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RCCL New Smoking Policy Discussion (merged)

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WHAT public records? Just because you say so, doesn't make it so!


I have no idea how many cancelled today! How many people do you think booked during the one day sale recently? I DO KNOW that I had to hold online ALMOST as long today to cancel as I did then to book!


So now what are your NUMBERS?



Sharon and PM Shirl I agree with you on this one!:D

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As non-smokers, I don't feel RCI did anything for us. We will now have more of a chance of not being able to enjoy our balcony than before. And, we have never had a problem with a cabin smelling like smoke on any of our cruises. I think for the most part, the cruiselines do a good job of deoderizing the smokey cabins. Maybe we have just been lucky. As far as balconies go, we sure weren't lucky on our past one. Here's my post from another thread:


Well, we're in the category of Don't Smoke but will continue to book balconies, although we may change our minds about booking balconies in the future. On our past Crown Princess cruise, there were only 6 aft Mini Suites with covered balconies, and the only cabin that had smokers, was the one at the beginning of the 6. Although they were NEVER EVER inconvenienced when they wanted to smoke, which was constantly, we were ALWAYS inconvenienced, because we do not want to inhale second hand smoke. Nor, do we want our kids to, and they were in the cabin next to the smokers. I don't believe they smoked in their cabin and it was extremely disturbing to all of us downwind to them. Every time, and I mean every time, we wanted to sit out on our balconies, they were out there smoking. Is that fair to us non-smokers? No it's not! The people in the 3 cabins after us were non-smokers as well, and they also had to close their doors constantly. Smokers should be on one side of the Ship, Non-smokers on the other. Or Non-smokers in the front half of the Ship, Smokers in the Back Half. Something's gotta give. We just booked a Grand Suite on RCI for next summer and if we are inconvenienced again, I guess WE'LL have to be inconvenienced and opt for a non-balcony room in the future, or just stop cruising altogether. This new policy is very upsetting for us, although like I stated before, it didn't matter with the chain smokers from England during our last cruise. I wish they would change policy and make it "smoking in cabins only, not on balcony". Then Smokers AND Non-smokers could enjoy the pleasure of a balcony. I don't think that's too much to ask. JUST OUR OPINION!!!!

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I am probably not the right person to respond to this thread, but I will.


I have been on ships where smoking was permitted in the staterooms. As a smoker, I still chose to NOT smoke in my stateroom. When we had an ocean view room, we went up to the outside decks to smoke. No big deal. All of our cruises after that have been in balcony rooms, and we always smoke on the balcony and NEVER in the room. Or, we just go to the pool deck or designated smoking areas to smoke. There are a lot more places for the smokers to smoke than there are for the non-smokers to get away from it. And it is about time that they give the non-smokers more options. Yes, it would have been beneficial to make one half of the cabins smoking, and the other not. BUt it probably does also cost them a lot of money to keep the smell of smoke out of rooms. When California went no smoking in all restaurants and bars, there was a 'stink' for a while, but people adapted. They will on the cruise ships too. I guarantee you for every smoker than cancels, they will have 2-3 times that amount book RCI because of the new policy. While it does make it harder for those in interior/ocean view rooms to find a place to smoke, it is not the end of the world. Aren't you all the people who say that you only use your room for a place to sleep anyway? Do you smoke in your sleep? ;) This will all die down, and before long, you won't even remember a time that you COULD smoke in your staterooms. Westin has made all their rooms non-smoking in all of North America, and they still manage to sell out. I imagine it won't have a negative impact on RCI at all. And it is only a matter of time before all cruise lines follow in their footsteps. They do take polls and do a lot of market research before they decide on these things. And this is obviously what the majority of cruisers were asking for. I am sure they did studies and realize they may lose some cruisers because of it, but the pros obviously out weighed the cons.


Are you applying this to banning smoking in the staterooms only or to banning smoking on ships all together?

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Yogimax, while you make a good agruement

I don't know how the stock will fair during this time, nor do I know how the analysts will rate RCI's earnings for the next quarter. But if RCI has to say that they may have a slight slump in earnings for this quarter, the projections for them may be lowered.


SomeBeach... RCL is in a prime buying range. If they report less than analyst's expectations, jump on it!


