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just back from the enchantment..children alone in room??????


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Hello, I am just back from the Enchantment of the Seas. Had a great time. I traveled with my 2.5 year old and it was a lot of work but a lot of fun. I am just curious, I ran into a lot of parnets with small children on the ship and my daughter had a great time playing with them on the dance floors. I ran into one couple the last night and they told me that they put their child to bed and then go out to the shows and leave the child sleeping in the room. Does that happen a lot. I would never even think about doing this with my child. I was just curious what everyone thought about that. That little Madeline in portugul would not be missing if there parents did not leave her alone. I was a little outraged when I heard they did this.....

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I'm sure it happens more than anyone would admit on this site.


I was angry at our friends that were traveling with us because they wanted to do that with their kids. Instead, I opted to have a slumber party in my room so the kids could stay with me while the other couple went out late.


Madeline always comes to my mind when I travel with my kids now. You just never know.

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I just can't imagine do this with our kids. I think some parents forget that they are booking a family vacation and as a result some adult sacrifices need to be made.

If you want to party late find a babysitter at home and enjoy yourselves for a week.

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Never, would I leave my son asleep in the room. Anything could happen form kidnapping to a medical emergency. Tha's whay they have camps on board & you can't beat the hours Camp Carnival offers. Those parents could have partied till 3:00am on Carnival knowing their children were safe at the camp.


Michele: I was the one on The Legend sailing the same date as your Sensation sail date. We ended up being re-routed. I saw your ship in Nassau & was keeping my eyes open for your family since I have seen your pictures on the board. never spotted you. I hope you didn't waste your time & money on the Nassau Historic highlights & Pirate's tour. As soon as I am caught up with work I intend to put a complaint about it on the Nassau Port of Call. Except for knock off purses at the Straw Market I should have just styaed on the ship.

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Michele: I was the one on The Legend sailing the same date as your Sensation sail date. We ended up being re-routed. I saw your ship in Nassau & was keeping my eyes open for your family since I have seen your pictures on the board. never spotted you. I hope you didn't waste your time & money on the Nassau Historic highlights & Pirate's tour. As soon as I am caught up with work I intend to put a complaint about it on the Nassau Port of Call. Except for knock off purses at the Straw Market I should have just styaed on the ship.


I saw your ship there too!


And you missed the best place of all...Atlantis (allow me to threadjack a minute)


I would love to spend a week here with the kids. It was paradise!






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I saw your ship there too!


And you missed the best place of all...Atlantis (allow me to threadjack a minute)


I would love to spend a week here with the kids. It was paradise!








I agree that is what we should have done. My husband & I stayed there a few years ago & loved it. Since our ports were changed due to Dean I didn't get the chance to check into the day passes there & ended up doing something with the ship. We will do that for sure next time.

A great place to eat across the bridge going back to the ship from there is called The Poop Deck if you ever get back. We've also done the Dolphin Encounter there but didn't want to spend an hour on a boat to get to Paradise Island. I had all my plans researched & mapped out for The Western Caribbean. Oh well, it worked out for the best. We ended up with the itinerary I wanted for August 08 but didn't want to go back on The Triumph again. Now our decision has been decided easily for next year, I plan to book The Valor.

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I agree that is what we should have done. My husband & I stayed there a few years ago & loved it. Since our ports were changed due to Dean I didn't get the chance to check into the day passes there & ended up doing something with the ship. We will do that for sure next time.

A great place to eat across the bridge going back to the ship from there is called The Poop Deck if you ever get back. We've also done the Dolphin Encounter there but didn't want to spend an hour on a boat to get to Paradise Island. I had all my plans researched & mapped out for The Western Caribbean. Oh well, it worked out for the best. We ended up with the itinerary I wanted for August 08 but didn't want to go back on The Triumph again. Now our decision has been decided easily for next year, I plan to book The Valor.


You gotta stay away from the day passes there. It's $105 pp for daypasses. You can get a room at Atlantis for less than that. I think I might skip a cruise next year and go to Atlantis for a week.


Have fun on the Valor!


