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Hi there


I have recently joined this forum after hearing about it from an existing member. I have found it very informative and enjoy reading about everyones Cunard experiences.


I actually work for Cunard Reservations (please don't hate me!) and I have found that you guys are the best source of helpful Cunard information I have. Your honest opinions are enlightening and your first hand knowledge indispensible.


Without giving away my location (as I understand this isn't allowed) I can tell you that I am not based in the head office and so sometimes information can be hard to come by when a guest asks me to find something out for them.


I will do my best to answer any posts here that I can with my 'insider' knowledge - but as I said before, you all seem to be better informed that I!


My main reason for posting is that I was hoping that if any of you have received excellant service from someone onboard, a waiter, a barman, anybody - that you would tell me about it here. We do have someone who monitors these pages to pick up comments about the things we don wrong, in an attempt to improve ourselves, but I think the good things seem to get overlooked by big companies.


I am posting this independantly, and nothing I write is a reflection of Cunard or Carnival in anyway.


I do hope I can become a productive member of this forum as you seem to have created a community here.


Thank you

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Hi there


I have recently joined this forum after hearing about it from an existing member. I have found it very informative and enjoy reading about everyones Cunard experiences.


I actually work for Cunard Reservations (please don't hate me!) and I have found that you guys are the best source of helpful Cunard information I have. Your honest opinions are enlightening and your first hand knowledge indispensible.


There must be YEARS of Cunard experience on this board. I look forward to any info you can add to it.


Without giving away my location (as I understand this isn't allowed) I can tell you that I am not based in the head office and so sometimes information can be hard to come by when a guest asks me to find something out for them.

You may tell where you are, just not more specific than city and state. (Unless you'd rather not have Cunard know who you are, which is understandable)


I'm often surprised at the things Cunard phone staff can't answer, like how many formal nights on a specific cruise. I've never thought the person I spoke to was stupid, rather that his/her superiors weren't supplying enough info.


My main reason for posting is that I was hoping that if any of you have received excellant service from someone onboard, a waiter, a barman, anybody - that you would tell me about it here. We do have someone who monitors these pages to pick up comments about the things we don wrong, in an attempt to improve ourselves, but I think the good things seem to get overlooked by big companies.

I fill out my cruise questionnaire in great detail. :D If I give some aspect of the cruise a low mark, I add an explanation in the comments section. (I complained about Broadway Bound [and gagged] for years and wondered if anybody actually reads those cards)


I also make a point of making positive comments, and using names where I remember them. Early on in my cruising days, someone told me that if a crew member is mentioned by name on a comment card, it was noted and if enough good comments were made, he/she got something for it--like extra time off in port. So I make a point of mentioning good service on the comment card. And now there's the 'You're a star' card. And yes, I fill those out too. And just as I would go to a supervisor to complain about bad service, I'll tell a superior about good service.


I know I'm on vacation and I don't have to take the time to give the extra feedback. But the crew work hard and deserve thanks. Once, when the extra platinum party was a new thing, instead of an evening reception, they held an afternoon reception, and gave out the crew awards (quarterly awards, I think) because 'platinum members are part of our family and we thought you should share in our family celebration.' I hope they still do this because there were awards for lots of staff that we never see, down to 'Engine Room Filipino' (still can't believe that's a category). It was nice to be able to say think you to representatives of the 'invisible' staff on QE2.


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I'm one who has been consistently rude about Cunard shoreside.


But, without withdrawing anything, it is rare to find anyone who isn't pleasant and as helpful as possible. Lions led by donkeys. I know how that feels, given my place of employment.


It's just that I'd never think of asking Cunard shoreside now. It's either here - or on board. Other than things that need actual access to the computers!


Welcome to the bear pit! ;)



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Welcome cruiseyfloosey.


Can you tell us what happens to email sent to Cunard? I've sent everything from info requests to booking requests through the US website and I've never received a response.




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I, on the other hand have nothing but praise for the reservations peeps. Rang to change a booking yesterday, and was dealt with flawlessly. Keep up the good work!




Fair comment. I'm thinking more in terms of information services. Just one "for instance" - the last QE2 transatlantic I did was said to be 0 formal, 0 informal and 0 casual. One could only deduce that this was in the nude!


Reservations staff in the main are excellent, but I don't test them beyond that immediate sphere.



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Welcome cruiseyfloosey...can we call you somerthing else? I'd hate to call you floosey for short..seems so rude when we've never met...