But hey, what do I know... I'm only a simple-minded contributor to this board.

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When you are downwind to smokers, it doesn't dissapate. It blows right into your rooms, right into your lungs. It ruined all of our enjoyable time on our balconies. Our balconies were not windy enough that the smoke blew elsewhere. You have no idea what you are talking about. It also causes a problem with people who have asthma, no matter how slight it is.

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So, before this, no irons and such were allowed in cabins, but lit cigarettes and cigars were? I know I've heard of fires in hotels and dorms starting from lit smoking implements (including the illegal kind) - has there been any fires on cruise ships from them?


It is good to remember that smoking is a privilege, not a right. No business has to allow anybody to smoke on their property, cruise ships and hotels included.

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A few months ago, a study came out that was done on the effects of outdoor smoking. They found that outdoor smoke does, indeed, create harmful second-hand smoke. I forget the details now, but they may have said the smoke was worse than they thought and they gave a distance to stay away from the smoker - it may have been 20 feet, but I could be wrong on that.


Just as an FYI.

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Are you applying this to banning smoking in the staterooms only or to banning smoking on ships all together?


To staterooms only. I doubt they will even ban it on cruise ships all together.

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It wasn't parenting advice. You really had to have followed some of the earlier smoking discussion, some of which have vanished, to understand. It was an attempt at irony (but obviously one that didn't work well). I know from other posts I've read that "cruisinmama" wouldn't let her hubby smoke around the kids, which I think is wise. And yet, she has seemed pretty upset that RCI has chosen to keep smoking out of the cabins. Seems like that would be a positive thing.


Never mind. My intentions were obviously misconstrued to the point that she's bringing reinforcements from other forums to help slap me down. :( Again, my apologies, FWIW.


I did follow the thread and I took it a different way than you might have intended it to be taken. A sincere apology offered in a non-confrontational way with an explanation is worth a lot. I hope she saw it that way as well. Thank you! :)


PS- You can still smoke in a cabin and keep it away from the kids, especially if they love spending time all their time at Adventure Ocean! :) I've been doing a lot of reading about it. Still trying to decide on our Mexican Riviera cruise. If we go with RC, it'll be our first time.

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Can we still chew tobacco in our staterooms?


Will they bring me a spitoon if I ask my cabin steward? Or do I have to leave styrofoam cups all over the place half full of 'tobacco juice'?


Thank goodness I can still chew and spit in restaurants and elevators, I don't know what I'd do if I smoked those sickening cigarettes... ;)

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A few months ago, a study came out that was done on the effects of outdoor smoking. They found that outdoor smoke does, indeed, create harmful second-hand smoke. I forget the details now, but they may have said the smoke was worse than they thought and they gave a distance to stay away from the smoker - it may have been 20 feet, but I could be wrong on that.


Just as an FYI.


Thank you and you are soooo correct. Also, there was a person on another thread who said he/she doesn't believe smoking is bad for your health just because of what the gov't says. I wish these people would truly get educated on the effects of smoking. My mother passed 6 years ago and smoking was a major factor in her death. She just couldn't stop although the doctor's told her to. I know it's hard for the smokers, but I wish there could be a stronger treatment out there for those who want to stop, and labotomy's for those who think there's nothing harmful about it. Ooops, sorry, just frustrated. Sore subject, can ya tell? :(

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SomeBeach... RCL is in a prime buying range. If they report less than analyst's expectations, jump on it!


But hey, what do I know... I'm only a simple-minded contributor to this board.


Yes it is in a good place now. For the last 3 months it has been rated at a Moderate Buy (ave 1.56) on the Mean Recommendation Tables. RCI will also offer up a good report for their 2nd quarter earnings.

But whether I would purchase any more of the stock certainly would not be based on their smoking policy! :p This is not really a stock I pay a lot of attention to in my portfolio. Curiosity only sent me to research it some today and curiosity will have me watch it for the next few months.


Happy Cruising yogimax! :)

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while I do understand your concern...and being a non smoker agree that cigarette smoke is repulsive I think in order to enjoy your cruise its something you'll have to deal with. The inside/ov cabins run a far lower risk of smelling like smoke...but half the cruises we've been on have been balcony and we havent had an issue

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Not only will the price of balcony cabins go up but non-smokers will never be able to enjoy theirs. Even a polite smoker will not be so courteous about non-smokers complaining about the smell coming over into their balcony. And the casino will probably be overrun with smokers.......This could really be a mess.


