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Glad to help ans. Q's on weight loss/fitness


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Hi Cruise Kitty,

Didn't forget you, just trying to figure out something that will help.:)

What's your age, weight and other info.


You're right...Unless you're you are doing some heavy duty lifting, a daily toning routine is ok. Are you looking to lose weight or just tone?




42 yo female

5' 3"

sw 200lbs

cw 132

gw 120


For the weight loss part, I am on atkins, and I swam in summer 1 hour laps a day, I do a little running 2 miles max 3 x week, a lot of walking

and ride my bike anywhere that's less than 8 miles. The weights are just to tone up, and help build my bones too ( at least that's what I hear) A lot of people are asking me what I'm doing to lose the weight and they all say I shouldn't work out every day- but it seems that applies to just serious heavy weights. Thanks so much!

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42 yo female

5' 3"

sw 200lbs

cw 132

gw 120


For the weight loss part, I am on atkins, and I swam in summer 1 hour laps a day, I do a little running 2 miles max 3 x week, a lot of walking

and ride my bike anywhere that's less than 8 miles. The weights are just to tone up, and help build my bones too ( at least that's what I hear) A lot of people are asking me what I'm doing to lose the weight and they all say I shouldn't work out every day- but it seems that applies to just serious heavy weights. Thanks so much!


Daily cardio workouts are fine. Where the critics advise against daily workouts really does deal with weights. If, for instance, you're lifting weights for the upper body muscles one day, you should take a day off from working that area so that the muscles can rest and repair. On alternate days you could lift weights that concentrate on the lower body ie: the legs. And muscle or increased muscle tone does in the end. burn calories for you.

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42 yo female

5' 3"

sw 200lbs

cw 132

gw 120


For the weight loss part, I am on atkins, and I swam in summer 1 hour laps a day, I do a little running 2 miles max 3 x week, a lot of walking

and ride my bike anywhere that's less than 8 miles. The weights are just to tone up, and help build my bones too ( at least that's what I hear) A lot of people are asking me what I'm doing to lose the weight and they all say I shouldn't work out every day- but it seems that applies to just serious heavy weights. Thanks so much!



Great job!

12 lbs to go?

Piece of cake!;) ( Made with non-caloric ingredients) Keep it up and don't be a slave to the scale..

Fat has to surrender to increase calorie output!

Try changing-up the sequence of cardio and weights...confuse the metabolism some...it might help!


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  • 1 month later...

Weights are ok to use everyday as long as you are taking at least a 24 hour break before working the same muscle group again. That is how I was taught and I think it makes sense...your muscles need rest in between workouts or you will just wear them down instead of building up strength and toning.


As far as doing cardio everyday. I think it depends on how you are doing it. If you are running then I dont think its a good idea because if can wreak havoc on your joints. But if you are using a low impact machine such as an elliptical...then you should be fine.


Doing the same exercise everyday probably isnt a good idea, you should try to mix it up a bit. Abd dont be afraid to take a day off especially if you are working it pretty hard.

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Thanks for your offer of help. I have read through the posts, and would like to ask your opinion.


I am 5'3" 180 lbs 52 years old. I have a treadmill at home and five pound weights and we also have a machine, I don't know what it is called, that you sit on and push with your feet and and pull back with your arms. What would be a good routine with those things. I don't have the money to buy a gym membership.


Also I have had my thyroid mostly removed and am on synthroid. I think that is when my wieght started going up. Menopause has not helped. I have excersized and been on the 6 week body for life program in the past. Lost some weight, but it sure seems like I have to work harder than most people I know to loose anything.


Any advice would be appreciated.




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What can I say, read about 1/2 of the post

age 52


weight 237, I was 260 the begin of March

Using a meal replace for breakfast and lunch ( about 210 cal each meal, taking vitamins daily)

and the a meal of about 400 cal, usually a nice big salad, and veggies mmmmm

and a usually a bowl of microwave popcorn(not the bag type, and no butter:eek: so about 130 cal a bowl) ,


Trying to get rid of man boobs, and belly fat


Usually try to get on the elliptical 2x a day, for 45 min, heart rate in the 130-145 range


Have a Bowflex, should I take the laundry off it and use it for one workout per day, or keep up the elliptical until I get down to about 200?

Thank for any reply:D

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Thanks for your offer of help. I have read through the posts, and would like to ask your opinion.


