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Ncl Is Going Smoke Free!

Lucky Guy

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They should have made at least ONE designated SMOKING bar that is inside.


I would think that would be fair. One could argue that the casino is it, but those who don't gamble will squeeze and smoke out those who do. The cigar smoking rooms aren't big enough to handle more than half dozen to a dozen smokers at a time, and there's no bar.

Basically, they would be forcing the smokers to one of the bars topside. Watch it get all the best waiters, as it will certainly be busy and smokers will chase all the non-smokers below decks.

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The main thing that upsets me here is not the fact they have made certain areas non-smoking, it's the fact NCL did not tell anyone of this policy that starts in 2 days! And made no compensations for the smokers.


Yes, I'm a smoker. I do not visit the casino because if the noise. So, If I want to socialize and drink and have a cigarette where am I to go.. To my cabin? Is that what I paid for? I can drink and smoke at home!


They should have made at least ONE designated SMOKING bar that is inside.


Unfortunately, we smokers are the easiest group to abuse and it is not considered racism, bias or anything like that. It is considered appropriate to simply legislate us away. It's quite ok for nonsmokers to have a holier than though attitude and treat us with distain and sometimes downright nastiness no matter how considerate we smokers try to be -- smoking only in designated areas, asking others in the group before lighting up and putting it out when asked. I don't treat overweight people with such nasty distain, and addiction to food is just as hard an addition to break (and as a small person, I'm usually the one on the plane stuck sitting next to the very large person who is in my seat). But we smokers take it and take it and take it.


I agree completely that NCL SHOULD HAVE GIVEN SOME NOTICE. We have a two week cruise on the Star coming up, 2 weeks on the Pearl for the holidays, another two weeks on the Jade next august and then on the Sun for south america for the 08/09 holidays. I am VERY MUCH going to rethink that because NCL has changed the product it offers me and frankly I'm not sure it's worth the value.


I will accept changes in itinerary, unforeseen events due to acts of nature or a higher authority. I will NOT accept changing a man made rule without them giving me the choice to cancel for a full refund or make some other accommodations.


A simple solution would indeed be ONE smoking bar WITHOUT CIGARS. Otherwise I can guarantee you that I will NOT be spending much money on drinks on this upcoming trip.

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Washington State went non-smoking within the last few years. You can't even smoke outside if you are 25 feet away from a door. This means that if you read the letter of the law smoking is banned even outside in most of downtown Seattle.


Woow, this sounds really heavy,

Does this mean any door, or does it have to be your door, or the door of the building you are actually staying in?

So you can not smoke in a park or a terras?

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Woow, this sounds really heavy,

Does this mean any door, or does it have to be your door, or the door of the building you are actually staying in?

So you can not smoke in a park or a terras?


It's similar here. The rule is made so that the smokers don't congregate at the door whereby the smoke blows right back into the establishment. It also prevents patrons from walking through a cloud of smoke when they enter or exit. It has nothing to do with parks or outside smoking in general.

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Maybe the smokers should use a cruise as an opportunity to quit...


In 2002 I quit partly because it became too inconvenient to smoke...I just got tired of not being able to smoke when and where I wanted too..My family and I are a lot healthier because of it...


I love the comparison to overweight people......if second hand fat becomes a health risk maybe they will be treated with disdain too...:D

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Unfortunately, we smokers are the easiest group to abuse and it is not considered racism, bias or anything like that. It is considered appropriate to simply legislate us away. It's quite ok for nonsmokers to have a holier than though attitude and treat us with distain and sometimes downright nastiness no matter how considerate we smokers try to be -- smoking only in designated areas, asking others in the group before lighting up and putting it out when asked. I don't treat overweight people with such nasty distain, and addiction to food is just as hard an addition to break (and as a small person, I'm usually the one on the plane stuck sitting next to the very large person who is in my seat). But we smokers take it and take it and take it.


I agree completely that NCL SHOULD HAVE GIVEN SOME NOTICE. We have a two week cruise on the Star coming up, 2 weeks on the Pearl for the holidays, another two weeks on the Jade next august and then on the Sun for south america for the 08/09 holidays. I am VERY MUCH going to rethink that because NCL has changed the product it offers me and frankly I'm not sure it's worth the value.


I will accept changes in itinerary, unforeseen events due to acts of nature or a higher authority. I will NOT accept changing a man made rule without them giving me the choice to cancel for a full refund or make some other accommodations.


