. We chatted for a bit about my desire to get one for my daughter etc and then she mentioned that she trained her own dog.


Anyone heard of this? I tend to be a rather sceptical person by nature and my first thought was 'is this for real'? You can just buy a puppy and do all the work yourself with the aid of a professional trainer? She sure had a lot of info on her - she handed me a very official SD card and seemed to know a lot about the ins and outs of accessibility etc.


She was quite an interesting person to talk to and her dog was great but he was getting antsy towards the end of our conversation. :) He looked like a chow cross to me - and from my training days, not an easy breed to train so good on her for taking on the challenge and making him into a wonderful aid for her. She ended the conversation by saying he gave her her life back!!!


I'm not sure this would be a route I'd go for myself but I wonder if it is an option for others out there?



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Quam: Yep! It's true; I walked around with my slip showing; picking my nose when and where I chose to; and, when I used to trip, I didn't care who was watching because most weren't.


Now, I'm a much more careful walker and I ONLY pick when I'm sure no one's looking! ;)


Too funny! :p


The public would like to take a moment to thank Brenda for ceasing your nose-picking habit. ;)

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OK, today I had an opportunity to actually ask someone with a SD what agency they got their dog from - the city I live in is about 130,000 folks but to see an SD is a rarity. We chatted for a bit about my desire to get one for my daughter etc and then she mentioned that she trained her own dog.


Anyone heard of this? I tend to be a rather sceptical person by nature and my first thought was 'is this for real'? You can just buy a puppy and do all the work yourself with the aid of a professional trainer? She sure had a lot of info on her - she handed me a very official SD card and seemed to know a lot about the ins and outs of accessibility etc.


Yes, this is perfectly legal. A service dog does not have to be trained by a professional trainer or a program, though owner-trainers only do themselves good if they hire a professional trainer to help them with the training, especially if they are new to dogs, training, or service dogs.


An ID card is not required, but some trainers and programs give them out. Unfortunately, unscrupulous people can also purchase (fake) certification cards online to try to pass their pets, therapy dogs, or emotional support pets off as service dogs just to bring them everywhere. :mad:


Training a service dog is a lot of hard work. It is a process that takes 1 1/2 - 2 years. If you find a dog without the help of a trainer and veterinarian (for health testing), you could invest a lot of time, money, and emotions in a dog that in the end doesn't work out as a service dog. While that could also happen with a dog a trainer helps you find - or even happen years into a dog's service life due to a tragedy like a dog attack or car accident - it is much less risk when you have a qualified trainer help you test dogs. You also have less risk choosing a dog that is between 1 and 2 years old, since it will have been past the puppy stages and you can see more of what the adult dog will be like. If the dog is for mobility, you can't use him until he is 2 years old or later (depending on the growth rate of the breed) anyway.


Training your own dog or helping to train your own dog can be a great thing - you bond with the dog well, you know the ins and outs of the dog's training, you know what to do/what not to do when something goes wrong, etc. It does take a lot of time, effort, skill, energy, etc. - and money, if you have a professional trainer do the training/help you train.


There are lots of online lists where you can learn more about training/helping train your own service dog.

Edited by Quampapetet
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Yes, this is perfectly legal. A service dog does not have to be trained by a professional trainer or a program, though owner-trainers only do themselves good if they hire a professional trainer to help them with the training, especially if they are new to dogs, training, or service dogs.


An ID card is not required, but some trainers and programs give them out. Unfortunately, unscrupulous people can also purchase (fake) certification cards online to try to pass their pets, therapy dogs, or emotional support pets off as service dogs just to bring them everywhere. :mad:


Training a service dog is a lot of hard work. It is a process that takes 1 1/2 - 2 years. If you find a dog without the help of a trainer and veterinarian (for health testing), you could invest a lot of time, money, and emotions in a dog that in the end doesn't work out as a service dog. While that could also happen with a dog a trainer helps you find - or even happen years into a dog's service life due to a tragedy like a dog attack or car accident - it is much less risk when you have a qualified trainer help you test dogs. You also have less risk choosing a dog that is between 1 and 2 years old, since it will have been past the puppy stages and you can see more of what the adult dog will be like. If the dog is for mobility, you can't use him until he is 2 years old or later (depending on the growth rate of the breed) anyway.


Training your own dog or helping to train your own dog can be a great thing - you bond with the dog well, you know the ins and outs of the dog's training, you know what to do/what not to do when something goes wrong, etc. It does take a lot of time, effort, skill, energy, etc. - and money, if you have a professional trainer do the training/help you train.


There are lots of online lists where you can learn more about training/helping train your own service dog.

Thanks so much for the info Quam! I knew someone would let me know right away. I honestly had never heard of that option (guess I haven't done enough research then!) but it is nice to know that people can do it.


I definitely agree that you wouldn't really want to take on the duty if you were new to dogs without a professional by your side. She did tell me that doing it herself (with a trainer), she knows exactly what to do if some new situation arise for her dog.


