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Carnival Liberty 09/23/07 review (LONG)


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To the OP, sorry you had such a terrible cruise. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Your experience may have been completely different from someone else's and you are just sharing your own feelings. That's why we have forums, isn't it?


My first thought after reading your post, though, was what ports did you visit? Did you get off the ship? Was there any positive other than the spa and Harry & David's? Just curious and wondered if you'd like to share that info with us.

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I think everyone is arguing because the title of the post and the contents don't match. jenny called her post a review and it's really something like a list of negative expriences. Now we all understand why there are guidelines on the review board describing what to put into a REVIEW.


Jenny, since I have not cruised Carnival I do appreciate the list. It does tell me things to avoid. Sorry you got bad comments on your review.

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My husband and I just got off the Carnival Liberty , 6 day cruise that left on 09/23/07 and we have to say that this was the worst cruise of our life. We have taken several cruises with several different lines and have never met the problems that we met with this cruise line. We took the Carnival Miracle as our first cruise and it was wonderful but the cruise line has gone down in quality severely since that cruise 1 ½ years ago. There was so many problems with this cruise that I am including them in numerical order. This was a test to see if we would like to cruise with Carnival in the future and the answer is a huge NO. We absolutely had a horrible time and will never cruise with Carnival again as it stands right now. We have also never been on a cruise where upon leaving the ship so many other people were expressing the same problems that we had.




Here is the list:



1) When we first got on the ship we asked 3 different people where you would go to check on your dinner table reservation, ever one of them gave us a different answer and none of them were right. We asked the front desk finally and they were still wrong (on the times at least)


Was I on a different ship? My dinner seating time, table number and dining room were printed on my sail and sign card which I got even before boarding the ship!


2) We had to wait in a horrible line because Carnival is the only cruise line that we have ever been on that does not let you pre assign the size table you would like.


Please refer to response #1


3) The buffet lines were always extremely long because the ship would only open ¼ of the huge buffet area therefore long lines were constant.


If I remember correctly the Deli opened approximately 30mins earlier then the rest of the buffet area on the lido...I also believe the outdoor buffet areas opened earlier then the indoor buffet areas on the Lido...so other then having to wait an extra 30 minutes if you didn't want a sandwich at 11AM, the entire area was open by 11:30AM


4) Food both in the buffet and in the dining room were very poor. Food had very little taste and all the steaks were extremely tough and of poor quality, the fruit for the most part was not ripe and the soups were extremely thin.


Okay, so here I agree, some of the steaks were a bit tough...actually the night of the filet in the dining room I thought mine was very good...that's a bit too subjective to really complain about for the entire ship. My only suggestion and it relates to the old saying "you get what you pay for"....book Harry's nightly...the cost to dine there for the week plus the price you pay fo a Carnival cruise would still be cheaper then say a Celebrity or Holland America cruise which is said to have better quality food!


5) Food was very hard to find on this ship, buffet was only open certain hours and all the grills on the deck only had certain hours. And the hours were very few.


Unless you're blind or have no sense of smell I can't see how this is possible, in fact other then say between 10PM-11:30PM and of course 1:30AM-6AM, tell me when you couldn't find food...and I'm not even counting the 24 hour pizzeria, room service or ice cream station!



6) We never encountered one staff member who knew the correct answer to anything. It was as if the ship was new to the staff members or they just did not bother to learn correct information about the ship they are living and working on. For an example, we had an over charge on our bill for the spa, we went to the front desk to correct the problem and we were told the spa was not open yet, that they would have to call them when they opened. My husband said, they opened at 8 AM and it is 9 AM now. The woman at the front desk said "oh, did they ?" then proceeded to call.


All I can say is that I'm glad you're always so perfect at work and keep such good track of time. I'm sure you work in retail/ customer service.....NOT! People have off days, lighten up.



7) We had a extra internet charge on our bill when we used the internet café because when we got up to print what we needed the printer was out of paper and we had to disconnect because no one was in there to help us, then walk all the way down to the front desk where they said sorry you have to make a appointment with the internet manager to get that fixed, We have never had that problem in the past with an incorrect charge.


This has happened to me on many cruise lines...certainly wouldn't blame Carnival alone, it's always been a quick fix to the bill on RCCL


8) The restaurant never opened on time, always 2-6 minutes late. May not sound like much but it is when the lines are backed up for miles and you can not get out of the elevator because there is so many people.


We sat in the Golden Dining Room and never had a problem coming in from the midship elevators located near the Casino/ Coffee Shop area on the cruise ship...never even noticed it was open 2 minutes late or someone may have gotten a piece of my mind too!


9) Cruise director made way to many lengthy announcements during the cruise, could never rest because they were so constant.


Yes, Todd was a bit long winded and the early morning announcements were a bit "awakening" if your trying to get some post 9AM shut eye onboard the ship.


10) Ship was very hard to get around, only 2 decks that went all the way through the ship in the common areas and they went right through heavily smoky areas and I am very allergic to smoke. Also, you could never go outside on deck 3 to enjoy the view because on this ship the smoke on both sides.


