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Effects of discounting begin......


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I'm sorry to see this happen. I had found an agency that I was happy doing business with and happy with the RCI as a cruiseline. I'm still happy with the agency but not as pleased with RCI. So, our 2006 cruise will possibly be booked with another line.


IMO, all the lines are reasonably equal in quality and offer similar itenerary's. It makes no real difference to me who I'm sailing with. What does make a difference is the value of the cruise, the $$ left in my pocket and the service received from my TA. If I can get discounts on another cruise line, then I'm more than willing to try those other cruise lines.


Now, after sailing on one or two other lines, if I feel they just don't live up to RCI's standards, then I'll consider paying RCI's price. However, RCI is at great risk of losing my business. Not only future cruises but exisiting cruises as well.


The Novemeber cruise we have is at no risk. It's final payment has been make, flights have been purchased and all plans are essentially finalized. It would cost me to much to change. It could be my last cruise on RCI as the January cruise has a Carnival ship that sails the same route on the same dates. I wasn't going to consider switching but I will at least look at the possiblity. I feel that cruise on RCI isn't in that much danger at this point.


Now our 12 night med cruise with RCI is most definately in danger of being cancelled and changed to another cruise ine. I will start shopping that routed heavily to see who compares to the price I already have. The problem is, which line? Carnival and RCI own the lions share of cruise lines. Since Carnival has a similar policy that will be taking effect, would I want to consider one of the lines sailing under their corporate flag?


Having said that, I realize I have posted that I'm considering changing from RCI to Carnival for the 3 night Mexican Baja cruise. Part of that will be to show RCI my displeasure over their new policy and let Carnival know that they might keep my business if, and only if, they don't invoke the same stupid policy that RCI has come up with. If they do, then that could be my first and only cruise with a Carnival corp. owned ship.


Just keep in mind people, there are more ways than cruising to take a vacation. I have absolutely no problem setting my own planning land based vacations and having a great time. There's a LOT of this world to explore and it doesn't have to be seen from a 157 sq ft cabin on a ship bobbing up in down on the ocean trying to avoid tropical storms or hurricanes.


Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to go cruise shopping to see if I can replace the cruises I already have booked with RCI. ;)

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JC - my loyalty is to how much money I want to spend. From the research I've done, I believe I'll be equally happy on the Princess cruise as an RCCL cruise. I had an opportunity to save 400.00 on a Princess cruise, Princess had it available to book, I could use any agent I chose and get a discount.
I just got email confirmation from that unnameable online high volume TA, with RCCL booking number, that my reservation is good. And my fare is FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY THREE dollars less than RCCI's price. And I still get my $100-for-booking-onboard credit, on top of the fare savings.
I was not offered any alternative solution from the TA onboard, in fact I got the sense that it was a bother for her to do much research and I didn't sense she cared a lot about me being a loyal customer or not.

Bummer, Lisa - I noticed that the woman at the desk when you were waiting was NOT the same one who helped me. (Do you remember? "Mine" came by while we were chatting?)


Carol (content and anticipating)

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what a bummer! My last three cruises were booked with cruisequick.com. I got the BEST price for all 3 of them. I tried other lines and to my family RCI has more advantages than others.


as for your comment xpcdoojk.... It's not about loyalty to a TA. It's about the fact if we can or cannot afford RCI cruise anymore. Unfortunately wirhout discounts we will not be able to cruise even once a year.EVEN 'the cruise we want to take"....

Life's tough. One time I wanted a Porsche, but they didn't offer discounts and I ended up with a Corvette.


If you truly can't afford RCI "even once a year", I'd suggest you cruise with someone else - And feel extremely fortunate that you can afford to cruise once a year with anyone.

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I also used this agency and enjoyed booking two RCCL cruises through them at a fair savings over what I could find elsewhere. RCCL will get our upcoming cruise out of us and that may be the end. In my opinion, RCCL is shooting itself in the foot on this one!