She was quite a good ambassador for herself and her dog. Being the one and only SD I've come across, I can't comment any further.



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Mornin' all;

Wonder what Roz and Brenny are doing? Letting the sea air blow thru their hair, I hope. :D

We had to get new cell phones (a man thing), but anyway, I put the calypso ring tone on mine. Don't get alot of calls, but love that ring. I also had to take a picture of Leann Emily for my screen saver. Gotta love modern technology. NOT. I am lucky to make a phone call, answer one and now take a picture and make it a screen saver. Thats about the extent of my techie knowledge.........

Everyone have a great Sunday. Its back to work for me Monday. I love my job, just am feeling really tired and would prefer to lay around and be lazy! Once I get moving, it will be better.


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Hi Everyone !

It has been forever since we have posted or stopped by i knew Roz and Brenny were on their way this month just thought id stop and see if they left...guess so !!!! Hey roz if you get this wehn you get back im going to rick and Ambers again may 1st lets hook up !!! would love to hear of your cruise


ok on to the owner traning ... is all i have to say being a trainer myself for a service dog orginization ( which I did NOt get my guide dog from ) and knowing different trainers ... just because a person says they are a SD trainer dosent mean they actually KNOW what they are doing ...it takes a LOT to make a good service dog and if your considering traning your own ... consider spending a day or more with someone who has obtained a dog from a legit orginization like Roz or I have ... I can almost GURENTEE youll see the differences between an owner train and a School trained dog to be VERY extreme !!!!! Im not saying Owner traning is bad or all owner trained dogs are bad there are some really good ones out there , ( none I have PERSONALLY met ) but beware its ALOT of work you must know dogs otherwise if you bring a dog who is out of control or barks even a little or is fearful or shy and you dont know how to detect that your stressing your dog out and it is a SLAP in the faces of one who has worked so hard to go to school for 29 days and train with a service dog and learn the stress signs and learn what is NOT acceptable . This also makes it harder when an out of control Owner trained dog who dosent seem to be out of control one bit to its owners ... makes a bad name for serivce dog handlers who have worked thru a school !

im not trying to beat up owner trainers i think it is a decent thing but i just have seen too many people RUIN it for me in places of buisness all who have been owner trainers.... also thought i have seen my share of bad school trained dogs so not to say schools are perfect either ... it is a tough balence and us SD users work hard every day to make a way for ourselves in this carzy world ..... I hope you find a GREAT dog for your daughter :-)

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Thanks to all of your encouragement about filing the access complaint. Here is the results:

Some may remember me writing about the incident that happened at Crystal Cove State Park where a ranger denied my right to walk on the beach with my service dog, Bailey.


I did file a formal complaint against the ranger and asked for two things, 1) that the park be provided ADA training, specially related to service dogs and 2) A formal complaint be put in the personnel file of "Ranger Rick".


Yesterday, I received a call from the "Human Rights Office, Department of Parks and Recreation. " The representative was very pleasant and wanted to let me know the results their investigation.


First, ADA training was provided to all the rangers in that district and the south district. They even shared the access information I provided to other parks in the state.


Second, Ranger Rick was "counselled." She stated they have a progressive discipline policy and they could not skip the verbal counselling step. Having worked in personnel, I understand that policy.


The Human Rights Officer asked me if I was satisfied. Yes.


I was so flabbergasted that California State Park employees had not had any ADA training, related to service dogs, that I felt I had to file the formal complaint in order to initiate change.


Case Closed.

Edited by Andar
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At least I would consider it a victory and one "tiny" step forward. I live in California and was in law enforcement for 24 years. We had diversity training, which covered everything, but now that I think about it, SD were just a given to me. Common sense tells you that a person with a service dog will be in public places. I always was one for common sense and no "book sense"! But then there are the ones that want to get around every issue and abuse the system. They are the ones that ruin it for everyone.


I am glad that you had such a positive solution. Hopefully Ranger Rick and his multitude of years learned something from his counselling! One can only hope. :confused:



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Darcie, Glad you went forward and did something about "Ranger Rick". He was an idiot! I hope you were satisfied.


I didn't get to tell anyone, but we got a call from CCI on tuesday. Someone had cancelled their interview for Friday and they asked if we could make it on short notice. Lucky for us, John happened to be on school vacation. So off we went. We left Thursday because it's pretty far for us to go and we couldn't do it in one day. We took the ferry from Connecticut to Long Island. Friday we had our interview. Just let me say that we were so impressed with CCI. The facilities are just incredible!! The new campus is just beautiful. The dogs!! I just can't tell you how much we were impressed with them. Not only are they beautiful but the most well behaved dogs we have ever seen. John even commented how they behaved better than Rangeley, and thats alot for John to say. John got to work one of the dogs and you could see his face light up. Of course it was bittersweet for me, but seeing John with the dog was great. Everyone was so nice. After the one on one interview, the trainer gave us the feeling that we will be acceped to the waiting list. Of course this is not official, but we feel good about it. Now it's a 2 to 4 week wait to see if we are accepted. Wish us luck!!