I am 5'3" 180 lbs 52 years old. I have a treadmill at home and five pound weights and we also have a machine, I don't know what it is called, that you sit on and push with your feet and and pull back with your arms. What would be a good routine with those things. I don't have the money to buy a gym membership.


Also I have had my thyroid mostly removed and am on synthroid. I think that is when my wieght started going up. Menopause has not helped. I have excersized and been on the 6 week body for life program in the past. Lost some weight, but it sure seems like I have to work harder than most people I know to loose anything.


Any advice would be appreciated.






You can do this!

Some questions:

How often do you work out now?

What does a typical w/o consist of?

Are you prepared to w/o every day? Yes, a day off is allowed :)

What are your top 3 diet problems?

What limitations do you have?


Shelly, We'll get you going;)....You may not become a twig, but you'll feel better about yourself, get healthier and more fit.

Instead of your mirror being your enemy:eek:, it'll at least be more friendly ...






We'll talk soon, but if your able, start doing pushups, yes, girl-pushups are ok if the others are too hard. It's just a matter of how much weight your arms, chest, shoulders etc. can handle.


It's ok to swallow your man-pride :rolleyes:because in no time you'll be doing 3-5 sets of 20+ pushups and will totally firm your chest and build your lats( large muscle of back that look like wings)

If some are already doing this, take a sturdy chair and do your pushups with your toes on the edge....this increases the weight that is being "Pushed-up" it's like adding extra weight to a bench press.


If it hurts your wrists they have hand grips that make it easier and give a greater range of motion.

I use them along with Bench presses and other isolated chest exercises.


For guys who want to begin working out at home ,

I always suggest p-ups and a variation of sit-ups---every day....starting off with a smaller then normal amount and adding more reps as you can.

-Cardio is a different story , many begin with walking or eliptical machine .

If you can, increase your pace and time.


Gotta go!Q Good luck!



What can I say, read about 1/2 of the post

age 52


weight 237, I was 260 the begin of March

Using a meal replace for breakfast and lunch ( about 210 cal each meal, taking vitamins daily)

and the a meal of about 400 cal, usually a nice big salad, and veggies mmmmm

and a usually a bowl of microwave popcorn(not the bag type, and no butter:eek: so about 130 cal a bowl) ,


Trying to get rid of man boobs, and belly fat


Usually try to get on the elliptical 2x a day, for 45 min, heart rate in the 130-145 range


Have a Bowflex, should I take the laundry off it and use it for one workout per day, or keep up the elliptical until I get down to about 200?

Thank for any reply:D

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push ups are a little hard, elbow shoulder are in bad shape

From using a Flowhood at work see pix

My wife does have some hand grips, I will try them out


Try them off your knees and see if that helps, you can get more reps that way and it may work for you.

Another option are to do push ups from in front of a chair with arms(like a drs. chair) hands on the arms and go up and down.


There are lots of creative ways to get ir done!


By all means, dust off the bow flex...see if the chest movements they have is more comfortable and keep on with the eliptical!!



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You can do this!

Some questions:

How often do you work out now?

What does a typical w/o consist of?

Are you prepared to w/o every day? Yes, a day off is allowed :)

What are your top 3 diet problems?

What limitations do you have?


Shelly, We'll get you going;)....You may not become a twig, but you'll feel better about yourself, get healthier and more fit.

Instead of your mirror being your enemy:eek:, it'll at least be more friendly ...





I am just starting again to w/o. I have been walking on the treadmill a little more each day to work up. Yeah I am really out of shape. I have been doing as many reps on the bike thingy (don't know what it really is) until I don't think I can do anymore then force myself to do about 10 to 15 more. Oh and I also do some strength exercises with 5 lb weights, just started these.


Yes, I can work out every day. Wasn't sure if I should do treadmill and strength every day, or every other day.


I guess my diet problems are that I can eat sensibly all day, but in the evening I am starving. I am not hungry in the morning, but I do make sure I eat breakfast and lunch (didn't use to), but i still get the munchies really bad in the evenings.


I don't really think I have any limitations, other than I need to build up to full hour of fast walking on the treadmill and stuff, because it has been a long while since I did much.


I know I will not be a twig, and I know it takes time, but would really like to loose about 50 lbs.



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I am just starting again to w/o. I have been walking on the treadmill a little more each day to work up. Yeah I am really out of shape. I have been doing as many reps on the bike thingy (don't know what it really is) until I don't think I can do anymore then force myself to do about 10 to 15 more. Oh and I also do some strength exercises with 5 lb weights, just started these.


