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Cruise with a 1 year old


What should we do as our next Vacation with our 1 year old?  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. What should we do as our next Vacation with our 1 year old?

    • Disney Cruise- It is your best bet.
    • Another line and bring some help to have some alone time.
    • Queen Mary- (I hear they have a nursery)
    • These are all bad ideas, No 1 year olds on the cruise!

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My opinion is, most of these cruise line logo is offering the best family vacation and if your family includes a 1 year old i dont see why you would leave them at home. There are alot of places and probably cruises that do adult only so people who dont like to see kids should go on those.

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If you don't want to be around kids maybe you need to find an alternative vacation spot, i.e. an all-inclusive adult only resort or something. Especially if you are annoyed this badly by children/teens under the age of 16! The cruiselines have so many good programs for kids these days and definitely cater to families! I do know that there are cruiselines that have a more sedate adult crowd so maybe that would be an option for you as well. I guess I'm very surprised that taking children on a cruise could be that irritating and annoying to someone.

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I took people's advice and posted this in the family area. After reading the posts here I was thinking that if I bring my daughter on the ship some of the other guest might slap her if she did anything other than sit quietly in a corner. I know most of you don't feel that way but I was surprised by how many people really don't like kids and find they ruin their vacation. Though I don't agree with that sentiment and didn't even when we didn't yet have kids I don't want to make other people on the ship angry if she isn't perfectly behaved at all times. Luckily in the family area I got some more positive feedback from others how have done this. The best advice has been to know your child. Is she going to like sleeping in a new room? Does she like to be in a new environment? Is she going to be comfortable with you leaving? Will you have a good time with someone else who has only been vetted by the ships staff taking care of your child while you are out? The other thing that people are pointing out is that RCCL is the way to go for babysitting and overall quality of the boat. Right now I am in the air about what we are going to do because the answers to those questions depend a lot on how much she changes by the time she is one. Thank you all for your positive and negative comments. They made me understand what I will be getting into much better.

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I took people's advice and posted this in the family area. After reading the posts here I was thinking that if I bring my daughter on the ship some of the other guest might slap her if she did anything other than sit quietly in a corner. I know most of you don't feel that way but I was surprised by how many people really don't like kids and find they ruin their vacation. Though I don't agree with that sentiment and didn't even when we didn't yet have kids I don't want to make other people on the ship angry if she isn't perfectly behaved at all times. Luckily in the family area I got some more positive feedback from others how have done this. The best advice has been to know your child. Is she going to like sleeping in a new room? Does she like to be in a new environment? Is she going to be comfortable with you leaving? Will you have a good time with someone else who has only been vetted by the ships staff taking care of your child while you are out? The other thing that people are pointing out is that RCCL is the way to go for babysitting and overall quality of the boat. Right now I am in the air about what we are going to do because the answers to those questions depend a lot on how much she changes by the time she is one. Thank you all for your positive and negative comments. They made me understand what I will be getting into much better.

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If you feel comfortable taking the lil one, by all means go for it,

thats your decision,


we always cruised alone until our daughter was 5,, before that she would stay with my mother


we would have taken her, but we waited so when she was older she would remember it and enjoy it ,


but like i said its up to you if you want to take the lil one,


what ever you decide, have fun

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As you can tell by my board name, I don't cruise without my kids, ever. :D

My 3 year old is going on her FIFTH cruise, my 7 year old her sixth.


I don't care how much my kids remember on their cruises. The only thing that matters is that I remember. I have those memories that wouldn't be the same if the kids had "stayed at Grandma's".


This is our FAMILY vacation. And our children are part of the family. ;)


When I want time away, my spouse and I travel on short weekend trips to places close to home. I don't need to get out of the country to relax away from my kids. :)


And what I find funny is that someone talked about the Family board as a place for "horror stories about bringing young children". Quite the contrary. You will have a child here and there who doesn't like the kid's club. But the overwhelming majority of the children have a wonderful time on the cruise...no doubt!