A simple solution would indeed be ONE smoking bar WITHOUT CIGARS. Otherwise I can guarantee you that I will NOT be spending much money on drinks on this upcoming trip.

Very Well Said!

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WOO HOO! We are very excited to hear that they are not going to allow smoking in the bars. We love to go to the lounges and listen to music after dinner and have a few drinks. When you return to your cabin you need to take a shower and forget about wearing that blazer again, it smells so bad that you need to bag it so it doesn't stink up the rest of your clothes. I used to be a smoker:o, I can still remember people telling me that I smelled nasty.(SMOKERS NEVER BELIEVE THAT THEY SMELL). I am glad NCL is starting this new policy, hopefully the other cruiselines will follow.

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The main thing that upsets me here is not the fact they have made certain areas non-smoking, it's the fact NCL did not tell anyone of this policy that starts in 2 days! And made no compensations for the smokers.


Yes, I'm a smoker. I do not visit the casino because if the noise. So, If I want to socialize and drink and have a cigarette where am I to go.. To my cabin? Is that what I paid for? I can drink and smoke at home!


They should have made at least ONE designated SMOKING bar that is inside.



They did... it's called the cigar bar.

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They did... it's called the cigar bar.



The cigar bar on the Star holds 12 people and when we cruised last year there was never a bartender in it during the day, only at night. We would pop in there for a cigarette but could never get a drink.

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This thread cracks me up. There are some poor people in here who act like they're going to die because they can't smoke anywhere they want for an 8 day stretch ... Addict much?


LOL I'm reading this thinking the same thing.


All this "government this and government that!" is pretty funny too considering this is a business making a business decision. All the smokers who've been posting "They let us smoke where ever we want! If you don't like it, don't cruise!" can't understand "You can't smoke in public areas, if you don't like it, don't cruise." What's that about dishing it but not being able to take it?


As far as advance notification--the contract clearly says the cruise line is allowed to make ALL KINDS of changes without notice. Maybe no one thought this would be one of them, but they're certainly within their rights.

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However, all of that being said, I am completely against smoking bans of any kind. I hate sitting in the smoking section of restaurants. The cig smoke makes my eyes water. But, this is a free country (or it was) and the government should not step in and pass laws like the one in Ohio to ban smoking. If NCL or a private vendor wants to do it, fine, that's the market at work. But the government should not step in and decide what people can and cannot do. Time will tell whether it was a good idea for NCL, and it probably will prove to be so, though they will likely lose some loyal customers who now can only smoke in restricted areas.


Duh! Second hand smoke can kill you! Duh! This is exactly that function of government to protect it's citizens.

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This all probably a relatively moot topic because:


1. All cruise lines will probably begin adopting similar (if not more restrictive) policies in the near future.


2. The government will probably eventually begin making even more restrictive smoking laws. (I'm a little split on this issue, thinking that Uncle Sam is sometimes over aggressive in it's application of laws to govern what should be common sense - headlights on when it's raining is one of my favorites, can't believe we have to pass laws to get people to do this:rolleyes: ).

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Duh! Second hand smoke can kill you! Duh! This is exactly that function of government to protect it's citizens.


Many, many factors can kill you, in fact, none of us will live forever, not even you, not even if you are never around a cigarette. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of carcinogens in your home, that are regulated by the government.

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It's similar here. The rule is made so that the smokers don't congregate at the door whereby the smoke blows right back into the establishment. It also prevents patrons from walking through a cloud of smoke when they enter or exit. It has nothing to do with parks or outside smoking in general.


Exactly! Thanks for explaining this!


(Hate that cloud - I just let a big breath out very discretely when I have to walk through it because people aren't following the rules. Don't worry, I'm not one of those "hand-waving, exaggerated coughing crazies" though! ;) )

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This is what the NCL web site says. It says BARS not the Casino Bar ONLY!


What about smoking, drinking and gambling on the ship?


Smoking is permitted in designated areas in the bars and outside on open decks. All other areas on board ship are non-smoking.


As non-smokers don't get affected by this change, I don't see the need for you to be rude and offensive to us smokers. This does not change your cruise experience but it sure as heck does mine. :mad:


Lets see, late night acts in Spinnakers, well no more as we cant smoke and the closest smoking area is the pool! Sitting in Pearly Kings for trivia or the Playoffs, No more! I'm traveling with a group of about 40. Half smokers, are the other 20 going to sit in the Cigar Bar with us? NO. We will be forced into our cabin! What about rain? Again, we will be forced into the cabin.