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Just got a wonderful email from CQ that they will be booking RCCL in the future. For now they just want to wait to see what happens -- They don't want to risk getting sanctions from RCCL. They have been wonderful to book cruises with - My next two are booked with them and I will continue to book with them. They have been more responsive to my questions and concerns than any other TA that I've ever worked with!

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just had a chat with my TA and they are going to offer credits toward my next cruise when i book an rci cruise with them! so the only cruise i will not get an additional discount on is the next one i book! but i'm going to book on board for that credit, plus with my coupon i would think that i will still be doing alright.


give the TA's a chance to figure a way around this no discounting. they will.


there is more than 1 way to skin a cat!!!!


hope to sea ya all soon, judy

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I booked my 2005 cruise through them just a week ago!


I don't blame them at all. If they're getting no response, they have no recourse. They have a business to run and definitely want to avoid lawsuits.


I just submitted a reply stating that 1 of the reasons I would switch cruise lines would be: Turnaround time for calls or emails of more than 48 hours. How bizarre.


Well, RCI, many, many people here use that company, myself included. Friday's almost here!

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with all that's going on with celebrity and RCCL and CQ discontinuing them as of tomorrow, do you think this is risky at all booking with them?


what would happen if, heaven forbid, they went "under" after i paid my deposit to them, do you know?


is my deposit safe? would i make final payment directly to celebrity or RCCL?


i'm booked with CQ but my cruise is a ways in the future and i'm a little concerned about the repercussions on CQ if all the cruiselines follow suit.


any thoughts on this? can you educate me as to whether my deposit is safe?

Please don't stress over hypothetical situations. Calm down. You just can't worry about the unknown. Worst case scenario - you look a couple of hundred bucks. In my case $312. Life will go on. There are many worse things that can happen. Relax....;)

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Don't freak out everyone, CruiseQuick will sell RCI cruises again soon, as soon as they get the answers that they need.


Does anyone else find it extremely odd that RCI just suddenly made this HUGE decision, but it doesn't even seem like they know what their own "rules" are???

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Don't freak out everyone, CruiseQuick will sell RCI cruises again soon, as soon as they get the answers that they need.


Does anyone else find it extremely odd that RCI just suddenly made this HUGE decision, but it doesn't even seem like they know what their own "rules" are???

No. They thought they were pretty clear. However, as it often happens, what's clear as crystal to one person is as clear as mud to another. If there were never any misunderstandings between what one person thought they said and another person understood them to say, 80% of the lawyers in this country would be looking for employment.
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Don't freak out everyone, CruiseQuick will sell RCI cruises again soon, as soon as they get the answers that they need.


Does anyone else find it extremely odd that RCI just suddenly made this HUGE decision, but it doesn't even seem like they know what their own "rules" are???

No I don't find it odd at all. How many times have we read on these boards that when you call the cruiseline directly you never get the same answer twice! :confused: if Royal Caribbean's ulterior motive with this new policy is eventually to cut out the TA totally (my opinion about where this is heading), RCL better institute some serious extensive inhouse training!
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No I don't find it odd at all. How many times have we read on these boards that when you call the cruiseline directly you never get the same answer twice! :confused: if Royal Caribbean's ulterior motive with this new policy is eventually to cut out the TA totally (my opinion about where this is heading), RCL better institute some serious extensive inhouse training!
My opinion is that their motive (not so ulterior) is to help traditional TA's to the detriment of the low-cost internet TA's.
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RCI sent out a detailed list of instructions to all agencies on monday. CQ has an online res system directly connected with RCI res system. So why would there be a question of rates when RCI is setting the prices in their Res system for all agencies to link to? CQ may need to change their program in there res system so as not to discount RCI cruises,but surely not blame RCI for the that problem.

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can you educate me as to whether my deposit is safe?


Your deposit is safe if you paid with a credit card. If the business goes under, you are guaranteed a refund.


Not so if paying with cash or check.


ALL travel (airfare, hotels, cruises, travel junkets, packages) should ALWAYS be paid with a credit card!!

