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When you have to keep in touch with work...


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What's the best way? I will be travelling with my brother who is a workaholic and runs a business with 1000 employees and I know that he will be miserable if he can't touch base to make sure that everything is fine. Although I would like him to forget about it for a week, I know him better than that. Any other workaholics out there that just have to stay in touch? I'm guessing the best bet is e-mail...but if you have to call...any luck with verizon cell phones? Thanks for any info.

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What's the best way? I will be travelling with my brother who is a workaholic and runs a business with 1000 employees and I know that he will be miserable if he can't touch base to make sure that everything is fine. Although I would like him to forget about it for a week, I know him better than that. Any other workaholics out there that just have to stay in touch? I'm guessing the best bet is e-mail...but if you have to call...any luck with verizon cell phones? Thanks for any info.


just keep buying him drinks...i'm sure he'll forget all about work. ;)

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Email is the best way. I assume your brother is bringing a laptop with him since he is such a workaholic. Depending on the ship, he can use his laptop in his cabin (probably all over the ship) but he still has to buy the internet minutes.

The cell phones go through a cruise line carrier and the cost will be quite high if he uses his cell phone often.

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If he is working the whole cruise, he will probably make everyone else miserable. Sort of like a Typhoid Mary of misery. Tell him to leave the electronics at home and actually take a vacation.


Tell him to make his calls and e-mails at internet cafés in the ports. Then at least he will only be working part of the time.

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If he is working the whole cruise, he will probably make everyone else miserable. Sort of like a Typhoid Mary of misery. Tell him to leave the electronics at home and actually take a vacation.


Tell him to make his calls and e-mails at internet cafés in the ports. Then at least he will only be working part of the time.


Ya' know... I had to take my laptop with me on the Conquest along with my cell phone. I don't believe that I made anyone miserable. Common courtesy makes life easy for everyone. If you have to take a call you can walk away from a group. The ships aren't so crowded that you can't find a spot where you can conduct a business call and not disturb anyone else.


I spent quite a few early mornings on the Promenade working away at my laptop... never bothered a soul.


If the guy needs to work the guy needs to work. No sense in degrading what he has to do based upon your opinion of what he should or should not do.

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He can keep in touch via e-mail and cell phone.

His best bet though might be to hire people that do their jobs so he can go away for a week and drink, relax and have a good time without having to think about it.

I know it is hard to forget about a business but people do it every day...I agree with plan A...keep him drinking.....

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One of the highlights of my Alaskan cruise was the joy of knowing that there was no way that my employer could contact me. I was totally unreachable. I wouldn't pay for e-mail and I shut my cell phone off and stuck it in the safe as soon as I was on board.


I am depended on far too often to "get the job done". Our business is fast paced and we have a lot of employee turnover because a lot of the new hires either can't or won't keep up the pace. Once I get on the ship, there's no way that I can drop everything and help them out of a tight spot so they're forced to pick up the pace and learn to do the job right. On my next cruise, I may consider getting on the internet from time to time, but I'll not answer anything from work. They can cowboy up and tough it out.

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If he is working the whole cruise, he will probably make everyone else miserable. Sort of like a Typhoid Mary of misery. Tell him to leave the electronics at home and actually take a vacation.


Tell him to make his calls and e-mails at internet cafés in the ports. Then at least he will only be working part of the time.


Ya' know... I had to take my laptop with me on the Conquest along with my cell phone. I don't believe that I made anyone miserable. Common courtesy makes life easy for everyone. If you have to take a call you can walk away from a group. The ships aren't so crowded that you can't find a spot where you can conduct a business call and not disturb anyone else.


I spent quite a few early mornings on the Promenade working away at my laptop... never bothered a soul.


If the guy needs to work the guy needs to work. No sense in degrading what he has to do based upon your opinion of what he should or should not do.


Well put machman. I'd also like to add that while I and others may have the luxury to forget about work while on vacation others may not have that luxury. When someone owns a business it makes it very hard to just "leave" for a few days. Its understandable and we should feel for those who can't "leave" work for a while.

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Too bad. Sooooo sad. I agree with Jessmon - trust people to do the work they are hired to do, put someone in charge, and GET GONE!!! When I go on vacation, it's always on a cruise. I don't even tell the boss the name of the ship I'm on, or even the cruise line for that matter. I am a serious believer in taking my time off - OFF, and not returning any unused vacation time to the company. I also believe that workaholism is akin to alcoholism - if one doesn't get you, the other will.


Take the ole boy aside and give him a serious attitude adjustment before the cruise. If he persist, and he happens to give y'all something like "Hey, can y'all wait up for a bit until I take care of (fill in the blank)?" Walk out on him. :mad:



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Well put machman. I'd also like to add that while I and others may have the luxury to forget about work while on vacation others may not have that luxury. When someone owns a business it makes it very hard to just "leave" for a few days. Its understandable and we should feel for those who can't "leave" work for a while.