I guess I am glad I didn't know about cruise critic before I started bringing my kids on cruise ships 5 years ago...because you might have talked me out of it. And that would have been a shame. There is a HUGE difference between those of us who have experience cruising with kids and those who have opinions of what it's like to cruise with kids...listen to those with the experience. :D Welcome to the Family Board. ;)

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I voted choose the line you want and if you have to then bring an extra pair of hands. We are cruising Princess with our little ones and the youngest will be too little for group babysitting so we are bringing some extra hands. However we have cruised the other lines that offer in cabin babysitting and rarely used that because we would just put him in the stroller laid back and he would sleep through the shows etc.

We offered to pay half the cruise fare for a family member to do a little watching for us with our upcoming cruise but they actually booked on their own and we have worked out a plan where we can all do what we want with just a hour or two of sitting from time to time.

BTW if your one year old eats happily in a restaurant then they will be fine for dinner on the cruise. There is so much to absorb and look at that I am sure they will be fine. If you do bring your child you may want to ask for a table by the window. That usually made our little one fascinated!

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I think it depends so much on the child. Have you traveled with them before, and how extensively? How did they do? Is your child cared for while you or your wife work outside the home or is someone a stay at home parent? All of these things will give a peek into how your child might do on a cruise.


We took driving vacations as a family, and tried to stick closely to DS's schedule of meals and naps. He has always traveled well, and is very social. When he was 3 1/2, we took our first cruise. We took turns spending the afternoon in the cabin while he napped (us sometimes enjoying the same luxury!!). He really enjoyed the kids' area, though he ate every evening in the dining room with us (early seating). We loved being complimented by other passengers on his manners, general behavior, and how sharply he was dressed (especially for formal nights). He loved being doted on by the crew and other passengers.


Our goal as parents is to do our best in setting him up for success. We tried not to put him in situations that were just asking way to much of him at his age. We didn't take him on a 5 hour van excursion in Belize - that wouldn't have been wise to expect him to have good behavior in that situation. We would take him when doing shopping in Cozumel.


He's now 6 1/2, and has completed his 4th cruise. He travels very well. Not all children do. And we do not have the option of leaving him with grandparents, and like that our vacations are family time.

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I'm a no for a couple of reasons and I am currently waiting to take my g-kids to reach the age of at least 2, maybe three so they can enjoy the kid's program and give their parents time to enjoy. I'm typically not one to be an alarmist but one of my concerns would be what the kid would swallow, stick in their mouth etc as the ship is not necessarily kid proof.


I love the kids but I really don't want to spend a great deal of time babysitting to make sure my kids enjoy themselves. Obviously, to each their own but that's my 2 cents.

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I voted that it is a bad idea. (atleast for me & i wouldn't do it)

A vacation is supposed to be relaxing, don't kid yourself, no 1 year old lets you relax and the 1 year old is not going to remember this trip.

take a vacation without the kids, then when they get older and can appriciate this wonderful gift you have given them, then plan a family cruise.

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I'm not sure the term bad idea is appropriate. I know when mine were that age, I certainly remember some not so relaxing vacations. I would suggest something that allows the little one a little more room. You could either do a condo thing somewhere with a little less travel.

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When our kids were that age we rented a house at the beach. We shared it with my sister's family. When the kids needed a nap, we spent time on the deck in the sun, with a baby monitor on. We always bought a blow up pool so the kids could play on the deck if the sun was too intense. We took the kids to the beach in the morning and late afternoon. We had all the comforts of home (laundry and a kitchen) away from home. We ate in half the time, the other half we took turns as couples babysitting all the kids so the other couple could have some alone time out.

It would be too stressful for me to have a young baby on a cruise. I would be worried about the baby crying and disturbing other passengers. I also feel like I would be wasting my money as I do not feel like I would be enjoying the cruise nearly as much as I would if I were cruising without a baby. (And cruises are not cheap!) If it were me, I would leave the baby home if that was an option, or choose another type of vacation, at least until the baby was potty-trained. As previously posted, the baby is not even allowed in the pool until it is potty-trained. Plus, with baby's always sticking their hands in their mouths, sucking their thumbs, rubbing their eyes, etc, who knows what kind of viruses they could pick up.

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Our son will be 17 months old when we sail in February. Luckily, grandma and grandpa will be there to help us care for him but even if they weren't, I wouldn't care. Why should I have to forgo the pleasure of a family vacation because a small group of people will get offended if they get disturbed? If people hate children that much, maybe a higher end cruise line or an all inclusive adult-only resort is the way to go.