Cindy and John

Edited by rangeley
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Cindy and John, I am so excited for you!

It will seem like we are all waiting around for a baby to be born - you will have to tell us the minute you get one (and I am sure you will).


Wow, this is so exciting!


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I just heard that Paws With A Cause is partnering with Service Dog Cruises for a group service dog cruise on Royal Caribbean's Mariner of the Seas from Los Angeles in January. I figured some of you might be interested, as it appears all are welcome, so here is the info.:


http://www.pawswithacause.org/events.asp (Scroll down to the last listed event.)




The cruise is out of Los Angeles, California and goes to the Mexican ports of Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan, and Puerto Vallarta.


The cruise is January 17, 2010 - January 24, 2010.

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Darcie, Glad you went forward and did something about "Ranger Rick". He was an idiot! I hope you were satisfied.


I didn't get to tell anyone, but we got a call from CCI on tuesday. Someone had cancelled their interview for Friday and they asked if we could make it on short notice. Lucky for us, John happened to be on school vacation. So off we went. We left Thursday because it's pretty far for us to go and we couldn't do it in one day. We took the ferry from Connecticut to Long Island. Friday we had our interview. Just let me say that we were so impressed with CCI. The facilities are just incredible!! The new campus is just beautiful. The dogs!! I just can't tell you how much we were impressed with them. Not only are they beautiful but the most well behaved dogs we have ever seen. John even commented how they behaved better than Rangeley, and thats alot for John to say. John got to work one of the dogs and you could see his face light up. Of course it was bittersweet for me, but seeing John with the dog was great. Everyone was so nice. After the one on one interview, the trainer gave us the feeling that we will be acceped to the waiting list. Of course this is not official, but we feel good about it. Now it's a 2 to 4 week wait to see if we are accepted. Wish us luck!!

Cindy and John


Great news!!


So who was the interview with and which trainers did you work with?

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Great news!!


So who was the interview with and which trainers did you work with?


Jessica did the presentation and Flora the trainer did the personal interview. Both of them were wonderful!



For anyone interested, heres a video of my honey skiing. I don't know if any of you have seen a quad skiing before. Turn on your sound and click on the link.


It was filmed with a camera phone , so it's not great but you'll get the idea. Not only does my man ski, he scuba dives, did 2 boston marathons and has a masters degree in education. Who deserves a CCI dog more? HAHAHA Sorry just love to brag. I'm so in awe of him, even after 10 yrs together. :)

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Jessica did the presentation and Flora the trainer did the personal interview. Both of them were wonderful!



For anyone interested, heres a video of my honey skiing. I don't know if any of you have seen a quad skiing before. Turn on your sound and click on the link.


It was filmed with a camera phone , so it's not great but you'll get the idea. Not only does my man ski, he scuba dives, did 2 boston marathons and has a masters degree in education. Who deserves a CCI dog more? HAHAHA Sorry just love to brag. I'm so in awe of him, even after 10 yrs together. :)


Cindy and John: I'm so excited for you.....isn't CCI amazing? I'd love to share their grounds with everyone......I'm so proud to be part of them! It won't be long, now! Aren't their dogs amazing?

You have every right to brag.....just imagine, John, soon you'll be able to ski down those slopes with your CCI Service Dog! You're so lucky! And, you are my new best hero....watching you ski is certainly an inspiration to us all.

Cari: It's so good to hear from you. And, you're so right about Service Dogs that are not trained by official Org's. I've also seen a dog that was "personally trained!" I watched it go into a "melt-down" and the person handling him did not know what to do! It was sad to watch!

We'll be in San Francisco on April 30th through May 4th. I'm afraid I will miss this visit. I hope we'll be able to do it again.

Please give Denver and youself a big kiss from me, Morey and Brenny!

Quam: Thanks for the info. on the January cruise...we're seriously thinking of taking a cruise in January....maybe we'll do it. Although, I am a strict Princess fan....I'll have to look into it...

**We had a fabulous time on our cruise this past week. The group onboard were wonderful folks. It can make such a difference in your cruise experience. From the dock workers to the TSA people, it was just one of my most favorite cruises, ever!

I loved every moment onboard the Sapphire. We made so many new friends. And, Brenda, well, what can I say, she was the hit of the ship. I bought her some special collars from "Four on the Floor" and another website that sells "party" collars for dogs and every day she wore a different beautiful collar to celebrate our days onboard. Nothing silly (afterall, she is a working dog) but still collars that were so lovely and showed how much I love her!!!

Princess put her "potty box" in the stairwell near our cabin. They filled the box with cedar mulch. It was PERFECT. And, so was the placement. They made us feel so welcome. They reserved seats for us for the production shows and we had a special escort for our disembarkation. Brenda never got trampled and I never felt like I had to worry about her. It was a fun and friend-filled cruise.

Our steward was Bethoven; what a terrific guy. He helped to make our cruise so special!

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