Thank you. I appreciate the sentiment but I wouldn't want you to 'feel' for me because I have to do my job. I'd want you to simply enjoy your vacation and feel fortunate that you aren't in my position.


It's easy for people to say 'Boss...tough it out... If it all goes to he!! too bad. I'll fix it when I get back.' I can't do that. If a network collapses or data is destroyed by a fire or accident that business and all of it's employees depend upon someone to get them back in the game. Often, that's me.


Should I ever happen to cruise with you folks that find the fact that someone needs to conduct some business on YOUR vacation offensive I'll apologize in advance... but I'll still take care of those people who depend upon me.

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The thing is that once you're out at sea, cell phones will be virtually useless unless the ship itself has some sort of system to boost your signal, then it's gonna cost you out the wazoo to use their system and if you use the ship's phone it will be costly also. Same goes for the internet, it ain't gonna be cheap. In my opinion, the only reasonably priced option a business owner might have would be a personal satellite phone, but I'll bet those cost a buck or two as well. Yes, I can understand having a business and being responsible for the employment of several people. But there comes a time when it's either not possible due to distance or just costs too much.


IMHO, there's really no easy answer other than stay too liquored up to dial a phone.

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The thing is that once you're out at sea, cell phones will be virtually useless unless the ship itself has some sort of system to boost your signal, then it's gonna cost you out the wazoo to use their system and if you use the ship's phone it will be costly also. Same goes for the internet, it ain't gonna be cheap. In my opinion, the only reasonably priced option a business owner might have would be a personal satellite phone, but I'll bet those cost a buck or two as well. Yes, I can understand having a business and being responsible for the employment of several people. But there comes a time when it's either not possible due to distance or just costs too much.


IMHO, there's really no easy answer other than stay too liquored up to dial a phone.


Ummmm... I fear you're wrong.


All Carnival vessels have cell phone capability. It is pricey. In the case of Sprint, my carrier, $2.49/min but that beats the cost of using the ship's phone at nine bucks a minute.


You stay as 'liquored up' as you feel the need to. Some of us still need to stay in touch.

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Too bad. Sooooo sad. I agree with Jessmon - trust people to do the work they are hired to do, put someone in charge, and GET GONE!!! When I go on vacation, it's always on a cruise. I don't even tell the boss the name of the ship I'm on, or even the cruise line for that matter. I am a serious believer in taking my time off - OFF, and not returning any unused vacation time to the company. I also believe that workaholism is akin to alcoholism - if one doesn't get you, the other will.


Take the ole boy aside and give him a serious attitude adjustment before the cruise. If he persist, and he happens to give y'all something like "Hey, can y'all wait up for a bit until I take care of (fill in the blank)?" Walk out on him. :mad:




Not so easy when you are the owner :rolleyes: . Machman is right - sometimes you do have to follow-up or check in. It's just the way it is when it is your business ;) .

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This cruise that I am on is the first time in three years that I am absolutely unplugging from work. The last time I was in Italy for three weeks. I just normally take vacation and check my email, do payroll, take calls from the bank etc. This time I actually told my boss that I was unreachable for the entire two weeks that I am off. I just dont want to deal this time. I sometimes do not have the luxury of doing that but this time I am taking it.


I have been at my work for a while now and I definitely notice that my boss takes advantage of me and my work ethic. It has actually gotten worse as the years go by. I just remembered today that over the summer I worked on a Saturday trying to get Kinkos get a poster board for a party ready for him and overnighted it to Hawaii for him and I never even got a thank you. The issue I have with this is I am a Controller, which is basically an accountant, I really should not have to do stuff like this.


I am stuck with the same problem though that others have mentioned. We end up hiring people who just cant get it together enough to get their job done. Slackers, lol.


While I understand the need to check in to work I for one will not be doing it this time and I cannot wait!

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This cruise that I am on is the first time in three years that I am absolutely unplugging from work. The last time I was in Italy for three weeks. I just normally take vacation and check my email, do payroll, take calls from the bank etc. This time I actually told my boss that I was unreachable for the entire two weeks that I am off. I just dont want to deal this time. I sometimes do not have the luxury of doing that but this time I am taking it.


I have been at my work for a while now and I definitely notice that my boss takes advantage of me and my work ethic. It has actually gotten worse as the years go by. I just remembered today that over the summer I worked on a Saturday trying to get Kinkos get a poster board for a party ready for him and overnighted it to Hawaii for him and I never even got a thank you. The issue I have with this is I am a Controller, which is basically an accountant, I really should not have to do stuff like this.


I am stuck with the same problem though that others have mentioned. We end up hiring people who just cant get it together enough to get their job done. Slackers, lol.


While I understand the need to check in to work I for one will not be doing it this time and I cannot wait!


You are definitely a committed employee and surely one that any boss would be happy to have on his team. But, we are talking about 2 very different things here, and some get what I'm talking about. 3rd generation boss, 1000 employees, workaholic.... If sales are down, production is down, ....no sense in him knowing it...it will be the same or get better next week. If there is a fire that shuts down half the plant, he would want to know right away, not that there is anything that he can do about it except worry.