Yes, we all know it a bad habit, its an addiction, but its OUR choice and how would you all feel if the casino goes non alcoholic?


I see many posts complaining about every little detail from bad coffee to no trays in the buffet, but this policy effects MY quality of MY vacation and I have every right to be mad about it. If I had known this change was coming, I would have NOT booked these cruises.


Some of you said don't let the door hit you in the A@@, well I'm sure another cruise line will open that door really fast!

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Many, many factors can kill you, in fact, none of us will live forever, not even you, not even if you are never around a cigarette. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of carcinogens in your home, that are regulated by the government.


I've never understood this argument. Please someone enlighten me. Sure there are carcinogens in our environment...


But why add one more?

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I guess we can hope, eventually NCL will re-consider and allow smoking in one bar if no place else. I think, as much as I love the casino I would rather be able to sit and enjoy a drink than smoke in the casino plus for non smokers they would be able to spend more time gambling. Right now, it would seem totally unfair to make the casino non smoking as well as all bars.


come on you non smokers, give us a break!!! I rarely smoke, but have to admit the habit isn't completely licked. I know most of you hate the smell, are alergic to smoke (I really doubt most of you are really allergic to it) it is dirty and expensive, but it isn't illegal. 99% of smokers are considerate I think, I certainly try to be, but as long as it isn't against the law don't we have some rights, can't we all learn to live together with each giving a little? It seems like most smokers are willing to give non smokers a break, but it doesn't seem to be the same with non smokers. You want everyone to quit and want everyplace to be totally smoke free.

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I guess we can hope, eventually NCL will re-consider and allow smoking in one bar if no place else. I think, as much as I love the casino I would rather be able to sit and enjoy a drink than smoke in the casino plus for non smokers they would be able to spend more time gambling. Right now, it would seem totally unfair to make the casino non smoking as well as all bars.


come on you non smokers, give us a break!!! I rarely smoke, but have to admit the habit isn't completely licked. I know most of you hate the smell, are alergic to smoke (I really doubt most of you are really allergic to it) it is dirty and expensive, but it isn't illegal. 99% of smokers are considerate I think, I certainly try to be, but as long as it isn't against the law don't we have some rights, can't we all learn to live together with each giving a little? It seems like most smokers are willing to give non smokers a break, but it doesn't seem to be the same with non smokers. You want everyone to quit and want everyplace to be totally smoke free.


Well said!

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Many, many factors can kill you, in fact, none of us will live forever, not even you, not even if you are never around a cigarette. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of carcinogens in your home, that are regulated by the government.

But there are so many that think they will if the government just did away with this and that. first it is smoking which is either not allowed or the cigarette taxes are so high we will all be forced to quit: then let's tax booze some more. Of course this will disourage kids from starting to drink cause the won't be able to afford even 1 beer, heck sometimes I think we won't be able to much longer. Now it's time to attack the Trans fats: God forbid if we eat a little trace of "bad" fat. Don't eat too much of some types of fish, the mercury will affect you, it might even kill you: So when the government gets through with total control of our lives we will live to be 125, but who will support us? Our grandkids and great grandkids will be taxed to death just paying for all the medical needs of the aging population or paying for our subsendised (spelling) housing cause we don't have any savings left.


I don't think people are thinking of the long range effects of all the changing laws to protect the entire country.

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On my recent Pearl cruise I was told by an officer that as of July 15, 2007 ALL OF NCL will be mostly SMOKE FREE :mad:


You will be allowed to still smoke in your cabins and in the Cigar Room and the Casino and on open decks. No more smoking in any inside lounges or BARS!


Just thought I would share the news :mad:


Even as a smoker, this policy does not bother me at all. I don't smoke in my house and it's been years since we could smoke in a restaurant or bar near where we live. Personally, I wouldn't mind if I couldn't smoke in the Casino since then I wouldn't lose so much money as I'd be taking smoke breaks on deck.


As long as I can smoke on my balcony or cabin and on deck, I'm fine. For those who say that smoke from someone's balcony bothers them, we always ask the people in the nearby cabins if it bothers them. If it does, we don't smoke on the balcony or only do it when they are either not out and don't have the door open.


We try to be a courteous as possible.

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What about smoking, drinking and gambling on the ship?


Smoking is permitted in designated areas in the bars and outside on open decks. All other areas on board ship are non-smoking.


Is the new policy or the old one?


Designated areas for smoking in the bars hardly makes them non-smoking.

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