Yes, I can work out every day. Wasn't sure if I should do treadmill and strength every day, or every other day.


I guess my diet problems are that I can eat sensibly all day, but in the evening I am starving. I am not hungry in the morning, but I do make sure I eat breakfast and lunch (didn't use to), but i still get the munchies really bad in the evenings.


I don't really think I have any limitations, other than I need to build up to full hour of fast walking on the treadmill and stuff, because it has been a long while since I did much.


I know I will not be a twig, and I know it takes time, but would really like to loose about 50 lbs.






Keep it up!!!

The best program is one that a person actually does faithfully everyday or 3-5xs a week.

Losing 50 lbs is very realistic. But take it a day at a time. Try to stay active after w/o's and It's always good to push yourself alittle more each day.


Suggestions for snacks:

-Real popcorn with butter just enough to flavor it instead of potato chips,etc.

Low sugar/fat ice cream or sugarless popcycles are great to help the sweet urge.


For meals you can make egg white egg-mcmuffins with half slice of cheese lean ham and 40 cal per slice bread....very low cal for a meal.


-Don't pinch pennies when you are serious about fitness, if possible.

-Avoid all deep fried foods, we pan fry boneless chicken and make our ownd Buffalo wing sauce.

-No sugar calories from drinks, if possible. Some people could lose a great deal of weight by changing to diet, better yet water.

-Bread is another culprit....

-fruits and veggies, of course.

-Get used to diet salad dressing.

-Lots of water

-Activa yogurt is great for digetion and is a good exchange for ice creAM


:)We should start a thread for suggestions for diet snacks....anyone willing?


Keep up all the good ground you gained and the fat you'll lose!!!


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Hi. I'm almost 64, female, 5'4" and currently 138, which is very, very heavy for me. I have a lot of 'softness' (fatty tissue) on my body. I have worked out very religiously for many years, since about age 40, mostly cardio but with weights the last ten years or so.


Ever since a relatively minor health problem starting six or seven years back that made consistant exercise difficult (now solved), I've had a hard time getting back into a routine. I tend to exercise in fits and starts; really on for a few weeks, slack off, then back on.


Right now I am hitting it hard, doing 30 or so minutes of weights every other day, either my own routine or using DVD's--some of them HIT routines. I often get in a shorter cardio routine on those days too, walking outside if it's decent out, a DVD step workout, other cardio/dance DVDs or treadmill--I've just this week added in some one minute runs on the treadmill. So I do mix it up a lot to stave off boredom, and hopefully keep my body from getting complacent. I do a longer/harder cardio on the days I don't do weights.


Despite being quite regular in doing 30 minutes of strength training for years, I can't seem to up my weight much. I mostly use five-pound dumbbells, sometimes 8 pounds on some exercises. For instance, I can use 8 lbs. for bicep curls, but for something like flies I really struggle--and form deteriorates. I also use bands and a medicine ball at times, sometimes body weight.


Also, I just can't seem to do push-ups--never have been able to--it's not just my age.


We do have a bow-flex but I don't like using it much, especially for arms.


Any suggestions as to what I can do to increase the amount of weights I am using? I have tried higher weights, lower reps, lower weights, higher reps, super slow (hate this!) etc. I also do Pilates occasionally.


I can't seem to loose weight unless I do an extremely high protein diet, which is very hard to do and I know not healthy for any length of time. My body fat ratio is pretty high; even when I weighed 115 it was in the 30s. Genetics?


Thanks for any advice.

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Hi. I'm almost 64, female, 5'4" and currently 138, which is very, very heavy for me. I have a lot of 'softness' (fatty tissue) on my body. I have worked out very religiously for many years, since about age 40, mostly cardio but with weights the last ten years or so.


Ever since a relatively minor health problem starting six or seven years back that made consistant exercise difficult (now solved), I've had a hard time getting back into a routine. I tend to exercise in fits and starts; really on for a few weeks, slack off, then back on.


Right now I am hitting it hard, doing 30 or so minutes of weights every other day, either my own routine or using DVD's--some of them HIT routines. I often get in a shorter cardio routine on those days too, walking outside if it's decent out, a DVD step workout, other cardio/dance DVDs or treadmill--I've just this week added in some one minute runs on the treadmill. So I do mix it up a lot to stave off boredom, and hopefully keep my body from getting complacent. I do a longer/harder cardio on the days I don't do weights.