I think Carnival has a pretty standard layout when it comes to their ships (with the exception of the Pride/Spirit/Legend fleet). There is one main deck to walk the lenght of the ship...the rest if filler with some hidden knooks and crannies. It was a bit smokey in the casino at night, I can't say I noticed it daytime when it was less crowded....I'm a non-smoker and even allergic to it but smokers are just as much paying customers as you and a large part of smoking is being social....I don't have a problem with it in casino's or in the disco and certainly no problem with it outside.


We have never been so disappointed in a ship. I am not usually one to complain but this so called vacation was a nightmare. You can definitely see where Carnival has cut corners on this ship and where there are several areas that need improvement within the staff that works on these boats.


The only strong points I can even say about this cruise was the spa was wonderful (although through no surprise we found out that it was not owned by carnival) and Harry's supper club was very good although higher in price then any cruise line we have ever been on.


I think a minute of self reflection is needed here....does anyone consider themself a "complainer?" Better yet, do we dare ask what you thought of Jamaica????? From the mixed feelings about this port I'd assume alot could be said to the negative.

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I was in no way being "picky", I was just giving my opinion on the cruise ship. I forgot that in this "community" there are quiet a few bullies who think Carnival is the best ship line in the world, because they only do Carnival.


I thought I could make a opinion known because it was in fact a poor ship IM MY EYES, and apparently there are too many sarcastic people on this board reading this to understand it.


For the people that actually understood what I was trying to say, I appreciate that. I was just stating my thoughts.

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I know, but my weird sense of humor told me it was the right spot. :D

Wait ........ was that A PERSONAL ATTACK???!!!


Oh no! No personal attack. Just saw the word nitpicker and it had been so long since i had heard or used the term, well, i just wanted to use it.:D

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We did not get off the boat in Jamaica. Last cruise we took stopped there. Area is very pretty but the people are aggressive and alot do not take a polite NO to mean anything.


(Hopefully this comment will not get me taped to the cruise critic board and pistol whipped!!!)


We took a tour last time with Marva Shaw, she was great. Took us River tubing , that was a unbelievable experience (I even cliff dived into the water!!)

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Oh no! No personal attack. Just saw the word nitpicker and it had been so long since i had heard or used the term, well, i just wanted to use it.:D

good ... I almost went moderator on your butt! :eek: (actually that is not a personal attack on any moderators out there, just loving life and a beer, please dont ban me!:D )

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Sorry to upset you , but I am a very happy camper normally. Took Several other cruised that I loved. But I will never post another review in here again I can tell you that. Did not expect such comments put back to me after only stating MY FEELINGS

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C'mon, folks. If someone takes the time to come here and write a review, why can't we just read it and comment without ripping into them?


It was their cruise. It was their review. Is finding fault with the review or reviewer any better than the cruiser finding fault with the cruise?




Are a review not allowed until they thought the cruise was perfect?



Did we read the same review ?


C'mon this was nit picking not a review! Who in the world expects good food at a buffet, hello it's a buffet !!! Also, as to the food in the dinning room this is not a 5 star restaurant, I don't care what line your on. I will pay extra to go to the specialty restaurants but by no means do I expect them to be up to par to anything that I can get at home. Once again, hello,were on ship, remember !!!


That being said I guess i have just been lucky because I have always gotten excellent service on all my cruises, maybe if you have this on your face :) it might help !!!

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Sorry to upset you , but I am a very happy camper normally. Took Several other cruised that I loved. But I will never post another review in here again I can tell you that. Did not expect such comments put back to me after only stating MY FEELINGS


Thank-You for taking the time to post your review. I'm sure there are many people that will be going on this ship and find your comments helpful. For one people should know that you can link your cruises and get seated at the same table,(this will not always happen),.


Sorry if I mistook your comments for "feelings", I just wasn't feeling that !

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I guess sometimes so many little disappointments added together equals one big disappointing cruise. I hope the OP's future cruises are better, but to be honest with you, when I read the list of disappointments, I kept waiting for "the big one". I have experienced pretty much all of these, many of them often occuring during the same cruise, but I guess I having too much fun to realize that I was having a lousy cruise!?!

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Here is the list:


3) The buffet lines were always extremely long because the ship would only open ¼ of the huge buffet area therefore long lines were constant.



9) Cruise director made way to many lengthy announcements during the cruise, could never rest because they were so constant.







I, too, was on this ship and I have to say that we too had some of her experiences.


3) At some times of the day the buffet lines were really long--this was made worse when you could see that sections were closed off.


9) and I know many of you are making fun of this comment--BUT---his annoucments were annoying--and long winded---I can read about events in the capers--


Overall this was one of our favorite vacations--yes we had some problems--but the good definalty out weighed the bad.

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We were on the Pride the same week as this cruise and had several of the same issues that were posted here. I truly don't think this person's honest review of her situation should be cause for such response by some.


We had some not so great experiences on Carnival too, as many seem to be coming forward with similar stories.

