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Greetings from Camp Seabourn Legend


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You know what it's like, the first day upon boarding, it's really a whirlwind; great fun to check everything out. especially the 'ounselors'

and other campers. As usual there are others with whom I have sailed before.


It was a lovely HOT day in Monte Carlo, and I went to the Princess Grace exhibition first, us both being blond girls from Philly. It was interesting. Speaking of blonde 'girls' our enrichment lecturer is Marian Davies who is onboard with her husband. It's great, and she sends her best to so many of you who know and love her. She's booked for the crossings, and the fall Legend one she will board in Rome to LIsbon first.


Terrific to have Captain Andersson at the helm and after this cruise, he goes on vacation and will be back to pilot the Pride, including 'my' SA legs. Mchelle is here and there is a new DJ!!! Just started and you might never guess who it is.................our Marcel Janssen from the DR! After 10 years of moving plates, he is now spinning platters at the SkyBar at night. He's also really a wonderful ACD, doing Trivia (our team is ahead) and golf and hosting tables. The guitarist is very good and plays in the evening in the Midnight Sun Lounge. That's very peaceful. I have not yet been to the Club to see the 'Duo' and new band, but they were enthusiastic at the Sail-Away. Gone is the welcome program with all the staff and departments (casino, boutique, spa) and that's no loss to me. The entertainer (whose name I forget) is British and plays the piano and sings and is very good. He was on the Legend this winter, from LA to FLL. There are now a lot of evening options; there was a movie under the stars the first night, but I was tooooo tired. Even on Sunday I could barely move, had room service for breakfast and lunch and finally gathered strength for the 1st formal dinner, sharing aquavit and 'the Hammer' wth the Captain and his guests. I had dinner at the SkyBar last night and it was lovely, with a full moon rising and shining on the calm seas.


I had gotten up at 0230 to check out Stromboli which was very quiet. However, it was reported that there was a small earthquake in the Straits of Messina as we cruisedthrough them.


Chef Markus is doing wonderful things, and I can't wait to taste his menu tonight at our 2nd formal night (Club Members cocktail party). He departs in Amalfi for a well-deserved break. Lots of the crew are the same; Liam Finnegan will be soon replacing Daniel Putzhammer as the Bar Manager, as Dan goes off for holiday. Thre is a wine-tasting today and I shall have a nap instead.


Taormarina was lovely, as reported here by everyone. I hired a car and driver (who looked like a young Jean Paul Belmondo and was very charming. We went to many villages and then I had a great seafood luncheon overlooking the port and our Seabourn Legend. Tomorrow, Kotor.



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Sounds like some of the changes aboard the Legend are positive. Will Eric be returning? Our next voyage will be aboard the Spirit in September. Don't think the changes that you describe will be in place on that Sister yet.

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Happy to hear of your Legend Castle voyage~~

Marian Davies was aboard the Pride last March Crossing~~we also enjoyed her. Please give her my best regards.

And Marcel Jansen would certainly be a huge hit as the DJ! He is such a personable "character!" He's a favorite!

You will be glad to know that the Pride has a new Hot Man~~our own, "Lulu Lalouer!" He assumed Guenter's position when Mr. G. left for his vacation. Also, bigggg news~~Sweet Oliver is now Maitre'D in the dining room! Yipppee, Oliver :p

Many thanks for your review and for sharing with all of us.

Martita B.

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Jane, how wonderful that you are on a Seabourn cruise. Just received the "Herald" and was very interested in the Grace Kelly exhibit in Monte Carlo. I always admired her beauty and talent. Hope you have the time of your life, please keep us posted on everything you see, do (and eat!). Do they still have...mmmm...those three little creme brulees for dessert?


(the other) Jane :rolleyes:

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:) Hi Jane


how things change! why was the english DJ Alan replaced he was due to be on until the end of August, do you have any news?


3 weeks ago we were told that there would be no guest entertainers or lecturers until the winter cruises and you have them?


enjoy your cruise I am just surprised that you did not mention BBC's at the sky bar are you still suffering from jet lag?



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Yes, it's been wonderful as always. I was so busy typing that I did not get to post everything. But here goes:


I had heard that Lulu would be taking over the Pride, I think after drydock. So he will be on 'my' Crossing. In drydock, the major construction that I heard about is moving the SkyBar stairways back by the railing, which will give more room for dining and dancing. I am not sure what that will do to Paul's walking course, however.


Marcel is perfect for his new postion! He does Trivia and is a 'man about the ship' also taking some of the port tours under his guidance. He's a terrific photographer as well. He did the 'Etna Climb' the other day.