Despite being quite regular in doing 30 minutes of strength training for years, I can't seem to up my weight much. I mostly use five-pound dumbbells, sometimes 8 pounds on some exercises. For instance, I can use 8 lbs. for bicep curls, but for something like flies I really struggle--and form deteriorates. I also use bands and a medicine ball at times, sometimes body weight.


Also, I just can't seem to do push-ups--never have been able to--it's not just my age.


We do have a bow-flex but I don't like using it much, especially for arms.


Any suggestions as to what I can do to increase the amount of weights I am using? I have tried higher weights, lower reps, lower weights, higher reps, super slow (hate this!) etc. I also do Pilates occasionally.


I can't seem to loose weight unless I do an extremely high protein diet, which is very hard to do and I know not healthy for any length of time. My body fat ratio is pretty high; even when I weighed 115 it was in the 30s. Genetics?


Thanks for any advice.


Hi Nebr.cruiser,


Unfortunately, our initiative level and youthful results, are not like what it was years ago, now throw genetics in the mix, and :(... it just makes it tougher.


Sooooo.....self discipline and proper diet is critical to fitness as we age.


Don't worry about the 24-48 hr recovery rule if you want to work out for fun or simple toning...That's really more appropriate for athletes and serious weight trainers.

Stay at it and do what you can do!

You've got to make the commitment to be faithful each day.

Check out the previous posts on this thread, hopefully something will be of help.


Good luck!


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Thanks for the advice. Are you saying that it is okay for me to weight train every day using the 5-8 lb. dumbbells? Sometimes I use can 10 lbers for some exercises if I've been consistant for several weeks.


I know these are very light weights; just don't know why I can't gain enough strength to up the weights. Even when I started weights back in my early fifties I just never could use much heavier than 8 lbs.


I used to weight train six days a week, but alternated upper and lower body. Lately I've been doing whole-body weights every other day, sometimes in a HITT program, sometimes just weights.


I am determined to get back to and stay at as high a level of fitness as I was when younger, within reason. So far, aerobically, I'm doing okay. Just wish I'd gain more muscle and loose the flab.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the advice. Are you saying that it is okay for me to weight train every day using the 5-8 lb. dumbbells? Sometimes I use can 10 lbers for some exercises if I've been consistant for several weeks.


I know these are very light weights; just don't know why I can't gain enough strength to up the weights. Even when I started weights back in my early fifties I just never could use much heavier than 8 lbs.


I used to weight train six days a week, but alternated upper and lower body. Lately I've been doing whole-body weights every other day, sometimes in a HITT program, sometimes just weights.


I am determined to get back to and stay at as high a level of fitness as I was when younger, within reason. So far, aerobically, I'm doing okay. Just wish I'd gain more muscle and loose the flab.


Hey Sci fi,

Sorry so late....:(


Here's my .02....

You just keep it up!!

And keep trying to tell your body,"One more rep.!"

Yes, it would help to increase weight resistance,

I still think that you are ok to do it daily. Not what I'd say to those training for competitions.

If you can't increase weights....then slow your reps down and use proper form......


Losing flab is a matter of calories and fitness level so that you maximize your calorie burning machine.


Good luck!


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Okay I am TOTALLY frustrated. I have been doing the treadmill 5-6 days a week, eating better, no pop, lots of water, no treats, but NO weight loss. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I want to blame it on my thyroid. I have been tested and am on medication. The doctor says it is at the right dosage, but I have had a problem with my weight ever since starting the medication. That probably isn't the problem. But it is frustrating to be doing all the right things and see NO results!

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Okay I am TOTALLY frustrated. I have been doing the treadmill 5-6 days a week, eating better, no pop, lots of water, no treats, but NO weight loss. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I want to blame it on my thyroid. I have been tested and am on medication. The doctor says it is at the right dosage, but I have had a problem with my weight ever since starting the medication. That probably isn't the problem. But it is frustrating to be doing all the right things and see NO results!


Don't give up cruisemama!


Some q's... Age/height/weight/target weight

.....speed and length of time on treadmill, do you use the incline option?


What is your 2 worst diet busting foods?

How much activity throughout a normal day?


Aim for a life long healthy lifestyle and exercise regiment and you can never go wrong!



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