Nevermind, I'm sticking with Plan A... get him to drink as much as possible....anything that can go wrong, MIGHT, but whatever it is can be dealt with when I return!!!!

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If he is working the whole cruise, he will probably make everyone else miserable. Sort of like a Typhoid Mary of misery. Tell him to leave the electronics at home and actually take a vacation.


Tell him to make his calls and e-mails at internet cafés in the ports. Then at least he will only be working part of the time.


Thats easier said than done when it comes to running your own business thats like asking a parent to not check on their chidren while on vacation. I have my own business and I have to be in touch at all times even if Im on vacation e-mail is the best plus you say he has verizon phone they get the best rates on the ship let him keep in touch. thats why he is able to go on vacation because he handles his business.

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Thats easier said than done when it comes to running your own business thats like asking a parent to not check on their chidren while on vacation. I have my own business and I have to be in touch at all times even if Im on vacation e-mail is the best plus you say he has verizon phone they get the best rates on the ship let him keep in touch. thats why he is able to go on vacation because he handles his business.


Very well said!!! As a business owner myself I work my tail off to be able to take my family wherever we want, when we want. I have a group of people who depend on me to make sure they can provide for their family as well. That means I check my email everyday while on the ship! It does not interfere with my vacation. If my computer use bothers anyone else...I could care less

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When on vacation, I "compromise" with my dh. He uses his cell phone to check on his business only when we are in a port. When at home, and out of the office, he usually checks into the office 6-8 times a day. On a cruise, he will call once a day when we are docked in a port. This used to be a bone of contention with us - I used to tell him he is entitled to his "down time" also. He owns his own business - I finally understand that there is no "down time" for a boss. At least he only checks in 3-4 times during a whole cruise. I can live with that, and so can he! Quite a difference, being a boss and being a worker. BTW - love those balconies - he goes out there and makes his call, and then he can relax for the rest of the day.:)

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It's hard for my husband to leave his job, as well, he's the ONLY one that does it, and when he's gone, it doesn't get done, emails pile up, etc...


One piece of advice that I would give anyone in this situation, is to let work know that there will be times that you are just plain unreachable. This will give you the peace of mind to just chill and relax, if the mood strikes, and to check your emails/messages on your own time. If you tell work that they can reach you by cell or email, it's going to make you feel like you have to have it turned on, or check email alot. If you tell them it's going to be sporadic, and few and far between, it will free you up to enjoy your vacation more. Even if he can't go the whole week without checking in with work, at least he can skip a day or so, or even large time slots to enjoy himself.


You may be suprised at how the vacation bug gets you, and those emails may not seem so important after all. Unless the world is falling down around your coworkers, things can usually wait at least a day or so.

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I understand you guys/gals who run your own business. You gotta do what you gotta do. If you don't have an alternate, you are stuck with it. I'm an employee, not the boss or owner, and I have alternates, so I guess I'm fortunate in that regard. It doesn't bother at all me if someone has to do calls or even spends from a few hours to most of the day on the computer. I just think it's important for people unplug every now and then and have some total R&R.



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I run my father's business and whenever he goes on vacation he insists on checking his email or contacting us. I keep telling him to leaves us alone! We check his email and take care of everything. There isn't anything We can't take care of while he's gone. I have power of attorney over him so I can do anything. (I could even sell the business:eek: , I wouldn't of course...)


When I go away or even take a day off I tell them to NOT contact me at all. If it's an emergency they can contact me, otherwise it can wait.


Unfortunately last summer I had to stay in contact due to a huge project we were working on. I checked my email twice a day and gave instructions on what should be done. It really didn't bug me at all. There are times when you have to stay in contact. I hope when I go on my next cruise that won't be one of the times!


I would give him the freedom to do so because you don't want to make him miserable. If things are smooth then he can relax.


Just my humble opinion.

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I think if your work is that connected to you perhaps a cruise may not work for you. Yes, you have a laptop, but there are connection fees..and the cell phone can be expensive or costly. The one reason we enjoy cruising is because my husband's work CAN'T reach him. He literally spends hours on the phone when he's home.

I selfishly plan vacations that take him away from it all. They get along fine without him. It just makes me wonder why they need him so much when he isn't cruising. :cool:

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I always wind up working on a cruise - and have been doing so for 32 cruises. Years ago, it was much harder - waiting for pay phones at ports was horrible.


Now, with the internet, it's much simpler and I can check in (usually early in the morning and/or late in the evening) and then get on with my day enjoying the ports or ships' activities.


I don't think anyone should state that "perhaps a cruise is not for you" if you need to check in with your employer. Mine is more than happy to pay the internet charges each and every cruise. My DH doesn't mind me checking in with the office. No harm, no foul.


I've living, cruising proof that you can cruise and keep your employer happy at the same time.


Happy cruising to all! :)

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