Sorry OP, back to topic. ;)

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Hello, I am just back from the Enchantment of the Seas. Had a great time. I traveled with my 2.5 year old and it was a lot of work but a lot of fun. I am just curious, I ran into a lot of parnets with small children on the ship and my daughter had a great time playing with them on the dance floors. I ran into one couple the last night and they told me that they put their child to bed and then go out to the shows and leave the child sleeping in the room. Does that happen a lot. I would never even think about doing this with my child. I was just curious what everyone thought about that. That little Madeline in portugul would not be missing if there parents did not leave her alone. I was a little outraged when I heard they did this.....


It is pretty outrageous......if DCFS had jurisdiction, they would take the children away and prosecute the parents for neglect.

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That Madeleine McCann story really gets me (they use the original French spelling). She was left with her 2 yo twins. I would have been more concerned about the 2 yo's than anyone stealing my child. Toddlers can get up and get into trouble...This was also NOT a secured AI where they were staying and they had left a window open...


They checked on them every 1/2 hour and justified it with saying how close they were. I wish they would use their publicity to plead with parents not to do this. It's just heartbreaking...


I've been critisized for using hotel babysitters in both RL and on the net. "leaving your children with strangers??" In Switzerland once, they sent me a retired pedatric nurse! I pay for sitters when I'm still in the building.


Here in France, parents leave kids strapped in cars and alone in apt.'s when they go pick up the older children at school. Cruise ships are safer...but still...

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I guess I would have to ask parents like that a few questions. What would you do if the ship caught fire like the Princess ship did last year? What would you do if the ship hit a rogue wave and turned 30 to 40 degrees on it's side? What would you do if a crew member, who all have master keys, came into your cabin and molested your child? I cannot understand why any parent would leave a child alone in a cabin when there are other choices to be had. And as for locking a child in a house or car, in the US, that's against the law and parents are arrested for neglect and the kids are taken away. It's interesting how cultures see their kids and how they handle certain situations. I was in Norway and you see kids outside in their strollers while the parents are sitting in restaurants eating and drinking. Sorry, but that kind of thing isn't acceptable to me either. When you decide to become a parent, you must accept that you cannot live your life the same way you did when you were childless, but for some reason, many parents just cannot accept that notion.

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How old were these kids? If 10, while I'm not sure I'd do it, more acceptable. At least by then you can tell them to call someone in an emergency. But little teenie ones. NNOOOO! You have 18 short years to make a human being responsible and protect them and instill all their values for life. Deal with it people! You brought them into this world, and as they'll tell you later.... "I didn't ask to be born!" (usually while you're fighting with them LOL) that is what you chose to do. Give up an evening of so-so fun compared with a life time of heartbreak.... hmmmm, let me think.....


I don't get it. I'd probably report them or at the least say something not too polite to them. My DD often tells me to "mind your own business" when I see something that I don't think is ok. Now that she's got a little one of her own, let's see if she reacts the same.

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I guess I am the only American parent that will fess up to actually thinking about doing this.


I haven't done it. BUT, can see myself thinking about it seriously. I guess, from the reaction and the warnings I see, I will have to definitely rethink. The world it not a peachy-keen as I would like to think it is.


Thank you for the reality check.



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I am writing this with tears because I have been watching a vigil grown tonight for a 6 year old boy killed (car accident) across the street from me today. I only bring this up because we NEVER know how life is going to play out, but if we can do everything in our power (including a boring night at sea watching tv) hopefully our hearts will only be filled with the happiest of memories.


take care everyone

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I was so fed up with kids left alone in cars that I stomped into the daycare and told the whole staff to spread the word. This Crazy American Woman was going to call the cops the next time I saw it and guess what, I never saw it again lol!


I don't give a toss if it's another culture. French people have actually, seriously asked me why I put smoke detectors up. Yes, it's safer here than in the U.S. where it's legal to own a gun BUT fire happen here too.


Once I had to leave a lavish wedding at 10:30pm because the hotel couldn't provide a sitter and although we were staying upstairs, we didn't consider it.