Deb, all that was said was thet the other DJ 'didn't work out'. I did hear that Eric will be back on the Legend but with vacations, who knows who will show up where? The Classical guitarist, Tom Sitton is very good, and he plays a bit in the evening at '2' and at Tea and at the SkyBar dinners. He's a very busy man.


It seems to me that the enrichment lecturers will not be on the cruises that are very port intensive, otherwise, when would they present? I do know that Marian has already presented two talks on Venice, one on her friend, Benny HIll and today she will be commentating on our arrival into Venice. It's gray today but otherwise, our weather has been splendid. Marian does send kisses to everyone and can't wait to meet you all again.


Two nights ago was our 'Rock the Boat' event, delicious buffet as always. Everyone was lined up for the grilled shrimp and langoustines. The Rock party was the absolute best, and I have seen many of them. The energy was palpable and there were no long ups and downs in tempos. The band is great (there are 6 including two singers) and then Michelle and the woman from ''Everest'. The songs, were oldies, but not so old and more fast than slow. The whole team worked very hard and the dance floor was filled til the end. I even stayed to the end, and for me that's unusual. It was great. Then, the momentum kept up with Marcel at the SkyBar. I have not been up to the Club yes, however. But I will in the guise of being the camp reporter.


There have been movies at night, tonight we have a local group presenting Barouque music with a champagne reception before hand. I did miss 'Name that Tune' last night.


Let's see. I also heard that in Miami, a new menu is being 'tweaked' for roll-out in the late fall. And, we got the great muslin tote bags again. Longer handles, so a bit better for over-the shoulder.


I think that's it for now, sorry for the typos. TTYL!


I thought about BlackBird because we had a wonderful Marina event in Taormarina. He would have enjoyed it.

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In drydock, the major construction that I heard about is moving the SkyBar stairways back by the railing, which will give more room for dining and dancing. I am not sure what that will do to Paul's walking course, however.



Jane, I'm not following, so do you mean they will move the stairs closer in direction to the whirlpools in order to provide more deck place near the SkyBar? :confused:

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>"Jane, I'm not following, so do you mean they will move the stairs closer in direction to the whirlpools in order to provide more deck place near the SkyBar?"


Yes, that's what I mean, from what I have learned.


The Legend is apparently going into drydock this spring in Lisbon, after the crossing. The Pride comes out of drydock in September for the northern crossing.


Foor those of you who love Venice, today turned out gloriously. It poured on our way into the dock at San Basiio, but cleared eventually. St Mark's and the rest of the city are awash with vacationers. Many of us had a canal tour with the requisite stop at Murano. I refused to watch the glass blowers but did buy a few necklaces. Someone said they are probably copies made in China. I have no way of knowing and don't care.


Tonight we had local entertainment. Four string players in 17th century garb and they played Baroque music. This event was preceded with a candle-lit reception with champagne and little petit fours. A lovely evening.


We have had very smooth seas, but tonight, docked, there will be no rocking me to sleep. MIght need a pill <G>


TTFN; Signing off


JaneBP, Cub reporter

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In drydock, the major construction that I heard about is moving the SkyBar stairways back by the railing, which will give more room for dining and dancing. I am not sure what that will do to Paul's walking course, however.

Paul often takes the path of least resistance. From what you described, extending the Sky Bar aft will shorten the walking course and if I walk at my usual speed, I will make you dizzy if you try to count and time my laps. :p


Thank you for providing us with your detailed travelogue and especially the tidbits about the current and future changes taking place! It gives those of us sailing in the near future something to look forward to. Keep up the great work! :)

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Wakey, Wakey!!!!! I am up, having enjoyed my Eggs Benedict with salmon. Ready to face the day with Trivia at 11 and docking in Dubrovnik at 1330. It's another lovely day.


In Venice the rain stopped, sun came out and it was perfect. I took the Grand Canal and Murano trip. The boats were water taxis and they are not at all good for sightseeing. I got lucky, being last on I sat outside with the 'Captain'. We had the obligatory tour of the glass blowing, which I refused. I did buy some beads, however. Luca and Stephanie were tour guides, and while he looked for a newspaper to check on his Napoli team they did find me some postcards. The second stop was for some church and coffee, and I refused to get off. Instead I sat with the captain and we solved the world's problems, with his fractured English and my fractured Italian, it was easy. All we want is a safe life, with a decent living and future for our children and grandchildren.


The evening's entertainment was a string quartet in period costumes and they played Baroque music. The tempo might have been a bit livelier, but it was most enjoyable. In Venice our favorite comedienne/magician from London, Mandy Muden, came on and her show is sooo much fun.


