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RCCL New Smoking Policy Discussion (merged)

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i see this as backwards logic as well. If anything, there will be a higher demand for balconies because smokers will want them because they can smoke, and non-smokers will still want them because of the fresh air. if anything, i think they will become MORE expensive.


What fresh air.


If the number of smokers is constant (over the short term) and the number of places where they are allowed to smoke decreases, then the amount of smoking going on in each "allowed place" will likely increase. The balconies are "allowed places" so the amount of smoking on the balconies will likely increase. If this occurs, non-smokers will increasingly notice this and will be less likely to book a bacony in the future. There are MANY more non-smokers than smokers, so the price of a balcony will go down.


Now some of you say, non-smokers don't notice or care about the smoking going on on the balconies. This may be true of some non-smokers, but everyone has a limit - the point as which the smell goes from being a minor annoyance to a level where the balcony is no longer a pleasant place to be. Increasing the amount of smoke on the balconies will drive more non-smokers to this limit .

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When I was on the Sovereign in May and attempted to go in the casino the smoke was so bad that I couldn't stay


I also run into this problem. I have a lot of fun playing in the casino on our cruises, but the smoking makes it very unpleasant. My husband has had lung problems when he was a kid and he is very sensitive to smoke. We actively avoid smokers in the casino, but it really doesn't help as the whole room basically reeks of it. And, unfortunately, we can't control who sits down next to us.


It really sucks to be lounging by the pool, enjoying the sun and the fresh air, only to have someone near you light up...basically ruining your good time and forcing you to relocate. Many of the events/activities are held in venues that allow smoking, restricting what we can participate in. It seems that we spend much of our cruise being annoyed by and avoiding smokers, regardless of if the person is a consider or inconsiderate smoker. As so many aspects of my cruise are affected by this behavior, I really can't feel sorry for smokers for not being able to smoke in their staterooms.

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People cancelling cruises is no different than a restaurant deciding to go smoke free. Smokers are up in arms " I'll never step foot in there again" Well, after things calm down, they come back. I'm sure this will be the same way. I'm happy to see this change and only hope more areas of the ships will become nonsmoking.Too bad we nonsmokers/smokers just can't be considerate of each other.



A two hour dinner is quite different than being at sea for approx 7 days...

no more roomservice breakfast, because there i can smoke with my coffee in my underwear

no more drinks and smokes after dinner.. no cigarette after sex for that matter. LOL

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Actually this is pretty funny! Do you think that we will now read threads on how to sneak a smoke in the cabins right along with the thousands of posts and threads we've read on how to smuggle booze? I remember seeing pics on here of booze that was successfully smuggled into cabins. Maybe we'll see pics of people relaxing on their sofa's with the balcony door open. I wonder how many of the people on here are against smokers but are all for smuggling booze?! :D Maybe they can now give people tips on how to sneak a cig. Should be entertaining reading over the winter:D

Now that is a great thread.

All those booze smugglers out there::

Listen up:

We need some ideas on how to sneak cigarettes into our room without the stewards finding out we have them and turning us in.

Any suggestions? :D

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You fall for the propaganda tool..second hand smoke would have to come from MY mouth and go right into yours.

It is called PASSIVE smoke, most of which dissapates before it reaches you.

Wishing you a long life, at least to 105.


I will continue to smoke and enjoy it. And not worry about spending the last 20 years of my life in a nursing home wearing diapers and not knowing who I am.



LOL diet coke on my screen..........You took the words out of my mouth

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If attracting non smokers was so profitable why is it that Atlantic City casinos are fighting the law tooth and nail?

Partially because Atlantic City has almost zero interest in attracting families....kids.

it all has to do with boosting the bottom line. I'd bet they don't stop selling cartons of cigs and cigars, just so they can boost the passengers "vitality"

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Good Luck....