I guess I make a point not to call shoreside for info as I've read enough for quite some time on here to know better than to trust that information. OK, sorry, but you asked. It seems that there's much conflicting information depending on how many different people you talk to. I have come to rely on this forum for the generally honest and helpful tips that each of us willingly shares with others.


My only interaction with reservations was excellent...absolutely professional and impeccably handled.


On the other hand, I have called and emailed World Club more times than I remember and basically gotten nothing helpful....including my copy of the Cunarder. Where is my Cunarder???I've asked so politely, so many times. 6 months after being given my World Club number I finally received a welcome letter...a tad slow don't you think?


And I too believe in making certain that the onboard folks deserving of praise get it...I fill out the cards and turn them in. It only takes a moment of your time and if it helps them get noticed for exceptional service then I'm pleased....they have earned it.


If you're looking for insights I'd suggest some time spent reading back posts. Before I joined here that's what I did...way back as far as I could go...learned an awful lot of good stuff. The recent posts obviously give an insight into what's currently being experienced onboard.


Enjoy our little version of the "Funny Farm"....


Cheers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continues....

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Welcome to the board! Would love to hear more about how the system is set up for the customer service call centers for Cunard--what types of info do you have access to, and what don't you have access to? Is there a computer system that you have access to that has the kind of info people usually call to ask about, or do you each have to be individually trained with the info?

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Welcome to the board. I for one have dealt with a few res agents at Cunard and they were all very friendly and helpful. Although, I will admit that I reserve most of my harder questions for my DSM. It's nice to have someone from "The other side" join the community. Helps round things out I think. Anyway, again welcome and please don't be afraid to post and add your imput!

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Welcome aboard, cf. If you are serious about posting independently of your employer, then never post from work. You don't have to be paranoid to believe that all employers monitor such traffic. They really do, and some managers even take the time to read the activity summaries that IT ends them each week.


Anyway, welcome to our happy zoo wherein we each take turns being on one side of the bars or the other. And we never know which side that is at any time, no matter how much snickering is posted from the other side.


Please encourage your colleagues in Cunardland worldwide to join your enlightened subversion. You could well deserve winning the initial "Mole of the Year" award at the next CC awards ceremonies.



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Hi there


I have recently joined this forum after hearing about it from an existing member. I have found it very informative and enjoy reading about everyones Cunard experiences.


I actually work for Cunard Reservations (please don't hate me!) and I have found that you guys are the best source of helpful Cunard information I have. Your honest opinions are enlightening and your first hand knowledge indispensible.


Without giving away my location (as I understand this isn't allowed) I can tell you that I am not based in the head office and so sometimes information can be hard to come by when a guest asks me to find something out for them.


I will do my best to answer any posts here that I can with my 'insider' knowledge - but as I said before, you all seem to be better informed that I!


My main reason for posting is that I was hoping that if any of you have received excellant service from someone onboard, a waiter, a barman, anybody - that you would tell me about it here. We do have someone who monitors these pages to pick up comments about the things we don wrong, in an attempt to improve ourselves, but I think the good things seem to get overlooked by big companies.


I am posting this independantly, and nothing I write is a reflection of Cunard or Carnival in anyway.


I do hope I can become a productive member of this forum as you seem to have created a community here.


Thank you


Thank you for posting CruiseyFloosey. Welcome to Cruise Critic. It is always interesting to hear things from a different prospective.


I join Penny in questioning why it is so difficult to get on the list for mailings and email from Cunard. During the past few years, I have signed up numerous times on the Cunard website and also called the World Club desk and asked to be added to the lists. I have not received a Cunarder in several years and have never received an email.


My other concern is the lack of accurate information about the evening dress code for a particular cruise. It seems passengers are getting dress code information in their precruise documents that is drastically different from what they find onboard. Does Cunard not realize that having the correct information is very important to their passengers?????


Again, thanks for taking the time to post on the Cunard forum. I look forward to your future posts.



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Hi there


I have recently joined this forum after hearing about it from an existing member. I have found it very informative and enjoy reading about everyones Cunard experiences.


I actually work for Cunard Reservations (please don't hate me!) and I have found that you guys are the best source of helpful Cunard information I have. Your honest opinions are enlightening and your first hand knowledge indispensible.


Without giving away my location (as I understand this isn't allowed) I can tell you that I am not based in the head office and so sometimes information can be hard to come by when a guest asks me to find something out for them.


I will do my best to answer any posts here that I can with my 'insider' knowledge - but as I said before, you all seem to be better informed that I!