Cruiselines cater/advertise to families. If children were not welcome, we wouldn't be allowed to book them. Sure, it won't be a quiet, relaxing vacation and my son won't remember it, but it will be something that I will hold dear to my heart forever.

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Branwen Our son will be 17 months old when we sail in February. Luckily, grandma and grandpa will be there to help us care for him but even if they weren't, I wouldn't care. Why should I have to forgo the pleasure of a family vacation because a small group of people will get offended if they get disturbed? If people hate children that much, maybe a higher end cruise line or an all inclusive adult-only resort is the way to go.


Cruiselines cater/advertise to families. If children were not welcome, we wouldn't be allowed to book them. Sure, it won't be a quiet, relaxing vacation and my son won't remember it, but it will be something that I will hold dear to my heart forever.


I posted earlier for a No. I don't have any thing against kids cruising.. I personally like being around kids. But for cruising I think a good age for kids to go is around 3. Thats a good age. They start talking, out of diapers, can play with other kids and can partake in what the cruise has to offer.


What I don't like is bratty kids that run all over the place out of control.. Not all kids are little angels.. I've seen good kids and brats..


The only reason I said no to cruising with anyone under 3 is from what my DH nephew experience on our last family cruise. Their baby did well in my opinion, but mommy complained about a few things.. One being the room size and two not enough people offer to baby sit.. But mom also didn't want to use the baby sitting service either, but does use one at home, go figure..


I think as long as the OP knows what to except and what they will be able to do on the cruise and what they can't with a baby in tow. If they can afford to take there baby and know it wont be the same like their last cruise then I say go for it..


My favorite cruise line is Carnival which deals with lots of families and kids.. I have never had a problem with being around to many kids.


To the OP, the beach ideal is a good choice. My husbands family use to do that every summer when he was young.. And they enjoyed it a lot.

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What I don't like is bratty kids that run all over the place out of control.. Not all kids are little angels.. I've seen good kids and brats..


I think as long as the OP knows what to except and what they will be able to do on the cruise and what they can't with a baby in tow. If they can afford to take there baby and know it wont be the same like their last cruise then I say go for it..



I totally agree with you on these two points. My kid can be quite the brat when he feels like it and is far from perfect. Should that happen while on the cruise, I will remove him form those situations so he doesn't disturb other passengers. I do this whenever, whereever we go. I also dislike parents who let their kids run wild with complete disregard for others. However, this is not the child's fault but the parents.

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Sounds like most of the No answers are based on the fact that a vaction with a one year old in general is a bad idea. What should I be doing instead?



I've only gotten to here so far.


I don't have an opinion about whether or not you should take your little one on a cruise, only you can or should make that decision.


I will tell you, though, that we waited until our kids were 6 and 9 before our first cruise....and I had my doubts then! Imagine my surprise when the ship we were on had tons of little kids far younger than ours. Until that time, we took them locally on vacation, we're in S. California and we went to either San Diego or Palm Springs. A little kid doesn't care where they are if they can get wet in a swimming pool.


If you have doting grandparents, there is absolutely no reason to feel any guilt whatsoever leaving the child and going on an adult week vacation. The baby, the grands and the parents all can benefit by this choice.


I'll probably be a loner here, but I personally think it is far easier to vacation with a 1 year old than a child between the ages of 2 - 5. They aren't running off quite so much, tantrums aren't as much of a problem and they can be in a stroller for longer periods of time than a 2 or 3 year old.


The decision is yours, if you want your child along, take them, if you want to take time to reconnect as a couple, don't allow anyone to make you feel guilty for that choice. The choice is what works best for you and not the next persons opinion, so disregard the ones you don't agree with.

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The choice is what works best for you and not the next persons opinion, so disregard the ones you don't agree with.


With all due respect, the OP actually asked for other peoples' opinions.


I question your contention that "the choice is what works best for you". I think the first consideration should be what's best for the child. Second consideration should be what's in the best interest of the other guests (upon whom this decision is imposed). Third consideration (one woman's opinion) is what's best for the parents.

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