We left Venice, headed to Rovinij, but not before we watched several huge ships being towed up the canal. One had a rock climing wall. None of us would trade our Seabourn for that.


More later, I am running out of time and have to pay the piper.


I just noticed the countdown clocks keep on, now running a negative number. That's depressing, have to fix that!!!!


No big news but did hear that in drydock the Veranda will be altered as well.


TTFN, your cub reporter

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Wakey, Wakey!!!!! I am up, having enjoyed my Eggs Benedict with salmon. Ready to face the day with Trivia at 11 and docking in Dubrovnik at 1330. It's another lovely day.


No big news but did hear that in drydock the Veranda will be altered as well.


TTFN, your cub reporter

Luca is now on the Pride. I wonder if he is the same darling Luca from the Spirit. I wonder what they will do the Veranda. It's my favorite dining spot. Jane I am enjoying your posts. Are you back on the Pride in November?

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Actually, Luca di Matteo is on the Legend, preparing the tables for dinner as we speak. The crowd is just back from the Seabourn experience in Dubrovnik. I did not go, the daunting 60 steps did me in, challenge-wise. Sorry, CW79, I will be on the Pride in September, but the Spirit in October and November. I too love the Veranda, I have had two meals and a few lunches there. I have dined during the Steak night and the Indian meal..both very good. It's still my favorite place to sit and read and nap after lunch. The second day in Venice it was absolutely divine, with a breeze and a busy canal to watch. I never even opened my book.


You may have seen on the news that Dubrovnik was in a state of emergency for fires. Not sure if that is still on, but the fires are. Many of us (including me) are coughing from the air quality. Now, those of you who have been here know that Seabourn anchors off the old city. Day before yesterday, the hills above the old city were aflame, but that is out and the tops of the hills charred. The fire is on the back side now, we can't see flames, but there is black smoke and we watch the planes as they zoom down to get water and then dump it on the fire. It's perfectly safe, fire-wise. I don't want to complain about the smoke scent and breathing, because those in the city have it worse. I have a car and driver tomorrow so can tell about my jaunts.


Yesterday in Rovinj was delightful. It was a holiday, 12 years after winning the war. Didn't seem to be a big deal, certainly not in Istria which apparently did not suffer. I took the 'Truffle Searching' tour; I think Matt had recommended it. I did not plan to go in the woods over rickety bridges, but wanted to see the countryside. By 10:30 we had stopped at Herr Josef's home, and he led the party after we were fortified with grappa...does the term Drano ring a bell? I thought I would have corrosive esophagitis. Anyway, I sat with the family members under the shade of their grape arbor and apple trees, ripening with fruit. Fortunately, the daughter (15) spoke very good English so we again solved the world problems and it's pretty easy. They were interested in the concept of sleeping on the ship, for some reason. They were also very proud of the actor, Goran something or other, who stars in ER! Apparently, there were lots of truffles to be found, all tiny and not good quality. It's early in the season, of cours. I thought dogs were substituted for pigs because pigs ate the truffles. Seems dogs do too. They are given truffles daily and if no truffles, something with truffle oil on it to whet their scents and appetites.


Speaking of appetites, we whetted ours on the way to a walled mountain-top village. It was uphill to the restaurant Kastle, where we ate lunch under the trees in a courtyard. We had scrambled eggs with truffles, pasta with truffles, cheese, bread, fruit and pastry washed down with local red and white wine. It was one of those quintessential days, where one could believe we did this all the time. I did find that going down the hills were more treacherous than going up. Not far, but I was not too distanced from grab rails.


When we got back to the center of town (sort of) and the tender, the calm waters were whipped up with a stiff breeze. Now, you can imagine how much I love the process to begin with, and I was not the only one being cautious. Many others were quite anxious and queasy. The tenders had to make several attempts to get to the dock. It was the kind of ride where the boat rises up, slams down and spray comes to the back door, as it were. I can swim and figured if I ended up in the drink, they would haul me out. That might have been easier than getting me and my bum out of the tender!


But never fear, everyone was safe and sound. One man was heading into town as I got off and the staff were trying to discourage him from going. After all, apparently, he had already been in town and returned. The reason he was going to risk life and limb again was that he found some jewelry for his wife, didn't have enough cash to get it, so came back to the ship for dosh and went back for it. I saw the lovely amethysts. Isn't that a dear story?



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You have definite "transitioned" from Jimmy to Lois Lane! No more "cub reporter" you are! You would make Perry White proud!


Thanks for the time taken to include us in your journey!



(yes, the other one) (no, not exactly a Superman fetish!) ;)

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