My main reason for posting is that I was hoping that if any of you have received excellant service from someone onboard, a waiter, a barman, anybody - that you would tell me about it here. We do have someone who monitors these pages to pick up comments about the things we don wrong, in an attempt to improve ourselves, but I think the good things seem to get overlooked by big companies.


I am posting this independantly, and nothing I write is a reflection of Cunard or Carnival in anyway.


I do hope I can become a productive member of this forum as you seem to have created a community here.


Thank you

Hi CF,


I have a very high opinion of all Cunard staff, from shorside, to stewards, dinning room staff and Officers, any problems i have, are always dealt with very quickly and efficiently ! :D




Gavin :cool:

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A late welcome from me, too. Probably you would be able to tell as many stories about customer requests as customers here about the reservations staff. I had my share of rude staff but many more friendly people on the phone. Thank you to all the people dedicated to enhance the Cunard experience.


sometimes information can be hard to come by when a guest asks me to find something out for them.


In addition to the questions already posted about the availability of information and computer help to you, I would like to ask about the hierarchy or other departments you have access to.

Whom can you call / ask if there are questions you cannot answer? Are you supposed / allowed to follow up such issues?

Is their a reponsible person for each sailing who might be able / needed to approve eg. an additional discount or a special request?

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Hi there


I have recently joined this forum after hearing about it from an existing member. I have found it very informative and enjoy reading about everyones Cunard experiences.


I actually work for Cunard Reservations (please don't hate me!) and I have found that you guys are the best source of helpful Cunard information I have. Your honest opinions are enlightening and your first hand knowledge indispensible.

Thank you


Hey, CF

Welcome to our world!

I didn't realize there WAS Res other than "the res agents" (And I'm a travel agent!)

I have always had good people when I have dealt with Cunard both as a consumer and as a TA. But I do find they information is inconsistent. That is a management problem when they do not give people the tools to do their jobs, or the training, or even where to look it up. (Same in most businesses, including my "day job" as a switch tech for a wireless company!) But Cunard in particular, seems to like to change horses in mid-stream. I don't stress about the dress code. I just bring all of my nicest clothes and figure I will pick each night, and something will be appropriate. I also don't get too anal about what constitutes formal or informal or whatever. they seem to have somewhat fluid definitions, and vary by locale or custom, also. But some, mostly those with weight limits or not so many choices, aren't able to do that and really need to pin it down. Now I understand when passengers complain on board of no formal night for instance, as happened last year, I think on a segment of the round the horn (iirc) and respond to the passengers and change the code while on board. As long as they don't make people feel left out or under-dressed and explain they are changing in response to requests (never complaints!)

Anyway. I have a great admiration for call center types. I have been one (I assume you work in a call center of some sort? Maybe groups or something?) It seems most people are frustrated to begin with when they call a call center, and they seem to think they have a license to abuse the employees!


Read back and you will see that I have praised employees by name on these boards. And brought a You're a Star card on board on a subsequent visit and made sure that it was passed along when the employee was on holiday (and put the date and voyage that it referred to on the card)


I, too, get frustrated with Cunard regarding their sending out information. They seem to think only one person lives in this household, and it isn't the person with a female name! Even though I pay the bills and make all of the reservations!


I had the pleasure of sitting with someone at the captain's table last year who was retired from Cunard. She was from the New York area and I believe was in reservations of some sort, but that was probably a while ago, under different ownership. I wish I had gotten her address and full last name and all! I'd love to find her. Her mother was with her. the mother had come from Europe during the war. they came over through various subterfuges, the last leg was hidden in a banana boat ou t of Italy! the mother was Shall we say, "Une dame d'un certain age" A woman of a certain age, as the French say so delightfully (and respectfully)!

Well, tell us some of YOUR experiences. on board and ashore.





who loves to learn about other peeple's jobs of all kinds!

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Wow! Waht a great response. I will do my best to answer all the questions I can. I may have picked a bad time to post as I am on a week break at the moment so I don't have full access to information at work but I'll cover a few points that I can.


I agree 100% percent that the information sometimes available can be fairly inconsistant. I work in the UK part of Cunard and we have to contact the US for practically everything and the internal internet we have is aimed at the RES staff in the US. The good news is that they are updating this so hopefully we should all start working off the same page at some time in the future. It is tricky, because the US and the UK work differently, so you can never really trust the information we are given and honestly, there's not always that much to hand. I think this dates back to when Carnival took over, they don't really seem to have caught up yet information wise. Fingers crossed, as it can be frustrating. One example is that since I worked there (about 2 years) we have always told people that we have no way to tell what rooms on the B5/B6 grades have fuly obstructed views and which have gaps between the lifeboats - then about a week ago out of the blue we got given a list (which I can truthfully say I have had to use many times so far).