I have to agree with this one. Record highs the other day across the board and this one? It went down.They should have waited a few more weeks before deciding to buy. I'm betting it drops more and that is NOT based on the smoking issue but on the history of how the stock performs and their current debt load. I do not think I would have made the smoking and the change in dining announcements at this time if I was running the Corp. We shall see.........:)

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And Carnival Paradise had been "testing" a non smoking casino on some of it's trips. I think it was either the 4 dayer or the 3 dayer at the beginning of this year. Did all of the non smokers go racing over this year to the Carnival Paradise? :confused:


If it was such a huge success, Carnival would have implemented it fleetwide.




My group of about 22 ( and growing) were almost ready to book 7-8 cabins on RCCL EOTS

Now the entire trip needs to be rethought, because half of us smoke..

I am only a drop in the bucket, but it is still potential $20G loss to RCCL

one booking/one week/one month


the losses can be considerable

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OMG, you mean they didn't ban SEX in the cabin? Gee, I've been missing out! LOL Thanks for putting the humor back in the situation.:)





I guess it would depend on the type of sex LOL

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Partially because Atlantic City has almost zero interest in attracting families....kids.


it all has to do with boosting the bottom line. I'd bet they don't stop selling cartons of cigs and cigars, just so they can boost the passengers "vitality"


Losing sales of smokes onboard? No, that won't fit into their "vitality plan"

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What fresh air.


If the number of smokers is constant (over the short term) and the number of places where they are allowed to smoke decreases, then the amount of smoking going on in each "allowed place" will likely increase. The balconies are "allowed places" so the amount of smoking on the balconies will likely increase. If this occurs, non-smokers will increasingly notice this and will be less likely to book a bacony in the future. There are MANY more non-smokers than smokers, so the price of a balcony will go down.


Now some of you say, non-smokers don't notice or care about the smoking going on on the balconies. This may be true of some non-smokers, but everyone has a limit - the point as which the smell goes from being a minor annoyance to a level where the balcony is no longer a pleasant place to be. Increasing the amount of smoke on the balconies will drive more non-smokers to this limit .


I am sure everyone has noticed how the casinos are basically empty since no non smokers will go in there. Please get real... Can't you waste everyone's time with something a little more realistic. The should heelies be allowed and the is the pool fresh water or salt water threads more educational than this jibberish....

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ROFLMAO....I was gonna say that too but couldn't remember WHERE I saw the stats today to back up my comments.....:)



I am no wall street wiz but it's one that I watch to see if its worth it for the OBC If I bought the 100 shares mid Feb 2005 today it would be down $791.00... there were dividends so the 791 is not 100% fair, but that money somewhere else could have made money

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Not only will the price of balcony cabins go up but non-smokers will never be able to enjoy theirs. Even a polite smoker will not be so courteous about non-smokers complaining about the smell coming over into their balcony. And the casino will probably be overrun with smokers.......This could really be a mess.


Well...people are getting what they asked for. But, then again....those people will never be happy.


Personally, I would never smoke in my stateroom or a hotel room. I'm always with someone who doesn't smoke. So, It doesn't bother me that RCCL has changed their policy.


Now, let's see how many more people will complain about this with regard to more people smoking on the balcony.


Also, since they are making one lounge on each ship non-smoking, they should leave the casino smoking all the time. If you don't like it, don't go in.


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Umm. Because the smoke doesn't know it's supposed to stay on the smoker's balcony.


Your "allergies" must be very mild indeed, because your husband's clothes, hair and skin will be permeated with smoke. Unless, he strips and showes before coming back into your home.



Nope. Because he smokes OUTSIDE, the smoke dissipates, as it will on the balcony! It is not at all like being in a crowded smoke-filled room that has no ventilation. And my allergies are far from mild - I just don't whine about it. I don't expect the world to change for me. By the way, do you wear perfume? That can be just as invasive.;)



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I cancelled and where do you get your numbers from?


Public records!


This year, RCCL will serve approximately 3.5 - 4 million passengers.


1% of 3.5 million is 35,000.


Do you really believe that 35,000 passengers called today to cancel their cruises because of the new smoking policy?

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Careful there Cathy, Frankie used that expression and some of the rocket scientists that watch for things to be offended by thought she was saying something bad and triangled her and her posting priviliges were removed for saying .... the heck up. :rolleyes:




doh..I so remember that..