I really hate smoking threads, but ya know what, ill bite. You really cannot lump all smokers into this one category of not being courteous enough to refrain from smoking if it bothers there neighbors. I for one would not have a problem at all (not alone in this one folks), but people need to speak up. I have heard all sorts of things from my balcony neighbors, like mumbling things under there breath to the good old "fake cough". We "smokers" are real people too, you may just be surprised at how far a simple "hello neighbor, we are non-smokers and are really bothered by smoke, do you think we would be able to work something out" might get ya.


Just some food for thought folks. Dont be afraid of speaking up. Sure every now and then i am sure you will get the neighbor who just does not care about anyone else. But i really think there are far fewer of them than ya think. Happy Cruising everyone!

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Just some food for thought folks. Dont be afraid of speaking up. Sure every now and then i am sure you will get the neighbor who just does not care about anyone else. But i really think there are far fewer of them than ya think. Happy Cruising everyone!


They aren't afraid to speak up. As long as they can do it semi-anonymously behind a computer. I agree. Comunication will go a long way. And I for one have already booked my balconies through 2009.

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I have just got off the phone from RCCL UK and was told that I WOULD NOT be able to cancel and have a refund of my deposit. I asked to speak to a supervisor and was given a telephone number for the UK RCCL Resolution Centre. The lady I spoke to was not even aware of the change to the smoking policy and put me on hold while she read up about it!!!! She then came back and said, "NO REFUND OF MY DEPOSIT". She says it is in the small print....RCCL reserves the right to change its policies.


I am LIVID :mad: , If I were in the US, I could cancel without any reason whatsoever and receive a full refund with over 70 days to go.



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Of course, what was I thinking. Any statistician who can show a link between smoke and disease is rewarded with huge funding grants from health dpts. the anti smoking industry and producers of nicotine replacment therapy and the public buys into it.


Good grief.... :rolleyes: All I can say is incredible... truly incredible....

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You say I am selfish? Read the whole post before judging me... here is a DIRECT quote from my post


"I keep my smoking in private... now we can't smoke in our staterooms AWAY from everyone else? "


When I rent the stateroom, it is my private area for the week... so I TRIED to keep my smoking confined to either in the stateroom or on the balcony. I would sometimes go to the very aft of the ship so as to not be a nuisance to anyone...


BUT... people will not be happy unless smokers are banned from the planet. Funny thing is, yeah, second hand smoke is probably not good for you... but it would take a LONG time and LOTS of exposure to get sick from it... not a week on a cruise. It only takes ONE drunk driver ONE time to kill someone. It only takes ONE drunk moron to jump/fall off a cruise and ruin it for 2000 people. It only takes one careless person with a hot cup of coffee to burn and disfigure a child (I have a really bad burn I have carried all my life because of that)... yet YOUR vices are OKY DOKY... but mine should be banished. That is where the hostility comes in. My smoke might make you sneeze... but if someone dumps a drink on me, making me smell like a booze hound, that is just fine. I am a responsible smoker. I don't smoke around my kids, my wife, my non-smoking friends... I go outside... however, this kind of thing just infuriates me... Hurray for a ban. Smell in a cabin? Ever hear of Febreeze? Like I said before, I will leave my cigarettes at home and take up cigars for my cruise. Maybe if anti-smokers were a little more considerate of those of use who choose to smoke, or can't stop even if we tried, maybe I wouldn't be so militant....


I think you just proved my point....

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ME.... with the biggest, nastiest, smelliest cigars I can find.... and I don't even LIKE cigars. The nicotine police irritate me to no end. I keep my smoking in private... now we can't smoke in our staterooms AWAY from everyone else? I bet I aquire a taste for cigars by the time my next two cruises are over..... It's ok for you booze hounds to jump overboard and wreck my vacation... it's perfectly acceptable to get all ripped up and drive your car... booze is socially acceptible. My cigarettes aren't.... go figure. Maybe because I don't drink and don't like the smell of the beer that someone spilled on the carpet, maybe we should get the cruise line to ban alcohol? Nothing but KoolAide and Juice Boxes for you from now on... and yeah, I have had drinks spilled on me on cruises... why should I have to put up with that? Why should I have to explain to my kids why "that person is walking, acting so funny"?