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I too hate the in-cabin announcements. We have found on some ships you can reach up and turn the volume off. We take our chances that we would hear the "hallway" loud speakers in the event of an emergency. I just don't want to hear the constant announcements of a "sale" going on somewhere on the ship. I find this common on most of the cruiselines we haved sailed, it certainly not limited to Carnival. On Princess, we noticed that only the captains announcements were broadcast in cabin, the cruise director's were hallway broadcasts only.

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I was in no way being "picky", I was just giving my opinion on the cruise ship. I forgot that in this "community" there are quiet a few bullies who think Carnival is the best ship line in the world, because they only do Carnival.


I thought I could make a opinion known because it was in fact a poor ship IM MY EYES, and apparently there are too many sarcastic people on this board reading this to understand it.


For the people that actually understood what I was trying to say, I appreciate that. I was just stating my thoughts.


Sorry but I think you reach such harsh criticism for your...let's call them Opinions, not necessarily feelings, because they aren't backed up in fact and/or reason. You don't take a cruise ship that holds over 3100 guests if you want short lines anywhere (like boarding, debarking, at buffets)! If you feel that you've had better on other cruise lines then I can only suggest you stick with them...I've sailed most of the major lines and though I am very fond of Carnival I don't have a Carnival pillow to sleep with at home and snuggle. We could all pick apart our vacation and find some flaws unless paying mucho mucho dinero...knowing what we paid for this cruise, I'm sure that wasn't the case.


It's ashame a week away from work to some beautiful islands with most people going out of their way to make sure you have a good time and you have nothing nice to say....I'm sorry that was your vacation :-(

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Opinions? Feelings? What else would you base your cruise on? :confused:


Yes, calling someone "nitpicky" because things bother them that don't bother you is attacking the poster.


All you have to do is try to relate the reviewer's experience to your past experiences and your expectations for your next cruise.


On a ship loaded with 3,000 people, why wouldn't they have all the buffet lines open? It's a valid comment!


If there was smoking in areas of the ship that were supposed to be smoke-free, that's a valid comment!


Y'all are being so judgmental. And, yes, I'm being judgmental by telling you that you're being judgmental! :p


I just don't see the need to jump on a poster, whether they're being too picky for your tastes or for whatever reason! Them being picky should have no impact on you. Some people are much more particular about details than others. Does that mean they're wrong if the little things bother them? Nope!


To me, it's the little things that make the difference in the cruise.


Some people are "big picture" people; some are detail people. None of us is "wrong" in either direction, so why give someone a hard time when all they're trying to do is share information?


OK, I'll go now. :D

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What can I say that already hasn't been said...my take is we were on the 6 day 9/9 to 9/15..and our overall experience from start to finish is completely opposite from what the OP "perceived" as a vacation!.


We did not experience any of the mentioned points (not even close) and I am sorry that based on the stated you did not have a great time.


Hey hope your next one is better.....:cool:

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So does anyone have anything to say about the Liberty? I just want to find out as much information about it as I can.



Yea...it was one of our best cruises by far...I do have a review in here somehwere go read it.:D

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Do a lot of people make a beeline to the dining room upon boarding the ship to change their dining room table? Because that's my plan. And if you're in my way... I may have to knock you over. Sorry Grandma:p


Maybe on Carnival you can run over Grandma, but if you had been on my son's recent NCL Dawn cruise, it would have been the other way around. Those senior citizens ran right over him......and he's a pretty burly 30 year old. :D Then they beat on him after they saw the re-run of the Newlywed/Not So Newlywed game and he said that his new bride's nose was ugly.

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Jenny- having only cruised carnival and RCL, I have to agree with you on a few general points.


on carnival, I think only twice of 7 cruises I have ever gotten my dinning choice. While they can't please everyone, it sure as heck is irritating when it's you and instead of reading through a group of papers you ask a simple question like "how to change my dinning assignment?" And you spend your first "glorious" first hour being re-routed it dampers the initial festivities. It happened to us as season cruisers, never looked in the compass:o Staff had us chasing a ghost Maiter de.


RCI had dinning opened a bit earlier and there was less bottle necking at dinner but very much the same and worse at formal night. I've found both lines to have food that is hit and miss, just returned it, and even went away from dinner a few times not wanting to carry it on longer. No fault of the cruise line, it was mine but still a negative that ocured on BOTH lines.


I am not arguing or discounting your satisfaction at ALL! Just saying that I have experience less than expected circumstances at times and it wasn't cruise line specific. Sure RCL was better, for $200pp more it dang well better have been, but in fairness for a lesser price Carnival provided better nightlife and atmosphere at night.


So it's not simply expect and GET less, it varies with each cruise, nothing is ever perfect, but while we were there and even after... we managed to see it as close to perfect... regardless of the line, it wasn't worth our being upset over... we just adjusted. This isn't the deer in the headlights "it's all good", we made it good.


disney can be hell with lines, service and quality and we sure paid $$$$ for that- I dropped $7500 for a week and had to wait in line 2 hours for a ride!. All inclusives the same, lines to eat, varied service, watered down booze. You'll find something wrong everywhere.


I hope you find a line that suits you, like I said before RCL was better, but still had issues that someone else could have considered "the worst cruise".



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