On the question of why Cunard never answer emails - this I really don't know. In fact I don't even know who deals with guest emails. Our Cunard RES consists of 3 teams (4 if you count the international lot) and none of them do it as far as I know. Sorry I've not been much help there, I will sniff around and see what I can find.


World Club - We do get a lot of questions about CWC as you can expect. Mainly to do with stuff that gets sent out again. My main answer once again is that the information isn't always ready to hand an so the wrong information can be given out. I found out just the other day for example that the pins are left in guests rooms when they get there - no where is there this information written down for us to find.


Dress codes seems to be quick a issue here, which surprsies me as this is one bit of information we do have access to (and I'm guessing that information is correct) We have a spreadsheet with the whole year on it saying what balls are on which dates. As a call centre we do have a fairly high turnover of staff so maybe some of the newer guys don't know this. When I get back to work I will send an email out making sure everyone knows.

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AHHH hit the wrong button and posted before I had finished - how annoying.


Anyway, as I was saying I will email the UK res and make sure they all know they have access to see when the balls are. Mainly we work of a computer system that just has basis information, such as there are 2 formal nights for instance, but you have to go searching to find out when they are.


I mentioned earlier that they are making a big effort to update the information we have access to and are in the process of building a UK interanet for staff. I have begged and pleaded to be part of the 'think tank' involved for this, but if I'm not I'm going to bug them with ideas anyway as the lack of information is the one thing that really gets on my nerves, so hopefully you will see us catching up soon. Until then, I will continue to read this site and answer what I can. There are some questions that I could email the purser onboard about (although I will be carefuly not to overload them or tehy will get very annoyed with me).


When I spoke with my superiors about this site, they said go ahead, look for positive comments, it would be great to recognise the achivements of the onboard staff (no one told me about the forms you can fill in) so I don't think they will mind me posting here, as long as I don't have a bad day at work and use this as a sounding board (thats my poor husbands job).


I now have a mission and am quite looking forward to getting back to work next week to see what I can find.

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I'm one who has been consistently rude about Cunard shoreside.


But, without withdrawing anything, it is rare to find anyone who isn't pleasant and as helpful as possible.


I'd agree. (Particularly about the pleasant aspect). However when did you last call Cunard to ask them something in detail? Did they give a helpful answer? I'm guessing the answerer will be "a long time ago" and "no!":)

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There have been so many wonderful hard working staff members which I have had the good fortune to meet over the years. A few truely shine:


Magdy the barman at the QG lounge on the QE2


Sheena a wonderful butler whom I have had the pleasure of seeing many times on both QE2 and QM2


Derek another wonderful butler on the QE2


and the famed Sheila who I beleive has retired last Nov. after many years of service. A stewardess beyond compare who will be missed on every voyage, it will not be the same without her.


Forgive me if I have misspelled any of the names or for the fact I have only pointed out a few of such a wonderful staff.

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There have been so many wonderful hard working staff members which I have had the good fortune to meet over the years. A few truely shine:


Maria, the stewardess on deck 3 forward (she remembers me from year to year even when my cabin is in a different part of the ship).

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and the famed Sheila who I beleive has retired last Nov. after many years of service. A stewardess beyond compare who will be missed on every voyage, it will not be the same without her.


This is the Sheila who ran the ship at night? Who had her own way of doing everying?


She was always a real friend to us - we'd always see her late at night as she was based in the Signal Deck pantry. I was so very sorry to see her go. She'd always offer us early morning tea on embarkation day - as we were one of her "special" guests.


And one must never forget the wonderful Gordon, also of the Signal Deck, and also now retired.....



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Maria, the stewardess on deck 3 forward (she remembers me from year to year even when my cabin is in a different part of the ship).


Ester - midships Deck two. Remembers us, even though she's never looked after Kirsten and me. Mind you, she did mind the Mother in law....... She was superb. I'm hoping she's doing deck one in January, when we do the transatlantic.



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Sheila was priceless. We always referred to her as "the night nurse". Her "hot toddies" were so good. She was Cunard to the bone. To think she had to retire due to her age. She's timeless! SHEILA IF YOU ARE READING THIS, SURPRISE US AND POST!

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