Goes both ways. Hope you enjoy cigar smoke. I will make certain I am out there on my balcony more than usual... and on deck as well. Anyone care to join me?


Probably the most salient point made on this thread. Non-smokers tend to over-react to the slightest whiff........tough s*it. Deal with it, or book another type of holiday.



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Just some food for thought folks. Dont be afraid of speaking up. Sure every now and then i am sure you will get the neighbor who just does not care about anyone else. But i really think there are far fewer of them than ya think. Happy Cruising everyone!


Until this new policy, I would have agreed with you Luv4dacruise!


Speaking as a smoker who has always gone out of my way to observe the limits on smoking on board ship, I suspect that smokers are going to become more militant.


On one of our cruises on the Mariner we had non-smokers on the balcony next to us who asked us nicely not to smoke on our balcony when the ship was in port and there was no breeze on the balcony. We were able to go inside our cabin and smoke during the times our neighbors were on their balcony when the air was still while the ship was in port. They were nice and we were nice and we all had a great cruise.


Under the new policy, we no longer have the option to go into our cabin if smoking on our balcony, a designated smoking area, bothers our neighbors.


I always bring a small fan on our cruises because my DW likes the A/C set higher than I do. In the future, I will bring an extra extension cord so I can move the fan out to the balcony when the air is still to help dissipate our smoke. I can't think of anything else I can do.


I have written to RCI suggesting that they make the Casino a non-smoking area. I suggest that all of you non-smokers write them about the Casino too. It is only fair that if there is only one Casino that it be non-smoking to accommodate the majority of the cruisers. I like to have a cigarette and a drink after dinner but accept the fairness of the dining rooms being non-smoking, again to accommodate the majority of the cruisers. I can put up with this.


Consider these quotes from RCI's FAQ section on their web site this morning...


Q: What is the Smoking Policy onboard?s.gifA: Effective January 2008, smoking is only permitted in designated areas and outdoors on the Starboard side of the ship (contact the Guest Relations Desk for details). Smoking is not permitted in any dining venue, theater, hallway or corridor. Smoking is not permitted inside any stateroom, however, it is permitted on private outdoor balconies of balcony staterooms. A $250 penalty will be applied to the SeaPass for guests found smoking in staterooms. Cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco must be properly disposed of and never thrown overboard. A guest must be at least 18 years of age to purchase, possess or use tobacco onboard.


Q: What is the penality for smoking in a stateroom?s.gifA: Effective January 2008, smoking is not permitted inside any stateroom, however, it is permitted on private outdoor balconies of balcony staterooms. A $250 cleaning fee for smoking inside a stateroom or suite will be applied to the SeaPass account for any guest found smoking inside their stateroom.




This new policy seems pretty clear to me and we intend to abide by it!


We will smoke on our balcony only and not inside our cabin. I have written RCI and asked how they want us to "properly dispose of" our ashes and cigarette butts. In the past, we have asked our cabin steward to put a plastic liner in our cabin's trash can and we have dumped out ashes and butts in there because we are prohibited from flushing them down the toilet or launching them over the side of the ship.


We are concerned that RCI may somehow determine we have been smoking in our cabin if they find our ashes and butts in the cabin's trash can. Several sensitive non-smokers have told me that the ashes and butts in the cabin's trash can will "stink up" the cabin.


So to all of you non-smokers on the ship with us I say this:

- We will limit our smoking to the designated smoking areas.

- Please do not come into or walk through the designated smoking areas and complain about our smoke.

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I think most people will abide by the new policy and I find it fair.


People need to relax about this issue..that is for sure.


Heck...we could get off on the subject of obesity. Obesity is at crisis levels....are all of us here slim and trim? Obesity is as serious of a health issue as smoking !


Should the cruise lines limit our servings at the Windjammer and in the dining room? Maybe if we order two desserts..we should be required to do 3 laps around the ship??? :p ;)

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Until this new policy, I would have agreed with you Luv4dacruise!