Funny...I don't really care what they do on this particular subject....Well..Other than completely reverting back to anything goes with smoking...everyones got their preferences..And thats fine by me...But come on...Just stand up..State your name and say your piece...

(nothing bad inferred lol)

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Public records!


This year, RCCL will serve approximately 3.5 - 4 million passengers.


1% of 3.5 million is 35,000.


Do you really believe that 35,000 passengers called today to cancel their cruises because of the new smoking policy?


I don't believe it. I doubt if half of them could get through because the other half were tying up the phone lines.:cool:

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I cancelled and where do you get your numbers from? Do you work for RCCL? According to the rep I spoke with today, they have been extremely busy with cancellations today and you can bet that it wasn't a coincidence. It is directly related to the new policy!


If smokers cancel that is not a bad thing. RCI won't have to worry about those who canceled violating the new policy and non-smokers will have less second hand smoke to deal with onboard. :-)


I think most smokers can and will adjust to the new policy. They have not banned smoking. There are still many designated smoking areas.

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Nope. Because he smokes OUTSIDE, the smoke dissipates, as it will on the balcony! .;)




Smoking is not allowed in work places in my state. It is very easy to know when a smoker has returned from his smoke break outside. The smell clings to his clothes, hair, and skin. If you can no longer smell this, you must have become very accustomed to it.


It would be great if the smoke really did dissipate from a ships balcony; unfortunately, it often becomes trapped in pockets and, sadly, not just on the smoker's balcony.

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You DO realize that the new rule that you are cheering for will actually INCREASE the amount of smokers in the areas like the casino...right? If they can't smoke in their room, they WILL smoke somewhere...probably near you.[/quote


Unfortunately you are correct. There will always be inconsiderate smokers. The casino will be off limits to me and my family. There will be rooms that reek with the smell of stale smoke. There will probably still be a smoky hallway that my children have to walk through to get to our stateroom. We probably will have to endure the smoker on the balcony next to us. There will still be rude smokers everywhere on the pool deck ruining my cruise experience. All in the name of fairness to the smokers :(. All I'm saying is that I applaud RCCI for taking a step in the right direction.

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I love how you anti smoking zealots are now gloating. You won!


Thank you!



Actually for me nothing has changed no winning/no losing. I don't smoke in the room anyway. Only went to the champagne bar for the hot hor'doerves in the evening. All the rest is basically the same. I won't be canceling and already planning 2009. I book early to get my balcony!!!

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The new smoking policy means smokers will no longer book inside or ocean view cabins because they can't smoke there anymore. They can smoke on balconies.


But....non-smokers will stop booking balconies. Non-smokers outnumber smokers 3 to 1.


So non-smokers will now book inside cabins cheap and prepare for the free upgrade to a balcony they can't use.:confused:


What a dumb new policy. It has often been said that smokers subsidize the cruise of non-smokers because they spend more onboard by drinking and gambling more. Now they'll spend more for their cabins while the rest of us are relegated to the worst cabins on the ship. This is a lose-lose situation - how DUMB of RCCL.



I'm not sure it will have any impact the way you suggest. But if it does, I think it will be the opposite of what you predict. Smokers who previously would book OV and insides will now be "forced" to book balconies if they want to smoke. The non-smokers who always book balconies will continue to do so. So that just means more people will be booking balconies.

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The new smoking policy means smokers will no longer book inside or ocean view cabins because they can't smoke there anymore. They can smoke on balconies.


But....non-smokers will stop booking balconies. Non-smokers outnumber smokers 3 to 1.


So non-smokers will now book inside cabins cheap and prepare for the free upgrade to a balcony they can't use.:confused:


What a dumb new policy. It has often been said that smokers subsidize the cruise of non-smokers because they spend more onboard by drinking and gambling more. Now they'll spend more for their cabins while the rest of us are relegated to the worst cabins on the ship. This is a lose-lose situation - how DUMB of RCCL.


Yeah, right...DUH!

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