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I have a cruise in Jan 04 (family reunion) currently booked with RCCL and was going to transfer it to CruiseQuick just before final payment. Am I correct in understanding that I should now do this before close of business tomorrow in order to get a discount? I have booking #'s and there are numerous cabins involved so a substantial savings could be lost if we miss out on a discount. We had put off transfer due to some not sure yet if they can go and because we have made a few changes in cabin assignments, etc. Please advise - what would you do?

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>>so you are more loyal to a silly travel agency than to the cruise you want to take? Silliness is running amok on this topic. JMHO.


There's nothing silly about it..... and loyalty to a TA may, or may not have anything to do with it! Look, plain and simple.. the so-called BIG retailers had a fit, a public, loud fit, over the fact that some agencies were not only, selling cruises at a good price (discount), but those agencies were also able to garner themselves quite a bit of PRO generated publicity, (sometimes, even free.. via this baord and others) rather than CON generated..simply put.. they didn't like the fact that comsumers could figure out the "skinny", what was real versus what was hype. I think it's a bunch of crap, frankly.


These big time travel sellers, had, at one time, the very, almost, monopolistic advantage that they NOW find free to cry unfair! Give me a break! I quickly figured out, after my 1st very expensive cruise that these so-called Big Boy's were , not only way overpriced, they were never, ever apt to let you deviate from the the standard package deal. Try calling them (a few years ago, and even more recently) and asking for a any kind of change to the *super-duper* advertised special! Ha! talk about not working for the money, honey! They had this down pat!

I also, strongly, believe that these big boy agencies are still perceived as big boys, in terms of advertising dollars and also in an intangible way, in that, there are still, many, many consumers who still believe and don't know any better, that these big boys are THE way to go! This site, as well as many others have frightened them..but, since they still are still perceived as the big boys, primarily by cruise forum sites that accept and depend, somewhat, more or less, depending on the site, ad revenues... well... there you have it. The big boy agencies have convinced these forums and, apparently, some cruiselines, that they ARE still the big boys with clout! Ha! Only a matter of time... after all, since they are somewhat still big boys they have had plenty of opportunities to do what almost all business does, get COMPETITIVE! They have always gotten an unfair advantage over the little guys, discounters, etc., through the cruiselines... simply because, at one time, they sold more volume, they were also priivy to more perks to offer and higher commissions. They depended on OLD word of mouth..well, hasn't the good old internet changed all that! Instead of crying foul, why don't they spend all those gigantic ad dollars, (wasted ad dollars, at that.... even if you only glance at the full page ads in the major Sunday newspaper travel sections you'll quickly figure out that they are NO BARGAINS, at all!) on simple, small ads in the major NP'S and websites touting great prices! They can do this just as easily, if not more, easily, with all the overrides they get, as any other travel seller! But, NO.. that would be, uhmm.. unthinkable? Dinosaurs! That's what they are... slow, heavy and expect to rule the travel world based on might! Ask the real dinosaurs about THAT plan! As to the widely held belief, even here, and on other forums, that internet agencies are, somehow, not real agencies.. now that's silly....they are all sellers of travel, some (of both types, brick and mortar and web-based) are better than others, some offer more service, if that's what you need.

Me? I never considered into the equation, a cheap bottle of wine..cheap so-called perks.. I wanted a reliable agency that got me a great price! Period! And, I've have booked through agents, and through RCCL. at the time of my booking through RCCL they used to honor any price reductions... as long as you brought it to their attention (not, unlike SOME agencies, some agencies will do the monitoring for you), but, that was then, this is now.. RCCL has Happy Hour specials (not sure about the term happy Hour? I think it's only a Happy Hour for RCCL), good for new bookings, only! That's how RCCL sells undersold ships, NOW!

Bunch of spoiled crybabies! That's what they are.. these so-called big boys....and they won't stop pi$$ing and moaning UNTIL RCCL sees that paxs take their dollars elsewhere.

Like somebody said, somewhere, the cruiseline gets to sell at the price point they want, agencies come out looking bad, and consumers are so busy pointing the finger, every way, but loose.. well...it's a win-win, only for the cruiselines..