Dh and I were going to "trade off". I then decided that it was his cousin, he knew more people and enjoys these events more than I do (honestly). I sat in front of the TV, able to hear all the festivities below, with three sleeping toddlers, telling myself how long I had waited to become a mother, how I finally managed it three time at my "advanced" age and got over it quickly!

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That Madeleine McCann story really gets me (they use the original French spelling). She was left with her 2 yo twins. I would have been more concerned about the 2 yo's than anyone stealing my child. Toddlers can get up and get into trouble...This was also NOT a secured AI where they were staying and they had left a window open...


They checked on them every 1/2 hour and justified it with saying how close they were. I wish they would use their publicity to plead with parents not to do this. It's just heartbreaking...


DD is now nearly 12YO - even now, every time I get up at night for any reason, I creep across the hall to look in on her. One of my high school classmates had her 1YO daughter kidnapped and murdered from her crib, in her own house with her older brother asleep in the room next door and her parents asleep in their room down the hall!

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I was so fed up with kids left alone in cars that I stomped into the daycare and told the whole staff to spread the word. This Crazy American Woman was going to call the cops the next time I saw it and guess what, I never saw it again lol!



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I was thinking about the Star Princess fire too. Even having the kids stay in the cabin next to you might not be safe. Once we pick up our girl from the kids' area, she stays with us. If we away from the cabin, and she needs to use the restroom, I come into the restroom with her and wait by the sink.

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When I was a little girl, my mother's friend's daughter was brutally raped in a 5-star hotel. They had left her sleeping in the room while they went down to a piano bar to have a drink or two. I remember that Moira (the little girl's name) wasn't able to play with me for months afterwards and was withdrawn when she finally did. I only knew about this because I heard my mother and father discussing it when they thought I couldn't hear.


Quite frankly, there is NO offering on a cruise, nothing I could do or drink or eat -- absolutely nothing that would ever be worth risking my child's safety. Leaving a child unattended in a sea of strangers is IMHO risky.


I guess my point is that these things always happened and being in a hotel on the ocean doesn't change the fact that sickos can go on vacations, too.

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My daughter just turned 13 & up until now I dont leave her in the room alone. I am not sure when/if I ever will. I always imagine the worst happening!:eek:


If you have small kids on many of the ships they have sitters for hire or at least you can take them to the kids club, so why take the chance???:confused:

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So, at what age do you think someone is old enough to not be attended on a cruise for a short period of time? 13, 14? 18? I don't have a particular age in mind, I'm just curious as to what people think.


They can drive at age 16. They go away to college at 18 or so. I've seen postings where parents wouldn't let their 17 year olds alone for any length of time. At some point they do need to learn to take care of themselves in all situations, leading up to taking care of themselves full time.

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So, at what age do you think someone is old enough to not be attended on a cruise for a short period of time? 13, 14? 18? I don't have a particular age in mind, I'm just curious as to what people think.


They can drive at age 16. They go away to college at 18 or so. I've seen postings where parents wouldn't let their 17 year olds alone for any length of time. At some point they do need to learn to take care of themselves in all situations, leading up to taking care of themselves full time.



I guess it really depends on the kid! My son is more mature & I dont have a problem with him roaming on his own. The last cruise as well as our upcoming cruise he is bringing 3 friends who are 16 & 17. They pretty much do what they want with a few defined rules.

#1 They eat diner with us every night.

#2 They are not allowed to go into someone elses cabin especially one of a girl. You never know what can happen or be said to have happend. This is for thier protection. We all know the story of the Duke LaCrosse players!

#3 They have a curfew depending on the scheduled events for the night.



I am not saying that I dont let my daughter out of my sight, during the day she goes with friends all over the boat, but we do have check in times and She is not that mature so I just dont leave her alone in the room until 3am while I am out doing the clubs. With girls as well as adult women you have to consider what can happen. It would be so easy for someone to pull her into their cabin and who knows what would happen. The buddy system for girls or adults is always the best policy. Unfortunatly TERRIBLE Things DO happen, so you have to try to be safe.

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