Speaking as a smoker who has always gone out of my way to observe the limits on smoking on board ship, I suspect that smokers are going to become more militant.


On one of our cruises on the Mariner we had non-smokers on the balcony next to us who asked us nicely not to smoke on our balcony when the ship was in port and there was no breeze on the balcony. We were able to go inside our cabin and smoke during the times our neighbors were on their balcony when the air was still while the ship was in port. They were nice and we were nice and we all had a great cruise.


Under the new policy, we no longer have the option to go into our cabin if smoking on our balcony, a designated smoking area, bothers our neighbors.


I always bring a small fan on our cruises because my DW likes the A/C set higher than I do. In the future, I will bring an extra extension cord so I can move the fan out to the balcony when the air is still to help dissipate our smoke. I can't think of anything else I can do.


I have written to RCI suggesting that they make the Casino a non-smoking area. I suggest that all of you non-smokers write them about the Casino too. It is only fair that if there is only one Casino that it be non-smoking to accommodate the majority of the cruisers. I like to have a cigarette and a drink after dinner but accept the fairness of the dining rooms being non-smoking, again to accommodate the majority of the cruisers. I can put up with this.


Consider these quotes from RCI's FAQ section on their web site this morning...


Q: What is the Smoking Policy onboard?s.gifA: Effective January 2008, smoking is only permitted in designated areas and outdoors on the Starboard side of the ship (contact the Guest Relations Desk for details). Smoking is not permitted in any dining venue, theater, hallway or corridor. Smoking is not permitted inside any stateroom, however, it is permitted on private outdoor balconies of balcony staterooms. A $250 penalty will be applied to the SeaPass for guests found smoking in staterooms. Cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco must be properly disposed of and never thrown overboard. A guest must be at least 18 years of age to purchase, possess or use tobacco onboard.


Q: What is the penality for smoking in a stateroom?s.gifA: Effective January 2008, smoking is not permitted inside any stateroom, however, it is permitted on private outdoor balconies of balcony staterooms. A $250 cleaning fee for smoking inside a stateroom or suite will be applied to the SeaPass account for any guest found smoking inside their stateroom.




This new policy seems pretty clear to me and we intend to abide by it!


We will smoke on our balcony only and not inside our cabin. I have written RCI and asked how they want us to "properly dispose of" our ashes and cigarette butts. In the past, we have asked our cabin steward to put a plastic liner in our cabin's trash can and we have dumped out ashes and butts in there because we are prohibited from flushing them down the toilet or launching them over the side of the ship.


We are concerned that RCI may somehow determine we have been smoking in our cabin if they find our ashes and butts in the cabin's trash can. Several sensitive non-smokers have told me that the ashes and butts in the cabin's trash can will "stink up" the cabin.


So to all of you non-smokers on the ship with us I say this:


- We will limit our smoking to the designated smoking areas.


- Please do not come into or walk through the designated smoking areas and complain about our smoke.



I think it is lovely of you to want to accomodate non smokers.


Too bad they won't do the same for you.


You can bet this new rule will embolden them and smokers will be harrassed to no end.


I can just imagine what will happen if a smoker, who has just enjoyed a smoke in a designated area, gets on an elevator with a non smoking militant. What if a smoker walks into a non smoking lounge with the scent of cigarettes on his/her clothing? And the balcony issue will be heated as well. If you think your fan is the answer, think again. They will probably accuse you of deliberately blowing your smoke in their direction.


Since a majority of space on ships will now be non smoking you might want to invite your balcony neighbors to enjoy the ship from those areas and leave you to your smoking in a designated smoking area.;)


There will be much more smoking going on in the balcony areas, even while ships are in port.

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As far as canceling, I'd read the fine print. I bet the cruiselines have clauses all over the place that they can "move the goalposts" anytime they want and you will abide.
So, They could say, we are now charging for all food and beverages on the cruise, and you would have to abide? It's absurd but not ALL that different.
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DH is a smoker, I am not. Ne never ever smokes in the house, or car, or anywhere indoors. We book balconies for him to be able to smoke, but we'd have no problem being in an OV and him having to go to a designated smoking area.

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