Lastly, RCCL is my favorite line.. and, NO, a couple of hundred bucks won't break us.. BUT, that couple of c-notes (per person) DOES usually pay for our air, and some years money is tighter than others, ...it's just the point of it.. I really, really dislike being squeezed...like the squeeze, even less, when it's presented disingenuously, at best, and worse, presented as something that is good for us/all.

Sheesh! What a bunch of highly designed diversion and revisionist crap this all is....

Sadly, it seems to be working.

We will ALL be the poorer for it, and I ain't just talkin' pocketbook!


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Your deposit is safe if you paid with a credit card. If the business goes under, you are guaranteed a refund.


Not so if paying with cash or check.


ALL travel (airfare, hotels, cruises, travel junkets, packages) should ALWAYS be paid with a credit card!!

Refund? Who wants a refund? I want to go on the cruise I booked at the price I paid. I think If CQ goes under, my booking just goes to RC for handling. Am I wrong?

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As many know I used to have a bridal shop, one of the many reasons I closed was the internet and the lack of support from some manufacturer's ( some were very supportive) who sold in volume to internet discount houses, giving them an additional discount and none to the brick and motar shops. So If I paid $300 wholesale for a dress ( plus the fact that in order to order one dress I had to buy 20-30 samples on order to sell the line...dresses that would get beat up and be worth nothing in a few months) what kind of chance did I have against thw discounters who only paid half of what I did for the gowns they ordered, no samples, little or no overhead. :mad:


It is the same for local TA's. So I guess RCI was being responsive to those who do give some service. So there are two sides to this coin. I for one bought my upcoming cruse from Cruisequick but the ones before were from a TA service that was also brick and mortar and online. I think the world seems to be driven by the Costco mentality and a sense of entitlement. I had a bride demand a dress at internet quote, so we are all guilty here and this was bound to happen sooner or later.:(

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My opinion is that their motive (not so ulterior) is to help traditional TA's to the detriment of the low-cost internet TA's.

I agree.


Remember this, most agencies are quoted the same price by RCI. Don't believe me? Compare travelocity, expedia and RCI. The prices are the same. The airlines do the same thing. If AA announces a fare sale, all the other carriers will match the fares on the same routes. The consumer then chooses, not based on price, but which airline gives them the best service.


Finally, RCI has something other cruise lines don't: The Crown & Anchor repeat guest program. RCI makes it worth your while by sending repeat guests discount coupons. I received $200 in discount coupons plus $100 off (C & A platinum) and $100 shipboard credit on my upcoming cruise.


So unless RCI's prices are far and above the other lines, I'm well on my way to Diamond status.

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Life's tough. One time I wanted a Porsche, but they didn't offer discounts and I ended up with a Corvette.


If you truly can't afford RCI "even once a year", I'd suggest you cruise with someone else - And feel extremely fortunate that you can afford to cruise once a year with anyone.



Thank you for your "nice and very civilized" response to my post. I really 'appreciate" your concern about my family's ability to afford a cruise.


I hope you will not be able to afford any future comments to any of my posts.


Enjoy your Corvette.

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I'm happy to see that from CQ! I hope others follow. I hope cruisers follow, taking their business elsewhere!


I personally choose a cruise by price and destination. RCI has a good product, but I certainly won't pay more for them. And Celebrity was one of my favorite lines, period! Oh well, will sail others, if need be! I now have 5 cruises booked, 3 Princess, 1 RCI, and 1 NCL. So, I'm set through March 2006. Will go back to land vacations, if cruising isn't a good deal!

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RCI sent out a detailed list of instructions to all agencies on monday. CQ has an online res system directly connected with RCI res system. So why would there be a question of rates when RCI is setting the prices in their Res system for all agencies to link to?
Perhaps because they're waging a propaganda campaign. As someone said earlier, they're fighting for their life. If other cruise lines join RCI, cruisequick's business model is toast IMHO.
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